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Additional Notes: All alicorns start with this spell. 1 page

Teleportation II – The caster has mastered basic teleportation; they can now bring themselves and a single willing or unwilling friend as they instantaneously travel up to 100xINT feet in range! The friend must be within 5’ of the caster in order to be teleported, and like the caster must be at or below their weight limit; objects being teleported along with the caster must also be within this range. Each layer of overglow can be spent to either double the teleport range or include an additional character or creature within 5’ of the caster. Momentum is conserved during teleportation; speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out.

This spell cannot teleport most objects, characters or creatures to or from the caster unless the caster is teleported along with them. The exception to this is small objects (Wt. ≤ 2), which can be teleported to or away from the caster independently from anywhere within their line of sight. Objects, characters and creatures teleported with or away from the caster cannot be intentionally splinched into spaces already occupied by solid matter, unless you’re willing to risk getting splinched alongside them.


Possible Precursors: Teleportation I

Precursor to: Banish, Door from Nowhere, Fusion, Teleport Block, Teleportation III, Clone

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Teleportation I.

Thread the Needle –Extremely focused Telekinesis allows your caster to accelerate aerodynamic physical projectiles to lethal speeds using their magic, with deadly accurate results. Each accelerated projectile does base damage equal to twice the caster’s intelligence, plus any damage due to weight (see the ‘rock’ improvised weapon rules; STR damage is ignored). Arrows, crossbow bolts and darts deal their weapon damage in addition to this and ignore the same amount of DT they would if fired from their normal weapon (and can still be poisoned by normal methods). In other words, an arrow fired using this spell would do 4d4 +2xINT damage, and ignores 15 DT. Knives and other melee weapons can be accelerated as well, dealing their base damage and twice the caster’s INT instead of the normal additional strength damage. The spell’s range increment is 5’xINT for the caster. Only relatively aerodynamic (read: long and thin) objects may be accelerated using this spell (GM discretion advised), and objects cannot be heavier than what a pony could pick up with their telekinesis. For example, a piece of rebar or a long-barreled rifle would work perfectly with this spell, while a bookshelf or a generator would not -- even if their telekinesis was strong enough to pick it up, those object are simply not aerodynamic. Living creatures, including pegasi, are also insufficiently aerodynamic for use as projectiles with this spell.

Applying a layer of overglow doubles either the range increment or the INT portion of the damage only. This is a targeted spell, so roll Magic once to cast it and once more to target it. Overglow penalties apply to the casting roll, not the targeting roll.


Possible Precursors: Telekinetic Precision, Long Ranged Telekinesis, Speed Lines

Precursor to: Speed Lines, Back at Ya!, Panic Lines, Telekinetic Launch

SATS Cost: 20

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 10, Telekinetic Precision or Long Ranged Telekinesis, Speed Lines


Tissue Transplant – This is a medical spell designed to facilitate rapid and safe organ and tissue transplants from the donor to the patient in need. It has no combat applications, other than helping to fix damaged areas after the fighting is past. Tissues must be from related ponies, or risk rejection. There’s a high risk of postoperative infection if this spell is used to perform a surgical procedure in a non-sterile environment. (Flu and cold are quite common.) This spell takes two actions to cast in combat, and requires that both the donor and receiving targets be at least partially anesthetized before it can be successfully cast (if they move at all the spell will fail – possibly with fatal results). Washing the dirt off of the kidney you just dropped on the ground does not qualify it for sterile re-implantation.


Possible Precursors: Anesthetic, Heal, Meld

Precursor to: Meld, Surrogate

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 12, Heal, Anesthetic.


Transmogrify – Turn a held (or nearby) complex item or items into a mechanically and technologically much simpler item of roughly the same shape. Excellent for turning apples into oranges. Ignores conservation of mass. Cannot be dispelled, at least by conventional means.


Possible Precursors: Conjure Tool, Teleportation I.

