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Purple: Teleportation III.

Unicorn and Alicorn Spells By Level (Alphabetical):

Level 0 Spells –These are the most basic spells in any unicorn’s repertoire. Nearly all unicorns can use basic telekinesis (hence its position despite the otherwise alphabetical order). All level 0 spells are precursors to at least one other spell. Any unicorn, regardless of cutie mark or specialization (bar a specific few), can learn or perform these spells – that’s what separates them from level 1 spells. If a level 0 spell is not known, it is 1d4 MFD steps harder to cast. Roll 1d4 before each cast; rolling a 1 ensures that if they can cast it successfully they will learn the spell for future use (the spell is still 1 step harder to cast that first time).


Telekinesis– Frequently abbreviated as “TK,” this spell grants remote manipulation of objects up to 2xINT total weight in macs, up to 5xINT feet away from your character. As with most other spells, line of sight (or at least ‘line of awareness’) must be maintained. Objects held in telekinesis can be moved at 5’ per action (which can be doubled with a dedicated layer of overglow) relative to the caster. So if the caster is standing still, that’s 5’ per action – but if the caster is moving at a running clip of 45 feet per round then the object they’re suspending can be moving at up to 50 in the same direction as they are. In other words, it’s difficult to move things with telekinesis quickly relative to the caster, but if they’re moving alongside or along with the caster then it’s not a problem. Telekinesis is a spell fundamentally useful for carrying and manipulating objects, not launching them.

That being said, rotating objects in space relative to the caster takes energy relative to the distance the object is from the caster and the mass of the object being rotated – which is how wielding a melee weapon with TK can still be effective so long as the weapon is near you, but why you can’t freely rotate that boxcar you’re trying to slowly move over the alicorns monologuing in front of you. Rotating an object held in your telekinesis ‘freely’ for 1 combat round costs one point of strain per 10’ away from you it is, plus an additional point of strain for every per 10 macs of weight after the first 10. It takes the entire combat round to do so; though it needn’t be the only spell you’re casting during the round, and objects can still be moved translationally while being rotated.

Possession of this spell removes the -10 ‘hoof’ penalty to lockpicking. Holding multiple weapons with Telekinesis functions identically to battle saddles – for each additional weapon fired as a single action, you suffer a 1 MFD step penalty to all weapons being fired and SATS cost increases by 10, with the highest cost weapon as a base cost value. Holding normal items along with any weapons does not affect this penalty. Melee and unarmed weapons used with Telekinesis add INT rather than STR to damage; at level 0 Telekinesis, INT damage is not multiplied based on melee or unarmed skill.

Items below ¼ your character’s total lift capacity can be picked up and thrown using TK with a range increment of [(INT/4)*5] feet (no minimum – if it’s got a range increment of 0, you just can’t throw it). If they are below 1/8 your character’s total lift capacity, the range increment doubles. In a combat scenario picking up the object in TK is a magic roll to cast the spell, and throwing it is an explosives roll. Use of TK for anything other than casual weapon and item wielding in a combat scenario requires the expenditure of strain.

Each 100wt of the object being thrown requires an additional action be spent in throwing it.

Remember that the total weight of what you are carrying still cannot exceed 2xINT! If a character exceeds this limit at any point they must make a magic roll. If they succeed, they have a choice – they can either attempt to channel extra layers of overglow into the spell to continue holding their loot, and must spend the appropriate amount of strain to do so, or they expend one point of strain, and rapidly and involuntarily drop items in order of most to least recently picked up until they are no longer over their limit (player’s choice if they had picked up multiple items at once). If they fail, the spell fizzles explosively, costing them one strain per unit weight over the limit… and everything they were holding drops! These rules for overloading a unicorn’s telekinesis apply to all spells derived from telekinesis, including all the precursors listed below, and all of the precursors of those spells, ad infinitum.


Precursor for: Drip, Mighty Telekinesis I, Long Ranged Telekinesis, Telekinetic Precision, Telekinetic Force

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Level Requirements: None

Cutie Mark Spell – This spell’s effect varies based on the specific details and focus of your character’s cutie mark. Some cutie marks can grant enhanced versions of existing spells, while others are entirely new spells that aren’t even listed here (talk with your GM and see what you can work out together). It is recommended (but certainly not mandatory) that GMs scale the effectiveness of cutie mark spells as a ‘freebie’ for unicorns as they increase in level.

Precursor for: Varies

SATS Cost: Varies

Strain Cost: Low

Level Requirements: None

Light –Creates a small globe light of light about the size of a baseball at the tip of the caster’s horn, illuminating a 10-15’ radius brightly and up to twice that radius dimly. Light does not count as a maintained spell for the purposes of casting or sustaining multiple spells simultaneously. Layers of overglow can be used to increase the radius of illumination by 5’, or to move the globe of light off of the caster’s horn up to 5’ away in any direction. If separated from their horn the ball of light still moves with the caster, but can be moved around obstacles in this fashion. Needless to say, sneaking while this spell is maintained isn’t a wise decision.

Precursor for: Sunbeam, Spark, Magical Beam, Magical Arrow, Projected Image, Light Show, Daylight, Pyre, Flare

SATS Cost: 20

Strain Cost: Low

Level Requirements: None

Memory View – Allows direct access to the memories of a living target. The target must be either willing or restrained. A successful cast views one random memory from the target’s past. Both caster and target are rendered immobile for the duration of the memory viewed – the target is rendered unconscious, while the caster is ‘viewing’ the memory and thus not unconscious but still unaware of their surroundings. This spell is dangerous; if the caster fails their casting roll the spell may accidentally extract memories of important things like how to walk, breathe, use the bathroom, etc. They also run the risk of overwriting portions of their own personality, or of simply giving themselves an aneurysm and dying. Critical failures may do one, several, or all of these things to the caster, the target, or both. For one layer of overglow, the viewed memory can also be extracted for permanent removal or for placement into an empty memory orb. Each layer of overglow not spent towards extraction can be used to view another randomly selected memory.

