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Complete the sentences with the correct words.



1 Choose the correct answers.

1 Did you see Jan at the concert? She wore / was wearing a red coat.

2 Peter wouldn’t lend me his dictionary because he didn’t finish / hadn’t finished his homework yet.

3 I saw your sister in town yesterday. She talked / was talking to a couple of friends.

4 Jake phoned me just after he was leaving / had left the party.

5 When the exam results came through we all were celebrating / celebrated!

6 While I was walking to the shops, it suddenly started / was starting to get very windy.

7 They had waited / had been waiting for half an hour by the time David arrived.

8 When I got to the classroom, the teacher already started / had already started the lesson.

2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I __________________ (have) this cold since I went swimming last Friday.

2 How often __________________ (you be) to the USA?

3 I __________________ (often wonder) if learning another language would be difficult.

4 Where __________________ (you stay) for the last few days?

5 What __________________ (you do) to your hair? It looks great!

6 How long __________________ (you go out) with Freddy?

7 What __________________ (you eat)? There are red marks on your shirt.

8 Katy and I __________________ (know) each other since we were at primary school together.

3 Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words in bold.

1 I had never before seen such a beautiful sunset.


2 We not only went out for a meal but we went dancing too.


3 They had no sooner started the exercise than the lesson bell rang.


4 There has rarely been such a high wind.


4 Complete the sentences with determiners.

1 You should check your bank account _______ week.

2 Are there _______ good reasons for buying your own house?

3 _______ breakfast we had at the hotel this morning was excellent.

4 _______ of the band members has spoken to the newspapers. I don’t know where the information came from.

5 I’m afraid there’s _______ I can do to help you.

5 Choose the correct answers.

1 I expect hearing / to hear from Lucy in the next few days.

2 The teacher made Gemma going / go home because she wasn’t feeling well.

3 I can’t imagine enjoying / to enjoy a backpacking holiday. I like my home comforts.

4 Did you manage contacting / to contact Mr Barton about the meeting?

5 Dan justified buying / to buy a new car by saying he needed it for work!

6 We considered going / go to Scotland for a week’s break, but the weather is too cold at the moment.

7 I’m having my hair cutting / cut this afternoon.

8 He wouldn’t let me pay / to pay for my share of the meal.

9 I can’t risk missing / to miss the train so I’ll book a taxi for 7.15.

10 Are you going to get the car fixing / fixed while Jack’s at work?

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I __________________ (meet) the new employee at 4.30. Is there anything you’d like me to ask him?

2 Don’t call me on my mobile between four and five this afternoon because I __________________ (drive).

3 __________________ (the judges make) their decision by the end of today?

4 Don’t worry about phoning Martin with the news. I __________________ (tell him) at school.

5 Quick! Marian __________________ (faint)!

6 When __________________ (the shop open)? I need to get some milk.

7 I’ve decided. I __________________ (study) Science at university.

8 Ben __________________ (probably win) the student election. He’s very popular.

9 The train __________________ (arrive) at 6.30 so we should be home by seven.

10 Don’t forget to give him the letter when he __________________ (get) home.

7 Choose the correct answers.

1 Assuming / In case she gets good results, where will she study?

2 I’ll stay as soon as / as long as you need me.

3 Unless / Provided that you’re not too late, I’ll look after the baby.

4 Take your umbrella in case / if it rains later.

5 I won’t go to bed assuming that / until you get home.

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could or be able to and the verbs in brackets.

1 I __________________ (not find) Gina’s number in the phone book. Do you know it?

2 I was lucky that I __________________ (find) a good job last summer.

3 If you work in a museum you must __________________ (answer) questions about local history.

4 In the future people __________________ (travel) above the roads as well as on them.

5 My mum insists that my brother __________________ (speak) when he was only eleven months old but I don’t believe her!

6 If I _________________________ (speak) French, I would have taken the job immediately.

7 _________________________ (you contact) Pamela yet?

8 __________________ (drive) means that I don’t have to depend on other people for transport.

9 Complete the sentences with all, that or what.

1 I’m concerned _______ she didn’t come to me with her problems.

2 The worrying thing is _______ climate change is happening so fast.

3 _______ she said made me realise how unhappy she is.

4 I know _______ my dad thinks about my behaviour is important.

5 I’m sorry, I’ve eaten _______ I can!

6 _______ is difficult is answering the questions in such a short time.

7 _______ I know about the row is that they aren’t speaking to each other now.

10 Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

1 Jake told that he loved English folk music.


2 I asked Becky what was the time.


3 Helen suggested to meet in the park at 12.30.


4 My sister admitted eat all the biscuits.


5 The teacher asked me where I had been today.


11 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 ‘I can assure you that I won’t be late for the appointment.’ (promise)

He ____________________________________________________________ .