Precursor to: Alter Features, Create a Door, Fusion, Greater Transmogrify, Restore Shape
SATS Cost: 65

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 10, Conjure Tool, Teleportation I.


True Love’s Kiss – The caster may only cast this on a single target. When first cast on a target, that target character becomes the only character that the caster can use this spell on until one of the two dies (love, despite the name, has nothing to do with it). For INT days after this spell has been cast on a character, when an enemy attempts to use magic on a character affected by this spell, the MFD for their spells is 2 steps more difficult. Also acts as “Dispel” and “Ward Against Disintegration” while it is in effect. This spell renders the target immune to the effects of Mind Trick and Dominate while in effect, and otherwise provides a 2 MFD step bonus on both the INT and CHA rolls part of any willpower roll made while the spell is in effect.


Possible Precursors: Any Ward.

Precursor to: The Power of Love

SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 8.

Unkindness of Ravens – Conjures up an illusory flock of black birds to befuddle and blind (1 MFD step penalty on all ranged attack rolls) your opponents for up to 3 rounds. This flock can be divided to cover up to INT/2 different opponents, blinding them all equally. Each layer of overglow makes the step penalty increase by 1 step. Opponents with more than 1 MFD step penalty take half of that level of penalty to close combat accuracy rolls, rounded down.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: Murder of Crows

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 6 or Black Book.

Voice Alteration –Use your magic to sound like somepony else! This low cost illusion spell is easy to cast and maintain, but very situational. You may alter your voice to sound like any character (or creature, for creatures capable of speech) you’ve heard speaking for at least 5 minutes. Changelings are known to have this sort of magic naturally. You can also use this spell to simply modify your voice to make it unrecognizable; a certain radio DJ makes good use of this ability when broadcasting.

If this spell is being used to imitate a voice that a character has heard before, they may roll once per 30 minutes spent listening to it to detect that it is merely an imitation. The MFD for this roll is based on their familiarity with the target of the imitation; if they know the target intimately, the MFD is 1. If they have only interacted with the imitated target once, and briefly at that, the MFD is Crit. For those characters falling somewhere in the middle ground, extrapolate.

The specific voice alteration effect must be determined at casting. It lasts for up to the caster’s INT in hours, and must be maintained for the duration (though maintaining it as such costs no strain). A layer of overglow can be added to the spell to have the alteration affect a target within both the caster’s line of sight and earshot. Multiple layers can affect multiple targets – limit one additional target per layer (so 3 non-self-targets, max). The caster does not count as a target for the purposes of this limit.


Possible Precursors: Musical Instrument, Audio Playback

Precursor to: Alter Sound, Moving Pictures, Sonic Control Sphere

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 10, Musical Instrument or Audio Playback.

Ward Against Magic – Absorbs and dissipates the first spell that would have otherwise affected the target, unless the spell was cast by the target themselves or the spell affects a large area (“area of effect” or AoE) rather than a target or number of targets. In other words, it only negates spells that are specifically targeted at the warded character, creature or object (or targeted elsewhere that hit the warded subject by accident). Can absorb friendly spells (such as heal) as well as offensive spells, but cannot absorb any potions or zebra magic effects. Wards cost no strain to maintain, but must be recast after 24 hours.

To reiterate: If an Area of Effect spell (or any other magical spell) is targeted specifically at the warded subject, it will negate that spell in its entirety. If the warded subject just happens to be in the collateral range of an area of effect spell that isn’t specifically targeted at them, the ward has no effect – even if the spell is targeted at the space directly above or below them!


Possible Precursors: Any Ward

Precursor to: True Love’s Kiss, Lock, Magical Suppression, Teleport Block, Any Ward

SATS Cost: 50/cast

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, at least one other ward.

Ward Against Radiation – Provides +30% Radiation resistance to targets, and can be cast on multiple targets at once. Unlike other wards, this spell must be sustained for effect. It costs 1 strain per hour to sustain.


