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Additional Notes: All alicorns start with this spell. 5 page


Possible Precursors: Flamethrower, Fire Trotter.

SATS Cost: 65

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, Flamethrower.


Like a Melon! – This spell sends so much psychic energy into the brain of the target that it causes their synapses go pop in a violent and explosive manner. It instantly kills most ponies; Strong minded or magically resistant ponies are irresistibly stunned for one combat round and take damage as Brain Bleed, plus an additional 2d10 damage to the head (for a total of 7d10 damage). Damage dealt in this fashion ignores DT.


Possible Precursors: Brain Bleed, Telepathy III, Black Book

SATS Cost: 100

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Brain Bleed or Telepathy III, or a Black Book


Magical Silence – Completely prevents and negates all magical effects, both positive and negative, within an INTx5 foot radius of the caster. All spell effects – including energy weapons damage and other effects – that enter into this radius are totally nullified, with the exception of magical items such as potions, enchanted weapons or talismans – their effects are merely temporarily suppressed while the field is active. The caster cannot cast other spells or use magical weapons while this spell is active. Each layer of overglow extends the radius of this spell by five feet. After casting, the spell’s effects last 1d4 combat rounds, and it can be sustained following that at the cost of 1 strain per combat round. This spell has an interesting effect on magical creatures such as Alicorns or Ghouls, and makes disabling magical defenses such as robots or turrets a breeze.


Possible Precursors: Magical Suppression, Ward of Containment

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Magical Suppression.


Mighty Telekinesis IV – Celestia tier! The things you can do with your levitation magic are the stuff of legend! Not only can you handle your entire inventory with ease, but with enough focus you can even fly at the same level as a novice pegasus. Who knows, maybe you could even move the sun? This spell gives the Flight racial skill to the caster at rank 25 (Yes, it can be increased by skill books and magazines, or with skill points if you manage to learn this spell before level 30). Your flight movement speed while levitating is equal to your ground movement speed. You can sustain yourself (or a vehicle you’re in) in flight for the cost of one strain per five minutes; lifting things with telekinesis other than yourself (or a vehicle you occupy) cost you no strain at all. Also, while flying you do not need to roll flight to use the “hover” maneuver – though this comes at the cost of you being ineffectual at using any other flight maneuver. In any contests of strength that arise with your magic versus an opposing force, you may now roll Magic instead of Intelligence as your opposing roll, and you receive 3 free MFD steps as a bonus versus your opponent. Rolling opposed strength with telekinesis spells requires you to spend at least one layer of overglow – net cost of 2 strain minimum. If you’re suspending an opponent and they manage to move of their own accord, you must recast your spell to restrain them once more.


Possible Precursors: Mighty Telekinesis III.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: *Special

Requirements: Level 30, Mighty Telekinesis III.

*Strain Cost is at the GM’s discretion (aside from what’s listed above) depending on what you want to do with your new godlike powers.


Mind Alter – Alters the memories of the target character beyond the level of simple removal and allows for memory editing. This cannot be done while the target is conscious, and casting it on a conscious pony renders them unconscious for the duration. The caster is also functionally unconscious while they are editing the memories of their target, but retains full awareness of their surroundings. The duration of the spell varies depending on the duration of the memory being altered, usually lasting approximately five times the length of the altered memory. This is a very complex spell, and must be done carefully to prevent gaps in the memories being created or altered.


Possible Precursors: Extract Memory, Telepathy III, Mind Meld.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Extract Memory, Telepathy III, Mind Meld.


Murder of Crows – Conjures up a semi-illusory flock of black birds that unrelentingly blind, wound and slowly consume an opponent over the span of 5 rounds. The ravens will deal 5d10 damage per round to the least armored locations on a target’s body as they peck and bite at the choicest pieces of flesh, ignoring DT. The flock can be divided to cover up to five opponents , although this will diminish both the blinding and the damaging effects proportionally.

Possible Precursors: Unkindness of Ravens, Black Book

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, Unkindness of Ravens or Black Book.


Optical Flare – Creates a magical light of intense luminosity right in front of an enemy’s eyes, temporarily (and possibly permanently) blinding them. The targets must make an endurance roll MFD ½ or be blinded for the rest of combat. Critical failures are permanently blinded. See the Blind hindrance for the effects.


Possible Precursors: Flash.

SATS Cost: 65

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, Flash.


