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Detailed projects Info. of LMTV in Sri Lanka


NICE&GV4GF-LI-BA16-1 Badd 16-1 (Sri Lanka) 01/21-04/04 EDUC, KIDS 2 vols.

NICE&GV4GF-LI-BA16-2 Badd 16-2 (Sri Lanka) 04/27-07/10 EDUC, KIDS 2 vols.

Organized together with Green Volunteers for Green Future (GV4GF) since 2012 (first time in this place). GV4GF is a new NGO founded in 2012 to promote voluntary service, environmental protection and improve rural life. NICE co-organized workcamps and continue till 2016 to share know-how & networks. From 2014, GV4GF start LMTV (Long and Middle Term Volunteering) with NICE. Host Organization called Women’s Economic Development Foundation (WEDF) and promoting chemical free home gardening, Children’s skill development programs, micro credit schemes and leadership training for women and young girls are main among their activities. It is located at south part of Sri Lanka, 19km from capital city of south province Galle, and from Colombo it is 117km to Galle.

W: Program name is “Assist to Kindergarten and teaching English to Community”. We will 1)identify local needs creating activities to spend youth life more meaningfully, 2) introduce activities to widen their English knowledge and some games etc., 3) make a monthly activity plan, 4) assist to kindergarten work and kid’s work 5) Expand knowledge of women about English while sharing your experiences and knowledge.

A: A village home. Be ready to enjoy simple

L: Baddegama is a little suburb located at 19km from Galle, the capital city of South province which is situated close to southern sea. .

T: Colombo. (You need to arrive by the day before 1st day and stay there till last day of the morning)

SR:Above 20 years of age. Working ability with minimum supervision. Fluency in English, speaking, reading and writing. Additionally, knowledge of sociology, women’s and child rights are very useful. Ability to adopt and respect to local conditions, environment and culture. You have to work five days per week including one week end day. High motivation to work and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization! You are going to be a live specimen to local community. So please be a good leader to them.

PF: LI-BA16-1, 15-2 is 820 US$to be paid on your arrivals.


NICE&GV4GF-LI-PA16-1 Pani 16-1 (Sri Lanka) 01/23-04/06 EDUC, KIDS 2 vols.

NICE&GV4GF-LI-PA16-2 Pani 16-2 (Sri Lanka) 04/30-07/08 EDUC, KIDS 2 vols.

NICE&GV4GF-LI-PA16-3 Pani 16-3 (Sri Lanka) 06/25-09/07 EDUC, KIDS 2 vols.

Organized together with Green Volunteers for Green Future (GV4GF) since 2012. GV4GF is a new NGO founded in 2012 to promote voluntary service, environmental protection and improve rural life. NICE co-organized workcamps and continue till 2016 to share know-how & networks. From 2014, GV4GF start LMTV (Long and Middle Term Volunteering) with NICE. Host Organization called SAFE Foundation and it is working for mainly poverty eradication and child protection among the rural villagers. They are working with some rural and hash areas, youths, children and women.

W:Program name is “Kindergarten Assistant and English teaching to kids, children and youths”.1)Morning working as a kindergarten teacher/assistant. 2) In the afternoon Teaching English to local youths and women’s groups using informal way, rather than a following a book, while speaking and doing games etc. or following your own way 3) Making a monthly activity plan 4) Assist office work of the host organization to do in English 5) Enhance English knowledge of the office staff of the host organization.

A:Village house. Be ready to enjoy simple life. During your staying can participate different kind of events, festivals and community ceremonies etc. and visiting deferent parts of the North Central Province while adding a deferent kind of experiences to your life.

L: Anuradhapura is the most ancient kingdom in Sri Lanka and declared as a world heritage site. Lots of ruins are still there including stone carvings, temples, pagodas, shrines, parks and lakes etc. Paniyankadawala is a rural village, 21km from the nearest Anuradhapura. You are going to stay at this village and you can see and experienced way of the life in rural area, environment, lakes, paddy fields and lots of stars in the sky at night. No internet or wifi in here.

T: Colombo. (You need to arrive by the day before 1st day and stay there till last day of the morning)

SR:Above 20 years of age. Working ability with minimum supervision. Fluency in English, speaking, reading and writing, Ability to adopt and respect local conditions, environment and culture. You have to work five days per week including one week end day. High motivation to work and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization! You are going to be a live specimen to local community. So please be a good leader to them.

