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Additional Notes: All alicorns start with this spell. 3 page


Possible Precursors: Ghost

Precursor to: None Known
SATS Cost: 30

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 18, Ghost.


Physical Illusion – Creates a projected image of a relatively small size (up to INT/2 cubic feet) that looks and feels real to the touch. It can even make or modify sounds! It isn’t capable of actually manipulating physical objects on its own, but the projected images created by this spell make for stellar hidden doors (it feels real until you dispel it) and it can be overlaid on another creature with roughly the same shape to give them a stunningly effective and nearly undetectable disguise. Note that it won’t hide any parts of the subject that stick out beyond the illusion. Trixie’s Invisibility spell is thought to be derived from this one.


Possible Precursors: Greater Projected Image, Double Team.

Precursor to: Perfect Illusion, Alter Form

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Greater Projected Image or Double Team.

Put ‘Em Under – The target is rendered completely unconscious for 10xINT minutes. In their unconscious state they will not dream or move, and cannot respond to stimuli. Only magical stimulants of any sort can awaken them. Unwilling opponents not caught by surprise may make an opposed END or Willpower (that’s INT and CHA, taking the better of the two rolls) roll versus the caster’s magic roll made to cast to resist being rendered unconscious. Each layer of overglow doubles the duration of unconsciousness AND provides the caster with a 1 MFD step bonus on their opposed roll. Remember to tip your anesthesiologist!


Possible Precursors: Anesthetic, Telepathic Stunner

Precursor to: Heartstopper
SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 18, Anesthetic.

Railgun – You’re a one-horned accelerator cannon! Specialized focus of your character’s telekinesis now allows your caster to accelerate aerodynamic physical projectiles to even higher lethal speeds using their magic, with precision that has increased to the point where non-metallic armors are bypassed entirely. Each accelerated projectile now does base damage equal to 5 times the caster’s intelligence, plus twice as much damage as they would normally deal due to weight or other base damage values. Arrows, crossbow bolts and darts still deal their weapon damage in addition to this and ignore the same amount of DT they would if fired from their normal weapon (and can still be poisoned by normal methods). For example, an arrow fired using this spell would do 8d4+5xINT damage, and ignore all non-metallic DT and 15 points of any remaining DT. Knives and other aerodynamic melee weapons can still be accelerated as well, dealing double their base damage and five times the caster’s INT instead of the normal additional strength damage. The spell’s range increment is now increased to 10’xINT. Only relatively aerodynamic (read: long and thin) objects may be accelerated using this spell (GM discretion advised), and accelerated objects still cannot be heavier than what a pony could pick up with their telekinesis. For example, a piece of rebar or a long-barreled rifle would work perfectly with this spell, while a bookshelf or a generator would not -- even if their telekinesis was strong enough to pick it up, those object are simply not aerodynamic. Living creatures, including pegasi, are also insufficiently aerodynamic for use as projectiles with this spell.

Applying a layer of overglow doubles either the range increment or the INT portion of the damage only. This is a targeted spell, so roll Magic once to cast it and once more to target it. Overglow penalties apply to the casting roll, not the targeting roll.


Possible Precursors: Thread the Needle, Panic Lines, Telekinetic Launch

Precursor to: Panic Lines, Telekinetic Launch, Gauss Unicorn

SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Thread the Needle, Telekinetic Precision and either Panic Lines or Speed Lines.


Regenerate – Capable of repairing serious internal damage to the body and can remove up to 2+INT wounds from a target, removing those wounds of greatest magnitude first. Capable of restoring a character’s crippled limbs if the injury occurred in the last hour. NOTE: Regenerate cannot cure cancer, remove taint, or stop enervation rot (unless used preventatively for the last one). It also cannot regrow limbs that have been completely severed, though it can reattach them if they are held in place while it is cast. Regenerate is capable of healing crippled unicorn and alicorn horns.