Pass Through Sphere – Your talent with intangibility spells is incredible! You can create a sphere of intangibility large enough to fit INT/3 ponies. While you can’t drop them into the ground and seal them there, you can control the sphere and its contents and move them in whatever direction you wish at a rate of 5xINT feet per combat round. This sphere is easily maintained (It has no maintenance cost), but cannot be dispelled until it no longer occupies the same space as a solid object. Those within the sphere of the spell’s effect are temporarily immobilized for the duration of the spell.


Possible Precursors: Pass Through.

SATS Cost: 65

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Pass Through.


Perfect Illusion – Only changelings and the greatest of unicorn illusionists are capable of performing this spell. It is capable of creating a large projected image of up to (2xINT)^3 feet in size that looks and feels real to the touch, can make or modify sounds and, if overlaid on top of a living creature, will temporarily render any physical objects inconsistent with the illusion (i.e. protruding horns or wings, gender related physical features) both invisible and intangible (though unlike Alter Form, this does not alter the sensation of the target). Also excellent for creating a means of escape from a sealed room, among myriad other uses. Layers of overglow double the volume of the illusion. These illusions are self-sustaining, and will last until dispelled (a free action for the caster). This spell will not displace physical objects, though it can render them temporarily intangible.


Possible Precursors: Invisibility, Moving Pictures, Physical Illusion

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 30, Physical Illusion.


Pony Popsicle – Rather than try to freeze the area around the pony, freeze the pony! This spell requires physical contact, but a successful contact will freeze most ponies solid – from the INSIDE OUT! What a terrible way to go… Targets hit with this spell must make a staggering END check MFD ¼ or be frozen solid, both internally and out, instantly. Failures cannot move or shoot, but can still use magic. They will die within 5 combat rounds (thirty seconds) if they do not receive appropriate medical attention. Critical failures die instantly. The range on this spell can be extended from touch by five feet per layer of overglow. One additional target that is in range can be frozen solid per layer of overglow. Ponies or other targets in sealed power armor cannot be affected by this spell.


Possible Precursors: Icebolt, Snow Drift, Blizzard

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 28, Icebolt.


The Power of Love – This spell requires two casters, both of which must be alicorns or unicorns. Casters that have designated a unicorn or alicorn to receive the effects of their “True Love’s Kiss” spell may only cast this spell in tandem with their chosen partner. Those that designated a non-unicorn/alicorn as their target may cast this spell with any other unicorn or alicorn they come into contact with, but suffer a 40% failure chance (roll and call a range). Only one of the two casters needs to actually know the spell, but both must pay the strain cost. In order to cast the spell, both casters must touch horns and channel their magic at the same time (which generally requires that one of them hold an action). When cast, it banishes any and all hostile forces within 150 feet of either of the casters up to 1d4x100 miles in a random direction; enemies cannot be banished through solid matter. If an enemy cannot be magically banished, they are instead rendered unconscious for 1d4 days. Overglow does not alter this spell’s effects, but if one of the two casters channels a layer of overglow into the spell then the other caster does not need to pay the strain cost. This spell costs two actions to cast.


Possible Precursors: True Love’s Kiss.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 30, True Love’s Kiss.


Reconstruction – Completely regrow a missing limb or other body part (such as organs). Works best if the target is anesthetized or unconscious for the procedure, but can be cast on oneself if needed – the sensation is distinctly unpleasant, and may cause vomiting or involuntary bowel and/or bladder movements (END MFD ½ to prevent this). Heals however many wounds are required to fully restore the target limb. The regrowth process takes around 30 minutes to complete; layers of overglow shorten this time by a factor of two per layer. This spell is not capable of bringing back the dead – if used to regrow, for example, the head of a compatriot whose neck was recently freed from their body, the pony will be effectively little more than a brain-dead shell. Expect such cases to convulse and die rather quickly.


Possible Precursors: Regenerate, Regrow Bone.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 28, Regenerate, Regrow Bone.


Restoration –This is the ultimate healing spell, and is necessary for the creation of the most powerful versions of healing talismans. Restoration removes up to 2+3xINT wounds from a single target, and replenishes their magical strain by 1 point. If the target was suffering from magical burnout, they immediately recover. If cast on a character within 12 seconds of their death, (two combat rounds) this spell can actually bring them back to life (this raises the difficulty MFD of the casting roll by two steps – MFD ½ under ideal conditions), though they will be suffering the minimum number of wounds required for them to be crippled in every location (except the horn, if they’re a unicorn or alicorn) until further medical attention is received. This spell is not capable of re-growing limbs from scratch, but it can reattach limbs as long as they are within five feet and there are no obstructions at the point of reattachment. This is not to be confused with Restore, which is for machines and devices. Reconstruction is the spell you’re looking for if you’re trying to regrow a limb that has been disintegrated or otherwise destroyed.


