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Additional Notes: All alicorns start with this spell. 4 page


Possible Precursors: Any Ward, Magical Suppression, Shield

Precursor to: True Love’s Kiss, Lock, Disabling Spell, Magical Silence

SATS Cost: 65/Target

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 20, at least two other wards, Magical Suppression, Shield.


Water Trotter –A unique refinement of hydrokinesis spells that allows one or more targets to walk safely across the surface of liquid water. After being cast, it must be maintained by the caster in order to work properly. Maintaining the spell costs them one strain for every fifteen minutes of use. Each layer of overglow doubles the number of individuals that the caster can include in the spell’s effects; one layer allows two, etc. for a maximum of eight individuals included with three layers. This spell works on other liquids as well, though it might not be a good idea to use it to walk across rivers of lava or vats of swirling biomagical waste – you’re still touching the surface.

Possible Precursors: Ward against Cold, Faucet, Shield, Deluge

Precursor to: Deluge, Reverse Gravity

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, either Faucet or Deluge.

Windstorm – This offensive wind spell kicks up dust and debris, turning the air around your caster into a weapon. Windstorm creates a small, directed cone of wind that picks up shrapnel and debris and hurls it at a group of foes. If sufficient debris is available, this storm deals 2d20 damage to a single target and any characters or creatures immediately adjacent (similar to a flamethrower). If sufficient debris is not available, then it hurls dust into the eyes of your target and those adjacent to her, giving the affected target a -50 targeting penalty for the next 3 rounds (unless they had eye protection on). In either case this spell has a targeting range increment of 15 feet. If anything obstructs the line of sight from the caster to the target, then the spell will deal damage to that obstruction instead. Each layer of overglow adds one additional die of damage, or increases the duration of the targeting penalty by a round.


Possible Precursors: Gale, Tradewinds

Precursor to: Tornado, Hurricane, Blizzard

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Gale.

Level 4 Spells –These spells are some of the most powerful magics ever wielded in Equestria short of megaspells. Pre-war, a unicorn capable of performing a spell like this would have been the head of a major organization, if they weren’t being used for the war effort as a living weapon or as the basis for a megaspell. It’s extremely unlikely for any unicorn, even the most talented, to learn more than one spell like this. Normal unicorns can master only 1 level 4 spell in their lifetime.


Age –An incredibly advanced and powerful spell that change the physical age of the target to the caster’s whims. When cast, the caster may modify the target’s age, either increasing it or decreasing it by a number of years up to the INT score of the caster. Each layer of overglow either allows the spell to affect an additional target, or doubles the number of years a caster can give or take away. If the spell affects multiple targets, the age adjustments made to each target do not need to be the same.

Possible Precursors: Transmogrify, Alter Features, Regenerate, Teleportation III, Greater Transmogrify

Precursor to: Greater Transmogrify

SATS Cost: -- (Full round to cast in combat)

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 30, Transmogrify or Greater Transmogrify, Alter Features, Regenerate, Teleportation III.

Alter Form – This spell is some of the most powerful illusory alteration magic, capable of passing even an Alicorn off as an earth pony colt, or vice versa. It can change the form and appearance of any target living creature to look and feel like any other, up to and including those of dramatically different race or size, to say nothing of physical appearance.

Important to note: while this spell may cause the illusion that a pegasus’ wings, a griffin’s claws, or a unicorn’s horn are not there, to the point where both the target and those around them may actually feel as the illusion suggests, if the target attempts to use their body in a way that the illusory form cannot, such as a pegasi trying to fly while disguised as an earth pony, the spell will immediately break – this is very difficult, however, as the spell alters the target’s sensation and physical perception to conform to the illusion (acting in such a way requires an INT roll MFD ½). The reverse is not true – wings given by this spell will function normally, and horns and other natural weapons created by it can similarly be used.

That said, Just because they now have functional appendages doesn’t mean they know how to use ‘em. The spell isn’t capable of imbuing knowledge of their new anatomy into its target (it can’t grant the ability to perform maneuvers or cast spells that the subject doesn’t already have the ability to), but it does slightly alter their form’s natural magic. It will allow an earth pony disguised as a Pegasus to fly and walk on clouds, or one disguised as a unicorn to use magic if they learn to do so while disguised, etc. If this spell’s effects would grant the use of a normally unavailable racial skill, the target gains that skill at rank appropriate for a first level character (2xATT + ½Luck +2).

Though it may physically alter the weight and stature of the target character by as much as ±90%, this spell has no effect on physical or mental attribute scores or damage per wound values. Carry capacity and speed may still be affected!