Precursor for: Access Memory, Telepathy, Lie Detector, Painkiller, Magical Assist, Induce Tiredness, Dream Read, Extract Memory

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Level Requirements: None

Level 1 Spells – Pre-war, casting one or more of these simple spells would have been the baseline requirement for graduation from magic kindergarten. They’re basic tricks that most unicorns out in the wasteland would know or have heard of, and with proper instruction and dedication any unicorn could probably learn any one of these, regardless of their cutie mark. If a spell isn’t related to their cutie mark, they may simply find it far too uninteresting to bother learning. Normal unicorns can learn an unlimited number of level 1 spells.


Access Memory – Allows the caster to tap into the memories of another pony at relatively low risk to themselves. The target character must be willing or restrained, and only the caster is rendered unconscious for the duration of the memory – the target character is conscious but immobilized. Unlike Memory View, this spell gives the caster greater control over which memory (or memories) is accessed, by drawing the memory into themselves rather than delving into the mind of their subject. It requires two layers of overglow to extract any number of the viewed memories due to their reduced presence in the target character’s mind. Critical failures bear the same risks as memory view (forgetting important bodily functions, overwriting one or both characters’ personalities, aneurysms), but failures are no longer as dangerous. Up to 1d4 memories can be accessed per cast.

Possible Precursors: Memory View

Precursor for: Extract Memory

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Level Requirements: 4

Other Requirements: None


Animate Object – Causes a single object, such as a crank lever, to move of its own accord. This movement must be in a simple recurring pattern, and if the object encounters any sort of inconsistent resistance to motion it will immediately stop. This spell does not require strain to sustain, but does require that the caster maintain line of sight with the object. The object being moved must be light enough that the caster can carry it in their magic.

Possible Precursors: None (Telekinesis)

Precursor for: Featherweight, Alter Trajectory, Come to Life, Swarm of Blades

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Level Requirements: 4

Other Requirements: Telekinesis

Auto Sort – When cast on a bag or other container of items, this spell will organize the contents in whatever way is desired by the caster at the time of casting. It tends to categorically sort items by type and name. If linked to a heads up display or an EFS spell, it will automagically name and discern specific qualities about the items in the inventory it’s managing, magically reaching out and searching through databases within the remnants of the old equestrian spell matrix network for information or fabricating it based on the item itself when possible. Pipbucks have this spell imbued into them and will sort any bags or containers their wearer has on their person immediately.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Auto-Repair

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 2, Telekinesis (Any Level)

Chill – Magically lower the temperature of a specific item or a small volume of substance (less than INT/4 m3) by up to a caster’s INT score in degrees (Celsius!). Great at parties! Less great at funerals.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Freeze

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Clothes Cleaning – Not all spells are for manipulating the fabric of reality; this one just manipulates fabric. Cleans and dries clothes, light and medium barding; not very effective on heavy barding or powered armor. Also not a great spell for cleaning ponies themselves.


Possible Precursors: None (Telekinesis)

Precursor for: Clothes Alteration

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 2, Telekinesis (Any Level)


Cloud – Creates a small cloud of volume about 6 cubic ft. (big enough for a normal-sized pegasus to sleep on) from ambient water vapor. This cloud can be manipulated by creatures with the flight racial skill, and grants total concealment to characters hiding within it. As it’s still just a cloud, however, and does not provide any DT. This spell does not need to be sustained. At 1 layer of overglow, the cloud created is a thundercloud. At the end of each round that they are in existence, thunderclouds will immediately zap the first character within five feet of it for 2d10 damage that ignores armor. After discharging once, the cloud dissipates. Additional layers of overglow allow multiple discharges (doubled per layer) before dissipation. Clouds cannot be manipulated magically by those creatures without the flight skill unless a cloud-walking spell is used.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Fog Bank, Cloud Bank, Magical Fog.

SATS Cost: 45

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Conjure Tool – Characters can conjure a single, simple magical tool that they have stored away previously (In a set location or on their person) to help them with a specific task, such as a shovel for digging, handcuffs for restraining a foe, or a screwdriver and bobby pin for lockpicking. Tools disappear after use. Guns are too complex to be conjured by this spell, but some melee weapons are simple enough in design that this spell will work on them. Natural materials, such as flowers, branches, and similar items, also work.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Duplicate, Repair, Transmogrify, Door from Nowhere, Lock, Summon Bloatsprite

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4, Telekinesis (Any Level)


Cutie Mark Disguise – This spell can be employed to temporarily hide or replace a target’s cutie mark. If combined with a Ward of Containment, certain chemical compounds, and/or a healing spell, its effects may become permanent. Removal or alteration of a cutie mark in this fashion does not affect a character’s skills (though it may be otherwise upsetting).


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Disguise

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4, Roleplaying Reason.

Detect Movement – Functions essentially the same as the EFS on a Pipbuck. This spell detects movement within 10xPER feet of the character and registers it as hostile or non-hostile. It can perform this detection even if the detected character or creature is totally hidden and obscured, and the sensitivity is such that it can detect even small movements like heartbeat or spell-matrix-driven motors – standing still doesn’t mean that you’re not moving for the purposes of detection! The spell lasts for up to 1 hour after casting, and can be dispelled. While it cannot be truly ‘maintained’, it can still be recast no penalty. . Overglow increases the range of the spell by 10 feet per layer. This spell is imbued into the spell matrix of a Pipbuck. The abilities of this spell to detect a character are unable to be impeded by anything short of stealth arcanotechnology.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Target Lock, X-Ray

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Drip – Manipulate a small volume of water (or another liquid) using telekinesis, without penalty. Normally, attempting to levitate liquids with telekinesis limits your weight – now your only limitation is volume! The volume of fluid manipulated cannot exceed 2xINT ft^3. Note that this exceeds the weight limit imposed by Telekinesis. As with Telekinesis and related spells, levitated fluids have a movement speed of 5’ per action relative to the caster.
Also similarly to Telekinesis, this spell’s strain cost need only be paid when using it in a combat scenario or under pressure.


