EXERCISE 1. Read the following sentences and circle the prefixes. For each word that has a prefix, try to decide what the prefix means. Refer back to the table if you need help.
1. Floppy disks are inexpensive and reusable.
2. If a printer malfunctions, you should check the interface cable.
3. The multiplexor was not working because someone had disconnected it by mistake.
4. Improper installation of the antiglare shield will make it impossible to read what is on the screen.
5. After you transfer text using the 'cut and paste' feature, you may have to reformat the text you have inserted.
6. You can maximize your chances of finding a job if you are bilingual or even trilingual.
7. Peripheral devices can be either input devices (such as keyboards) or output devices (such as printers).
8. Your pay rise is retroactive to the beginning of June and you will receive a biannual bonus.
9. The octal and hexadecimal systems are number systems used as a form of shorthand in reading groups of four binary digits.
10. As the results are irregular, the program will have to be rewritten.