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Balefire Egg, Creo Nemorosus, Fast Acting Deadly Poison, Paliurus Venenifera, Permanent Enhancement Potion, Potion of Desired Metamorphosis, Sano Ex Medeor Curare 1 page

Ritualism(Ritual magics channel energy between all things living, though their school’s seclusion makes these mages less forgiving)

Share Spirit

Clear Mind, Diagnose, Forced March, Imbue Attribute, Iocus Cura, Morale Meditation, Starry Eyed, Torpens Capturam, Yellow Eyes, Wakeful Watchful

Alter Fate, Battle Meditation, Change Your Stripes, Commune with Nature, Cure Addiction, Cure Radiation, Irradiate, Locking Enchantment, Magical Potency, Restore Attributes, Scale Skin, Scent Mask, Spirit Purge, State of Virtue

Alter Appearance, Animi Impeditus, Astral Projection, Arceo (Bypass), Challenge Fate, Consecro de Proditore, Draconis Epidermi, The Future is Dinner, Illusory Cloud, Neclego, Sympathy

Channel Elements, Create Water, Forced Sympathy, Heavenly Movements, Pink Cloud, Master of Fate, Shadow Clone, Waking Nightmare

Talisman(The heroes and warriors of old most supported the enchanted trinkets that talismaneigh exported. Much heroic action this school’s ends have enabled, told in tales and in histories lengthy and fabled)

Thief Tooth Fetish

Dowsing Rod, Ingenero Maligo, Iocus Cura, Light Talisman, Locator Talisman, Perimeter Stones, Personal Affect, Preternatural Balance, Wakeful Watchful

Breathe Smoke, Breathe Water, Create Firebomb, Fire Extinguisher, Graceful Fall, Lesser Fire Talisman, Proximity Detection, Restore Talisman, Scale Skin, Silence Talisman

Batspeech Talisman, Bloodwing Talisman, Breathe Freely, Draconis Epidermi, Fire Talisman, Levitation Talisman, Magic Absorption Talisman, Multi Talisman, Neclego, Tactum Nibulus, Targeting Talisman, Water Purifier Talisman, Water Stride

Amplification Amulet, Balefire Egg, Create Water, Immunity Talisman, Invisibility Talisman, Levitation Talisman, Pink Cloud, Recuro Artis, Stargaze Talisman, Voidstone, Waking Nightmare

Zebra Recipes and Spells by Level:

Level 0 Recipes –The most basic of recipes a spellbook envelops, zebra foals learn these spells so their magic develops. If a mage has practiced within a magic school, then the knowledge of these is their most basic tool.


Survival Stew – All zebra alchemists have the ability to create a nourishing (and surprisingly tasty) stew, given almost any ingredients and a few hours of cooking time. This can feed up to the alchemist’s casting-linked attribute in characters, and keep them fully nourished for an entire day. All imbibed potions (i.e. those that can or must be drunk to be used) can be mixed into this stew as a method of delivery.

If in the wasteland you wish to survive, the survival stew will keep you alive.


Usage: Drink (requires at least 20 actions to fully consume; they need not be consecutive)

Level Requirement: Level 1

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Plant Growth Potion – This potion, when spread on a single small plant, will nourish it for several weeks and encourage growth.

A potent potion for the growth of plants – be sure to keep away from ants.


Usage: Apply, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 2

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Share Spirit – You have learned the rudiments of the ritualistic zebra tradition, allowing you to strengthen the resolve of others. This spell, when cast, allows you to substitute your own fear roll for that of another. The other must be willing.

If your resolve you wish to share, this spell’s the one to get you there.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 2

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual


Thief Tooth Fetish – This small talisman can be placed inside a bag to guard it against unwanted intrusion, inflicting 4d6 damage on the intruder (And yes, you can apply poisons to it if you have both the means and the desire). It snaps down and inflicts its damage whenever anyone not specifically allowed attempts to access the bag it guards; forcing a bag open that has been thus locked down is a STR roll MFD ½. Each one can be set to accept only a specific person or group of people, and must be set at creation. Disassembling and recreating the talisman allows you to re-set it.

Bandits, thieves, and like beware, this bag is guarded by a watchful snare.


Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 2

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredient: Timberwolf Tooth

School of Magic: Talisman

Level 1 Recipes –These spells young alchemists learn as they progress, that they may better respond to this world’s duress. Many wasteland alchemists know these knacks, and use them to help protect their backs.


Clear Mind –A powerful focusing ritual that boosts mental acuity and agility. It provides a temporary 1 MFD step boost to all accuracy and INT-based rolls for as long as the ritual is maintained. The ritual can be maintained indefinitely by the caster once started, but requires at least one action per combat round (spent in concentration) to maintain. Unlike Imbue Attribute, this ritual has no lingering penalty after it has been cast.

Clear your mind and focus your thought – you may remember what others forgot.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredient: 1 Mint-al (any type).

School of Magic: Ritual

Diagnose –As you’ve continued your studies, you’ve discovered several ways to sense the life forces present in others – their ebbs and flows, their ailments, and negative effects thereupon in particular. With the right preparations, you can actually diagnose the injuries of others on sight.This ritual, when cast, has two targeting options – the caster must pick one or the other. The first option automatically diagnoses all characters and creatures within 30’ of the caster; the second option targets any single creature or character within the caster’s line of sight. In both cases, the ritual grants them immediate knowledge about the number of wounds currently suffered, crippled status, their emotional state (usually a one word description), and any negative or positive status effects like drugs, poison or disease. It does not provide information on their DT or their physical, mental, or magical abilities.

If you a problem can quickly diagnose then your solution you can propose.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual

Dowsing Rod (Fetish)–This specially crafted piece of wood can lead an experienced user to water. Using a dowsing rod to locate a source of nearby water is a survival or zebra magic roll, MFD 1. A success on this roll leads the wielder of the dowsing rod towards the largest body of water within 500’. Critical successes on this roll will lead the wielder to the largest body of pure water within 1000’.

A branch can find you what you need, by following the path it leads.


Usage: (Worn)

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Wooden Stick

School of Magic: Talisman


Foetido Spiraculum – A cure (or cause) for halitosis. Not exactly a widely applicable recipe, but this brew is believed to be the primary flavoring mechanism for the extremely infamous zebra drug known as mint-als. Depending on the method of creation, this recipe can create a brew that either cures or bestows bad breath (alchemist’s choice). The bad breath bestowed by this draught is so foul that it gives temporary -1 CHA and -5 Speechcraft penalties (total penalty to speechcraft of -10) if the target of the afflicted pony’s speechcraft rolls is able to smell the effect, lasting 2d6 hours. The cure for bad breath can remove this effect, replacing it with a pleasant minty fragrance.

If plagued you are with halitosis, then use this brew to save your noses.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Forced March –This is a specialized ritual that allows the caster and their targets to ignore the pains of prolonged physical overexertion, used by specialized zebra infantry regiments before the war to mobilize and cover ground quickly. It targets up to the caster’s magic-linked attribute score in individual characters or creatures, and grants all targets +5 movement speed per action, a 2 MFD step bonus on all Endurance and endurance-based rolls, and the ability to ignore sleep deprivation effects for as long as the ritual is maintained (though smart commanders know not to push troops to march for 96 hours straight – it might kill them). Maintaining it in a combat situation requires at least one action be spent concentrating on the ritual per combat round.

To move beyond a body’s limit is what this spells effects permit.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredient: Buck(the drug).

School of Magic: Ritual

Glowing Ichor – Mixing two chemicals together creates about 250ccs of brightly glowing ichor, which casts light as a lantern for up to 6 hours. This ichor can be put into containers, used as wall or body paint (it’s relatively non-toxic), or even placed on armors, weapons, or other objects to turn them into light sources. It will even glow under water.

The thicker the ichor the better. This ichor glows brighter when wetter.


Usage: (Apply, Throw)

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Hair Tonic – A draught that, applied locally, thickens the fur or promotes the growth of mane, tail and facial hair. Use regularly for best results. Growth occurs within 1d6 hours of application. Warning: Do Not Ingest!

If hair is what your person needs, a tonic of this sort will grow it like weeds!