Possible Precursors: Any Ward

Precursor to: True Love’s Kiss, Lock, Any Ward

SATS Cost: 40/cast

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 10, at least one other ward.

X-Ray – Turn any non-reflective surface of area up to INT ft^2 into a 1-way viewing portal, allowing the party to view what’s on the other side of that surface without opening it up. The viewing portal does not allow transmission of sound.


Possible Precursors: Detect Movement.

Precursor to: Detect Life, Moving Pictures, Scry

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Detect Movement.


Zap – Creates a magical spark that can be used to overload small magical systems or cause damage. Deals 3d12 damage, or 6d12 if the target is mechanical in nature, contains a spell matrix, or is a cyborg. May shut down technology. Carries the Electricity special weapon effect (and thus ignores DT from metal armors, and deals damage at the end of the round as an ongoing effect). In stormy conditions, this spell gets a 2 MFD step bonus towards targeting flying characters and creatures. Wet characters take an additional die of damage, and all damage dealt is treated as AOE damage. Each layer of overglow allows this spell’s effect to jump from its initial target to one extra target within 15 feet (use the most recent target as the effective initial target). There must be either an unobstructed line of sight or an unbroken conductive pathway (like water or metal) between the two targets for the spell to continue jumping, and it cannot hit the same target twice as it jumps.


Possible Precursors: Spark, Tickling, Power Source

Precursor to: Electrify

SATS Cost: 20

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Spark or Tickling.

Level 3 Spells –Before the war these spells would only have been practiced or regularly used by the highly trained or exceptionally talented. Only unicorns dedicated to the study of magic or with very broad-reaching talents would have access to more than 3-4 spells of this level of power. Many of these spells were controlled, or their practitioners snapped up quickly by the ministries in order to use their talents in the war effort. Normal unicorns can learn a number of level 3 spells equal to one third of their intelligence attribute score, rounded down.

Agony –Channels magical electricity into a target, activating all of their pain receptors at once. This totally disables them for 1d4 rounds and deals 1 wound to all locations (flying targets are rendered incapable of flight). Despite the incredible pain it inflicts, this spell does not (and cannot) physically cripple or kill its targets, as that would prevent the prolongation of their suffering – the wounds dealt are only dealt up front and not dealt every round, and wounds dealt by this spell cannot move a character past their crippled or maimed threshold (simply do not deal wounds to areas near the threshold if it would push them over the limit).

When cast, the target and caster must make opposed rolls, the target using either END or INT (but not both) against the caster’s targeting Magic roll. If they successfully resist, the target is able to fight through the pain and only takes a 1 MFD step penalty on all actions for the spell’s duration, but is still able to act. Failures are unable to act for the duration. If the caster wins by more than 2 MFD steps, then the target also suffers one additional wound to the head and torso for each round the spell continues to torture them, in addition to being immobilized and rendered unable to act through the pain.

Successful casts provoke fear checks (usually MFD ¼) in all characters and sentient creatures within earshot as a result of the screams this spell invariably generates.

Each level of overglow extends the duration of the spell’s effects by 1d4 rounds, doubles the amount of wounds dealt initially, or grants the caster a 1 MFD step bonus on their opposed targeting roll.

Possible Precursors – Tickling, Hemorrhage

Precursor to: None Known

SATS Cost: 30

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 18, Tickling and either Hemorrhage or a Black Book.

Alter Features – This spell alters a targets appearance, and is capable of doing so to the point where the target is nigh-unrecognizable to anyone who doesn’t know them personally, radically altering their coat, mane, and even certain noticeable features such as hoofprints, facial features, etc. This spell could easily pass a zebra off as an earth pony. It is not capable of removing racial features such as claws, wings, horns, etc., but it can render them temporarily invisible and intangible. Use of a racial skill involving any physical feature being disguised as invisible will dispel the illusion. Those with a picture must roll PER ¼ to recognize a character under this spell’s effect. Greater Transmogrify allows for more significant physical alterations, and Alter Form allows for a more perfect, but primarily illusory disguise. Alter Features cannot be cast on an involuntary target.


