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Additional Notes: All alicorns start with this spell. 2 page

This spell is regrettably not very useful against area of effect weaponry and attacks.

Possible Precursors: Double Vision, Greater Projected Image

Precursor to: Physical Illusion
SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Double Vision or Greater Projected Image.

Dream Invader – A favorite spell of the princess of the moon. Using this spell, the caster is able to perceive and ‘enter’ another pony’s dreams. They may exit the dream at any point they wish, and may alter the dream (an opposed INT roll if the dreamer resists – if not, they may alter it freely) to suit their tastes. The dreamer cannot force their removal from the dream, even if they become aware of the caster’s presence. If the dreamer becomes sufficiently emotionally agitated by the invader it can wake them up, a natural self-defense mechanism. This spell lasts for as long as the target remains asleep, or until the caster wishes to exit the dream. Violent or abusive acts that occur within the dream have no physical ramifications for either the invader or the dreamer, but the mental effects of severe dream manipulation can be enormous on the dreamer. I can’t believe I’ve gotten this far into this spell description without directly referencing Inception.


Possible Precursors: Dream Read, Mind Read, Telepathy II

Precursor to: Nightmare, Dream Walk, Waking Nightmare

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Dream Read.


Earburst – Your magical control of sound has allowed you to weaponize it to disorient and disable your enemies. Unlike Sonic Scream, this spell doesn’t damage your enemies, it merely disables them. This attack affects a target area of radius equal to (INT/4) x5. All characters and creatures in this radius must make an END roll, with the target MFD being the same as the caster’s MFD on the casting roll. Failures are totally deafened for 1d6 hours, their eardrums bursting and dealing 1 wound to the head. They also lose their next action due to disorientation, making them easier to dispatch. Critical failures are deafened permanently and are rendered unconscious for 1d4 hours. If any sort of sound transmission or amplification technology is in range of this spell’s radius (such as broadcasters, powered armor helmets, and other similar items) it will generally be overloaded and shut down for 1d6 rounds due to audio-feedback. Microphones that are actively transmitting within the radius prompt listeners within 5’ of the receiving speakers to make the same END check at 1 MFD step easier. Each layer of overglow increases the radius of this spell by 5’.


Possible Precursors: Soundburst, Royal Canterlot Voice, Selective Silence

Precursor to: Sonic Lance, Wall of Sound
SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Soundburst or Royal Canterlot Voice.


Echolocation – You are able to use your magic to change the frequency of your voice, enabling you to navigate in total darkness via emitting ultrasonic pulses. Conveniently, it also allows you to hear and understand the ultrasonic pulses you emit – otherwise, it wouldn’t be terribly useful. An additional benefit of this spell’s effects is that it allows you to understand the speech of bat ponies, enabling you to converse with them in the same way that they talk to one another above the range of normal pony hearing. Doesn’t work as well on actual bats, though; it just mostly just confuses them.

This spell also allows you to see clearly up to 30 feet in front of you in even pitch blackness for as long as it is maintained. It has no maintenance cost. Contrary to popular cartoon science, it does not require you to emit audible shrieks (though you certainly still can if you want to).


Possible Precursors: Royal Canterlot Voice, Selective Silence

Precursor to: Sonic Control Sphere, Sonic Lance

SATS Cost: 15

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 18, Royal Canterlot Voice or Selective Silence

Electrify – Electrifies the target, overloading most magical systems and causing irreparable damage. This spell deals 4d12 damage, increased to 8d12 if target is mechanical, contains a spell matrix, or is a cyborg. Capable of shutting down technology. Damage dealt carries the Electricity special weapon effect, thus ignoring DT provided by metallic bardings (and dealing damage at the end of the round as an ongoing effect). In cloudy or stormy conditions, this spell gets a 2 MFD step bonus towards targeting flying characters and creatures. Wet characters take an additional die of damage, and all damage dealt is treated as AOE damage for them. Wet cyborgs and machines take 10d12 damage as AoE. While layers of overglow do not increase damage for this spell, they do allow its effects to ‘chain.’ Each layer of overglow allows this spell’s effect to jump from its initial target to one extra target within 15 feet (use the most recent target as the origin). There must be either an unobstructed line of sight between the two targets or an unbroken conductive pathway (like water or metal) for the spell to continue jumping, and it cannot hit the same target twice as it jumps.