2 ‘I think the result will be 3–4 to Southampton.’ (predict)

She ____________________________________________________________ .

3 ‘I’m sorry, but the service I received was just not good enough.’ (complain)

He _____________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ .

4 ‘Let’s go out for a meal after you finish work.’ (suggest)

She ____________________________________________________________ .

5 ‘I won’t speak to her because she doesn’t listen to anything I say.’ (refuse)

He _____________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ .

6 ‘I’m really sorry I missed the meeting but the train was delayed.’ (apologise)

She ____________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ .

7 ‘I didn’t say that I was going to raise salaries immediately.’ (deny)

He ____________________________________________________________ .

8 ‘If you don’t work harder your grades will fall.’ (warn)

She ____________________________________________________________ .

9 ‘Yes, we’ll provide the music for your party at the fee you suggest.’ (agree)

He _____________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ .

10 ‘I really think you should audition for the school play!’ (encourage)

She ____________________________________________________________ .

12 Write questions for the sentences using the question words in brackets.

1 Someone left the TV on overnight. (who)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

2 I spoke to the secretary about my expenses. (who)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

3 Something happened after we left this morning. (what)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

4 You gave the file to someone in the office. (who)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

5 The Chinese restaurant serves the best food in the area. (which)

_________________________________________________________________ ?

13 Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

1 Could you tell me where can I get information about the museum?

_________________________________________________________________ ?

2 Have you any idea why do they want to eat so early?

_________________________________________________________________ ?

3 I’d like to know when will the teacher return our homework.

_________________________________________________________________ ?

4 I wonder who did tell Rosie about the accident.

_________________________________________________________________ ?

5 Can you remember where did you leave the green file?

_________________________________________________________________ ?

14 Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

1 Let’s meet up later, ___________ ?

2 Don’t forget to tell Jeff about the party, ___________ ?

3 They’ve made a lot of progress this term, ___________ ?

4 Nobody likes queuing, ___________ ?

5 The weather’s going to be awful tomorrow, ___________ ?

15 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 I have real doubts _______ driving all through the night in this rain.

2 I shall never be in favour _______ wearing a school uniform.

3 I go along _______ the view that if you’ve got the money you should spend it!

4 _______ my view, programmes like that shouldn’t be shown until 9.00 p.m.

5 I’m not really convinced _______ the importance of having an enormous TV.

6 _______ my mind, what she said sounds very suspicious.

16 Choose the correct answers.

1 We mustn’t / don’t have to give in this assignment until next Friday. That’s good news!

2 We must / have to meet up sometime for a coffee and a chat.

3 Simon needn’t / shouldn’t work so hard. He’ll make himself ill.

4 Do you think we have to / ought to check with your dad before using his tools?

5 I really don’t have to / mustn’t eat so much salt. It’s very bad for me.

6 You oughtn’t to / needn’t worry about me. I’m getting a lift home with Freddie.

7 You mustn’t / shouldn’t park there! It’s the boss’s space and he’ll be furious.

8 I need to get / getsome money out of the bank later today.

17 Complete the sentences with must, can’t or might and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 He __________________ (be) a vegetarian. I’ve never seen him eat meat.

2 Dan __________________ (be) back before lunchtime but I wouldn’t bet on it!

3 She __________________ (be) exhausted! She’s just slept for more than twelve hours.

4 You __________________ (see) this film before. It was only released yesterday.

5 I __________________ (leave) the keys on the table. Can you check for me?

6 Helen __________________ (like) your cooking. Look, she’s left most of the meal.

7 You __________________ (joke)! I can’t come out now – I’m in bed!

18 Choose the correct answers.

1 I’m so cross! I didn’t need to / needn’t have stayed up late last night to finish the project. Miss Davis doesn’t want it until Monday now!

2 Joe couldn’t / shouldn’t have said those things to Sue. She’s really upset.

3 Peter might / needn’t have phoned while we were out. Check your voice mail.

4 She ought to / shouldn’t have left us a message. We were so worried when she didn’t come home last night.

5 Mike should / could have won the race if he hadn’t been so tired.

6 Ned and Sandy might not / couldn’t have left until after the rush hour to avoid the traffic.

7 Steve is terrible. He couldn’t / might have at least started to prepare the dinner while I was out.

8 I’m afraid I shouldn’t / couldn’t have given you a lift yesterday because my car was at the garage.

19 Rewrite the sentences using conditionals.

1 I’ve got a really bad headache today because I did so much work on the computer last night.

If _________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ .

2 She argued with you because she enjoys a good debate!

She _______________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ .

3 We can’t buy a house because the prices have gone up too much.

If _________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ .

