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Find the homophones to the following words spell them and explain their meaning in English.




1. What is homonymy? What do homonyms denote?

2. What are sources of homonymy?

3. What are full homonyms?

4. What is partial homonymy?

5. How may the type of meaning classify homonyms?

6. What homonyms do we call lexical?

7. What are grammatical homonyms?

8. What are special peculiarities of lexico-grammatical homonyms?

9. How may homonyms be classified according to their spelling and sound form?

10. What are proper homonyms?

11. How do you define homophones?

12. How do you define homographs?

13. How can the criterion of distribution help in differentiating homonyms?

14. What is the difference between homonymy and polysemy?


1. Give homonyms to the following words. State their types according to W. Skeat’s classification.

1. miss, fare, weak;

2. wear, for, night;

3. pail, right, way;

4. will, sole, plane.


2. Comment on the meanings of the wordthingas used in the following examples. Is it a phenomenon of homonymy or polysemy?


1. I gave her a little thing for her birthday

2. Sir Barnet was proud of making people acquainted with people. He liked the thing for its own sake.

3. This is very bad, for fog is the only thing that can spoil my plan.

4. He was satisfied with most things, and, above all other things, with himself.

5. His financial worries were a thing of the past.

6. There are some interesting things in your report.

7. A funny thing happened to me today.

8. Who’s that pretty young thing I saw you with yesterday?

3. Analyze the wordsbar, ringandchairin the following phrases in terms of differentiation between lexico-semantic variants of one and the same word (polysemy) and different words having identical expression (homonymy):


1. Bar: a bar of chocolate, a bar of soap, poverty is no bar to happiness, the prisoner at the bar, bars of the National Anthem, there was a bar of red across the sky, a snack bar, to serve at the bar;


2. Ring: the ring of the doorbell, give me a ring, to have a ring on a finger, to sit in a ring around the fire, to leave the ring, the ring of the hammer, an international drugs ring;


3. Chair: to sit on a hard wooden chair, to have the Chair of Philosophy at the University, all questions must be addressed to the chair, he is the former chair of the Atomic Energy Commission.


4. State whether all of the following meanings belong to the polysemantic wordvoiceor homonymous word.

1. A child’s voice is heard. 2) My father had a fine bass voice. 3) The voice of ordinary party members was rarely listened to. 4) The voice-voicelessness distinction sets up some English consonants in opposed pairs. 5) Her article gave voice to the anger felt by many local people.


5. Classify the following italicized homonyms. Use prof. A.I. Smirnitsky’s classification system.

1. a) He should give the ball in your honour as the bride. b) The boy was playing with a ball;

2. a) He wished he could explain about his left ear. b) He left the sentence unfinished.

3. a) I wish you could stop lying. b) The yellow mouse was still dead, lying as it had fallen in the clear liquid.

4. a) This time, he turned on the light. b) He wore $300 suits with light ties and he was a man you would instinctively trust anywhere.

5. a) The page in a uniform helped guests in a hotel with their luggage. b) Open your books at page 24.

6. a) The sun rose at 5.36 yesterday. b) I’ll send you roses, one rose for each year of your life.

7. a) The pain was almost more than he could bear. B) Catch the bear before you sell his skin.

8. a) To can means to put up in airtight tins or jars for preservation. b) A man can die but once.


6. Give homonyms to the following definitions and define their types according to prof. A.I. Smirnitsky’s classification.

1. a series of people or things arranged in a straight line; a short journey in a boat;

2. an opinion that someone gives you about the best thing to do in a particular situation; to give your opinion to someone about the best thing to do in a particular situation;

3. a particular smell, especially a pleasant one; a small unit of money used in many countries, for example the US, Canada, and Australia;

4. to create words, numbers, texts, etc. using a pen; correctly, or accurately;

5. the money that you pay for a journey; reasonable and morally right;

6. all the actors in a film, play, etc.; a group of people who have the same social or professional status.


7. Classify the given words into: 1) homonyms proper; 2) homophones; 3) homographs. Give meanings of these words.


1) Made (adj) ─ maid (n); 2) row (n) – row (n); 3) week (n) – weak (adj); 4) seal (n) - seal (n); 5) tear (v) – tear (n); 6) bread (n) – bred (adj); 7) band (n) – band (n); 8) sum (n) – some (pron); 9) fall (n) – fall (v); 10) wind (n) – wind (v); 11) base (n) – base (v); 12) desert (v) – desert (n); 13) hare (n) – hair (n); 14) sewer (n) – sewer (n); 15) corn (n) – corn (n).


Find the homophones to the following words spell them and explain their meaning in English.

Heir, dye, cent, tale, sea, week, peace, sun, meat, steel, knight, sum, coarse, write, sight, hare.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 2660

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