Possible Precursors: Zap, Power Source

Precursor to: Electrocute
SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Zap.


Fire Trotter – Ponies targeted with this spell can walk through fire untouched – they are immune to fire damage (such as is dealt by the ‘Fire’ special weapons effect, by fire spells like pyre or flamethrower, or by weapons like the flamethrower or incinerator) while it is cast. They may still suffer from smoke inhalation, however. Each layer of overglow allows the spell’s effect to envelop an additional target (and they don’t have to be living things, but the size should be approximately the same). When cast, it requires no strain to maintain, but only lasts as long as the unicorn casting it concentrates on maintaining it.


Possible Precursors: Pyre, Ward Against Fire

Precursor to: Hooves of Fire, Inferno

SATS Cost: 30

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 20, Pyre or Ward Against Fire.

Flamethrower – Creates a gout of flame that can be directed by the caster’s magic. Deals damage and has range increments as a flamethrower (use your magic skill rank to determine bonus weapon damage). Each layer of overglow adds two dice of damage or expands the radius of the fire effect by 5’ (in other words, makes it so that instead of hitting only targets adjacent to the target, you ignite targets up to 20’ away from your target epicenter). With three dedicated layers of overglow, it can create fire at the location of the target, eliminating the need for targeting (and extending its range to line of sight rather than the maximum range of a flamethrower).


Possible Precursors: Pyre, Flare.

Precursor to: Inferno

SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Pyre or Flare.


Flash – Creates a blindingly bright flash of concentrated light; the targets (and everyone within a 10 foot radius) must make an INT check MFD ½ or be blinded for INT/2 Rounds, rounded down. (This is a 3 MFD step penalty on all accuracy rolls, as well as any skill that requires sight.) Layers of overglow extend the radius by the normal numerical multiplier. Similar in effect to Flashbangs, a thrown explosive.


Possible Precursors: Daylight, Flare

Precursor to: Optical Flare
SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Daylight or Flare.


Fusion – Fuses multiple non-sentient creatures into a single creature. This spell does not work on sentient creatures (or anything that is usually referred to as a character, rather than a creature). Your results may vary.

(This spell functions similarly to an integral spell component of Project Chimera from Project Horizons and its after effects can also be seen in the dead stable near New Appleoosa.)


Possible Precursors: Transmogrify, Teleportation II.

Precursor to: Greater Transmogrify
SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 24, Transmogrify or Teleportation II.


Heartstopper –A logical, if unseemly, progression of healing and nerve magics designed to numb pain or prevent pain from being registered at all, this spell allows you to forcibly incite cardiac arrest in your target. In other words, you give them a heart attack. Target characters must make an opposed END roll against the caster’s casting roll. If they fail, they will immediately fall into cardiac arrest. They have the opportunity to roll against END MFD ½ one additional time per round until they fall unconscious to attempt to restart their heart. Characters entering cardiac arrest may take up to two actions before falling unconscious (no actions if they critically failed endurance at any point during the opposed roll off). If they do not receive medical attention within two minutes of entering cardiac arrest, they will die. A defibrillator, strong electrical shock, or medicine roll MFD ½ to perform CPR is required to restart the heart. Players entering cardiac arrest cannot perform CPR on themselves. Each layer of overglow gives the caster a 1 MFD step bonus on the opposed magic-endurance roll versus their target.


Possible Precursors: Anesthetic, Nerve Pinch, or Put ‘Em Under

Precursor to: None Known
SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 24, either both Anesthetic and Nerve Pinch or Put ‘Em Under.