Possible Precursors: Regenerate, Regrow Bone, Reconstruction

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Regenerate, Regrow Bone.


Restore Shape – Return a transmogrified object to its original, more complex shape. It can be cast to operate on a time delay or on a verbal or physical trigger. Also works as a counterpoint to Greater Transmogrify and Racial Transformation.


Possible Precursors: Transmogrify, Restore, Create Matter

SATS Cost: 80

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 26, Transmogrify or Restore


Reverse Gravity –Semi-permanently reverses the effects of gravity on all targets within a 5’ radius of the caster’s choosing (possibly including themselves), within line of sight.Casting the spell a second time undoes its effects. Overglow extends the radius by 5’. The spell’s effects will automagically reverse if the targets leave the line of sight of the caster.


Possible Precursors: Mighty Telekinesis III, Water Trotter

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 28, Mighty Telekinesis III.

Return to Sender – Stop projectiles in mid-air, turn them around, and direct them back from whence they came! This spell requires you to spend two actions to fully realize its potential; first, as a dodge or blocking action, you may activate this spell to ‘capture’ any and all incoming fire directed at either you or an ally within five feet of you. Because you can use this as a dodge, beginning the effect before your initiative turn can allow you to capture incoming fire from multiple opponents. Then, as a second action, you immediately launch all of the captured ammunition at a single target (or target area, if you captured any explosives). Roll magic for accuracy; each of the captured attacks may be resolved individually or as a group, GM’s discretion. The attacks deal full damage and any bonus damage that may be the result of perks taken by the caster, though receive no bonuses to damage as a result of caster skill level. For explosives, deal damage as though the caster’s magic skill rank was their explosives skill rank. Each layer of overglow spent allows you to divide the attacks between up to one additional target.

This spell cannot be used against energy or flame weapons (excluding the flare gun, volt driver, gauss pistol or gauss rifle).


Possible Precursors: Back At Ya!

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Back At Ya!

Scry – Allows you to see into any location that you have previously been through a reflective surface present in the room. Requires a reflective surface for viewing, both in the previous location and within the line of sight of the caster. A pool of water or a mirror are good examples, though often a polished piece of metal is sufficient. The surface in the location of viewing should be reasonably large; the counterpart surface in the viewed area doesn’t have to be any larger across than a coin.


Possible Precursors: X-Ray, Moving Pictures

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, X-Ray.


Solar Wrath – Your mastery of sunlight is equal to that of the Goddess of the Sun herself! You can focus the light of the sun into a devastating beam of light that reaches out from your horn, scorching all things in its path. This beam can hit any target in sight range, and deals 1d20 damage for every consecutive hour you’ve spent in direct sunlight out of the last 24 hours, ignoring 20 points of DT. If it deals at least 1 wound to a target, the beam is considered to burn through that target and affect any targets directly behind them relative to the caster. All objects within 5’ of the path of this beam are lit on fire as per the special weapon effect. Illuminates 60 feet in every direction of the beam as daylight. Curiously, this spell can be cast even in complete darkness, though doing so requires a layer of overglow. Each layer of additional overglow doubles the damage and allows the beam to ignore 35 points of DT. A single layer of overglow may be applied to count every 100 rads absorbed by the caster as an additional hour spent in direct sunlight.


Possible Precursors: Solar Flare

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Solar Flare.


Sonic Control Sphere – You have learned how to quickly move the invisible, nigh-unnoticeable barriers used to control the vibrations of the air around you, allowing you to move at full ground speed while this spell is being maintained. You are still capable of altering and redirecting all sound within your sphere in the same fashion as “Alter Sound,” but the radius of that sphere has greatly extended and editing sound within it is substantially easier (MFD 1 for most edits). The sphere’s radius is equal to 5xINT in feet, and costs 1 strain per minute to maintain. Unlike its predecessors, this spell does not require line of sight to maintain – you can redirect even the sounds within the earth below you, not to mention around corners. You are automagically aware of the exact location of any sound generated within your sphere as long as it is maintained, giving you a 1 MFD step bonus to dodge any and all attacks originating from within your sphere.


Possible Precursors: Audio Playback, Voice Alteration, Alter Sound, Echolocation, Wall of Sound.

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, Alter Sound and either Audio Playback or Voice Alteration.