The spell’s effects last up to one full 24-hr day, or until dispelled. If the caster is rendered unconscious or at any point is denied the ability to cast magic (such as might occur if they used this spell to disguise themselves as something without a horn), any target of this spell that still has it active on their person has it dispelled immediately. Each layer of overglow doubles the duration.

Casting this on a non-willing target is an opposed roll of the caster’s magic versus the target character’s magic skill, charisma, endurance or intelligence attribute – their choice.


Possible Precursors: Alter Features, Physical Illusion

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, Alter Features or Physical Illusion


Blizzard – Summons a winter storm from nowhere to freeze foes solid! The wind and snow deal 3d8 damage per turn to all locations and blind (3 MFD step ranged targeting penalty) any characters within the target area for as long as this spell is sustained. The blizzard completely envelops a cylindrical area centered on either the caster or a chosen target location of 5xINT feet in radius and 10xINT feet in height in swirling gusts, harsh ice and swirling snow. Characters attempting to fire into this blizzard at targets suffer 2 MFD steps to accuracy due to the obscuring effects, which can be reduced to 1 MFD step with the use of SATS. The ice of the blizzard has a 5% chance of clogging the respirators and/or damaging the motors of power armor per combat round, forcing its removal or simply freezing it in place (roll d% once per round a power armored character remains in the blizzard; critical successes freeze the armor in place, critical failures clog the respirator). Cyborgs with exposed prostheses and metal-armor wearers take an additional 3d8 damage (ignores DT) from the effects of freezing metal on flesh every round after the first that they remain in the blizzard area. All flight rolls in the blizzard are 2 MFD steps harder. This spell is 1 MFD step harder to cast for every 10°C above freezing it is. After being successfully cast, however, it will magically lower the ambient temperature by up to 30°C, to a minimum of -30°C. If the temperature is already below that point, it will not be altered.


Possible Precursors: Icebolt, Windstorm, Snow Drift

Precursor to: Pony Popsicle

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, Windstorm, and either Icebolt or Snow Drift.

Breakneck Speed – Magically accelerates a target that is already moving up to twenty five times its normal maximum speed. If they were running at you, remember to step aside as they fly past! Treat each twenty feet of movement speed as 10 feet of fall damage, if they’re moving into a solid object.

Possession of this spell passively upgrades your telekinesis abilities – you may now move objects 20’ per action spent relative to the caster, instead of 5’ (the base amount). This is a ‘spell upgrade’ effect; its effects stack with other spells modifying a character’s telekinesis.


Possible Precursors: Panic Lines.

Precursor to: Gauss Unicorn

SATS Cost: 100

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 26, Panic Lines.


Building Shield – Creates a MASSIVE shield bubble around a target location (though it can certainly be reduced to surround whatever the caster would like). It’s not quite the size of the talisman powered shields that protected some cities during the last days of the war, but no one short of the princesses could make a bigger one on their own unless it was their cutie mark ability. This shield is near-totally impermeable to weapons fire, increasing DT by 100xINT while maintained. If its DT is penetrated by any attack that deals enough to wound the caster, it costs an additional 1 strain for the caster to maintain it. It will not collapse unless the caster is crippled or maimed in the horn, or is rendered unconscious.

Green Alicorns can work together to create a shield of this strength between them, enabling them to split the strain cost, but it requires multiple alicorns (at least 2) to sustain. At least two of the alicorns must be conscious to maintain the shield, and while maintaining the shield they cannot move or perform other actions. Use the highest d/w value for the alicorns when determining if penetrating damage would deal a wound, and average their INT scores and round down to determine the DT of the shield.

For a unicorn or alicorn with this spell, all shield spells (including this one) cost 1 strain per minute (10 combat rounds) to maintain after being cast. This includes shield spells that would otherwise have a higher maintenance cost.


Possible Precursors: Shield Bubble.

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 28, Shield Bubble.

Cleanse Taint – Removes all of the chemicals known collectively as “Taint” from the target. It does not undo any damage already done by the presence of said chemicals in the target’s system. This spell cannot be learned without instruction.


Possible Precursors: None

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 26, Roleplaying Reason.


Clone –Creates a magical duplicate of the caster (3 layers of overglow allow the spell to target any living creature within line of sight of the caster). The duplicate is a near-exact copy of the target, and is as capable of independent thought and action as the target was at the time of casting. They may not possess all of the knowledge of the original copy (though they usually retain all memories of the caster up to the point of their creation). Each layer of overglow produces an additional copy. Clones are considered permanent creatures, and the spell does not need to be maintained. This spell can be targeted anywhere within line of sight. Cloned ponies do not have souls, and when killed they dissolve into a pile of ash.