Icebolt – Focused use of the freeze spell allows the caster to create a bolt of ice from the water vapor in the air and hurl it at their foes for 4d8 damage! This spell has a range increment of 30 feet, and deals 3x as much damage on a critical success on the targeting roll. Each layer of overglow allows you to create an additional bolt, which must be targeted and resolved as a separate attack. This spell lowers the ambient temperature around the caster and target by 5 degrees Celsius, minimum of 0.


Possible Precursors: Freeze, Snow Drift

Precursor to: Snow Drift, Blizzard, Pony Popsicle

SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Freeze.

Invisibility – Renders the caster and up to INT/4 targets silent and invisible (it does not mask their scent). Grants a bonus to sneak equal to 5xINT and costs 1 strain per minute to maintain. Also generates a magical stealth field. Magnitude of the field is equal to the number of MFD steps below one that the caster succeeded on their roll by. While the target(s) is/are actively sneaking it grants them the bonus, greatly aiding them in opposed rolls. While not actively sneaking, enemies take the stealth field as an MFD step penalty to PER rolls to notice them. Penalties to sneak for the invisible character(s) translate directly into bonuses for those making PER rolls against a stealth field.

Characters and creatures under the effects of a magically-induced stealth field are not visible consistently on EFS; they show up as ‘ghosts’, which flicker in and out of view seemingly at random, or not at all.

Each layer of overglow can be used to either double the number of targets affected or double the length of time that 1 point of strain maintains the spell for.


Possible Precursors: Greater Projected Image, Mask Scent, Selective Silence, Royal Canterlot Voice.

Precursor to: Perfect Illusion

SATS Cost: 100

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Mask Scent, Greater Projected Image, and either Selective Silence or Royal Canterlot Voice.

Additional Notes: Blue Alicorns start with this spell.


Knock Out – A single targeted opponent must roll a contest of Endurance or Willpower (INT or CHA, take the better of the two) (their choice) versus the caster’s magic roll or fall unconscious for 2d4 hours. If they resist, they are not unconscious but instead take a drowsiness penalty (-10 on all actions) for the caster’s INT in rounds. If the target is under one or more magical or chemical effects keeping them awake, they receive a 1 MFD step bonus on their roll per effect.


Possible Precursors: Induce Sleep, Telepathy II.

Precursor to: Hundred Year Slumber

SATS Cost: 45

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 18, Induce Sleep or Telepathy II.


Lock –This enchantment magically reinforces a physical lock, preventing access. It is frequently imbued into powerful amulets and magical items to prevent their use by undesirable parties. When cast onto an object, it prevents access to all others except a specific group, selected by the caster. The size and complexity of this group is decided by the caster; very uniform groups (a single individual or single family) are easiest. More complex groups (Extended families, friends) may require one or more layers of overglow to imbue (GM discretion). Much of the basis of bypass spells was derived from pre-war revisions and alterations to locking enchantments.

Possible Precursors: Any Ward, Conjure Tool, Field Strip, Bypass.

Precursor to: Bypass

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, either Conjure Tool, Field Strip or Bypass.


Magical Arrow Rain – Summons five magical bolts of energy and hurls them at foes for a total of 5d10 damage. Arrows can be targeted individually dealing 1d10 + 1/10 of your magic rank, rounded down, damage per arrow, or all five as a single attack, only adding your magic rank damage once. Unless targeting as a group, you must roll and resolve damage separately per arrow. Either way, all attacks made by this spell ignore 20 points of DT.

When used with overglow these arrows explode on impact (this is not an AoE effect), though the explosive nature of these smaller darts does not significantly increase damage - this does not cost a dedicated level of overglow.

Layers of overglow can be dedicated to either create an additional 3 arrows (for an extra 3d10 of damage) per layer, or to double the amount of DT ignored by this spell’s projectiles.

The range increment for this and all other magical arrow spells is 25 feet.