PF: LI-PA16-1 is 820 US$, LI-PA16-2 is 770 US$, LI-PA16-3 is 820 US$to be paid on your arrivals.



NICE&GV4GF-LI-GA16-1 Galaha 16-1 (Sri Lanka) 02/28-05/15 EDUC, KIDS 1 vol.

NICE&GV4GF-LI-GA16-2 Galaha 16-2 (Sri Lanka) 05/17-07/28 EDUC, KIDS 1 vol.

Organized together with Green Volunteers for Green Future (GV4GF) since 2012. GV4GF is a new NGO founded in 2012 to promote voluntary service, environmental protection and improve rural life. NICE co-organized workcamps and continue till 2016 to share know-how & networks. From 2014, GV4GF start LMTV (Long and Middle Term Volunteering) with NICE. Host Organization called Gami Seva Sevana (Shelter to villagers) and it is working for mainly promoting organic agriculture, environment protection, and poverty elevation. They are working with some rural and hash areas, youths, children and women.

W: Program name is “ENGLISH FOR ALL”. We will 1)identify local needs creating activities to spend youth life more meaningfully, 2) introduce activities to widen their knowledge and some games etc., 3) make a monthly activity plan, 4) assist office work of the host organization to do in English, 5) enhance English knowledge of the office staff of the host organization.

A:Training center. Be ready to enjoy simple rural life.

L: Galaha is located at central province of Sri Lanka and elevation is 953m above sea level. This area turned as a tea plantation, by British people in 17th century. Still tea plantation is remaining as a main income of the people. Majority of population is south Indian Tamil people. You can eat chemical free vegetables and fruits, drink fresh milk, can feel fresh air and cool weather while staying at GSS farm. You can travel surrounded villages for classes. No wifi but you can check your mails at the office.

T: Negombo. (You need to arrive by the day before 1st day and stay there till last day of the morning)

SR:Above 20 years of age. Working ability with minimum supervision. Fluency in English, speaking, reading and writing. Ability to adopt and respect to local conditions, environment and culture. You have to work five days per week including one week end day. High motivation to work and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization! You are going to be a live specimen to local community. So please be a good leader to them.

PF: LI-GA16-1 is 850US$, LI-GA16-2 is 800US$to be paid on your arrivals.


NICE&GV4GF-LI-GA16-3 Galaha 16-3 (Sri Lanka) 05/17-07/28 EDUC, KIDS 1 vol.

Organized together with Green Volunteers for Green Future (GV4GF) since 2012 (first time in this place). GV4GF is a new NGO founded in 2012 to promote voluntary service, environmental protection and improve rural life. NICE co-organized workcamps and continue till 2016 to share know-how & networks. From 2014, GV4GF start LMTV (Long and Middle Term Volunteering) with NICE. Host Organization called Gami Seva Sevana (Shelter to villagers) and it is working for mainly promoting organic agriculture, environment protection, and poverty elevation. They are working with some rural and hash areas, youths, children and women. GSS have another project location at Dunhinne, about 30Km from Kandy. Dunhinna is a very rural village with natural beauty surrounded by mountains.

W: Program name is “ENGLISH FOR COMMUNITY”. We will 1)identify local needs creating activities to spend youth life more meaningfully, 2) introduce activities to widen their knowledge and some games etc., 3) make a monthly activity plan, 4) assist office work of the host organization to do in English, 5) enhance English knowledge of the office staff of the host organization.

A:Training center. Be ready to enjoy simple rural life.

L: Dunhinna is located at central province of Sri Lanka and elevation is 970m above sea level. Whole this area was a tea plantation and after British people abandoned this area, became a village. It is a mix cultured area. You can travel surrounded villages for classes. Most of villages are doing small scale agriculture for surviving. No wifi but some places you can find mobile network.

T: Negombo. (You need to arrive by the day before 1st day and stay there till last day of the morning)

SR:Above 20 years of age. Working ability with minimum supervision. Fluency in English, speaking, reading and writing. Ability to adopt and respect to local conditions, environment and culture. You have to work five days per week including one week end day. High motivation to work and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization! You are going to be a live specimen to local community. So please be a good leader to them.

PF: LI-GA16-3 is 800US$to be paid on your arrivals.


