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Miscellaneous Item Descriptions 1 page

Abronco Cleaner – One of the most powerful powdered detergents available before the war. Guaranteed to wipe even the most stubborn stains off your dishes. Contains various toxic chemicals, and produces bubbles when mixed with water. Potentially useful as a reagent in creating chemical propellant charges for weapons (see making ammunition, earlier in this chapter)

Acoustic Guitar – Comes with a guitar pick, though some ponies may prefer to play it without. Despite suggestions in certain cartoons, not useful as a weapon. Playing a musical instrument is a speechcraft roll.

Ashtray– Embedded magic has kept this ashtray spotless after 200 years. Pity the rest of the world turned to ash.

Automatic Surgical Unit – This is a ‘portable’ equivalent of the autodoc system, roughly the size and shape of a tray-table designed to stand over the prone form of a patient. Not as powerful as its less stationary cousin, it still possesses an embedded healing talisman and is capable of performing rudimentary first aid on whoever it is placed over. Requires a spark battery or other appropriate power source to operate. Not capable of purging poisons or curing addictions, but otherwise functions as a healing talisman that will never run out of charges so long as it remains powered.

Ball Gag – Some ponies are into this, apparently. Also good for humiliating prisoners and/or silencing rape victims (the two purposes may overlap).

Baseball – Required material to play the game of baseball. Also excellent for throwing at things (deals damage as a rock of weight 5).

Baseball Glove – Fitted to either the hoof or the muzzle, this glove extends the reach of a pony and enables them to more easily catch an incoming ball. Also provides padding to soften the blow. Not advisable for use in combat, but provides 1 DT to the hoof or face when worn.

Bedroll– A simple sleeping bag, or a combination mat or pad with blanket. Keeps you warm at night, and is surprisingly comfortable. Vastly superior to sleeping on the ground.

Bedroll Kit – Contains both a bedroll (described above) and everything necessary to set up a very basic campsite, such as flint and steel, a pot for cooking, and a small parcel of dry-grass for tinder (or a snack). Also contains a set of straps for easy attachment to a saddlebag, and a few extra empty pouches for carrying other small items.

Billiard Ball – A small, smooth sphere for use in playing billiards or pool. They generally come in either a striped or a solid pattern in a variety of colors corresponding to their number.

Binoculars – A small pair of binoculars with attached focus dial. These can make it much easier to spot things from a distance, and quadruple the range at which you can spot enemies when in use. Not necessarily convenient to use, unfortunately – especially if you’re an earth pony.

Black Powder – A mixture of charcoal, sulfur and nitrates that is the primary ingredient in chemically propelled projectile ammunition (i.e. it makes bullets go). Black powder can be created in a lab using the rules found earlier in this chapter under the Making Ammunition heading. It is necessarily explosive, but needs to be assembled in large quantities (i.e. about the size of a stick of dynamite) to be useful or particularly damaging.

Blanket– Warm and cozy. Good for conserving energy while at rest and for keeping warm in cold climates. Blankets are also useful for preventing hypothermia.

Blender –A device used to turn solid objects into very small bits, rather like a very small wood chipper. Usually used for the creation of mixed drinks.Also usable as a torture device. It requires power to operate, though it wasn’t designed to run off of an independent battery. The front has five buttons marked with four setting s – Puree, Blend, Chop, and Eviscerate – and an off button.

Bloatsprite Wings –The semi-translucent wings of a bloatsprite. They smell much better than the rest of the carcass. A special ingredient used by zebra alchemists.

Blow-up Doll – An inflatable mare, with suspiciously shaped apertures where the mouth, anus, and vagina would otherwise be. For use by lonely stallions – Warning: Do Not Puncture.

Blueprints – These documents contain technical details related to the construction of some large vehicle, building, or other object. They’d be extremely valuable to someone with the know-how to use them. Not to be confused with schematics, which contain similarly detailed and useful instructions for making smaller objects, like weapons and appliances.