Possible Precursors: Telekinesis

Precursor for: Faucet

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low/--

Requirements: Level 4.


Featherweight –Magically lightens a load, reducing the weight of what it is cast on by a factor of 2.Costs 1 Strain per minute to maintain after casting. Prewar, this spell was commonly imbued into talismans and spell matrices to make loads easier for ponies, especially pegasi, to pull. This spell is difficult to cast in tandem with the use of Telekinesis specifically, and requires an MFD ½ magic roll to do so. Failures make both spells fizzle after the strain is expended. Layers of overglow reduce the weight further, and make using it in tandem one step harder per layer.


Possible Precursors: Animate Object

Precursor for: None Known

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 6.

Fog – Vaporizes nearby water to create a small patch of fog, giving partial concealment to all those within it. The fog covers an area of up to INT2 square feet up to five feet high. Fog gives an accuracy penalty of 1 MFD step to those attempting to target something it conceals, with the usage of SATS negating this penalty. This fog lasts for 30 seconds (5 combat rounds) and it can be recast as a free action for the same strain cost when it would otherwise expire. Each layer of overglow doubles the maximum height. Fog can be manipulated by characters and creatures with the flight racial skill.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Fog Bank

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Growing Magic – Trick number 25. Cause your target to grow hair in a specified area (even if they aren’t a mammal). The hair can be dispelled by the caster at their leisure, but is otherwise permanent unless removed by conventional means. This spell also allows ponies to regrow hair in areas where is has been removed. In non-mammalian targets, the hair will not continue to grow naturally. Usually grows mustaches, but can grow hair in other places as well.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Meld

SATS Cost: 25

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 2.

Hemorrhage – This spell targets an opponent’s natural healing rate and greatly reduces it while increasing blood flow, causing them to more rapidly bleed out during combat. If a target character or creature is wounded or becomes wounded during that round (and has blood or some other vital fluids), then that character takes one wound of bleed damage at the end of that round to every location that is wounded. Each layer of overglow makes this effect last an additional round.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Sword of Blood, Agony

SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 4 or Black Book.


Induce Tiredness – Opponent is made tired by your magical energies. This drowsiness causes them to take a -10 on all skill and attribute rolls for INT amount of rounds. END MFD equal to the caster’s casting roll to resist.


Possible Precursors: Memory View

Precursor for: Induce Sleep, Telepathic Stunner

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.


Lie Detector – Using this spell allows you to ascertain whether the target is speaking the truth or lying. It is not infallible, and if the target is aware of the spell being cast they may intentionally speak half-truths or omit facts. No strain cost is required to sustain this spell.


Possible Precursors: Memory View

Precursor for: Dream Read, Extract Memory, Mind Read

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Light Show – Create a dazzling display of pyrotechnics visible for miles in every direction! Great for signaling others at a distance, though the resulting light show is not as versatile as the one created by Projected Image.


Possible Precursors: Light

Precursor for: Daylight, Double Vision, Flare, Pyre

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Long Ranged Telekinesis – Your range on telekinesis is greatly extended! You can now manipulate objects with TK as far away as 50xINT in feet, as long as you have a clear line of sight (it no longer needs to be a direct line of sight). Otherwise, your telekinesis functions as normal. This is more of a ‘spell upgrade’ than a fully unique spell; its effects stack with other spells modifying a character’s telekinesis unless exclusively stated otherwise.


Possible Precursors: Telekinesis

Precursor for: Alter Trajectory, Behind You!, Thread the Needle

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4, Telekinesis.


Magical Arrow – Summons a magical bolt of energy and hurls it at a foe for 1d12 damage, if it hits. Roll Magic as your weapon skill to hit. This arrow ignores 10 points of DT. A layer of overglow can be spent to either enlarge the bolt, making it explode on impact for a total of 2d12 damage (an additional 1d12 of damage), or to double the amount of DT that it ignores. The explosive effect does not allow the arrow’s damage to harm anything other than the original target (it’s not AoE; it explodes after it’s already been embedded). The range increment for this and all other magical arrow spells is 25 feet.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Magical Arrow Barrage, Target Lock

SATS Cost: 20

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4, Telekinesis

Magical Assist – You have learned how to channel your magic to increase the effects of spells cast by others. While this spell is maintained, your target’s spells are equivalent to have an extra layer of overglow, for free, whenever cast. This layer of overglow can go beyond the normal limit for layers of overglow (three, in most cases). It requires the caster’s line of sight with the target to be maintained while the spell is in use, and is not capable of enhancing zebra magic. Spells without a numerical effect (such as damage dealt, wounds healed, effective range or DT granted) are not affected. Maintaining this spell costs the caster 1 strain whenever a target casts (or attempts to cast) a spell. Overglow does not affect the casting of this spell.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Channeling Assist, Armor Penetration.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.


Magical Beam I – This spell shoots a beam of magical energy, as from a magical beam pistol, but without the bonus to critical damage or the Disintegration special weapon effect. This can only be cast up to INT times per day. Layers of overglow can either add 1d8 damage or add the Disintegration special weapon effect.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Magical Beam II, Target Lock, Disruptor Beam

SATS Cost: 25

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Mighty Telekinesis I – Your telekinesis can now lift and manipulate loads 6xINT score in macs without penalty! In any contests of strength that arise with your magic versus an opposing force, you may now roll Magic instead of Intelligence as your opposing roll (this requires you to spend at least one layer of overglow – 2 strain at minimum). If you’re suspending an opponent and they manage to move of their own accord, you must recast your spell to restrain them once more. Melee and unarmed weapons used with Telekinesis add your INT rather than your STR as damage; at this level of Telekinesis, your INT damage can be multiplied up to 2x based on your melee or unarmed skill.