NICE&GV4GF-LI-GA16-4 Galaha 16-4 (Sri Lanka) 02/28-05/15 AGRI, MANU 3 vols.

NICE&GV4GF-LI-GA16-5 Galaha 16-5 (Sri Lanka) 05/17-07/28 AGRI, MANU 3 vols.

Organized together with Green Volunteers for Green Future (GV4GF) since 2012 (first time in this place). GV4GF is a new NGO founded in 2012 to promote voluntary service, environmental protection and improve rural life. NICE co-organized workcamps and continue till 2015 to share know-how & networks. From 2014, GV4GF start LMTV (Long and Middle Term Volunteering) with NICE. Host Organization called Gami Seva Sevana (Shelter to villagers) and it is working for mainly promoting organic agriculture, environment protection, and poverty elevation. They are working with some rural and hash areas, youths, children and women. GSS have another project location at Dunhinne, about 30Km from Kandy. Dunhinna is a very rural village with natural beauty surrounded by mountains.

W: Program name is “Working and assist at organic farm”. We will 1)help to do day to day work 2) keeping records about work and it’s effect, 3) Planting seeds and plants at farm, 4) make a monthly activity plan

A: Training center at farm. Be ready to enjoy simple life.

L: Galaha is located at central province of Sri Lanka and elevation is 953m above sea level. This area turned as a tea plantation, by British people in 17th century. Still tea plantation is remaining as a main income of the people. Majority of population is south Indian Tamil people. You can eat chemical free vegetables and fruits, drink fresh milk, can feel fresh air and cool weather while staying at GSS farm. You can travel surrounded villages for classes.No wifi but you can check your mails at the office.

T: Negombo. (You need to arrive by the day before 1st day and stay there till last day of the morning)

SR:Above 20 years of age. Working ability with minimum supervision. Fluency in English, speaking, reading and writing. Ability to adopt and respect to local conditions, environment and culture. You have to work five days per week including one week end day. High motivation to work and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization! You are going to be a live specimen to local community. So please be a good leader to them.

PF: LI-GA16-4 is 850US$, LI-GA16-5 is 800US$to be paid on your arrivals.

Project 3: Group Workcamps

- Let's organize together! -


3-1) What are Group Workcamps?

Workcampsorganized for specific groups like schools, NGOs, student groups, companies, governments, local communities, etc.

Contents (types of works, places, periods, finance, types/ numbers of volunteers, etc.) just depend on the needs of the groups and hosts.


3-2) Why are they organized ?

There are huge demands to input workcamp elements (voluntary works and collective life) in (mostly, existing) programs of the societysuch as school/ company trips, training of youth/ new workers, seminars and language classes, etc.

We need good training/ preparationespecially for those who were not so motivatedin the beginning, but then why not to improve those programs by utilizing our know-how and networks for the better world! And we can involve new kinds of peoplewho never apply alone or have no opportunities where else.

This can also be fund raining project if the group can use a lot of money for it!


3-3) Who can join/ send/ host?

Volunteers of the sending or both sides are recruited as a group (not individually from different routes) though there are two cases that all members of the groups automatically join or some ones of the groups join optionally.

Usually, workcamp NGOs in both sides plan/ organize together and provide each leader. It is also possible to do by 3 (or more) countries!


3-4) How to organize?

1) Sending org. makes draft plan with a group.

2) Sending org. propose it to the hosting org.

3) Hosting org. finds the local partners, modify the plan with them and answer to sending org.

4) Hosting & sending org. make an agreement.

* There can be the other way that hosts plan first and then, try to find a group to come.


3-5) Where and When organized ?

As above mentioned, just up to agreements on both sides (the host and the coming group).

It can be any time & length of a year.

Anywhere if the groups & the hosts like!

We can also host your groups in Japan.


1) 8 days in Apr. since 2002 near Sydney in Australia where 15 students of the vocational school worked in the aboriginal community (organized together with IVP Australia).

2) 14 days in Jun. 2015 in the community farm of Hokkaido, Japan with 20 youth from the first aid group in Wales, UK (with UNA UK).

3) 4 days in Jul. 2004 in Mongoliawhere 70 adult workers from Osaka, Japan worked in the farm and built a house for the orphanage (with MCE Mongolia).

4) 14 days in Feb. 2015 in Semarang, Indonesia where 20 youth from Medical Universities of both countries checked the health of street children (with IIWC Indonesia).

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1035

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