Possible Precursors: Heal, Mend

Precursor to: Repair, Clone, Healing Potions, Reconstruction, Restoration

SATS Cost: 100

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Heal.

Regrow Bone – Allows for the regrowth of broken bones, hooves, horns, etc. Depending on the size of the missing bone, this may take up to 1d4 hours of downtime. Re-growing the bone allows for the healing of crippled and maimed unicorn and alicorn horns, but does not automatically restore magical abilities. Three layers of overglow are required to intentionally grow bone incorrectly with this spell. As with Mend and Set, this spell can be used in the stead of a medicine roll to set a crippled limb.


Possible Precursors: Heal, Mend

Precursor to: Repair, Reconstruction, Restoration

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Mend.


Restore – Fixes even the most complex of mechanisms and restores them to a pristine state, improving the condition of the item on which it is used by half its maximum condition value in steps or DT. This cannot be used on any single item more than once per day.


Possible Precursors: Duplicate, Repair

Precursor to: Good as New!, Restore Shape

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 20, Duplicate or Repair


Shield Bubble – Creates a shielded sphere around the caster, increasing DT by 5xINT. The shield’s default shape is a sphere, but it can be manipulated into more complex shapes as the caster desires. This shield has the same properties as the one created by the Shield spell, and will collapse if hit with any single attack dealing sufficient damage to deal six wounds to the caster (6x D/W). All shield spells cost 1 strain per minute (10 combat rounds) to maintain after being cast. Shields that completely surround a character or object can block radiation. Shields can absorb rads equal to five times their maximum DT before collapsing. The maximum size of a shield bubble is equal to 20x the caster’s INT attribute.


Possible Precursors: Shield

Precursor to: Building Shield

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 18, Shield.

Additional Note: Alicorns start with this spell.


Snow Drift –Creates a large quantity of snow over a small area out of ambient water vapor in the air or out of water from a local source. The snow covers an area equal in size to 5x the caster’s INT in feet squared, in whatever shape the caster would like (the default pattern is a square or circle). The snow is of relatively uniform depth, about 12”. Each layer of overglow can be applied to either double the square footage covered with snow or double the depth of the snow covering. This spell can be exceptionally useful, as the snow can be used for refrigeration and as a way of easily transporting water. Beyond the possible snowball fights, however, it is not particularly offensive. The snow is created at freezing temperatures, and can be used to cool off a pony suffering from heat stroke or other heat-related trauma. This spell is harder to cast if the ambient temperature is above 70°.


Possible Precursors: Freeze, Deluge, Icebolt

Precursor to: Icebolt, Blizzard, Pony Popsicle

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 18, Freeze, Deluge.

Solar Flare – Your control of the sun’s rays has gone beyond simply making you into a light in the wasteland’s darkness, turning the sun into a deadly weapon! You can focus any ambient level of sunlight (though it does require ambient natural light) into a single flaming projectile that leaves your opponents scorched. This spell launches a magical flare-like projectile from your horn and sends it rocketing towards your enemies. Not only does it illuminate everything in its path as Daylight for the next 30 seconds (5 combat rounds), it also ignites everything that it passes within 5’ of as the Fire special weapon effect. When it does finally impact a target, this projectile deals 4d10 of damage and ignores 15 DT, as well as lighting the target on fire. This spell’s only downside is that it requires at least some level of ambient light; it cannot be cast in darkness. Each layer of overglow adds 1d10 of damage and adds 1d12 of damage to the Fire effect rolls caused by this spell.


Possible Precursors: Sunbeam, Flare, Pyre.

Precursor to: Solar Wrath
SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Sunbeam or Flare.


Sonic Scream – This attack deals 4d12 damage to biological opponents, and renders them temporarily hard of hearing for 1d4 rounds, during which they suffer a 2-MFD step penalty to auditory perception checks, and must make an auditory perception check to communicate verbally with their compatriots (i.e. hear them talk). This spell is targeted as a single-target weapon, with magic used as the skill roll to hit, and similarly to a flamethrower hits any and all targets within 5’ of the main target or in the line of fire. Its range increment is 10’, with a maximum effective range of 30 feet. Sonic attacks deal an additional +2d12 versus machines and powered armor, and completely ignore DT unless the target is in armor that has an air-tight seal.