Sonic Lance – Your mastery over sound amplification magic is legendary. With this spell, you are capable of producing a tightly focused beam of sonic energy that is capable of literally vibrating a pony’s cells apart, or of (less violently) directly sending a message across a long distance that would normally be out of earshot that is difficult to intercept. When used for violence, your sonic lance acts as ranged weapon that can hit all targets in line of sight without range penalties, ignores all armor unless an airtight seal is present, and deals 7d12 damage (plus an additional 3d12 to electronics such as power armor, robots or automated turret and computer systems). For each layer of overglow, this spell deals 3d12 additional damage. When used to relay a message, the caster must have an uninterrupted line of sight with the target. Use of this spell in this manner allows for clear, secure (because only the target receives the message) communication even in loud environments. The message being spoken can only be interrupted if the line of sight is broken, under which circumstances the object or character responsible receives the tail end of the message. Use of this spell to relay messages costs no strain.


Possible Precursors: Echolocation, Earburst or Sonic Scream

SATS Cost: 65

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 30, Echolocation, Earburst or Sonic Scream.


Swarm of Blades – This spell animates up to the caster’s INT in weapons, allowing them to fight autonomously for the caster in combat. Much like Dancing Weapon, these weapons can be either ranged or close combat and will automatically act to defend their caster from threats. Weapons animated by this spell may take a single action of their own per combat round, acting at the same point in initiative order as the caster and making all of their attack rolls with the caster’s magic skill. They move at a rate 10 feet per action spent. Animated weapons will attack any target the caster chooses within line of sight, but must remain within 15 feet of the caster for the spell to be maintained; those that use ammunition cannot reload themselves. The weapon has DT equal to its weight, and can be knocked out of the spell’s grasp if it takes one or more wounds. The MFD to target the weapon depends on its size; most small melee weapons require an MFD ¼ or better for a successful hit. Animated melee weapons will automatically attempt to block or intercept incoming melee attacks on their caster – block rolls made for these weapons use the caster’s magic skill.


Possible Precursors: Animate Object, Come to Life, Dancing Weapon, Mighty Telekinesis (Any)

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, Mighty Telekinesis I and Dancing Weapon, or Mighty Telekinesis II and Come to Life, or Mighty Telekinesis III and Animate Object.


Tears of the Goddess – You’ve gotten better at casting magical arrows than even the most talented alicorn (unless you happen to be an alicorn, in which case, Congratulations—you’re now the most talented alicorn at Magical Arrows!), and can unleash a deluge of up to 10 magical arrows. Arrows can be targeted individually dealing 1d12 + 1/10 of your magic rank rounded down, damage per arrow, or can be grouped together to deal larger amounts of damage in a single blow, only adding your magic rank damage once per group. Each arrow group deals Xd12 damage + Magic bonus, where X is the number of arrows assigned to the group. Each targeting group or single arrow must roll to target and resolve damage as a separate attack. Groupings must be declared before targeting rolls are made. All attacks made by this spell ignore 25 points of DT.

Layers of overglow can be dedicated to either create an additional 5 arrows (for an extra 5d12 of damage) per layer, to double the amount of DT ignored by this spell’s projectiles, or to cause the arrows to explode on impact. Arrows that explode on impact deal 2d12 damage – an additional 1d12 of damage per arrow (note that this is not an AoE effect).

The range increment for this and all other magical arrow spells is 25 feet.


Possible Precursors: Magical Arrow Rain

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 28, Magical Arrow Rain.


Telekinetic Bullet III – Your telekinetic bullets’ range has been extended! It now has a range increment of 100ft. You’re a sniper even when you’re totally unarmed! Did we mention that this spell is totally silent? It is. Also, you no longer are limited to a number of casts per day. Go nuts.


Possible Precursors: Telekinetic Bullet II.

SATS Cost: 30

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 26, Telekinetic Bullet II.


Telekinetic Wave Blast – You’ve combined your telekinetic force abilities to maximize their effectiveness in combat! Not only does this spell push back any and all anything around you (including characters, creatures, unlucky passersby, debris, incoming explosives and mines, and most projectiles, making it usable as a ‘block’ attack for melee, unarmed, and any AoE explosive attacks), but it also completely disrupts enemies by knocking them flat on their back, making them lose their next action! This attack affects a 60’ radius around the caster, pushing back all characters, creatures, and what-not 20 feet per MFD step below 1, minimum 20’ (So MFD 1 moves them 20’, MFD ¾ moves them 40’, etc.). All affected creatures take 4d20 damage that ignores armor, and may take additional damage from debris. All but the sturdiest buildings (those that could survive a direct balefire blast) are toppled or otherwise seriously damaged. Characters who cannot move their full distance take 3d20 additional damage for every 5 feet they cannot move. Each layer of overglow moves characters 20 feet further; layers of overglow can also be used to allow the caster to propel themselves upwards into the air by 30’ per layer. Characters with this spell can push or pull more than 500xINT in weight, but without accuracy. Have fun pushing over tanks!