4 I knew she was going to leave early because I checked my e-mail.

If _________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ .

5 My Spanish was very weak because I don’t practise enough.

If _________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ .

6 I didn’t know you were feeling low so I didn’t come over yesterday.

If _________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ .

7 I’m really annoyed because I reminded her five times about the meeting.

I _________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ .

20 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use will, used to, would or the present continuous.

1 We __________________ (live) just outside London when I was a teenager.

2 My dog __________________ (always come) when I whistle for him. He’s very obedient.

3 My brother and I __________________ (often camp out) in the back garden when we were young and pretend we were cowboys.

4 It’s so annoying. Peter __________________ (never answer) his phone when he’s on the train.

5 My dad __________________ (always worry) about getting his car dirty.

6 I __________________ (play) football every Saturday but I gave up when I was thirteen.

21 Choose the correct answers.

1 I was going to / was to invite you to the party but Dave says he’s already asked you.

2 Ben was excited. The day had finally arrived when he was to have found / would find out the results of the competition.

3 We wereabout to / going to have Coq au Vin for dinner but mum dropped the chicken.

4 I was just about to / wouldleave when he turned up twenty minutes late.

5 I was upset when he moved because I knew I would / was about to never see him again.

6 I was / was going to tell you but Sam made me promise not to.

7 Fiona was to have eaten / about to eat her burger when she noticed a fly on the bread.

8 We were to have had / were about to have a test this morning but the teacher was ill.

9 The TV was to have been / going to be delivered on Saturday but they couldn’t find our house.

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 In addition to his regular hours he’s working a lot of _________ to earn extra money.

2 Mary’s on _________ leave at the moment because she’s just had a baby.

3 If you wear a _________ , it means you don’t have to buy smart suits for work.

4 My last job was very _________ paid so I looked for another one with a better salary.

5 I hate writing letters and reports but you can’t escape doing _________ in this job.

6 John surprised everyone by handing in his _________ last week.

7 To get results in this job, you have to work as part of a _________ .

8 Employees who aren’t happy with their working conditions sometimes go on _________ .

9 Some people enjoy doing _________ work but I prefer regular hours every day.

10 Who is in _________ of this department now that Mandy has left?

23 Rewrite the sentences in the passive form.

1 The committee is discussing the issue at the moment.


2 People have seen some unusual wild birds this winter.


3 Someone has to address and post these letters before 5.30.


4 Prior to last November they hadn’t increased the salaries for three years.



5 You can contact us on 09652 546723.


6 The teacher told George off because he was rude.


7 Will you finalise the contracts in the meeting?


8 Someone sent the e-mail containing the virus last Friday.



9 They were watching the criminal when he tried to board the train.



10 You must not leave mobile phones in the classrooms.


24 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in the box.

think give report expect know

1 Raymond ______________ to get good exam results.

2 The children ______________ tests at ages nine, eleven and fourteen.

3 It ______________ this morning that the Prime Minister will fly to Germany tomorrow.

4 It ______________ that playing brain games can improve your memory but some doctors disagree.

5 The tribe ______________ to have buried jewellery with their leaders because many such graves have been uncovered.

25 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 I got _______ with a lot of naughty things when I was young!

2 We got _______ with the rent last month and now we owe double.

3 He’s always getting _______ Susie. I think it’s because he’s jealous of her.

4 That’s very interesting but can we get _______ to the main issue?

5 Do you think we’ll manage to get _______ before 6.00 this evening? I have a plane to catch.

26 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I thought Archie __________________ (leave) but in fact he was in the cafeteria.

2 Who is expected __________________ (win) the next election?

3 The meeting __________________ (finish) by 4.30 so give me a ring then.

4 He admitted __________________ (steal) the painting after the police arrested him.

5 The examiner asked me why I __________________ (chose) to learn English.

6 How long __________________ (you want) to be an astronaut?

7 My niece __________________ (can) talk until she was two.

8 You __________________ (earn) a lot more money this time next year.

27 Choose the correct answers.

1 Gemma was very tired and took in a little / little of what the teacher said.

2 Assuming that / In case he doesn’t mind a small room, he’ll love the hotel.

3 We expect my cousin to arrive / arriving just after 10.00.

4 While he’s been in hospital / the hospital, I’ve been looking after his dog.

5 I injured my leg ten minutes before the end of the game, but I managed to / could keep playing.

6 Hardly / Just had we left the house when it started to rain.

7 None / Any of the students could answer all the questions correctly.

28 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Could you tell me where __________________ (be the bank)?

2 You __________________ (not need) hurry home. We’ve got plenty of time.

3 Jackie __________________ (must have) some bad news. She looks really upset.

4 Who __________________ (you ask) to come in early today? Was it the boss?

5 What __________________ (you cook) if he had been vegetarian?

6 __________________ (your mum work) at the university? I’m sure I recognise her from my student days.