Bobblehead – a small plastic figurine of a pony on a stand, with the head-piece attached to the neck by a spring. It bobbles lightly when prodded. Many have inscriptions at the base.

Bobby Pin – Useful for restraining and styling hair, such as the mane and tail of ponies. Also useful for picking locks in tandem with a screwdriver or long flat object, if a character has the know-how to do so (At least 15 ranks in the skill required).

Bolt of Cloth – This is a bolt of cloth, about 5’ square. The cloth is tough looking and somewhat waterproof, with a texture that’s not terribly comfortable on your bare skin. Still, it’s pretty comfortable for something that’s survived for 200 years. Useful as raw material for patching up clothes and armor, or for making additions (pockets!).

Bomb Collar – These are frequently used by particularly well-off slavers to easily control slaves and prevent escapes while out in the field. They contain several explosives, lining the inside of a metal ring and arranged such that if they are detonated they will instantly kill the wearer by severing their neck and pulverizing the head. The collar itself is large, extending out in a flat plane above and below the neckline in a cone shape that prevents the wearer from being able to see (or tamper with) the explosive controller mounted to the exterior of the neckpiece. These collars are usually set to detonate if they receive a specific signal (such as from a remote detonator or remote controller), if the wearer moves a certain distance away from a signal (like an invisible fence-type system), or if they’re tampered with by anyone who tries to remove them without turning off the device first. Deactivating a bomb collar – severing its control circuit to allow safe removal even without the access codes – is an explosives roll, MFD ½, followed by Repair or Lockpicking MFD ½. Failures cause the collar to detonate, dealing 6d12 damage within 5’ of the collar and killing the wearer instantly. The damage does not extend more than 5’ from the collar.

Bomb Collar (deactivated) – This bomb collar looks identical to a standard bomb collar except that it no longer responds to a detonator signal. It can be rearmed with a repair roll MFD ½.Despite being disarmed, the explosives work perfectly fine and can be detonated as a thrown explosive if prepared ahead of time (MFD ¾ explosives roll to prepare it for such a use).

Bone Saw – One of the oldest and most recognizable tools of pony and zebra medicine. Highly effective at rapidly sawing through bone, and useful in amputating limbs mangled beyond even healing magic’s limits of repair. Despite popular belief stating otherwise, the bone saw is not actually effective as a melee combat weapon.

Book (Blank) – You’ve managed to piece together enough undamaged pages from otherwise ruined books to make a blank book. You can record things in it, or even use it to make a copy of another existing book (including non-skill books if you so desire). Copying an existing book requires a speechcraft roll MFD ¾ and a period of at least 30 days. Copying magazines requires an identical speechcraft roll and a period of at least a week.

If you have the scribe perk, you can turn any burned, ruined or destroyed book into a blank book, and copying a book is a greatly accelerated process for you that does not require a roll.

Book, Large or Small (Destroyed, Ruined, or Burned) – Books do not, as a rule, age well; after 200 years most of the literary knowledge of pre-war Equestria has been destroyed, if not directly as a result of the balefire bombs, then as a result of lack of care and poor conditions. These books are merely shadows of their former selves, their pages illegible and their covers damaged and burned, not to mention possibly contaminated with toxic mold.

Book, Pre-War – Somehow this book has survived relatively unscathed since the balefire bombs fell. Its contents are an echo of Equestria’s past, waiting to be read.

Book, Sheet Music – This isn’t a conventional book of words and letters; instead, it contains sheet music from numerous different composers, mostly classical or orchestral-style pieces but with smattering of several other genres. Absolutely necessary if a character is trying to learn how to play a musical instrument.

Box of Detergent – A box of powdered soap, more or less. It doesn’t say if it was for washing dishes, clothes, or anything else terribly helpful, though you can gather that after 200 years it’s unlikely you’ll find a working dishwasher. The brand isn’t one you recognize – perhaps this was a generic knock off?

Brain – This is either a whole or a large piece of an equine brain, floating around in a jar within some sort of fluid suspension. It unnerves you more than a little to look at it.

