Many zebra recipes do not produce results that require active use; instead, they produce talismans and magical fetishes which are set to react to specific circumstances. This is especially true of the talismanic tradition. Talismans, fetishes, and other similar magical items give bonuses passively while worn or otherwise equipped. These are noteworthy mostly because of the ability to grant sustained ability increases over a lengthy period of time without causing permanent changes to the wearer (usually).
Producing fetishes and talismans is a lengthy process, involving a complex inscription on the talisman, followed by forcing the natural magics within the gemstone or fetish-focus to flow in a specific way and binding it in that pattern. This process can take as long as a few hours, depending on the complexity of the recipe. A good rule of thumb is that the talisman or fetish creation process will take 15 x (1d4) minutes for every level of the recipe (i.e. a level 4 talisman would take 15x4d4 minutes, or between 1 and 4 hours). The simplest, 0-level fetishes never take more than a quarter of an hour to prepare.
Binding or integrating a talisman or fetish to a weapon, armor, or other item requires both a Repair roll MFD ¾ and a Zebra Magic roll MFD ¾, and takes twice as long as it took to create the talisman being bound. Much of this time is spent ensuring that the magic from the talisman meshes with the magic of the object to which it is being bound. Many fetishes or talismans are useless without being bound to an item (usually a specific type of item) first.
Wearing a fetish or talisman to benefit from it requires that the item in question be in a character’s possession for at least one full combat round before taking effect. It needn’t be integrated into a piece or armor, clothing or weapon – it must simply be held. While not recommended, ingesting a talisman will grant its effects for as long as it remains inside a character (after a single combat round). Ingesting fetishes, on the other hoof, renders them inert – much of their power is based on their ability to interact with the environment to achieve their goals.
Gemstones used for talisman creation must be at least weight ½.
Zebra Recipes
Be careful as you read to note, that all spell names are in colors wrote. Their names are coded by their level, except in their descriptions’ title. Also note that as you read, not all zebra recipes are in this feed. Many works of the zebra mages are rare, unknown, or lost to ages; compiled here are the survivors most well-known, but the wasteland may yield surprises of its own.
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Zebra Recipes and Spells by School: (Many of these recipes you’ll find cross-listed; these shared spells between schools have still persisted.)
Alchemy(A school of stews and brews impure, whose lyrical recipes survived the war)