All spell names are color coded by spell level, except as the title for their descriptions. Spell levels progress as follows (parentheticals mark the number of spells a normal unicorn can know):
Level 0 (Unlimited)
Level 1 (Unlimited)
Level 2 (INT)
Level 3 (INT/3)
Level 4 (1)
Unicorn and Alicorn Spells by Category (best fit):
Chill, Cloud, Drip, Fog, Light Show, Spark, Sunbeam, Windy Day
Daylight, Cloud Walker, Faucet, Fog Bank, Freeze, Gale, Pyre, Zap
Cloud Bank, Deluge, Electrify, Fire Trotter, Flamethrower, Icebolt, Magical Fog, Snow Drift, Solar Flare, Tradewinds, Water Trotter, Windstorm
Blizzard, Electrocute, Fog of War, Hooves of Fire, Hurricane, Inferno, Pony Popsicle, Solar Wrath, Thunderhead, Tornado, Tsunami
Magical Assist, Minor Healing, Painkiller, Set, Shelter Shield
Cleanse Radiation, Heartstopper, Mana Battery, Panic Lines, Put ‘Em Under, Regenerate, Regrow Bone, Shield Bubble, Surrogate
Breakneck Speed, Building Shield, Cleanse Taint, Healing Potions, Reconstruction, Restoration, Transfer Power
Memory View
Access Memory, Lie Detector, Induce Tiredness, Telepathy I
Dream Read, Extract Memory, Induce Sleep, Mind Read, Telepathic Stunner, Telepathy II
Brain Bleed, Dream Invader, Knock Out, Memory Copy, Mind Meld, Mind Trick, Telepathy III
Dominate, Hundred Year Slumber, Like A Melon!, Mind Alter, Telepathy IV,
Want-It Need-It
Magical Arrow, Magical Beam I, Teleportation I, Tickling
Dispel, Duplicate, Magical Arrow Barrage, Magical Beam II, Meld, Soundburst, Teleportation II
Banish, Create a Door, Disruptor Beam, Door from Nowhere, Earburst, Fusion,
Magical Arrow Rain, Magical Suppression, Sonic Scream, Talisman Creator, Teleport Block, Teleportation III
Clone, Create Matter, Gatling Beam, Magical Silence, Sonic Control Sphere, Sonic Lance, Tears of the Goddess, Teleportation IV, Time Hop, Trottingheimer’s Folly, Wall of Sound
Cutie Mark Disguise, Muffle, Musical Instrument, Projected Image, Silence