Unicorn levitation talismans in robots are normally imbued with this spell. When making levitation talismans using unicorn magic, the base lifting strength of the talisman is equal to 10 times the weight of the gemstone used as a focus (overglow doubles the strength).

This is more of a ‘spell upgrade’ than a fully unique spell; its effects stack with other spells modifying a character’s telekinesis unless exclusively stated otherwise. Mighty TK’s effects do not stack with those of TK Force; the two spells are mutually exclusive.


Possible Precursors: Telekinesis

Precursor for: Come to Life, Mighty Telekinesis II, Telekinetic Launch, Blood Cast, Swarm of Blades.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4, Telekinesis

Additional Notes: Most Alicorns start with this spell.


Minor Healing – Heals superficial scrapes, cuts, and bruises. Removes 2 wounds from the target, starting in the area that is the least wounded. While this and all other healing spells can be cast multiple times on a target, this spell cannot heal a limb that is crippled to the point where that limb would no longer be crippled. It is incapable of healing damaged unicorn horns.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Anesthetic, Cleanse Poison, Heal, Mend, Cleanse Radiation.

SATS Cost: 25

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Muffle – Renders the caster and up to INT/2 targets silent while the spell is maintained. This effect means that no auditory perception checks can be used to detect your targets, though line-of-sight perception still works. Unlike Silence, this spell is not an area of effect, but requires line of sight with the targets to be maintained. Strain cost to maintain this spell is 1/minute. The caster may choose to have this spell manifest in the form of a conjured zipper over the targets’ mouths, if they so please.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Amplify Ambience, Audio Playback, Mask Scent, Royal Canterlot Voice, Selective Silence.

SATS Cost: 45

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4 or Musical Instrument.


Musical Instrument – Creates music similar to that of a specific instrument for up to 10 minutes per cast. It can also be used to slightly amplify a singer’s voice, though not to anywhere near the same magnitude as the effect of the Royal Canterlot Voice spell.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: Muffle, Amplify Ambience, Audio Playback, Royal Canterlot Voice, Soundburst, Voice Alteration, Flashbang, Moving Pictures

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Painkiller – Numb the pain of a single area for INT minutes. Affected targets cannot use that area, but do not suffer crippled penalties from the wounds that area may have. Each layer of overglow allows you to affect an additional location on your opponent. Unwilling opponents may make an opposed END roll versus the caster’s magic roll made to cast.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor for: Anesthetic, Cleanse Poison.

SATS Cost: 20

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Polish – Restores and performs minor repairs to the exterior of a device, raising its condition by one step (or recovering 1/10 of its total DT, in the case of armors). This spell cannot be used on any single item or weapon more than once per week.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: Auto-Repair, Clothes Alteration, Repair, Replenish.

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4, Telekinesis


Projected Image – Creates a projected image of a small (INT^3 feet) size that is clearly magical and illusory, usually see through. It cannot make sound. This costs 1 strain per 5 minutes to sustain. Each layer of overglow spent makes the image more convincing and realistic. Detecting whether or not the image is illusory is an opposed roll of perception versus the caster’s magic, with the caster re-rolling (That is to say, do not use your spellcasting roll against the opponent’s PER roll.). Layers of overglow give the caster a 1 MFD step bonus on the opposed roll.


Possible Precursors: Light

Precursor to: Disguise, Double Vision, Greater Projected Image.

SATS Cost: 45

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.


Set – Sets broken bones into place properly with magic, and prevents some of the bruising of the surrounding tissue. Use of this spell on a crippled limb within an hour of it sustaining the crippling injury will increase the rate of natural healing for that area to one wound per 12 hours spent resting until it is no longer crippled. This spell can also be used in place of a medicine roll to set a broken limb (Normally MFD ¾). Neither this spell nor conventional healing potions is strong enough to remove the crippled condition from a unicorn or alicorn’s horn.


Possible Precursors: None (Telekinesis)

Precursor to: Mend

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4, Telekinesis


Shelter Shield – Creates a magical, transparent, impermeable shield that blocks incoming weapons fire, providing DT of 2xINT for all protected by it. The shield appears as a translucent wall, but can be shaped as the caster likes, with a maximum surface area equal to INT ft^2. While not very effective in combat (it will collapse if enough damage is dealt to it in a single attack to deal two wounds to the caster if they were unarmored, i.e. 2x their damage per wound value), this shield can be easily maintained, costing only one strain per ten minutes. Also protects against the elements, making it wonderful for staying dry while out in the rain. Layers of overglow spent on this spell will only increase the shield surface area; DT provided is unaffected. If the shield completely surrounds a character or object, it can block external radiation and sound. Shields can absorb rads equal to five times their maximum DT before collapsing.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: Shield.

SATS Cost: 30

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.

Additional Notes: Most Alicorns start with the Shield spell.


Silence – This spell creates a small radius (2xINT feet, rounded down to the nearest number divisible by 5) around the caster in which all sound is nullified – both incoming and outgoing. The caster may choose to exclude any number of specific objects within the radius while the spell is being maintained, but cannot exclude living creatures. Characters within this radius, needless to say, cannot make auditory perception checks. This costs 1 strain per minute to sustain.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: Amplify Ambience, Audio Playback, Mask Scent, Royal Canterlot Voice, Selective Silence.

SATS Cost: 45

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.


Spark – Create a magical spark of electricity or fire to create some light, light something flammable on fire, or jump-start a small magical battery. If the target of the spell is wet, deals 3d6 damage + electricity, as per the special weapon effect.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: Magical Battery, Power Source, Pyre, Replenish, Zap, Good as New!

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Style Hair – Used by unicorn hair specialists everywhere, this spell is designed to style a character’s hair or mane. It also shampoos and washes the mane and coat of the target (if the target has a mane and/or coat to wash).


Possible Precursors: None (Telekinesis)

Precursor to: None Known

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4, Telekinesis

Sunbeam – Creates a small cone of light out from the tip of the caster’s horn that can be directed to illuminate objects up to 20ft in front of them.