Possible Precursors: Duplicate, Teleportation II, Regenerate

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Duplicate, Teleportation II, Regenerate.

Create Matter – This spell allows a unicorn to pull a significant amount of matter from Celestia only knows where, and shape it to a small degree. The matter must be all of the same type, and must have mass less than that of the pony creating it. Some Water and Air talismans work using this spell.


Possible Precursors: Duplicate, Repair, Replenish, Summon Bloatsprite, Talisman Creator, Teleportation III

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30; Teleportation III or Summon Bloatsprite or both Repair and Replenish; Pyre, Freeze, at least one Ward.


Disabling Spell – Places an extremely complex dynamic ward upon a unicorn’s horn that completely nullifies their ability to cast magic, up to and including basic telekinesis. Placing the ward on a willing target takes a single action; placing it on a non-willing target is an opposed magic roll versus the target, and requires that line of sight with the target’s horn be maintained. This ward can be channeled over multiple rounds. While being channeled, each round spent channeling the spell prompts one opposed roll. Every round after the first that the spell is channeled

This spell has been shown to be easily imbued into unicorn-magic talismans; at least two talismans must be arranged around a portal or doorway to function properly. The placed talisman array projects a field that automatically places the ward spell on any unicorn or alicorn that passes through it, though it may take several combat rounds (during which it will roll magic at the level of the caster who created the ward against the magic skill of the intruder), and will prevent the motion of the horned character through the portal until the ward has been completed. If the intruding unicorn or alicorn backs out of the doorway before the disabling spell is cast, the spell fizzles and their magic remains.

Unlike most wards, the disabling spell is quite difficult to remove, even for the caster. To remove the ward, it must be cast a second time on the same target– though this time, the caster must make an opposed roll versus their own magic skill! Any unicorn that knows this spell may attempt to remove it in this fashion, rolling against their own skill. If the ward was placed by talismans, travelling backward through the portal that placed the spell will can also be used to remove it. The ward can also be removed using Greater Dispel (or True Love’s Kiss, if the target is their kiss designee).

Frequently used pre-war as a security precaution at high-profile events.


Possible Precursors: Magical Suppression, Ward of Containment

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 26, Ward of Containment.


Dominate – You are capable of completely dominating a subject’s mind, suppressing all but their most basic instincts for survival. This requires an opposed roll between the caster’s Magic skill and the target’s INT or CHA (their choice). The caster must beat the target’s roll by at least one MFD step to be successful. If successful, the caster can command the target to perform any action that won’t directly endanger them, i.e. this can be used to make loved ones kill each other, but not to make the target kill themselves. Unlike Mind Trick, competing mental effects do not provoke additional rolls. Only severe head trauma (crippled in the head) or other level-4 spells that affect the mind of the user will provoke additional contested rolls. Otherwise, this spell lasts up to 12 hours per MFD step that the caster succeeded by, or can be dismissed by the caster at any time. It can be re-cast to extend its duration – opponents already under its sway receive a 1 step penalty on their resistance rolls for every consecutive 24 hours of mental domination they’ve been under up to that point.


Possible Precursors: Mind Trick, Telepathy IV

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Mind Trick.


Electrocute – Electrocutes the target, overloading all but the most robust magical systems. Deals 5d12 damage, increased to 10d12 damage if target is mechanical, contains a spell matrix, or is a cyborg. This spell will shut down technology, regardless of shielding. Damage dealt by this spell carries the Electricity special weapon effect, and thus ignores DT provided by metallic bardings and deals damage at the end of the round as an ongoing effect. In stormy conditions, this spell gets a 2 MFD step bonus towards targeting flying characters and creatures. Wet characters take an additional die of damage, and all damage dealt is treated as AOE damage. Wet cyborgs and machines take 12d12 base damage. Each layer of overglow adds an additional die of base damage and allows this spell’s effect to jump from its initial target to one extra target within 15 feet (use the most recent target as the point of origin for each arc). There must be either an unobstructed line of sight between the two targets or an unbroken conductive pathway (like water or metal) for the spell to continue jumping, and it cannot hit the same target twice as it jumps.


Possible Precursors: Electrify.

SATS Cost: 65

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, Electrify.


Fog of War – Summons a tremendously large fog bank, covering an area as large as an entire settlement (up to INT square miles) in dense fog up to 30 feet high! This magically dense fog provides an accuracy penalty of 2 MFD steps to those attempting to target something it conceals. SATS negates this penalty, but only if the target is within 15 feet; the magically dense fog disrupts even SATS’ ability to remove visual obstruction. Layers of overglow can double the area affected, or can reduce the effective range of SATS by 5 feet (minimum 5 feet).