Brass Casings – The after-leavings of used bullets, these casings can be used to make ammunition. For most information on making ammunition, see the heading of that name earlier in this chapter.

Briefcase – Once, this extremely-worn looking leather-bound briefcase probably held a pre-war pony’s papers for work. Celestia only knows what it gets used for these days.

Bucket – Excellent for holding and transporting liquids. Also makes a neat hat. Regrettably not much good as armor, unless you’re trying to confuse your enemies into laughing at you (provides 2 DT to the head if worn, but comes with a -10 penalty to speechcraft unless you’re Young)

Bullet Press, Portable – A necessary tool for combining the component ingredients into a usable bullet. Roughly the size of a pony’s torso, it’s small enough that a single pony could carry it, but it’s still not small enough to fit inside a saddlebag. Durable enough to resist small arms fire, but if you drop it from any real height or try to use it as a bludgeon you’ll risk damaging the sensitive internal machinery.

Business Card – A small rectangular piece of cardstock. It has a business pony’s name on it, and some method of how to contact them, usually an address.

Butter Knife – A small, flat implement originally designed to cut extremely soft things such as butter or overcooked vegetables. In a pinch, this can substitute out for a screwdriver while picking a lock.

Cabling (Universal, 10’) –A ten foot long coil of universal spell matrix interface cabling. It’s male-to-female, but you can rig up an adapter to make it male-to-male with a simple repair roll and some scrap metal (MFD 1). Usable as a method of interfacing two terminals, a terminal and a pipbuck, a pipbuck and a suit of powered armor, etc. In a pinch, makes a decent rope.

Camera – Surprisingly intact device once used to take pictures of things. The flashbulb looks intact, but the innards appear to be damaged and the power cell is missing. Also, where on earth would you get film for one of these things?

Can Opener – Much easier than opening a can with the tip of a knife or a rusty piece of scrap metal, and much cleaner than bashing it open with a rock. Sadly not capable of making the 200-year old canned food taste any better. What will they think of next?

Canteen – A durable metal or plastic container designed to hold up to a day’s worth of water (four units). Smells a bit funny – maybe you should wash it out when you get a chance?

Canteen (Stable-Tec) – A near-indestructible canteen issued to many stables to give to their residents should they plan on venturing back out onto the surface. Holds up to 3 days’ worth of water (12 doses). These things couldn’t be punctured by anything short of an anti-machine rifle.

Carton of Cigarettes – A box of 40 packs of cigarettes. Were this a pre-war prison and not a post-war wasteland, you’d be the wealthiest pony in your cell block right now. Still valuable, however – lots of ponies want a smoke.

Centaur Blood – This is a 3 ounce vial of some sort of sludgy rainbow-reddish stuff that was dripping out of the mutilated carcass of some sort of taint-spawned abomination. Celestia only knows why you kept it, but it’s a good thing you thought to stopper the vial.

Chain (10’) – Ten feet of metal chain. Useful for pulling heavy loads or for attaching things together that you don’t want to have separated from each other easily, like slaves or heavy cargo containers. Can be used as an impromptu ranged weapon, or a heavier substitute for rope.

Chalk, Box – A box of chalk containing 12 sticks. Its contents are great for drawing on sidewalks, if only you could find any. Also useful for writing on chalkboards.

Chalk, Stick – A stick of chalk. Generally used to write on flat stone or concrete surfaces, or chalkboards. The taste is surprisingly not unpleasant.

Chalkboard – A small black or green rectangular chalkboard surface, with a wooden edged frame. While worn, it seems in usable condition. In conjunction with some chalk or charcoal, this could be used to communicate non-verbally.

Charcoal, Stick or Briquette – A small piece of charcoal. Used properly, this could make a fine writing implement or an excellent piece of fuel for a fire. Charcoal is a necessary component in the creation of gunpowder, which is itself a necessary ingredient in the creation of bullets.

Chemical Propellant Charges (10) – A set of ten chemical propellant charges. These are an important component required in the assembly of bullets. They can be created using black powder and flux, among several other methods. The rules for creating and using these charges can be found under the making ammunition heading, earlier in this chapter.