Usage: Apply

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: A Hair from a Member of the Same Race

School of Magic: Alchemy


Imbue Attribute – Temporarily boosts a physical attribute score by 2 points for the alchemist’s Magic skill rank in minutes. The boosted attribute cannot exceed a score of 15. After it wears off, the drinker or target takes a -2 penalty to the boosted stat for one hour (-10 Linked Skill Penalty). If this recipe is used to create a talisman, then that talisman grants a +2 bonus to a single attribute score (+10 Linked Skill Bonus). If the talisman is removed or destroyed, the -2 attribute penalty is still applied for one hour afterward (or negated and the bonus restored if the talisman is replaced). Only one talisman with this recipe in its make can positively affect a given character or creature at the same time, though negative effects have no upper limit beyond what a character is capable of using. Wearers of multiple different Imbue Attribute talismans must pick one to receive the bonus from at a time, though they may switch the bonus they receive as a single action (at which point they immediately begin taking the negatives from the talisman they switched away from). If multiple talismans imbuing a bonus to the same attribute are worn simultaneously, only one can be effective at a time. Removal or destruction of inactive talismans does not cause their wearer to suffer a penalty. Be aware that talismans are fragile and easily shattered if exposed to damage.

A price comes with all forms of power. For this boost, you suffer for but an hour.


Usage: Drink, Cast, or Worn

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No, Gemstone (Talisman Only)

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual, Talisman.


Ingenero Maligo – These seeds must be pre-treated and kept in a darkened contained or vial after being allowed to germinate. If stored correctly, they can be planted to quickly grow into thorny tendrils large enough to fill a 5’ diameter circle with spiked branches up to about knee height. This process takes about 30 seconds, or five combat rounds. The spikes will do 3d12 of damage to any who attempt to walk through them.

Spikes and thorns and brambles grow, your enemies’ movements to harm and slow.


Usage: Apply, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Seeds, Darkened Container

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Talisman

Iocus Cura –This recipe is an antidote for the magical venom excreted by the plant known as poison joke. The alchemical version requires that the afflicted fully submerge themselves in a tub or small body of water containing the dose of antidote. The ritual simply purges the poison’s effect by negating the magic. The talismanic recipe actually allows you to resist the effects of the plant while the talisman is worn,

It is unknown if this recipe is sufficiently potent to fully counter the effects of Killing Joke.

Not funny is the joke on you, remove it with a dose of brew.

To stop punch lines you do not enjoy, this cleansing brew you should employ.


Usage: --, Worn

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Purified Water, (Gemstone)

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual, Talisman

Light Talisman –A small gemstone talisman that generates light as a small lantern, brightly illuminating a 15’ radius around the talisman unless obstructed. It is activated (and deactivated) by a command word of the creator’s choosing, and can remain lit even underwater or in high winds.

Light unyielding create here, to better view the areas near.

Usage: (Worn)

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman


Locator Talisman – This talisman is created in near-identical pairs. When suspended, as from a thread, one will point towards the other, unless there is a great deal of magical interference. The effective range of these talismans depends on their size; small gemstones only have a range of a 1d4 miles, but a hoof sized gemstone will be effective for up to 500 miles.

If located once, it can be found. The pendulum swings and the point comes around.


Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman


Morale Meditation – Though difficult to cast, this ritual spell allows you to slightly drain the will of your opponents to fight against you. All opponents within 60 feet of the caster take a -5 penalty on all rolls. Opponents aware of your intent are automatically immune to this spell’s effects. This effect stacks with Battle Meditation.

To change a battle is to change a war; the effects of morale we must further explore.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual


Mouthfire Brew – Creates a single dose (1oz) of what ponies known as “Zebracha Hotsauce”. It was marketed prewar in 4oz bottles with a picture on the front of a cockatrice breathing fire. The resulting brew acts exactly as Zebracha Hotsauce, listed in the equipment section under drinks. It recovers no wounds, is dehydrating, and causes the drinker to breathe fire for 6 seconds (deals damage as a flamethrower for up to two consecutive actions). Critical successes cause the sauce’s effects to last 1d10 times longer, and may also cause the mane and tail of the imbiber to appear to burst into flame. This flame is warming, but not actually harmful to them or those around them (though it gives a +50 bonus to speechcraft for intimidate checks).