Possible Precursors: Disguise, Transmogrify.

Precursor to: Alter Form, Greater Transmogrify

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 18, Disguise or Transmogrify.


Alter Sound – You have learned how to place invisible, nigh-unnoticeable barriers to control the vibrations of the air around you, allowing you to completely capture and redirect sound within a localized area however you will it. This spell controls the flow of sound through a radius around the caster, allowing control over what sounds go where and who hears what and allows editing of sound as Audio Playback (though using this feature requires a separate magic roll while maintaining the sphere, to represent how difficult the edit in question is to do in real time; most edits are MFD ½). The radius is equal to 2xINT feet, rounded down to the nearest number divisible by five. The caster must remain motionless for the spell to remain in effect, and maintaining this spell requires 1 strain per round after the one in which it is cast.


Possible Precursors: Audio Playback, Amplify Ambience, Voice Alteration

Precursor to: Sonic Control Sphere, Sonic Lance, Wall of Sound

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Audio Playback or Amplify Ambience or Voice Alteration.


Back At Ya! – This spell demonstrates your mastery over projectile weapons beyond the use of simple and crude guns and explosives launchers. Your magic is capable of reaching out and flat out stopping a single incoming projectile. If the projectile is explosive, you may spend an action to disarm it before discarding it (otherwise it’ll still explode when it touches down). Additional layers of overglow may be spent to stop additional projectiles (one per layer), or to throw them back from whence they came (one layer per projectile returned). If you’re only stopping a single bullet from a burst-fire weapon, reduce that weapon’s damage by one die per projectile stopped. If returning the damage from a burst fire weapon, reduce your damage dealt by one die for every bullet not returned. Returned bullets must still be targeted (using the magic skill)

This spell cannot be used against energy or flame weapons (excluding the flare gun, gauss rifle, volt driver or gauss pistol).


Possible Precursors: Alter Trajectory, Thread the Needle

Precursor to: Telekinetic Launch, Return to Sender

SATS Cost: 20

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Alter Trajectory or Thread the Needle.


Banish –Is something decidedly ‘off’ about one of your friends, or there are more copies of them running around then there should be? This is probably the spell you need.This spell, when cast at or on any magical construct, simulacrum, or duplicate of an original creature, banishes that creature back from whence it came.There is, of course, a catch – this spell cannot distinguish between the original copy of a creature and its duplicates. If the original is banished along with any extra copies, the last remaining duplicate will become the ‘real’ copy of the character or creature. The real character or creature will then be banished forever.Overglow has no effect on this spell.

Possible Precursors: Teleportation II, Magical Beam II, Summon Bloatsprite

Precursor to: Summon Bloatsprite

SATS Cost: 20

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 20, Roleplaying Reason or GM Permission.

Blood Cast – Automagically stabilizes a character who is suffering from bleeding wounds. The wounds are immediately clotted magically, forming a sort of cast around their body that completely prevents movement but allows breathing. This cast has a DT equal to 5x the number of wounds a character has suffered. The cast only immobilizes areas that have had at least one wound inflicted on them.


Possible Precursors: Hemorrhage, Sword of Blood

Precursor to: None Known

SATS Cost: 15
Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Mighty Telekinesis I and Heal; Black Book.

Brain Bleed – Sends a powerful burst of psychic energy at a specific target, stunning them and causing physical pain from synaptic overload. Targets take -30 on their next three actions and 5d10 of damage to the head, ignoring all DT from armor (including natural armor!).


Precursor to: Like a Melon!

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 20, Telepathic Stunner, Telepathy III


Bypass – This spell does absolutely nothing on its own. While maintained during the casting of other spells or when cast into a character or an item (such as a bullet or any other weapon) it allows that item or spell to bypass a specific type of thing entirely, such as magical shielding, a specific race, members of a certain bloodline, solid matter, concrete, or armor to name a few examples.