Cherry Bomb – A small explosive charge consisting of about 5 oz. of black powder wrapped in a papier-mâché ball and coated with sawdust, with a rolled paper wick. When lit they explode, making a loud noise. These can be produced from any source of paper (such as a burned or destroyed book) and the required amount of gunpowder, with an explosives roll MFD 1. Successes make two bombs, failures make only one. Critical successes make 3, and critical failures make none.

On their own, these are relatively harmless (unless you were to try and eat one while it was lit…).When fired from a rock-it-launcher, however, they deal the weapon’s normal damage as AOE instead. The maximum radius is 5’; there is no AOE increment.

Chessboard – Chess originally hails from the far away kingdom of Saddle Arabia, on a continent across the western sea. It was popularized in Equestria by donkey merchants, who brought the game with them as immigrants only about a thousand years before nightmare moon was banished. Many ponies still try to play the game today, despite the fact that no one has seen a single chess piece anywhere for miles. Despite its name, it’s also usable for playing checkers.

Cider Press –Heavy, turn-crank operated device used to squish apples into a very flat shape in order to properly extract their juice. It’s designed for apples, but just about anything of that same size and physical integrity will work.

Cigarette – Smoking is bad for you. But, considering how much is out there in the wasteland that’s even worse, is it really surprising that there are still ponies that do it?

Cigarette Lighter – A 200-year old disposable plastic cigarette lighter. It has enough fuel in it to last a habitual smoker about a week; just used for lighting fires 3-4 times a day it’ll easily last four times that long. Great for lighting candles, fires, and dynamite. Note that dynamite doesn’t actually have to be lit- it has a built in ignition cap. Sometimes you just want to fall back on a classic.

Cigarette Lighter (Refillable) – A bit fancier than its disposable counterpart, this lighter was designed to be reusable. One unit of flamer fuel will fill this up enough to last a habitual smoker a week. It has an embossed design featuring some pegasi in blue and yellow jumpsuits, but you can’t make out the lettering.

Clipboard – Stubbornite™ brand clipboard. Strangely durable to the point of being virtually indestructible, even after 200 years. This one isn’t holding any papers. Don’t you wish you could make armor out of these? (If you were paying attention earlier in this chapter, you’d know that you totally can.)

Clipboard (Finance) – Another fine Stubbornite™ clipboard, this one holding 200 year old finance and earnings information. The paper is dry and well preserved, but cracks and disintegrates away at your slightest touch. The clipboard, true to its stubbornite construction and counter to its paperboard appearance, is still sturdy enough to stop a bullet. How come they can’t make armor out of this stuff?

Clipboard (Medical) – A Stubbornite™ clipboard, this one still loyally holding onto 200 year old medical records for patients (probably) long since deceased. The records are well preserved, and you could probably even read them if the doctor’s handwriting was in any way decipherable. The clipboard itself is still as sturdy as the day it was made. Maybe radiation makes these things more durable somehow?

Coffee Mug – By some fluke, the spell woven into the ceramic of this coffee mug to keep it stain free has kept it looking pristine for 200 years. Not so much as a chip. If only ponies were so durable.

Coin Collection Case – A case full of differently shaped prewar bits, several of them unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Did pre-war ponies actually collect money in these? How did they spend it from inside these display cases? What a strange place pre-war Equestria must have been!

Compass– Points towards magnetic north. Not very useful, as the needle tends to fluctuate wildly around equestrian gemstones and other powerful sources of magic. Unicorns don’t even understand why pegasi and earth ponies bother with these things.

Condom – Your momma always told you to use protection. She probably meant one of these, but you were never quite sure. This was apparently produced fairly recently, judging by the expiration date. Comes in female and male variants.

Conductor– a vital analog circuit component. Extremely useful for improvising a magical amplifier circuit, such as you might see in a standard magical energy weapon, on the fly. If you strip off the casing, it might even be light enough to be useful in making a weapon.