A fiery brew of spices hot. Your mouth flames and burns, but your possessions do not.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredient: 1 Flamer Fuel

School of Magic: Alchemy

Perimeter Stones –This recipe imbues 8 small rocks or pebbles for use as a simplistic early warning or alarm system. Which placed less than 10’ apart, the rocks create an invisible ‘beam’ that, if crossed, causes a ninth rock, usually a small gemstone, to glow or otherwise alert the talismaneigh to the intrusion. More skilled talismaneigh have developed versions that make a sound as well as flash to alert their surroundings to the breach; the specific manifestation is ultimately dependent on the recipe learned, and may vary depending on its origin.

A penetrable circle of magic hewn, your assailants’ presence to be thus shown.


Usage: -- (Placed)

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman

Personal Affect –This recipe allows you to take a specific item that is precious to a character and imbue it with a minor magical enhancement. Weapons are usually not a good choice – articles of clothing or jewelry are more common. The power of this enhancement depends on two things: the caster and the owner of the personal affect. First, add together the levels of the caster and the owner of the item. If the item is owned by the caster, simply multiply their level by two. Now divide that number by 5 to get the amount of ‘affect points’ you have at your disposal, rounding down, with a minimum of 1 (Maximum of 12). Each one of these affect points may be spent to:

- Cause the item to grant a +5 bonus to a skill

- Cause the item to grant a +1 bonus to an attribute

- Imbue that object with one other zebra recipe effect that you possess (it must be a talismanic effect). This costs as many points as the level of that recipe (level 0 recipes still cost 1 affect point).

For armors and weapons, you may also create a named armor piece or weapon as per the named weapon or armor creation rules in the equipment section, using the affect points at a 1:1 ratio with the points mentioned in that subsection.

Only the character who originally owned the item receives any of the bonuses granted by this recipe while using it (This can be personality dependent, in the case of characters with MPD). A given character can only have a single personal affect at a time, and cannot gain another until that item is either destroyed or dispelled. The recipe can be recast onto an object to dispel it.

For every five levels a character gains after receiving a personal affect (regardless of whether or not they were the caster), they spend an additional affect point towards upgrading their personal affect’s abilities.

Use of other magics on this item will temporarily negate the effects of this spell, as the item itself has become a talisman of sorts. Imbuing an item with talismanic-properties in this fashion takes 6d4 hours of concentration and meditation, during which time both the item holder and the caster must remain in close proximity to the item and may not eat, sleep or drink. A given character cannot benefit from more than one item with this enchantment on it at a time; if at any point this would occur, both enchantments are permanently dispelled.

That which is personal’s often unique, but that which is magical others will seek.


Usage: Worn (or used as per normal)

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Item that is Special to a Character (GM Discretion Advised), Gemstone Dust

School of Magic: Talisman

Poison – The afflicted is poisoned and must make an endurance roll MFD ¾ or will begin taking 1 wound per round to both the head and torso until they are cured or fall unconscious. This poison is not deadly.

Slow but steady, toxic and seething, cuts not very deep but keeps them from leaving.


Usage: Apply, Drink, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Radscorpion Poison Glands

School of Magic: Alchemy

Preternatural Balance (Fetish) – This is a specialized talisman that helps zebra use their ability to stand on their hind legs to a greater advantage. It works by channeling its magic into the inner ear of the wearer, preventing them from being knocked down by anything short of extreme explosive force (anything smaller than a sparkle grenade won’t cut it), and making it much faster and easier to right themselves and recover from being knocked down in such cases where it does occur (standing up becomes a free action). Wearers of this fetish never need to spend an action recovering from being knocked down; they don’t need to roll AGI to recover from being knocked down without spending an action. The improvement to balance is such a noticeable effect that most wearers of talismans like this will find they’re able to balance even atop single bamboo rods or narrow poles.

This talisman focuses balance true and prevents others from tripping you.


Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Watertight Container, Any Liquid

School of Magic: Talisman


Purge – This potion, when drunk, causes the drinker’s body to convulse and purge itself of all natural or unnatural toxins or poisons. It can save their life, but it’s neither a sure thing nor pleasant and only works 100% of the time on poisons ingested or injected in the last 5 minutes. Induces vomiting and diarrhea.