Possible Precursors: Magical Fog.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 28, Magical Fog.


Gatling Beam – Shoots rapid fire beams of magical energy from the caster’s horn equivalent to an AER-20 Gatling Beam! Acts exactly as the beam weapon, except that it deals three times as much damage on a critical hit and you may add 1/5 of your magic skill rank to weapon damage instead of 1/10 of your energy weapons skill rank. Can be cast up to 10xINT times per day. If you also have Dispel or Greater Dispel, this beam also disrupts any maintained spells. Excellent for taking down shielded targets.


Possible Precursors: Magical Beam II, Disruptor Beam

Precursor to: Trottingheimer’s Folly

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 26, Magical Beam II, Disruptor Beam.


Gauss Unicorn –(Or Gauss Alicorn, if you prefer.) You are a true living particle accelerator, capable of turning even dust motes into lethal projectiles. The magnitude of your magical acceleration has grown too fast to accelerate anything that isn’t designed to be used as a projectile, literally tearing apart anything not designed to travel at the speeds you’re projecting things at. Particles accelerated using this spell deal 10xINT damage and bypass all DT. Bullets and other projectiles accelerated with the spell deal as much damage as their highest damage dealing weapon plus the INT damage.


Possible Precursors: Railgun, Breakneck Speed

Precursor to: Trottingheimer’s Folly

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 28, Railgun.

Good as New! – Completely repairs and fixes any single item of size less than or equal to a sky wagon. Cannot be used by a caster more than once per week. Restoring larger objects can be done via overglow.


Possible Precursors: Spark, Repair, Replenish, Restore

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 28, Restore or Repair and either Spark or Replenish.


Gossamer Wings – Creates a pair of beautiful translucent wings on the target, enabling them to fly and interact with clouds as if they had the flight ability. The target uses their highest AGI-dependent skill as if it were the flight skill. They do not gain the ability to learn flight maneuvers, but may use “hover” and any level zero flight maneuvers as though they had learned them. Lasts 4d6 hours, doubled by each layer of overglow; neither the target nor the caster may know how long it will last – the GM should make the roll in secret.


Possible Precursors: Cloud Walker.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 28, Cloud Walker.


Greater Dispel – Disrupts magical effects or equal or lesser level, such as spells maintained by alicorns and unicorns or those enchantments put in place by the ministries long ago. It is capable of disrupting both pony and zebra talismans, but requires direct physical contact with the talisman or the magical effect it creates to do so. Maintained spell effects are dispelled permanently, but talismans are created with redundancies that make permanent dispelling more difficult. Permanently dispelling a talisman requires one layer of overglow per spell level of the spell imbued into the talisman. Needless to say, it cannot dispel level 4 spell talismans under normal conditions, but maybe if you had a Channeling Assistant….

If this spell is cast on any talisman with insufficient strain channeled into it to fully remove its enchantment, the talisman’s magic is still disrupted temporarily. The magic of the talisman will reassert itself and restore the talisman’s functionality in INT combat rounds. Layers of overglow spent can double this deactivation time.

Because of their reliance on arcane processes, this spell is easily capable of shutting down spell matrices and similar arcanotechnological devices – treat such items as talismans with a spell of level 2 imbued into them.


Possible Precursors: Dispel, Disruptor Beam

SATS Cost: 70

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 26, Dispel or Disruptor Beam, as well as any level 4 spell.


Greater Transmogrify – Allows you to alter the shape of living things, including increasing or decreasing their size by a factor of two. This spell can be used multiple times on the same target to alter or undo the effects of a previous casting, or its effects can be undone with Restore Shape. This spell can be employed to significantly change the shape or anatomy of a target, including enabling gender-transformations, making a target into a living bouncy-ball, etc.


Possible Precursors: Transmogrify, Alter Features, Fusion, Age

Precursor to: Age

SATS Cost: 100

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 28, Transmogrify, Alter Features or Fusion.


Healing Potions – Ponies with this spell can set aside their healing magic in a distilled form that can be saved for later or consumed in a pinch. To create a healing potion requires that a unicorn have a vial of clean purified water (there are about four of these per unit water), at least 5 magical energy cells worth of crushed gemstones or 1 mac of gemstone dust, and be able to case the Heal spell (in addition to this spell). With a successful cast of Heal at MFD ¾, a healing potion is created from these ingredients. This process takes approximately 5 minutes. A critical success creates a second potion without requiring extra ingredients, provided a second container is available. Using the Regenerate spell in place of the heal spell creates a Rejuvenation potion instead, but requires an MFD ½ roll instead of the MFD ¾ roll, and critical successes do not produce an extra potion. Use of a single charge (per potion) of a healing or rejuvenation talisman in place of the cast Heal or Regenerate spell means you do not have to roll when casting, though you must still imbue the potions with energy to stabilize them (it still costs you strain). Overglow can be used to create multiple potions at once (critical successes still only provide a single extra potion, and you still need the raw ingredients and containers) – the time to create the potions is doubled with each layer as well.

