| Odds and Ends – Miscellaneous Items You’ll Probably Find in your TravelsThe wasteland is full of all sorts of interesting junk and rubbish. Some of it may be useful – you can turn a good deal of it into weapons or traps of one sort or another using the repair or science skills – and quite a lot of salvage is still perfectly usable for its originally intended purpose. Below is a table containing an alphabetized list of some of the more common types of miscellaneous junk items that you can find lying around in the wasteland. It is by no means exhaustive, and only lists one or two specific uses for each of the items it contains in the short description provided for each item immediately after the table; much of what a character can do with an item is intentionally left up to you, players and GMS. Have fun with it!
Table XXII: Miscellaneous Items, Alphabetical Listing
| Please note that this list does not include weapons, armor, ammunition, food or drink items, drugs, chems, healing items, or normal gemstones. Those items are listed in previous sections.
Item Name
| Wt.
| Value
| | Item Name
| Wt.
| Value
| Abronco Cleaner
| Book, Pre-War
| Acoustic Guitar
| Book, Sheet Music
| Ashtray
| Book, Small (Burned)
| Automatic Surgical Unit
| Book, Small (Destroyed)
| Ball Gag
| Book, Small (Ruined)
| Baseball
| Box of Detergent
| Baseball Glove
| Brain
| Bedroll
| Brass Casings (10, .50 cal)
| Bedroll Kit
| Brass Casings (10, any large caliber)
| Billiard Ball
| Brass Casings (10, any small caliber)
| Binoculars
| Briefcase
| Black Powder (10 oz. – 10 units)
| Bucket
| Blanket
| Bullet Press, Portable
| Blender
| Business Card
| Bloatsprite Wings
| 0.1
| Butter Knife
| Blow-Up Doll
| Cabling, Universal (10’)
| Blueprints
| Varies
| Camera
| Bobblehead
| Can Opener
| Bolt of Cloth
| Canteen
| Bobby Pin
| Canteen (Stable-Tec)
| Bomb Collar
| Carton of Cigarettes
| Bomb Collar (Deactivated)
| Centaur Blood (3oz. vial)
| 0.5
| Bone Saw
| Chain (10’)
| Book (Blank)
| Chalk, Box
| Book, Large (Burned)
| Chalk, Stick
| 0.1
| Book, Large (Destroyed)
| | Chalkboard
| Book, Large (Ruined)
| Charcoal, Stick or Briquette
| 0.5
| Item Name
| Wt.
| Value
| Item Name
| Wt.
| Value
| Chemical Propellant Charges (10)
| 0.5
| Drawstring Pouch
| 0.5
| Cherry Bomb
| 0.5
| Drill
| Chessboard
| Drinking Glass
| Cider Press
| Duct Tape
| Cigarette
| Duffle Bag
| Cigarette Lighter
| 0.5
| Ear Bloom (Universal)
| 0.1
| Cigarette Lighter (Refillable)
| 0.5
| Egg (Fire Gecko)
| Clipboard
| | Egg (Gecko)
| Clipboard (Finance)
| Egg (Golden Gecko)
| Clipboard (Medical)
| Egg (Mantis)
| Coffee Mug
| Egg (Nightstalker)
| Coffee Pot
| Egg (Radscorpion)
| Coin Collection Case
| Egg Timer
| Compass
| 0.5
| Electronic Lockpick
| Condom
| Embalming Fluid
| Conductor
| Empty Inhaler
| Contrabass (with Case)
| Empty Soda Bottle
| Cooling Unit
| Empty Syringe
| Cosmetics Case
| Empty Whiskey Bottle
| 0.5
| 1/5
| Crowbar
| Feathers
| 0.1
| Crutch
| Feedbag
| Cup
| Fertilizer (bag)
| Cutting Board
| Firehose Nozzle
| Deck of Cards
| Firewood
| Defibrillator
| Fishing Pole
| 1.5
| Dice
| 0.1
| Flare
| Dice, Loaded
| 0.1
| Flashlight (E-Cell)
| Dinner Plate
| Flask
| Dinner Plate (Ceramic)
| Flint and Steel
| Doctor’s Bag
| Flour
| Dog Bowl
| Flux (10 oz. – 10 units)
| Dog Tag
| Forceps
| Dog Whistle
| 0.5
| Fork
| 0.5
| Dragon Scale
| Fossil
| Varies
| Varies
| Dragon’s Tooth
| Garden Gnome (Damaged)
| Drained Energy Cells (10)
| Garden Gnome (Intact)
| Drained Flamer Fuel Tank
| Geiger Counter
| Drained Gem Cells (10)
| Glass Pitcher
| Drained Magical Fusion Cells (10)
| Glass Vial (Empty)
| 0.5
| Item Name
| Wt.
| Value
| Item Name
| Wt.