Possible Precursors: Light

Precursor to: Daylight, Flare, Pyre, Solar Flare

SATS Cost: 20

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Telepathy I – Allows one-way communication with a single individual no more than 10xINT feet away. The caster may continue to converse with this spell as long as is desired; there is no additional strain cost to maintain the spell. Alicorns may use telepathy as other races uses spoken communication; it costs them no strain.


Possible Precursors: Memory View

Precursor to: Dream Read, Induce Sleep, Mind Read, Telepathy II, Want-It Need-It

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4, INT 6.


Teleportation I – At this level, the caster can teleport themselves and items on their person, up to their carrying capacity, to a distance of 10xINT feet away. Small objects (Wt. of 2 or less) within 5’ of the caster can also be teleported up to 10xINT feet, but for any object larger than a soda bottle the caster must travel alongside them. Intentional splinching of items within things is impossible… unless the thing you’re trying to get splinched happens to be yourself! This level of the spell cannot teleport other living creatures, nor can it teleport items to the caster. Overglow can only increase the teleport distance, not the weight carried. Momentum is conserved during teleportation; speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: Duplicate, Ghost, Meld, Teleportation II, Transmogrify, Summon Bloatsprite
SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.


Telekinetic Force – You’ve never been very good at doing fine manipulation with your telekinesis, but you’re really great at pushing stuff around with it! This spell allows you to use the force of your magic to block incoming melee attacks and push back any character within 5 feet of you. It does not require a targeting roll. Enemies are pushed back 5’ for every MFD step level below 1 by which you succeed on the magic roll (minimum 5’) and each layer of overglow doubles the total distance; resisting the push is a STR roll with the same MFD for success as the magic casting roll. If the pushed back characters either don’t or cannot move, they take 1d20 concussive damage for every 10’ they didn’t. This spell’s effects (and the effects of those spells that have it as a predecessor) cannot be blocked, but deal no direct damage on their own and will not penetrate magical shields (environmental damage can certainly still occur). Characters with this spell can push and pull items with telekinesis up to 10xINT macs, but not with any degree of accuracy; in fact, relying too much on this spell can often cause unicorns to lose their ability to finely manipulate objects entirely as with the Imprecise Magic hindrance!

Melee and unarmed weapons used with Telekinesis add your INT rather than your STR as damage; at this level, your INT damage can be multiplied up to 3x based on your melee or unarmed skill. Incompatible with Telekinetic Precision and Mighty Telekinesis; a unicorn cannot learn this spell and either of those spells.

This is a ‘spell upgrade’; its effects stack with other spells modifying a character’s telekinesis unless exclusively stated otherwise. Mighty TK’s effects do not stack with those of TK Force.


Possible Precursors: Telekinesis

Precursor to: Telekinetic Launch, Telekinetic Wave, Telekinetic Blast

SATS Cost: 15

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4, Telekinesis.


Telekinetic Precision – You’ve got a steady horn on your head for when you need to count sand, thread a needle, or keep a pin in a grenade. Your telekinesis is extremely precise and fast, capable of extremely fine manipulation on the fly. Because of this precision, you now have a permanent +3 roll bonus to Repair and Lockpicking, so long as your magic is intact. For the purposes of learning a new spell, this spell counts as being cast every time your character makes a science or lockpicking roll, or performs another task with their magic that requires precision (like pulling the pin on a grenade!).

Incompatible with Telekinetic Force; a unicorn cannot learn both spells. This is more of a ‘spell upgrade’ than a fully unique spell; its effects stack with other spells modifying a character’s telekinesis (unless they are specifically mutually exclusive).


Possible Precursors: Telekinesis

Precursor to: Alter Trajectory, Field Strip, Nerve Pinch, Target Lock, Telekinetic Bullet I, Thread the Needle

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.

Tickling –This spell channels a faint stream of magical energy into a target within the line of sight of the caster, exciting nerve endings all over the target’s body. In other words, it tickles them. It tickles the target to the point of distraction and incapacitation… but it doesn’t really do much in the way of damage. While maintained, the spell prevents the target from acting. Each time the target attempts to act, they must make a willpower roll (roll both CHA and INT, take the better of the two) versus the MFD made to cast the spell. Failures prevent them from acting and cost them that action. This spell costs one strain to maintain every round, paid on the caster’s initiative order. While maintaining the spell, the caster must pay one layer of overglow to cast any other spells – including the use of telekinesis to operate weapons.

This spell can target one additional character or creature for every layer of overglow.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: Nerve Pinch, Agony

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4 or Black Book.


Ward Against Cold – Prevents the first instance of a pony being frozen solid by magical effects. Can be cast on multiple targets; prevents only the first magical freezing or incident of frostbite of a single character. Wards cost no strain to maintain, but must be recast every 24 hours. Characters that are frozen solid cannot move, shoot or attack with close combat weapons, but can still use magic.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: True Love’s Kiss, Ward against Magic, Ward against Radiation, Any Level 1 Ward, Lock, Water Trotter

SATS Cost: 35/cast

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.


Ward Against Disintegration – Prevents disintegration of a character struck by an energy weapon or other weapon carrying the Disintegration special weapon effect, once. The character may still be killed by the energy from the blast, but if killed their corpse will not be disintegrated either. Can be cast on multiple targets; prevents only the first disintegration of a single character. Wards cost no strain to maintain, but must be recast every 24 hours.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: True Love’s Kiss, Ward against Magic, Ward against Radiation, Any Level 1 Ward, Lock

SATS Cost: 35/cast

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.


Ward Against Electricity – Absorbs or disperses any magical or non-magical electricity that would otherwise damage the target. Can be cast on multiple targets; prevents only the first instance of electrical feedback on a single character. Wards cost no strain to maintain, but must be recast every 24 hours.


Possible Precursors: None

Precursor to: True Love’s Kiss, Ward against Magic, Ward against Radiation, Any Level 1 Ward, Lock

SATS Cost: 35/cast

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.