Possible Precursors: Royal Canterlot Voice, Soundburst.

Precursor to: Sonic Lance, Wall of Sound
SATS Cost: 30

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Royal Canterlot Voice or Soundburst.


Summon Bloatsprite –Creates a bloatsprite out of thin air within five feet of the caster. The sprite is not controlled, and will immediately attempt to eat any living creatures it identifies as food in its vicinity. The bloatsprite can be pacified using music, or removed from existence by the banish spell (or, you know, just shooting it a bunch). With three layers of overglow, this spell summons a Fillydelphian parasprite instead.Don’t worry about having to make more of them – the sprites seem to have that part under control.

Possible Precursors: Conjure Tool, Teleportation I, Duplicate, Banish, Door from Nowhere

Precursor to: Banish, Door from Nowhere, Create Matter
SATS Cost: 15

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 22, Teleportation I and either Conjure Tool, Duplicate, or Door from Nowhere.

Surrogate – Allows one mare to act as a surrogate mother for another’s foal. The surrogate mother must be related by blood (no matter how distant, within reason) to the conceiving mother, or the unborn foal will very likely die. This spell enacts the transplantation of the unborn foal in its entirety, but does require that medical equipment and conditions be available.


Possible Precursors: Meld, Tissue Transplant.

Precursor to: None Known

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 22, Tissue Transplant.

Talisman Creator – This spell allows your pony to create their own talismans! Talismans can be created either from gems (normally of wt. ½ or greater) or from any other item with sufficient magical energy content you should happen to come across.

Creating a talisman is magically taxing enough, but after you’ve made the talisman itself it requires the subsequent use of another spell to be imbued into it, at a 2 MFD step harder difficulty than the normal casting roll. The strength of the talisman used, the degree of success on the casting roll, the type of spell, and the level of the spell all have an effect on how effective, durable, and powerful the resulting talisman is. When creating a talisman or imbuing a spell into a talisman, overglow doubles the number of charges and halves the physical durability of the talisman itself, making it more unstable. Overglow channeled into a spell cast into a talisman has no effect on the direct strength of the talisman’s magic. A table outlining basic talisman properties as they are affected by these factors is below.


Talisman Created – Determinant Factors Durability (Physical) Durability (Charges) Strength (Numerical Efficacy)
Imbuing Roll Success (Steps below target MFD, Casting roll) No Effect. +1 charge per MFD step. If above target MFD, -20% of base charges per step. No Effect.
Imbuing Overglow -1 END per layer (if 0, talisman is destroyed). x2 Base value per layer. No Effect
Talisman Purity (Steps below target MFD, Creation roll) Talismans have 1 pt. of END per MFD step success, minimum 1, max 6. (D/W = 10) Each step below target MFD increases base charges by 20% of the base. No Effect
Talisman Strength (Talisman base object raw magical potential: Low, Normal or High) High potential objects have low DT (5 or less) and vice versa (5 or more). High magic objects have 1.5x normal spell charges. Low magic objects have ½x spell charges. Low magic objects will have effects between 1/10 and ½ normal spell effects. High-magic bases grant no bonus.
Spell Level (I-IV) No Effect. I – 50 Charges, Base. II – 25 Charges, Base. III – 10 Charges, Base. IV – 5 Charges, Base. Base efficacy is as the spell. If spells have similar effects, higher level spells always make stronger talismans.
Spell Type (Category, and Offensive/Support/Passive) No Effect. If the spell can be used to heal wounds, deal damage, or project any temporary effect (targeted or otherwise), its talisman has charges. ‘Passive’ spells have 2x as many charges, but are more difficult to imbue. If the spell is offensive or otherwise deals damage directly, damage is reduced by 1 die. If the spell type is passive or support, its effects may vary. No normal talisman’s strength can ever directly exceed that of the base spell.