Possible Precursors: Armor Penetration, Lock

Precursor to: Lock

SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Roleplaying Reason.


Cleanse Radiation – Removes all traces of magical radiation from a single target over a period of two hours. This spell does not undo any damaging effects that may have resulted from radiation. Despite its anti-radioactive effects, this spell is quite harmless to ghouls and alicorns.


Possible Precursors: Cleanse Poison, Heal

Precursor to: Restore Shape

SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Minor Healing or Heal, and Cleanse Poison.


Cloud Bank – Creates a very large cloud, big enough to be a wing-sponson for an Enclave Raptor or a medium sized house for 1-2 pegasi (Suggested volume approximately 100 to 200xINT cubic feet). The cloud must be centered within 15xINT feet of the caster. This cloud can be manipulated by creatures with the fly ability, and grants total concealment to characters hiding within it (those inside it take penalties just like fog, 1 MFD step penalty to see or fire out). For one layer of overglow, this cloud bank is a thundercloud bank. Each round after being created, a thundercloud bank will immediately zap the first character within 10 feet of it (excluding any character that is fully inside of it) for 3d12 damage that ignores armor. After discharging three times, the cloud bank dissipates. Each additional layer of overglow adds 2d12 damage to each discharge and grants 1 additional discharge before dissipation.


Possible Precursors: Cloud, Fog Bank

Precursor to: Thunderhead

SATS Cost: 80

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 18, Cloud or Fog Bank


Create a Door – Need a way out from a locked room, but you can’t teleport, lack the key, and have no lockpicking expertise? No problem – you make your OWN door! This spell reshapes the material of a wall to make a door out to the other side. This door is simple in design, and can be pushed open without much effort. The spell is limited by the materials of which the wall is comprised; wooden walls, clouds, dirt and drywall are relatively easy to reshape, while tougher, thicker, or heavier materials are more difficult. Steel and scrap metal require one layer of overglow to reshape a door through them. Heavier or more reinforced materials – concrete or reinforced steel, for example – require two or more layers of overglow to be reshaped successfully. The created door has the same material properties as the wall it is formed in. Creating a door that can be closed and locked is considerably more difficult, making the spell two MFD steps harder to cast (but not actually requiring additional magic in the form of overglow). Similarly, creating a door that is concealed – appearing to be part of the original wall unless scrutinized closely – adds one MFD step of difficulty. Note that this spell does not create a space for the door to open into, it merely creates the door itself. If the wall is more than two feet thick, it can be assumed that the door opens up into a wall.


Possible Precursors: Conjure Tool, Teleportation II, Transmogrify, Door from Nowhere

Precursor to: Door from Nowhere

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Transmogrify.


Dancing Weapon – Ever wanted to be able to practice your swordplay, but lacked a suitable dueling partner? Worry no longer! This spell allows the caster to animate a single melee or ranged weapon to fight of its own accord. Animated weapons may take a single action of their own per combat round, acting at the same point in initiative order as their casters and making all of their attack rolls with the caster’s magic skill. They move at a rate 10 feet per action spent. Animated weapons will attack any target the caster chooses within line of sight, but must remain within 15 feet of the caster for the spell to be maintained; those that use ammunition cannot reload themselves. The weapon has DT equal to its weight, and can be knocked out of the spell’s grasp if it takes one or more wounds. The MFD to target the weapon depends on its size; most small melee weapons require an MFD ¼ or better for a successful hit. Animated melee weapons will automatically attempt to block or intercept incoming melee attacks on their caster – block rolls made for these weapons use the caster’s magic skill. This spell lasts up to 2d4 combat rounds after the round in which it is cast, and can be maintained longer for 2 strain per round.


Possible Precursors: Behind you!, Come to Life

Precursor to: Swarm of Blades
SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Come to Life.