Ward Against Fire – Automagically extinguishes fire on a character, once. Can be cast on multiple targets; prevents only the first instance of fire on a single character. Wards cost no strain to maintain, but must be recast every 24 hours.


Possible Precursors: Any Level 1 Ward

Precursor to: True Love’s Kiss, Ward Against Magic, Ward Against Radiation, Any Level 1 Ward, Lock

SATS Cost: 35/cast

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.


Ward Against Poison – Surrounds the targets in a green haze which immediately neutralizes and removes any poisons that enter their system. Can be cast on multiple targets; prevents only the first instance of poison for each character on which it is cast. Wards cost no strain to maintain, but must be recast every 24 hours.


Possible Precursors: Any Level 1 Ward

Precursor to: True Love’s Kiss, Ward Against Magic, Ward Against Radiation, Any Level 1 Ward, Lock

SATS Cost: 35/cast

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.


Ward Against Stun – Absorbs and mitigates the effect of magical stun on a pony, once. Has no effect on non-magical stun, such as from flashbangs. Cannot be cast on multiple targets at one time, but it can be cast multiple times on multiple targets. Wards cost no strain to maintain, but must be recast every 24 hours.


Possible Precursors: Any Level 1 Ward

Precursor to: True Love’s Kiss, Ward Against Magic, Ward Against Radiation, Any Level 1 Ward, Lock

SATS Cost: 35/cast

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 4.

Windy Day – Creates a strong gust or continuous current of wind, 15’ across and 10’ high, originating from the caster’s horn and blowing in a direction of their choosing. Flying creatures moving against the wind move 10 feet slower per action spent, and if not moving against the wind will be moved five feet in the direction the wind is blowing. This spell can be used as an interrupt action similar to a Dodge or Block – it can be rapidly cast using a held or unused action in response to an opponent’s action to affect the outcome of that action (or actions if there are multiple). When used during another character’s actions, either as a sustained action or an interrupt, this spell renders lighter projectiles such as darts, arrows or crossbow bolts 1 MFD step harder to target and also makes aerial maneuvers one step harder to perform. This spell’s effects are a neat counter to spells that create an obscuring mist or fog.


Possible Precursors: None (Telekinesis)

Precursor to: Gale, Tradewinds

SATS Cost: 15

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 4.


Level 2 Spells – These spells represent a logical progression and further specialization of magic towards achieving a specific purpose. These are the sorts of spells you would expect any young unicorn beginning to specialize in a specific field to know. Normal unicorns can learn a number of level 2 spells equal to their intelligence attribute score.


Alter Trajectory – This spell puts subtle pressure on an incoming ranged projectile to alter its course and its point of impact. It only works on single projectiles, and works best on projectiles that are not self-propelled. The basic spell is only capable of altering its direction by up to ninety degrees, causing it to impact elsewhere. Self-propelled projectiles such as rockets and missiles may only have their course altered by forty five degrees. Each layer of overglow allows you to further correct the course of a projectile by forty five degrees.


Possible Precursors: Telekinetic Precision, Long Ranged Telekinesis, Animate Object

Precursor to: Telekinetic Launch, Back At Ya!

SATS Cost: 20

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 8; Telekinetic Precision and either Long Ranged Telekinesis or Animate Object.


Amplify Ambience –Focuses and magnifies ambient noise in the caster’s vicinity, allowing them to pick up fine details that a casual listener might have missed. This effect grants a 1 MFD step bonus to auditory perception rolls, especially those made to listen in to conversations. The amplification effect is only on the caster’s ears, or the ears of a target character or creature.

While this spell is maintained, loud noises within 10 feet of your character trigger an Endurance roll, MFD ½. Failures are deafened for 2 combat rounds (unable to make auditory perception checks or communicate verbally with other players). Critical failures are stunned for the duration, unable to act. While deafened, characters take penalties to actions as though they were crippled in the head.

Characters with the spell’s effect on them also take double damage from any sonic-based attacks, such as Soundburst or Sonic Screech (a bat pony ability). Endurance rolls made to resist the effects of harmful sound-related spells and magic are 1 MFD step harder.


Possible Precursors: Musical Instrument, Muffle, Silence, Royal Canterlot Voice, Soundburst

Precursor to: Royal Canterlot Voice, Soundburst, Alter Sound

SATS Cost: 45

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 8; Muffle or Royal Canterlot Voice.

Anesthetic – Completely anesthetize a large region of a target’s body (any two limbs or the torso) for 2xINT minutes. The target no longer suffers penalties from any wounds that the areas have, but the anesthetized areas are rendered unusable for the duration. If any of the now-unusable areas is linked to a skill, that skill now suffers a -10 penalty. If the non-usable areas are linked to movement (i.e. the legs), then move speed is reduced by 5 feet per action per area anesthetized (minimum of 5 feet per two actions). If a target’s wings or digging-arms are anesthetized, then they are rendered temporarily unable to fly or dig respectively for the duration of this spell. Unwilling targets not caught by surprise may make an opposed END roll versus the caster’s magic roll (the one they made to cast the spell) to resist.


Possible Precursors: Painkiller, Minor Healing

Precursor to: Cleanse Poison, Tissue Transplant, Heartstopper, Put ‘Em Under

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 8, Painkiller.


Armor Penetration – This spell is cast on a single target to augment other spells and attacks from that target. A successful casting of this spell grants all attacks and spells that do damage the ability to ignore 15 points of DT. Each layer of overglow can either increase this armor penetration by 15 points or make the spell affect another target (for a maximum of four targets). Targets need not be characters; anything that can potentially deal damage (scenery, spikey bushes, automated security, specific weapons, ammunition, etc.) can be a target. The spell’s effects last for one round.


Possible Precursors: Magical Assist

Precursor to: Bypass

SATS Cost: 10

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 8.