| Value
| Gold Bar
| Light Bulb
| Golf Ball
| 0.1
| Lighthouse Lamp
| Grappling Hook
| Locket
| 0.1
| Grapple Launcher
| Locket, Gold
| 0.1
| Griffin Contract
| 1000+
| Lottery Ticket
| Griffin Talon
| Lunchbox
| Ham Radio Unit
| Magic 8-Ball
| Hammer
| Magical Propellant Charges (10)
| 0.5
| Harmonica
| Mane Dryer
| Headset w/ Microphone
| 0.5
| Map
| Headphones
| 0.5
| Marker
| 0.1
| Hellhound Claw
| Marker, Permanent
| 0.1
| Hellhound Tooth
| Medical Brace
| Hide, Bloodwing (Leather)
| Memory Orb
| Hide, Brahmin (Leather)
| Metal Cooking Pan
| Hide, Coyote
| | Metal Cooking Pot
| Hide, Dog
| Metro Ticket
| Hide, Gecko
| Milk Bottle
| Hide, Gecko (Fire)
| Ministry of Morale Bug
| 0.1
| Hide, Gecko (Golden)
| Moon Rock
| Holotape
| 0.1
| Moonstone
| ¼
| Hoof Cuffs
| Motor, Spark-Powered
| Hoofball
| Mutilated Body Parts
| Hot Plate
| Needle
| Hulls (Spent Shotgun Shells, 10)
| Oil Can
| ID Card
| Opera Glasses
| IMP (3 oz. Vial) AKA Flux, Taint
| ½
| Ophthalmoscope
| Iron
| Oxygen Tank
| Jar
| Pack of Cigarettes
| 0.5
| Jar, Mason
| Package
| Jar, Specimen
| Padlock
| Key
| Varies
| Paint, Can
| Lamp, Desk
| Paintbrush
| Lamp, Standing
| Paint Gun
| Lantern (E-cell or Spark Battery)
| Painting
| Lawn Mower Blade
| Paperweight
| Lead (1 oz.)
| 0.1
| Party Supplies
| Leaf Blower
| Pass Card (Moon, Sun, Other)
| Leather Belt
| Pencil
| Item Name
| Wt.
| Value
| Item Name
| Wt.
| Value
| Pilot Light
| Scrap Metal
| Ping Pong Ball
| 0.1
| Screwdriver
| Ping Pong Paddle
| Scripture (Scroll)
| Plate (Green)
| Sensor Module
| Plate (Red)
| Sewing Machine
| Plate (Tin)
| Sheriff’s Badge
| Plate (White)
| Shot Glass
| Plunger
| Skull, Brahmin
| Pocket Lint
| Skull, Pony
| Poison Gland (Nightstalker)
| Small Statuette (Ministry Mare)
| Poison Gland (Bloatsprite)
| Snow Globe
| Poison Gland (Paradore)
| Sonic Emitter (Not Weaponized)
| Poison Gland (Manticore)
| Spark Battery
| Poison Gland (Radscorpion)
| Spark Coupling Transformer
| Poker Chips (20)
| 0.5
| Spark Fuse
| Ponnequin
| Spark Generator, Portable
| Powered Barding Repair Talisman
| Spatula
| Pressure Cooker
| Spool of Thread
| 0.1
| Pre-War Bits (100)
| 0.1
| Spoon
| 0.5
| Prize Voucher
| Spork
| 0.5
| Pump (Hoof Powered)
| Spraypaint, 1 Can
| Pump (Electrical)
| Spyglass
| 1.5
| Punga Seeds
| Starmetal Fragment
| 0.5
| Radio Receiver
| Steam Gauge Assembly
| Rake
| String, Ball
| Rangers Gem Tag
| Suitcase
| Ring, Silver
| 0.1
| Surgical Tools
| Recipe
| Surgical Tubing
| Recollector
| Talisman
| Remote Controller
| Teapot
| Remote Detonator
| Tent (1-Pony)
| Roller-skate
| Tent (2-Pony)
| Rope, 20’
| Tent (4 or More)
| 25+
| 500+
| Rubber Hose, 5’
| Terminal, Portable
| Scalpel
| Timberwolf Seedling
| Schematic
| Varies
| Timberwolf Tooth
| ½
| Scissors
| Tin Can
| Scooter (Red Racer)
| Tin Can (Bent)
| Scrap Electronics
| Toaster
| Item Name
| Wt.
| Value
| | Item Name
| Wt.
| Value
| Torch
| Toy Ball
| Tourmaline
| 0.1
| Twine, Ball
| Toy Cart
| Urn
| Toy Daring Do Dinosaur Souvenir
| 0.5
| Vacuum Cleaner
| Toy Luna, Ruler of the Ministries Figurine (with business suit!)
| Vial, Glass (w/ stopper)
| 0.25
| Toy Plastic Pony Figurine
| Vinegar, Jug
| Toy RoboPony
| Violin (with Case)
| Toy Robot
| Watch
| Toy Sergeant Teddy
| Welding Torch
| Toy Sparkle-Cola Wagon
| Whet Stone
| Toy Stuffed Doll
| Wire (25’)
| Toy Teddy Bear
| Wire, Spark (25’)
| Tractor Gas Tank
| Wonderglue
| Tractor Hoofbrake
| Wood Chipper
| Triangle
| Wooden Stick
| Trots 2034 B Portable Radio (E-Cell)
| Wrench
| Turpentine
| Yeast
| Tweezers
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 925