A crude-but-violent, effective cure which rids the body of things impure.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Recycle Fuel – This recipe allows you to turn plant matter and magical energy weapon ammunition, used or not, into flamethrower fuel. Each unit of weight of plant matter will create 1d20 units of fuel; spent magical energy weapons ammunition produces one unit of flamer fuel per each cap of value. Non-used magical energy ammunition produces twice as much flamer fuel as spent ammunition.

Gems and steel, twigs and tinder, this fuel burns creatures to a cinder.


Usage: --

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Plant Matter or Energy Weapons Ammunition

School of Magic: Alchemy

Restore Health – Minor – Restores 1 wound to every location that is wounded on the imbiber.

A healing potion of smallest size, so stocking many would be most wise.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy

Smoke Pellets – Creates a cloud of obscuring smoke that lasts 1d4 rounds (or 2d4 rounds if in a confined space), reducing accuracy by 2 MFD steps, or by only 1 step if a targeting spell is in use (such as a targeting talisman or a Pipbuck).

Invisibility is a nice trick, but most can’t see through a cloud this thick.


Usage: Throw

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Smokeless Fire – This powdery concoction, when spread over a fire, negates the smoke that would otherwise be caused by it for the alchemist’s governing attribute in hours. It does not conceal the light generated or dampen the heat created.

Fire without smoke, ash or spark, sheds warmth and light out toward the dark.


Usage: Throw

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy

Starry Eyed – Allows the drinker to see clearly in the dark, as though their path were illuminated by the stars themselves. The target takes no light penalties to perception for the next 2d6 hours.

The path of the stars is clear only to ghosts, but those with this ritual see more than most.


Usage: Drink, Cast

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredient: Optional – Flake of Starmetal

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual


Sticky Hooves I – Locks enemies (and friends, and just about anything, really) standing within a target 10’x10’ area in place, trapping them within a flexible-yet-strong gooey substance. A successful strength roll of MFD ½ is required to escape. It’s awful to wash out of hair, but dissolves easily in water after it has hardened (a process which takes 4-6 hours). Before it has fully hardened it requires magical solvents to dissolve.

There’s no escape from this binding brew unless you’re willing to part with a shoe.


Usage: Throw

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy

Subiungo Venenum – This thick, paste-like substance can be molded into a strong-yet flexible cast, or used to stop the bleeding from wounds. In a pinch, it can be used to help re-attach severed limbs. On its own, this will stabilize a patient, but when combined with other healing magics or technologies this potion makes healing rolls 2 MFD steps easier and doubles the amount of wounds healed where it is applied. Cannot be used for wounds inflicted internally.

Special plaster thick and solid prevents fresh wounds from becoming squalid.


Usage: Apply

Level Requirement: Level 6

Rarity of Ingredient: Medium

Special Ingredient: Airtight Container

School of Magic: Alchemy

Torpens Capturam –A powerful alchemical anesthetic recipe, as potent as the popular pain-killer med-x with less side effects and no addiction risk. Packaged as TC, it was used during the war on many fronts by zebra forces.When applied or injected locally, allows the receiver to ignore any crippled penalties they might suffer to an area. When imbibed as a drink or injected, functions identically to med-x except that it is non-addictive.After the destruction of Marelin during the war and the subsequent retaliation which destroyed the three largest zebra alchemical facilities, the drug fell out of circulation in favor of the easier and cheaper to mass-produce med-x.
It is rumored that there is a ritual equivalent of the spell’s recipe, but if so then that variant was so scarcely known that it fell out of common use long before the war.

When wound and trauma hold you up, inject this little pick-me-up.

Usage: Apply, Drink, (Cast)

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual

Urudo Paliurus – When poured on any non-magical plant, this brackish looking fluid will kill it within a 1d4 minutes. Relatively harmless to non-plants. Magical plants and plant creatures must roll endurance MFD ½, or will begin taking 1 wound per round to any and all vital locations for 1d4 rounds per dose administered. Additional doses extend the duration by 1d4 rounds per dose.

Plants, trees, roots, and bark, this noxious brew renders lifeless and stark.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1043

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Fetishes, Talismans, and Magical Items | Balefire Egg, Creo Nemorosus, Fast Acting Deadly Poison, Paliurus Venenifera, Permanent Enhancement Potion, Potion of Desired Metamorphosis, Sano Ex Medeor Curare 2 page
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