Possible Precursors: Magical Arrow Barrage

Precursor to: Tears of the Goddess
SATS Cost: 45

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Magical Arrow Barrage.


Magical Fog – Summons a large fog bank, covering an area equal to (5xINT)^2 feet up to 10 feet high. This magically dense fog provides an accuracy penalty of 2 MFD steps to those attempting to target something it conceals, and creates a 1 MFD step stealth field (with an equivalent bonus to sneak rolls) within its boundaries. SATS negates this penalty and the bonus to sneak. Those with a pipbuck may use 1 layer of overglow to tie the magical fog’s stealth field into their IFF processor, granting the stealth field bonus only to targets that the pipbuck’s EFS identifies as friendly.


Possible Precursors: Fog, Cloud, Fog Bank.

Precursor to: Fog of War
SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Fog Bank.


Magical Suppression – Creates an invisible, intangible field of highly charged magic that disrupts all other spellcasting attempts within a 5xINT foot radius of the caster. All spells that are centered or targeted within this field are 1 MFD step harder to cast. Each layer of overglow can either increase this MFD penalty by one step or double the spell’s effective radius. This spell’s effects last 1d4 combat rounds, and can be extended at the cost of 1 strain per additional combat round. This spell also disrupts any non- or insufficiently shielded spell matrices that enter the radius. Magical Shielding that falls even partially within the radius of the suppression effect costs an additional 1 strain per round for the caster to maintain.


Possible Precursors: Ward Against Magic.

Precursor to: Ward of Containment, Disabling Spell, Magical Silence

SATS Cost: 25

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 22, Ward Against Magic.

Mana Battery – Your magical ability grants other spellcasters immense power, at the cost of temporarily draining your own. You can provide up to three spell casters 1 layer, two spell casters two layers, or a single targeted spell caster three free layers of overglow. To do this, you must spend both of your character’s actions during a combat round channeling this spell. After the second action, you must pick 1-3 target unicorn-magic users within line of sight of your caster. You cannot pick yourself, nor can you select any character not capable of using unicorn magic in at least some limited capacity.

Until your next action in the following combat round, all spells cast by your target unicorns receive free layers of overglow that cost them no additional actions or strain, but which still apply to their maximum cap on layers of overglow. Their maximum cap of overglow layers increases to four. They may choose not to accept layers of overglow provided in this way for a given spell, though it’s an all-or-nothing proposition. A caster receiving two layers of overglow from a mana battery cannot chose to only accept one of them. Layers of overglow granted by a Mana Battery that are channeled into maintained spells do not affect the maintenance cost of those spells.

After providing at least INT free layers of overglow to targets, each additional layer of overglow they continue to provide puts strain on their own magical integrity. Each layer they provide provokes a magic skill roll, the MFD for which has a base difficulty of ¾ but which is one step harder for each layer over their INT they have already provided. (so for an INT 5 caster, the sixth layer provokes an MFD ¾ roll, the 7th provokes an MFD ½ roll, etc. If they succeed on this roll, they spent 1 strain and the spell is maintained; critical successes do not have to spend a point of strain. If they fail this roll, the caster’s magic temporarily overloads. The spell’s boosting effect ends, their strain pool drops to 0 (zero), and they must roll END MFD 1 or risk burnout. Critical failures burnout immediately, and are denied an END roll to resist.

The target (or targets) remains empowered as long as this spell is maintained; the spell has no maintenance cost, but requires constant attention to maintain – two actions must be spent by the caster every combat round to renew its effects. This spell and others like it gain no effect from overglow, and spells from this tree cannot be cast recursively (i.e. to boost the effect of each other).

As with the prerequisite spells, this spell can only affect those spells with numerical or listed overglow effects.


Possible Precursors: Channeling Assist.

Precursor to: Transfer Power

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Channeling Assist.

Memory Copy – This spell allows stored memories to be placed in memory orbs after they’ve been extracted, without erasing the host’s original memory. It can also allow the caster to alter or remove only portions of a memory, albeit requiring a layer of overglow to do so. Much more useful than its predecessors in terms of strain cost and utility.