Deluge – Manipulates available nearby water to bombard, impede, or potentially drown a foe, dealing up to 5d12 of damage per round with a potential to drown enemies if they’re hit by it more than three rounds in a row (have them roll Agility MFD ½ to try and keep their head above water, or force them to start holding their breath!). Requires a sufficiently large water source nearby; the spell takes care of moving the water rapidly to its final destination. Unlike most TK spells, this spell allows the movement of fluids held in your magical grasp at significantly faster than 5’/action relative to the caster. In fact, it can move a volume equal to your caster’s fluid lifting capacity up to 50’ per action in order to get it to the intended target! Talk about eye candy, right? Sadly, the passive increases to your telekinetic magic don’t work well at accelerating any solid objects – like, at all. Trust us, we’ve tried.

Coincidentally, your source of water needs to be within 50’ of its intended destination for the spell to be effective. This maximum range distance can be increased by the distance per action increases to relative object movement granted by the Speed Lines spell and its derivatives.


Possible Precursors: Mighty Telekinesis II, Faucet, Water Trotter

Precursor to: Snow Drift, Water Trotter, Hurricane, Tsunami
SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: High/--

Requirements: Level 20, Mighty Telekinesis II, Faucet.


Detect Life – Functions as enhanced EFS, pairing the colored ‘tick-marks’ on the bottom of a target character’s vision that represent nearby friends and foes with a name, weight, and health status as an approximate percentage of optimal health and in terms of crippled or maimed locations. This data is only visible to the target, and only while the spell is being maintained. If the target does not already have an active EFS system, this creates an EFS like effect. Maintaining this spell costs 1 point of strain per hour after it is cast.


Possible Precursors: X-Ray, Detect Movement

Precursor to: None Known

SATS Cost: 30

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, X-Ray or Detect Movement.


Disruptor Beam – Shoots a beam of supercharged magical energy, as from a magical pulse rifle, but without the bonus to critical damage (though yes, it can disintegrate) up to 2xINT times a day. If you also have Dispel or Greater Dispel, this beam also carries a Dispel effect. Each layer of overglow adds 2d12 damage.


Possible Precursors: Magical Beam II, Dispel.

Precursor to: Gatling Beam, Greater Dispel

SATS Cost: 30

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 20, Magical Beam II or Magical Beam I, and Dispel.


Door from Nowhere – This is a bit of a strange spell. It does not make doors in existing surfaces (that would be the Create a Door spell); instead it creates a door in front of your caster, in between them and an opponent. This door is in all respects a perfectly normal door, sized for your caster, complete with frame; you get to choose the aesthetic appearance. It can be slammed shut, locked, opened, closed, etc. for the duration of its existence; the door created is permanent and cannot be dispelled (but it can certainly be destroyed). Normally doors created by this spell are wooden and provide situational cover and 5 DT. Each layer of overglow makes the door out of a more durable material, increasing its DT by 10 per layer and changing its appearance accordingly.


Possible Precursors: Conjure Tool, Duplicate, Teleportation II, Create a Door, Summon Bloatsprite

Precursor to: Create a Door, Summon Bloatsprite
SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 20, Conjure Tool, Teleportation II.

Double Team –Make your opponents think that you’re somewhere you aren’t! This spell provides an excellent trick for the savvy unicorn who likes to avoid being shot.With a little bit of magical light deflection and reflection, you can convince an opponent that you’re actually in two (or more!) places at once). When cast, the caster may pick up to INT/3 targets. As long as this spell is maintained, the caster is granted a free dodge roll against any attack made by their selected targets; if they prefer, they may roll Luck instead of agility or an appropriate skill to dodge. Each layer of overglow channeled into the spell can be used to either grant a 1 MFD step bonus to the spell’s provided dodge rolls or to affect an additional target. Maintaining this spell after it is cast costs 1 strain per dodge attempt granted. This spell can be cast as a dodge action in combat, in which case it immediately grants the caster a first attempt to dodge at no additional cost.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 944

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Purple: Teleportation III. | Additional Notes: All alicorns start with this spell. 2 page
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