The maximum number of charges a talisman can hold varies with spell level. For level 1 and 2 spells, the total maximum number of charges a talisman can hold is equal to 5x the original number of charges imbued. Above that, level 3 spell-talismans have a maximum capacity of 3x the total number of charges initially imbued. Level 4 spell talismans can hold only a single charge, and must be recharged after each use.

Recharging talismans created with this spell can be done by casting the imbued spell or a sufficiently similar derivative into the talisman. Doing so recharges as many charges as were initially imbued when the talisman was created.

If you already have an empty ‘blank’ talisman that doesn’t have a spell imbued, any unicorn can cast a spell into it – they don’t need this spell to know how to do so (this fact also allows any unicorn with the spell to re-imbue a talisman to restore charges). The spell to be imbued can be cast by anyone – it doesn’t have to be the creator of the talisman. It doesn’t even have to be a unicorn or alicorn spell – any spell that can be cast (i.e. zebra rituals, black book spells) can be imbued into a talisman created using this technique. This makes unicorn talismans more versatile in terms of spell content and behavior than most zebra talismans, a fact which Equestria exploited during the war to develop spell matrix and magical energy weapons technology.

Most spells may need to be triggered after being imbued into a talisman – this is especially true of offensive spells. Triggering a talisman is a single action in combat, and requires physical or magical contact with the talisman. Depending on the complexity of the spell channeled, the talisman may be more or less effective. More complex spells channeled into talismans tend to have more potent effects, but are more delicate. In the case of memory orbs as an example, a higher level memory access spell like Mind Meld will have the potential to hold a larger memory and store more accurate sensation than an orb created from the same materials using a lower level memory spell.

With a layer of overglow, talismans can be created that will respond to other forms of stimulus, such as a passphrase or creature proximity.


Semi-Passive Talismans –

For PASSIVE and SEMI-PASSIVE SPELLS, such as Drip, Telekinesis, and many of their derivatives – spells that do not cost the caster strain to use under most normal conditions -- imbuing them in any useful fashion into talismans with a limited magical reserve capacity is difficult. Imbuing such spells requires casting them into the talisman at 3 MFD steps harder difficult than normal. Once successfully imbued, they have double the number of charges as would normally have been imbued for a non-passive spell and can be recharged as normal, but only expend charges when used explicitly.

For example, Telekinesis can be used passively for things like wielding weapons, using the talisman creator’s INT (assume INT 5 if unknown) to determine its weight limitations. But using it as an independent action – say, lifting a boxcar and slowly moving it over an unwitting alicorn - would use a charge every action it was being called upon. If it ran out of charges, the spell would fizzle. For Drip and Faucet in particular, the movement of water in combat or in specifically stressful situations would expend charges, while the movement of water outside of combat would not. Your GM will need to make the call. Telekinetic Precision, arguably the most passive spell currently in the system, would spend a charge whenever it is used specifically to accomplish a task in a stressful situation, such as when trying to hurriedly put the pin back into a grenade.

In situations where a talisman contains a spell that would enhance a wearer’s pre-existing magical ability rather than grant a non-existent one, such as in the case of Mighty Telekinesis or Long Ranged Telekinesis talismans being worn by unicorns with basic telekinesis, charges would be expended only when the specific enhancements granted by those talismans are called upon for use.


Only one talisman’s passive effect may affect a given character at a time. This is especially true when dealing with interactions with Zebra Talismans. Barring some rather special exceptions, the use of a unicorn talisman that grants a passive effect in conjunction with a zebra talisman will hinder or disable the effects of both talismans.

Note: Memory Orbs, even empty ones, are not technically a blank talisman. They have a memory spell (Like Memory View or Mind Meld imbued into them, governing what type of talisman they are.


Possible Precursors: Magical Battery, Channeling Assist, Replenish.