Possible Precursors: Extract Memory

Precursor to: None Known
SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Extract Memory.


Mighty Telekinesis III – Twilight Sparkle tier. You can handle multiple heavy objects with ease; with enough focus, you could probably carry around an Ursa Minor! The physical cost of this spell is low for normal use up to a staggeringly heavy 250xINT mac limit. To lift multiple objects of over 100xINT macs, at least one layer of overglow is required. In any contests of strength that arise with your magic versus an opposing force, you may now roll Magic instead of Intelligence as your opposing roll, and you receive 2 free MFD steps as a bonus versus your opponent. Rolling opposed strength with telekinesis spells requires you to spend at least one layer of overglow – 2 strain total cost, at minimum. If you’re suspending an opponent and they manage to move of their own accord, you must recast your spell to restrain them once more.

Your telekinesis has become so strong that you can now seriously slow yourself (or a vehicle you occupy) while falling. This can eliminate falling damage or give characters time to react. Slowing a fall to 5’ per combat round (i.e. survivable levels) requires one layer more of overglow than would normally be required to lift the objects you’re trying to slow. If you can’t lift it, you certainly can’t slow it down against gravity! If your caster is also on the objects you’re trying to slow, it costs two additional layers instead. The good news is this – once your spell is in action, it only costs 1 strain per minute to maintain the slowing. Stopping the fall entirely rather than merely slowing it costs 1 strain per combat round.

This spell can effectively be used to (briefly) hover in place at your character’s maximum jump height using the rules for slowing and stopping falls described above.

Using this spell, Melee and unarmed weapons add your INT rather than your STR as damage; at this level of Telekinesis, your INT damage is no longer restricted relative to your STR when calculating damage bonus based on your melee or unarmed skill – use the same damage multipliers as you would for strength based on skill level.

Possession of this spell passively upgrades your telekinesis. This is a ‘spell upgrade’ effect; its effects stack with other spells modifying a character’s telekinesis, unless explicitly stated otherwise.


Possible Precursors: Mighty Telekinesis II

Precursor to: Swarm of Blades, Tsunami, Mighty Telekinesis IV

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 20, Mighty Telekinesis II.

Mind Meld – Allows the caster to share experiences and thoughts with a target pony. The target must be willing, or at least unable to consciously resist the spell. In the span of a few moments or minutes, the caster and their target can share almost a lifetime of experiences; note that this spell works both ways – while the caster is sharing their memories, the target is also sharing memories with the caster, often involuntarily. Overglow has no effect on this spell.


Possible Precursors: Telepathy II, Mind Read, Dream Read.

Precursor to: Mind Alter
SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Telepathy II, Mind Read or Dream Read.


Mind Trick – You are capable of subjugating the mind of another creature by projecting the sheer force of your will into their mind via magic. This requires an opposed roll between the caster’s Magic skill and the target’s willpower (they may roll both charisma and intelligence and take the better of the two results). The caster must beat the target’s MFD by at least one step to be successful. If successful, the caster can command the target to perform any action that won’t directly endanger the target or be completely against the target’s personality, i.e. this can’t be used to make loved ones kill each other, or to make the target kill I. Attempting to do so breaks the spell entirely. This spell lasts up to 6 hours per MFD step that the caster succeeded by, or can be dismissed by the caster at any time. If the victim of this spell is stunned, put to sleep, rendered unconscious, concussed (crippled in the head), or comes under the effect of any other spell that otherwise affects their ability to make decisions (up to and including drug effects), it provokes an additional roll of magic versus willpower.


Possible Precursors: Telepathy III or Telepathic Stunner.

Precursor to: Nightmare, Dominate, Waking Nightmare

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 22, Telepathy III or Telepathic Stunner.