Possible Precursors: Telekinetic Wave, Telekinetic Blast.

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Telekinetic Wave, Telekinetic Blast.

Telepathy IV – Alicorn Hive Mind Tier! You can communicate with as many individuals as you’d like, over virtually any distance, without having met the individuals before. You can also detect the presence of minds and intelligence unconsciously at a range of up to PER*30 feet. You’re entirely immune to sneak attacks, except by creatures without mental faculties like robots.


Possible Precursors: Telepathy III.

Precursor to: Dominate

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, INT 10, Telepathy III.


Teleportation IV – Celestia Tier Teleportation! Ponies capable of this level are very rare, but if they wanted to, they could go anywhere they’ve seen a picture of. Range and mass are no longer of any importance. All that is required for the mage to teleport an object, character or creature with this spell is exact knowledge of its location (such as might be provided via a video feed, picture or scrying spell). The caster no longer needs to teleport objects to or from their person – they can now teleport an object from any known location to any location they can vividly picture (so long as it actually exists). Intentional splinching is difficult, but your immense grasp of teleportation theory makes it possible for you to do so on command with an MFD ¼ magic roll (and an additional roll to target – opponents may attempt to dodge, if they can see what you’re doing). Momentum is conserved during teleportation; speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out.


Possible Precursors: Teleportation III

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Teleportation III.


Thunderhead – Creates a humongous cloud, big enough to be a sponson for an Enclave Thunderhead platform. The cloud is created centered on a spot within 50xINT feet of the caster. This cloud can be manipulated by creatures with the Flight racial ability, and grants total concealment to characters hiding within it (those inside it take penalties just like they were in Fog -- an accuracy penalty of 1 MFD step to those attempting to target something it conceals, with the usage of SATS negating this penalty). If created over or near water, the caster has the option of making the cloud darker and heavy with rain. If created in this state, the unicorn may use it to cause a dramatic shift in the weather (+/- 15°C), change ambient weather conditions, and even conceal large areas in a fashion similar to the Fog spell and its derivatives. Each round after being created, Thunderheads can be made to zap any character (by a character capable of manipulating clouds) within 30 feet of them for 3d12 damage that ignores armor. If the cloud is not controlled, it will randomly zap whichever character (or characters) is closest, ignoring those characters completely within the cloud itself. After twenty four hours, the cloud bank dissipates. Each additional layer of overglow adds 2d12 damage to each discharge and grants 1 additional discharge per round. Clouds cannot be manipulated by unicorns after creation, except via other magical spells (like Tornado or Hurricane) that may incorporate or disrupt them.


Possible Precursors: Cloud Bank

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 26, Cloud Bank.


Time Hop – Want to go back and change the past? This spell allows you to go back up to INT days into the past to deliver a message up to a minute in length. It allows you to move both in time and in space- the special limitations are the same as those imposed by your highest-level teleportation spell. The maximum number of days back in time you can travel can be affected by overglow multipliers. Beware, though: the universe doesn’t like it when you create unstable time loops… Let the GM know if you’re planning on taking this spell in advance. It will make things more fun for all involved. Don’t be surprised if you end up delivering messages to yourself.


Possible Precursors: Teleportation III.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 30, Teleportation III.


Tornado – You’re capable of generating over 1000 wing-power with your magic alone! This spell creates a massive tornado with a spout of inner radius 15’ from the wind-wall to the caster at ground level, centered on and capable of moving with the caster, that deals damage to all living creatures (aside from the caster) within its radius. It stretches up into the cloud layer, potentially disrupting anything lying above. Targeting anything within a tornado carries a 2 MFD step penalty; while the spell is maintained, the caster has a 1 MFD step bonus to any attempts made to dodge. Large projectiles (grenades, rockets, missiles, etc.) have an even greater penalty (3 MFD steps) if fired within the tornado, and if fired from outside the wind-wall they’ll be reflected up and outward in a random direction away from the center unless a direct hit is scored.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 848

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