Precursor to: Create Matter

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: *Special (High)

Requirements: Level 20, Magical Battery or Replenish.

*Strain Cost is at the GM’s discretion depending on what type of item you’re trying to imbue. Gemstones are generally High cost.


Telekinetic Blast – You’ve gotten a little bit better at focusing the raw power of your telekinesis into an actual offensive spell! This spell creates a column of force 15’ wide that smashes back enemies up to 40 feet away. It’s such a large force projection that you don’t even have to roll to aim it! Unlike its predecessor spells, enemies may attempt to dodge this attack (the dodge MFD is ½). Those hit by the spell’s effects are temporarily stunned, losing their next action unless they succeed at a difficult MFD ½ Willpower roll (roll INT and CHA and take the better of the two), and even if they can recover they still take 2d20 damage that totally ignores DT provided by armor. Those hit are also forced back 10 feet for every level of success (So MFD 1 moves them 10’, MFD ¾ moves them 20’, etc.). If they were forced into a wall or other obstruction, they take an additional 1d20 damage for every five feet they could not move. That said, this spell can destroy walls, and is more than capable of taking doors off their hinges. Each layer of overglow moves affected creatures or characters an additional 10 feet back away from the caster. Characters with this spell can now push or pull up to 500xINT in weight, without much precision. Attacks made using melee or unarmed weapons held in their telekinesis may not be terribly accurate, suffering a 1 MFD step penalty to hit, but now deal damage in place of their base strength damage

Possession of this spell passively upgrades your telekinesis. This is a ‘spell upgrade’ effect; its effects stack with other spells modifying a character’s telekinesis, unless explicitly stated otherwise.


Possible Precursors: Telekinetic Wave, Telekinetic Launch

Precursor to: Telekinetic Wave Blast

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 18, Telekinetic Force or Telekinetic Wave.


Telekinetic Bullet II – Your telekinetic bullets now deal as much damage as an IFD-86 combat shotgun (6d12), though at longer range. You may cast this spell INT times per day. The range increment for this spell is still 20 feet (in case you forgot). Nice and simple, just what the Security Mare ordered.


Possible Precursors: Telekinetic Bullet I

Precursor to: Telekinetic Bullet III
SATS Cost: 25

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 16, Telekinetic Bullet I.

Telekinetic Launch –Transfers a great deal of momentum to a target in a very short period of time, directed up at about a forty five degree angle relative to the ground. By the time it becomes airborne, the target is moving at speeds up to 5x the caster’s INT. For the sake of preventing ‘unnecessary’ math, you can assume that it will launch them up to a height of about 5xINT feet in the air before they start falling back towards the sweet, sweet ground, and that they’ll travel about twice their vertical distance in feet before they touch back down (please don’t tell any physicists we told you to do this). Unless something alters the target’s trajectory, interferes with their speed or otherwise changes their course, they’ll impact at roughly the same speed they took off, dealing (INT/2)d20 damage, AoE. Like falling damage, this is not reducible by armor.

Damage may be reduced or eliminated completely if they’re slowed down, caught, or are able to land in or on something soft (or in water); use normal falling damage rules combined with the Speed Lines collision rules to determine damage in the event of a reduction. Targeting this spell is difficult to the forces involved, and it requires an accuracy roll of base MFD ½ in addition to its normal casting roll. Each layer of overglow doubles the momentum imparted and the distances traveled.

Possible Precursors: Telekinetic Force, Mighty Telekinesis I or II, Alter Trajectory, Speed Lines, Thread the Needle, Railgun

Precursor to: Back at Ya!, Panic Lines, Telekinetic Blast, Railgun
SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 18, Telekinetic Force, Speed Lines or Thread the Needle.

Telepathy III – Green Alicorn Tier! You can now communicate and hold conversations with INT/2 individuals at once, over virtually any distance, as long as you’ve met the individuals before. The spell can be maintained as long as the conversations last with no additional strain cost. As with lower level telepathy spells, alicorns may use telepathy as a free action and it does not cost them any strain.