7 The suspect __________________ (interview) by the police when he fell ill.

8 I __________________ (not be) here now if Sam hadn’t given me a lift.

9 We __________________ (leave) at 10.30 but there was a problem on the plane.

10 The boy __________________ (see) since this morning.

29 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 I _________ have managed to finish all the work without your help. Thank you.

2 Every Christmas Dad _________ dress up as Santa Claus.

3 The President is known _________ fond of Italian food.

4 Remember to get some money from the cash point, _________ you?

5 I was _________ to start the engine when I noticed a smell of petrol.


1 Choose the correct answers.

1 Do you have any _______ about his ability?

A problems B regrets C doubts

2 To my _______, it’s not a big problem at all.

A view B mind C opinion

3 I’m disappointed they _______ my proposal.

A rejected B refused C called off

4 The _______ have improved since they moved the programme to Saturday evenings.

A viewers B ratings C numbers

5 If you _______ on too much work, your health might suffer.

A make B put C take

6 The exercises in the exam were _______ easy.

A highly B bitterly C ridiculously

7 You shouldn’t _______ that everyone feels the same way you do.

A agree B accept C assume

8 I’ll go _______ with the majority opinion.

A out B along C away

9 When is the next _______ of the TV series?

A episode B view C sequence

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 To deal with climate change we need to use sources of _________ energy.

2 I’m going to _________ in my notice tomorrow because I’ve got a new job.

3 Let's get _________ to what we were talking about before, shall we?.

4 Millions of people in the UK are _________ paid and have very little to live on.

5 I have to _________ off the meeting on Friday. I’ve just found out the boss is away then.

6 This graph shows that unemployment crept _________ over three years.

3 Choose the correct answers.

1 I need a job with _______ working hours.

A tolerant B flexible C open-minded

2 We need another _______ of milk.

A pint B pound C yard

3 Most _______ get moody from time to time.

A toddlers B OAPs C adolescents

4 Our dog has cut its _______ on some glass.

A claw B whiskers C paw

5 The temperature in this building _______ a lot.

A fluctuates B looms C boosts

6 Employees who deal with clients directly need to be extremely _______ .

A ruthless B courteous C flexible

7 It appears that the companies _______ with each other to keep prices high.

A colluded B pledged C backed

8 _______ his failure, he tried again the following year and succeeded.

A Although B Much as C Despite

4 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

out (x2) in through up on down

1 I put his bad temper _______ to the weather!

2 Things didn't work _______ quite as well as I'd hoped they would.

3 We paid _______ the nose for our new car.

4 They insisted _______ paying for the meal.

5 I’m going to set _______ a meeting with all the people involved.

6 What are you going to splash _______ on with the money you won?

7 He succeeded _______ getting a place at the university he wanted for next year.

5 Choose the correct answers.

1 I’ve found a(n) absolutely / deeply amazing dress.

2 The seller is asking a(n) ridiculously / absolutely cheap price for it.

3 It’s deeply / highly probable that someone else will buy it before I can.

4 I shall be highly / bitterly disappointed if that happens.

5 And I would be deeply / absolutely grateful if you could lend me the money!

6 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 We’re all going to watch the solar e_______ .

2 If you jump up, g_______ pulls you back down.

3 A few years ago there was a terrible accident at the l_______ of the space shuttle.

4 It will be wonderful if space tourists can go into o_______ around the Earth.

5 The astronauts’ m_______ is to conduct some experiments in the space station.


7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

argumentative grumpy tolerant naive reserved flexible stubborn hot-headed courteous level-headed

1 The staff at the airport were all very _________ to us. It was a pleasant surprise.

2 My cousin is quite _________ and doesn’t say much.

3 I was very _________ when I went to university but I’m much more experienced now.

4 Don’t be so _________ ! You can always find something to smile about.

5 In today’s society people need to be _________ and listen to others’ points of view.

6 My dad was very _________ when he was young and got into a lot of trouble.

7 I don’t think winning a lot of money will change Sam. He’s very _________ .

8 My sister is so _________ you’ll never persuade her to apologise to him.

9 You’re being very _________ today! You’ve disagreed with everything I’ve said!

10 We’re lucky to have Jill as an employee. She’s _________ and can change her hours if we need her to.

8 Choose the correct answers.

1 Plasma TVs cost / make a fortune.

2 We splashed out / down on a new car.

3 Pete spent / paid through the nose for his new bike.

4 If you started a sandwich shop at school, you’d make / do a killing.

5 I don’t mind spending money but I hate being ripped up / off!

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 9822

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