Audio Playback – Uses magic to record sound and play it back. Can record up to an hour of sound per cast; subsequent casts can overwrite this or add to it at the caster’s choosing. While recorded, the caster may edit it by making a magic skill roll, MFD based on what type of edit they’re attempting. Sound can be stored and edited for up to 48 hours after casting without maintaining the spell; after that period, it must be played back and recorded again (either by casting the spell again or with a mechanical device) or it will be lost.


Possible Precursors: Muffle, Musical Instrument, Silence, Voice Alteration

Precursor to: Voice Alteration, Alter Sound, Moving Pictures, Sonic Control Sphere

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Musical Instrument or Voice Alteration.


Auto-Repair – This spell can tell its caster which parts of differing weapons, armors, or other mechanical items of a similar type would function best when reassembled into a single piece, providing a +15 bonus to your next repair roll repair when cast. Pipbucks have a lesser version of this spell imbued into them.


Possible Precursors: Polish, Auto Sort, Field Strip

Precursor to: Field Strip

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 8, Polish, Auto Sort.

Behind You! – Using long-ranged telekinesis, you have learned how to confuse your enemies by acting from multiple locations at once! You take no remote aiming penalty for wielding or firing a weapon that is levitated more than five feet away from you. (Penalty is normally 1 MFD step per five feet.)


Possible Precursors: Long Ranged Telekinesis.

Precursor to: Come to Life, Dancing Weapon

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low

Requirements: Level 8, Long Ranged Telekinesis.


Channeling Assist – Your ability to channel magic into increasing the effects of others spells has increased; you can now add a layer of free overglow for up to two targets or add two free layers of overglow for a single target! As before, spells without numerical or listed overglow layer effects are unaffected, and these layers of overglow do not ignore the normal hard cap for maximum number of layers of overglow that can be channeled into a spell.

This spell must be maintained by spending at least one action per round it is in effect after the first round, otherwise the spell ends when the unicorn’s turn in a combat round has finished (even if they hold actions).

Every time a target casts a spell it requires the caster to expend 1 strain to maintain it.

This spell and others like it are unaffected by magical overglow. Spells from this tree cannot be cast recursively (i.e. to boost the effect of each other).


Possible Precursors: Magical Assist.

Precursor to: Mana Battery, Talisman Creator

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 8, Magical Assist.


Cleanse Poison – Removes all traces of any anabolic poisons, toxins, and venom from a single target over a period of a few minutes. At one layer of overglow, this spell can be used to remove all physical causes and symptoms of addiction. Mental addiction cannot be treated in this way.


Possible Precursors: Minor Healing, Painkiller, Heal, Anesthetic

Precursor to: Cleanse Radiation, Restore Shape

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Minor Healing or Heal, Painkiller or Anesthetic


Clothes Alteration –No sophisticated unicorn would be caught dead without this little gem! This spell is capable of modifying clothing and light bardings to fit any size in only a few moments (2d4 combat rounds). It requires no needle or thread, but does require that the use of a subject to tailor the clothing or barding to, even if that subject is only a ponnequin. This is much faster than modifying clothing and light barding by conventional means using the “Modifying Armor” rules in the equipment chapter. With a layer of overglow, this spell can be used to make repairs cosmetic alterations to clothes or light barding, though the raw materials are still required. This is also true for any changes that restore or add features or functionality. With 2 layers of overglow, this reduces the time required to 1d4 combat rounds; 3 layers shorten it to a single combat round. This spell simply cannot handle medium and heavy bardings – the materials are too tough for it to manipulate.


Possible Precursors: Clothes Cleaning, Polish

Precursor to: None Known

SATS Cost: 75

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10.


Cloud Walker – Grants creatures without the flight racial skill the ability to walk on clouds and to interact with cloud terminals and other cloud-based technology.


Possible Precursors: Cloud

Precursor to: Gossamer Wings

SATS Cost: 100

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10.

Come to Life – Causes an otherwise inanimate object to perform a specific task, such as move forward, until the spell is cast a second time (at no additional strain cost) to dispel it. This spell lacks the finesse needed to operate delicate machinery or perform actions in combat, but it’s great for operating heavy machinery that would otherwise be beyond the physical strength your pony can muster. Your pony can operate devices and command them to perform repetitive simple or menial tasks that would otherwise be beyond the strength of their normal telekinesis (this spell can lift or move up to 15xINT macs). The problem is really in getting them to stop operating when they’ve done what you wanted. Sorcerer’s apprentice, anypony?


Possible Precursors: Animate Object, Mighty Telekinesis I, Behind You!

Precursor to: Dancing Weapon, Swarm of Blades

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Animate Object or Mighty Telekinesis I.


Daylight – Creates a small sphere of light that can be moved either by telekinesis or by the caster’s thoughts, providing daylight-like illumination in a radius of 5xINT feet. This doesn’t need to be maintained and does not cost as a maintained spell for the purposes of casting or sustaining multiple spells simultaneously.


Possible Precursors: Light, Light Show, Sunbeam, Flare

Precursor to: Flare, Flash

SATS Cost: 25

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Light, Light Show or Sunbeam.


Disguise – This spell will disguise the target so as to make them difficult to recognize by anyone who didn’t know them personally, altering cosmetic features such as hair length, style, clothing shape, and to a lesser extent, coloration. It does not affect their cutie mark. While maintained, it requires a PER check of MFD ¾ to recognize the target given a picture of their undisguised self or MFD ¼ if given only a verbal description.


Possible Precursors: Cutie Mark Disguise, Projected Image

Precursor to: Alter Features

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Sneak 75.


Dispel – Disrupts magic of equal or lesser level, such as spells maintained by unicorns or alicorns or minor enchantments. Can also disrupt low recipe-level zebra enchantments, but requires direct physical contact. Excellent for temporarily disabling spell matrices or suppressing the magics of unicorn talismans – a successful cast will render such devices inoperative for 1d3 rounds. For three layers of overglow, this spell can disrupt a single level 3 spell.


Possible Precursors: Any Level 2 Spell

Precursor for: Disruptor Beam, Greater Dispel

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Must know a Level 2 Spell.