Contrabass (with case) – A beautiful polished oak contrabass, with extra strings, stand and bow. It’s amazing it’s survived this long without better maintenance. The strings are real pony-hair. Somehow, you have no trouble imagining it in a pink bow tie.

Cooling Unit – A small magical cooling talisman. Used as a component for air conditioning units and ice-magic “cryo” grenades. These can be created using the any elemental ice spell in conjunction with Talisman Creator, and zebra equivalents exist.

Cosmetics Case – A makeup compact, complete with mirror. Also contains a small brush in a side compartment. The makeup trays and pads are replaceable.

Crowbar –This is a heavy piece of metal with a flat end used for leveraging open stuck containers or doors. It can be used as a melee weapon (treat as a tire iron), or it can help you open things. A character in possession of a crowbar can try to force open some types of locked containers and doors without damaging the contents with a STR check that varies based on what they’re trying to open.

Crutch– A crutch designed to help a pony walk while in a cast, or if they’re missing a leg. It has straps to affix it to the shoulder or the torso.

Cup – a ceramic, plastic or glass container used for holding liquids. It’s small and fairly durable, but you could probably smash it if you really tried.

Cutting Board – A wooden board used for cutting vegetables (or meat, if it didn’t belong to normal ponies). Makes a decent impromptu shield against melee weapons. Not terrifically good for use as a pillow.

Deck of Cards – Cards can be difficult for earth ponies and pegasi to play with, but some types of games, like blackjack, work just fine. Poker (aside from hold’em) is strictly the domain of griffins and unicorns. This particular set of cards has Celestia as queen of hearts and Luna as queen of clubs. Cadence is diamonds and Nightmare Moon is spades. The jokers are Discord and Chrysalis. You feelin’ lucky, punk?

Defibrillator –A set of flat, metal, hoof-mounted panels hooked up via cables to a box containing a spell matrix and spark battery combination, designed to administer strong electrical shocks.With a medical roll MFD ¾, this device can be used to restart a character’s heart. If the character’s heart wasn’t stopped to begin with, this device will stop their heart instead. Exceedingly useful in countering spells, poisons and fear effects that specifically cause a character to go into cardiac arrest. The spark battery has to be replaced every 20 uses. In combat, it takes a full round (two actions) to properly turn on and equip this device for use, and each subsequent use of the defibrillator takes one action. If the target is actively trying to avoid being electrocuted, the user must roll to hit with the unarmed skill (base MFD to hit while using this as a weapon is ½).

Dice – A set of colored plastic, bone or ceramic polyhedrons with numerical markings on each side. Excellent for use in gambling, games of chance, and playing popular roleplaying games like Wasteland.

Dice, Loaded – A set of rigged dice. These dice may or not be obviously rigged, but when rolled they consistently come up more often in a specific way than they should following the laws of random chance. Not all dice are rigged to win – some are rigged to lose, or merely to roll more average than they otherwise should.

Dinner Plate – A flat metal or plastic dish, roughly the size of a dinner plate in circumference and diameter. Good for keeping food off the ground.

Dinner Plate (Ceramic) – A stylish yet functional ceramic dish. It’s roughly the size of a dinner plate, making it shaped like itself.

Doctor’s Bag – A carrying bag shaped somewhat like an oversized purse. It has special pockets and linings for carrying specifically medical tools and supplies and keeping them neatly arranged for easy access and use. Accessing medical supplies from a doctor’s bag is a free action. Ministry of Peace field medical kits are considered to be doctor’s bags if they’re worn as saddle bags.

Dog Bowl – A small metal bowl, good for holding food or water for a dog. It had a name stamped into the front of it at one point, but it’s been rubbed out and otherwise made illegible by rust and age.

Dog Tag – For dogs, these tags tend to contain ownership information, including but not limited to home address, name, vaccinations, veterinarian, etc. For ponies and other races, these were given to soldiers to help with identification. They had a range of information such as blood type, home address, name, rank, and unit number, among other information that tended to vary between armies based on organizational structure.