Concerning mass production, a properly specialized unicorn with a healing talisman, enough ingredients and the appropriate spells can create an average of 20 healing potions per day spent doing so. Without a healing or rejuvenation talisman as an intermediate to stabilize the magic, the amount per day is reduced to 8.


Possible Precursors: Heal or Regenerate.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, Heal or Regenerate.


Hooves of Fire – This spell allows ponies to safely wield fire at their hooftips! The caster can cast this on any character or creature within five feet of them. While unarmed and their hooves are uncovered, the target may create fire on their hooves and use it to deal an additional 3d12 + (Magic/10) unarmed damage! Their attacks also have the ‘Fire’ special weapon effect, as the shishkebab or the flamethrower. While this spell is in effect, its target is totally immune to fire (though certain attacks that carry the fire special effect may still do damage to them, the Fire special weapon effect deals no damage). It lasts as long as the caster maintains the spell, at a cost of one strain for every 5 rounds (30 seconds), beginning 30 seconds after it has been cast. Normal activity and spellcasting penalties while maintaining spells still apply to the caster.


Possible Precursors: Fire Trotter.

SATS Cost: 65

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 28, Fire Trotter.


Hundred Year Slumber – Opponent must roll Endurance MFD ¼ or fall unconscious for 2d8 days (the name is admittedly a bit of an exaggeration, but the use of overglow, repeated or maintained casts can certainly extend the period of unconsciousness). If they successfully resist, they instead take double the normal drowsiness penalty (-20 instead of -10) on all actions until they have slept for at least 8 hours. Layers of overglow may also be applied to double the number of targets.


Possible Precursors: Knock Out or Telepathy III.

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 26, Knock Out or Telepathy III.


Hurricane – Create a humongous storm of wind and rain that would make Prospero proud and any weather-pegasus completely terrified. This spell creates a miniature hurricane centered on – and capable of moving with – the caster. The eye of this hurricane is only about 15’ in diameter, with the caster in the middle 5’ square, and the windwall immediately past that. The storm itself extends upwards into the cloud layer and outwards for INTx100 feet beyond the innermost wind-wall. Characters and creatures within the storm suffer a -50 on all perception rolls, and accuracy rolls made for ranged attacks within, into or out of the hurricane suffer a similar -50 roll penalty (close combat is unaffected), which increases to -75 when targeting through the inner wind-wall. Movement within the hurricane is reduced by 5’, and movement through the wind wall into the eye requires a STR roll, MFD ½, or it will repulse you. Flight within the hurricane is extremely difficult, requiring an MFD ½ roll just to stay airborne, and flying through the inner wind-wall requires a staggeringly difficult MFD 1/10 flight roll. This storm’s effects otherwise are dependent on the abundance of water nearby. If the caster is within a mile of the coast or a major inland body of water, the hurricane deals 4d20 damage per round to all characters or creatures within its radius (excluding the eye, of course), applied to a randomly selected location. For every additional mile away from a major water source, this storm deals one less die of damage; it cannot be cast at all if more than 4 miles from such a body of water. Overglow increases the size of the storm by 100’ in radius and allows it to deal an additional die of damage per layer. Once cast, this storm lasts 1d4 rounds, and can be sustained beyond that at the cost of 2 strain per round. Depending on the water source used this hurricane may contain taint, radiation (treat as the “rads” weapon ability), toxic chemicals and poisons, or a combination of all three.


Possible Precursors: Windstorm, Deluge.

SATS Cost: 80

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Windstorm, Deluge.


Inferno – Engulfs an entire area in white-hot flames of radius less than or equal to 5xINT feet. The epicenter targeted by the spell must be within INTx5’ of the caster. Deals damage as a heavy incinerator, dealing bonus damage equal to (Magic Rank/10), and can be sustained at a rate of 1 strain per round for as long as the caster is able. Each layer of overglow either adds 3 dice of damage, extends the radius by 10’, or doubles the maximum range between caster and the target epicenter. If desired, the inferno can be centered on a moving target (such as the caster). Be aware that casting this spell in no way makes the caster immune to the effects of fire. Synergizes well with Hooves of Fire.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 831

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