Double Vision –This illusion blurs the outline of the caster or their target, making it difficult for enemies to focus on them. It works by bending the light magically so that light moves inconsistently in the space immediately surrounding the target. Any character or creature under the effects of this spell is 1 MFD step harder to target while the spell is maintained. Maintaining this spell costs 1 strain per 30 seconds when cast. If not maintained, it lasts for one combat round.

Possible Precursors: Projected Image, Light Show.

Precursor for: Double Team,

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Special*

Requirements: Level 10, Projected Image or Light Show.

Dream Read – Allows the caster to “see” into the target’s dreams. The target may become aware of the caster if they act inconsistently within the dream, but minor alterations to the dreamscape by the caster are certainly possible.


Possible Precursors: Memory View, Lie Detector, Access Memory or Telepathy I.

Precursor for: Dream Invader, Mind Meld

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Special*

Requirements: Level 10, Memory View, Lie Detector, Access Memory or Telepathy I.

*Strain Cost is at the GM’s discretion depending on what you want to do.


Duplicate –Makes a precise copy of any inanimate object of weight less than or equal to the caster’s INT score. The caster must have the object on hand and be able to study it for at least an hour with their magic in order to copy it precisely; the spell’s formula is limited such that imprecise understanding of the object prevents the spell from working at all, rather than producing an imprecise copy. The spell also requires that raw material of a similar nature to the object being duplicated be available to create the copy from. More intricate items, particularly items with magical properties like talismans, gold, and gemstones, can take multiple hours or even days of inspection and magical analysis before they can be copied. Each layer of overglow increases the maximum weight limit of the copied object by 5.

This spell’s only other limitation is that it cannot be used on anything that it perceives as living; what the spell recognizes as living is ultimately at the GM’s discretion, but needless to say it makes copying certain fruits and vegetables quite difficult.

Possible Precursors: Conjure Tool, Teleportation I, Repair

Precursor for: Restore, Summon Bloatsprite, Clone, Create Matter

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Very High

Requirements: Level 14, Teleportation I and either Conjure Tool or Repair.

Extract Memory – This is the spell used by the Ministries of Peace and Morale to extract the memories of other ponies. This process removes the memory from the pony; if a memory orb is used, the memory can be stored instead of just erased.


Possible Precursors: Memory View, Access Memory, Lie Detector, Dream Read, Mind Read

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: High

Requirements: Level 10, Memory View, Access Memory, Lie Detector, Dream Read, or Mind Read

Faucet – Manipulate a larger amount of water (or another liquid) using telekinesis, without penalty and regardless of weight or content (within reason). The volume manipulated cannot exceed 5xINT ft^3. As with telekinesis, levitated materials move at a speed of 5’ per action relative to the caster. This is a form of telekinesis.


Possible Precursors: Drip.

Precursor to: Deluge, Water Trotter

SATS Cost: --

Strain Cost: Low/--

Requirements: Level 10, Drip.


Field Strip – This spell disassembles weapons for proper cleaning and maintenance. It requires knowledge of the weapon being disassembled (an INT roll at varying MFD if the weapon is not terribly common). With a little unconventional thinking, this spell can be highly effective in combat if the weapon in question doesn’t belong to you or your friends. It cannot manipulate or disassemble weapons held aloft by the magic of other characters or creatures. Out of combat, this spell grants a +10 on any repair rolls made to maintain a weapon.


Possible Precursors: Telekinetic Precision, Auto-Repair

Precursor to: Auto-Repair, Lock

SATS Cost: 50

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Telekinetic Precision.


Flare – Channels the sun’s energy into a small ball of brightly-burning flame and throws it at an opponent. Functions identically to a flare gun, targeted with Magic. Illuminates everything within 30’ of its path. Layers of overglow deal 1d6 of extra damage, ignore 5 additional points of DT, and illuminate an additional 5’ in every direction of its path.


Possible Precursors: Light, Light Show, Sunbeam or Daylight

Precursor to: Daylight, Flash, Solar Flare

SATS Cost: 30

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 8, Light, Light Show, Sunbeam or Daylight.


Fog Bank – Vaporizes nearby water to create a large, dense patch of fog that gives partial concealment to all those within it. The fog covers an area of up to (three times the caster’s INT score) squared up to 8 ft. high. This fog provides an accuracy penalty of 1 MFD step to those attempting to target something it conceals. SATS negates this penalty.


Possible Precursors: Fog, Cloud

Precursor to: Magical Fog, Cloud Bank

SATS Cost: 40

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 8, Fog, Cloud.


Freeze – Flash-freeze an area or object, dropping its temperature to below 0°C. May deal up to 3d8+INT damage to living creatures; useless against robots, and deals reduced damage (1d8+INT) against ghouls. Has a targeting range increment of 25 feet. Critical successes on the casting roll can flash-freeze one of the target’s extremities (but not the head), rendering it inoperable and possibly destroying that limb if it does not receive medical attention within an hour of being frozen. Characters in sealed armor are unaffected by this spell.


Possible Precursors: Chill

Precursor to: Icebolt, Snow Drift, Create Matter

SATS Cost: 35

Strain Cost: Medium

Requirements: Level 10, Chill.

Gale – Conjures up a forceful wind that pushes outwards in a multidirectional wave from the caster’s horn, forcing any creatures within range back 10 feet further from the caster. This wave can push back any creatures of weighing less than 1000 macs that are within a short distance of the caster (INTx5 feet) when the spell is cast. If they can hold onto something, creatures or characters affected by this spell may roll STR roll against your spellcasting roll. If they beat it by at least 1 MFD step, they are not moved; critical failures are moved twice as far. Flying opponents are blown back twice as far and must make a flight roll MFD ¾ to remain airborne. Opponents anchored against fixed obstructions or against a wall

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Unicorn and Alicorn Spells | Additional Notes: All alicorns start with this spell. 1 page
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