Moving Pictures –This spell enables a caster to magically project a visual record of an event, complete with sound, in a way that other characters can view. It is very useful for displaying the contents of dreams, reliving old memories and similar activities. The Ministry of Morale is thought to have used this spell in conjunction with memory removal spells to more easily and thoroughly examine the memory of suspected spies. The spell can portray anything the caster can remember or imagine in perfect clarity, as through projected onto a screen – it is believed to have been the inspiration for the first mechanical projector technology. The screen is two-dimensional, and can be projected into thin air or onto any flat surface. When projected into empty air or space the screen is one-way – those on one side can view the displayed images, those on the other side can look through it as though it were an empty picture frame. The screen can be maintained for up to fifteen minutes after its original casting. This length of time can be doubled, quadrupled etc. with overglow.


Possible Precursors: Musical Instrument, Audio Playback, Greater Projected Image, Royal Canterlot Voice, Voice Alteration

Precursor to: Scry, Perfect Illusion

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 18, Musical Instrument or Audio Playback or Voice Alteration and either Projected Image or Greater Projected Image.

Nightmare –Magically twists the subconscious of a sleeping or otherwise unconscious character to prevent them from having restful sleep.Their dreams are filled with horrors, including their worst fears.This spell differs from Dream

Invader in thatcharacters suffering under the effects of this spell naturally recover magical strain half as fast (where applicable), and cannot heal wounds via rest until the spell’s effects are dispelled, in addition to any penalties that may be imposed by the sleep deprivation that the spell necessarily entails. The spell’s effects are permanent after casting until dispelled. Casting this spell a second time on the same subject can be used to dispel it. Each layer of magical overglow halves again the rate of magical strain recovery in the target, if applicable. If not applicable, overglow does nothing to increase this spell’s effects.

Possible Precursors: Dream Invader, Mind Trick, Telepathy II, Black Book.

Precursor to: Waking Nightmare

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Dream Invader or Telepathy II or Black Book.

Panic Lines – Magically accelerates (or decelerates) a target that is already moving up to five times (or 1/5, rounded down – cannot reduce speed below 5’ per action in this way) their current speed. This spell is best employed as a held action to interrupt the movement of others. This is a good way to fling enemies into each other or off of buildings, or to give your Telekinesis-held objects that extra oomph! Treat each twenty feet of movement speed as 10 feet of fall damage (1d20), if the target is moving into a solid object (or if a solid object is rapidly moving into them).

Possession of this spell passively upgrades your telekinesis abilities – you may now move objects 15’ per action spent relative to the caster, instead of 5’ (the base amount). This is a ‘spell upgrade’ effect; its effects stack with other spells modifying a character’s telekinesis.


Possible Precursors: Speed Lines, Telekinetic Launch, Thread the Needle

Precursor to: Railgun, Breakneck Speed

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 18, Speed Lines.


Pass Through – Renders a non-living target (ghouls count as living for the purposes of this spell) or target area up to 5xINT feet cubed in volume completely intangible for as long as this spell is maintained. This spell costs 1 strain per combat round (6 seconds) to maintain. If the area returns to tangibility while a character, creature or object is inside, splinching (explained under the teleportation heading of chapter 7) may occur.


Possible Precursors: Ghost

Precursor to: Pass Through Sphere

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Ghost.

Phantom – This spell renders the caster and their current inventory intangible, allowing them to pass through solid matter and allows them to fly and hover. Use the caster’s magic skill as the fly skill for the purpose of aerial maneuvers. This intangibility will be disrupted if the caster is affected by magic, such as a spell or an energy weapon ‘projectile’. Like its precursor, this spell does not cost strain to be maintained; unlike its precursor, however, this spell can be temporarily disrupted by the caster at will (i.e. to make an attack) without having to recast it. The spell will automagically reassert itself as soon as the attack or other action is complete. It’s not recommended to attempt this from inside a currently corporeal object, as splinching (explained under the teleportation heading of chapter 7) may occur. You were warned.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 932

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