Possible Precursors: Telepathy II

Precursor to: Brain Bleed, Mind Trick, Hundred Year Slumber, Like a Melon!, Mind Alter, Telepathy IV, Waking Nightmare

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Telepathy II, INT 8 or Alicorn.

Teleport Block – Suppresses teleportation within a radius of 10xINT feet centered on the caster. Teleportation spells are made totally impossible to cast within this radius, and any character trying to teleport into this radius from outside it is forced to rematerialize at their point of origin. This spell’s effects last for 1d4 minutes and can be sustained for longer at the cost of one strain per minute. Each layer of overglow doubles this spell’s effective radius. For two layers of overglow, the radius can be centered on a target location or character other than the caster; target characters need not be willing, though the caster must roll to target the spell, and must maintain line of sight with the target character or location for the duration or the spell will be broken.


Possible Precursors: Teleportation II, Ward Against Magic, Magical Suppression

Precursor to: None Known

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Teleportation II, Ward Against Magic or Magical Suppression


Teleportation III – Twilight Sparkle Tier Teleportation! Experience with teleportation allows casters to bring up to INT/2 friends and their possessions with them up to 500xINT feet in range, or to teleport to any location that they know well and can accurately visualize. The caster can now teleport most objects, characters or creatures without accompanying them. Teleported objects, characters and creatures cannot intentionally be rematerialized inside of other objects; the only way to achieve that level of accuracy and to circumvent the spell algorithm’s safeties is for the caster to accompany them, which would necessitate putting themselves at risk of rematerializing inside something else. The range of what they can teleport items from now extends to a 20’ radius, centered on the caster, limited by line of sight. Individual overglow layers can double the number of characters teleported, the distance that they can travel via teleportation, or the maximum distance a character, object or creature can be away from the caster and still be teleported. The caster is still only capable of teleporting creatures, characters and objects to or from their immediate vicinity; if the mage is at position A, and the object they wish to teleport is in position B, then they cannot teleport that object directly to a third position C. They can, however, teleport it to themselves at position A and then a second time to position C. This is the sort of stuff they teach you in advanced magical theory texts, I guess. Momentum is conserved during teleportation; speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out.


Possible Precursors: Teleportation II

Precursor to: Create Matter, Teleportation IV, Time Hop

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Teleportation II.


Tradewinds – This spell allows you to harness the wind to push yourself or a target object along. If you’re using a sailboat (or a similarly powered vehicle – it doesn’t have to be a boat), it can be sustained to literally put the wind in your sails. This spell allows you to push a target weighing less than 1000 macs up to (1d8x5) feet in any direction you choose. If your chosen target is flying or otherwise not restricted by friction (like a boat or a wheeled object), this distance is tripled. Objects cannot be pushed through other solid objects – if they would be pushed through a solid object, they instead take 1d10 damage per five feet they were unable to be moved. This spell’s effects can be countered if the target can manage to hold onto something (STR opposed with the caster’s magic) or dodge out of the way. Also great for making capes billow majestically.

Sustaining this spell costs 1 strain per 5 minute interval.


Possible Precursors: Windy Day, Gale.

Precursor to: Windstorm
SATS Cost: 20

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 18, Windy Day or Gale.

Ward of Containment – Contains a single entity and temporarily prevents it from moving or harming others. Spellcasters trapped within this type of ward are rendered incapable of casting spells. This spell must be sustained to remain in effect, and can be broken if the caster loses consciousness or their line of sight with the target is broken for longer than a combat round. This spell is very powerful if imbued into a talisman or set of talismans, especially if set to a trigger. This ward can be overwhelmed by any attack powerful enough to maim the caster that placed the ward (i.e. it must deal as much damage as the caster’s END*D/W, accounting for modifiers to the resulting value made by perks, traits and hindrances).

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 861

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