Dog Whistle – Emits a high-pitched whine out of the range of hearing for most animals. Dogs and cats in particular are extremely provoked by this noise, responding to it by (usually) enthusiastically trying to make it stop. Can be used as a command for pets; tends to anger hellhounds and sand dogs. It can be heard from almost a quarter of a mile away.

Dragon’s Scale –Extremely durable, the scales of a dragon are renowned for their magical and physical properties. Each scale is only a little bigger around than a pony’s hoof print, but is comparatively stronger than most non-magical metal alloys. If the scales are harvested, prepared and maintained properly, a suit made of them would be almost as durable as powered armor. Dragon scales are also a special ingredient used in zebra alchemy.

Dragon’s Tooth – A heavy tooth, about the size of a pony’s foreleg. It’s fairly sharp at the tip. It probably came from a dragon at some point; if you’re lucky, you didn’t have to take it from the dragon in question yourself. Works well as a stabbing implement (As a combat knife in damage, but with SATS cost 50).

Drained Energy Cells (10) – A plastic casing that once held energized crystal fragments, used to power arcanotech devices like pistols or flashlights. This one is depleted, and will not be useful unless its crystal fragments are replaced. The rules for replenishing magical energy weapons ammunition are under the making ammunition header earlier in this chapter.

Drained Flamer Fuel Tank – A metal cylinder, usually painted a dark red or orange color. It can hold up to 30 units of flamer fuel. Larger tanks are available as flamer fuel reserves, which attach to battle saddles (see the appropriate section of this chapter, above).

Drained Gem Cells (10) – A small metal casing that once held energized crystal fragments, used to power specific variations of arcanotechnological weapons employed by the equestrian military. This one is depleted. The rules for replenishing magical energy weapons ammunition are under the making ammunition header earlier in this chapter.

Drained Magical Fusion Cells (10) – A compact metal canister with MAS markings on it, used to power specific variations of arcanotechnological weapons and technology employed by the Equestrian ministries and armed forces. The rules for replenishing magical energy weapons ammunition are under the making ammunition header earlier in this chapter.

Drawstring Pouch – A small piece of sack-cloth or leather, stitched together to make a crude pouch. The top has a series of holes about half an inch from the upper edge, allowing a piece of twine or string to be pulled through and used to tie it off. The bag is large enough to be a sock for an average pony, if ponies wore socks.

Drill –A simple hoof and mouth powered drill. Devices like this are excellent for digging in the ground and for piercing the heavens (if your character feels so inclined). When in use, grants the character using it a 5’ per two actions Dig speed. The hole they create is large enough to fit themselves, and not much else.

Drinking Glass – A glass with a simple pattern blown into its base. Good for holding water, or whatever your drink of choice might be.

Duct Tape – designed to repair ventilation ducts, this tape expands and contracts at roughly the same rate as steel or aluminum. It’s also extremely sticky and durable, and great for repairing or holding together pieces of metal. Each roll contains 50 uses worth, and expending a use grants a +10 bonus on any repair roll. Be aware that you’re unlikely to find one of these in pristine condition; it’ll likely already have been used a few times.

Duffle Bag – A dark green or dark blue canvas satchel with a strap to anchor it to a pony’s body. These were standard issue to members of the equestrian army, and their tough canvas construction has allowed a few to survive in usable condition over the last 200 years. An excellent substitute for a saddlebag, though it’s much harder to get access to during combat (it takes 1d4 actions to take something out of a duffle bag during combat).

Ear Bloom (Universal) –These devices allow a pony to listen to the audio-playback of a pipbuck (or other spell-matrix device, like radios or holotapes) discreetly. They clip onto a pony’s ear. Earlier models require a wire that runs from the bloom to the device, which ensures consistent quality. Later models may be wireless, enabling the wearer total freedom of movement at the cost of audio clarity. Many Alpha Pipbuck and Pipbuck 3000 Models have one of these built in on a retractable wire leash. While originally specifically designed for pipbucks, the universal ear bloom can interface directly with almost any device that can make use of it.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1016

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