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I study at the University

My biography

Let me introduce myself. My name is ZHanas. I am 17 years old. I was born on the 5 June 1995 in Aiyrtas. Our family is not big, I have father, mather, brother, sister, daughter-in-low and me.

My life changed when I started to go to school. 2001, I went to school in the first grade. I felt like an adult. I studied as "excellent", and participated in competitions and Olympiads. It is also not lost interest in music and drawing, and my favorite subjects were music and painting. In my free time from school I learned to play the tennis. During the summer holidays went to camp. In high school I wanted to become a chemist, because I love chemistry and interested in organic and inorganic substances. 2012 I passed the unified national testing.

After the eleventh grade, I went to the Karaganda State University chemist on inorganic substances. I like to study at this university.



My family

My name is Zhanas. I am 17 years old. I was born on the 5 June 1995 Airytas. Our family is not big, I have mather, father, brother, sister and daudghter-in-low abd me.

There are 5 of us in our family: my mother, father, brother and sister. I think our family is friendly and united. We spend much time together, hike, go to the cinema, go shopping, relax together. My mother's name is Roza. She is 46 years old. She works in a school. She is a kind, nice woman. She can cook very well.

My father's name is Kamal. He is 49 years old. He is a strong, clever man. He often tells me interesting stories about different countries. Father can do a lot of things. He teaches me to drive a car.

My brother's name is Zharas. He is 25 years old. He graduated from the KEU. He was married.

My sister ’s name Zhanarym. she is 23 years old. she finished KEU. At the moment it is working. she was not married.

My daughter-in-low’s name Aida. She is24 years old.



My Friend Abdul

I would like to tell you about my friends. I have a lot of them, but my close friend is Abdul.He is 17. We have nothing in common in appearance. he is not very tall. He hair and eyes is black . he is always well dressed and neat. he is always ready to help people, when they are in need.he is not selfish. I like to be around her, because she knows a lot of interesting stories, funny jokes.he is fond of reading. Abdul goes in for sports. he plays tennis and swims. She is studying to be an economist.

We always meet at the weekends. We discuss books, listen to the music or visit our friends. I always enjoy the time spent together.

I am happy to have such a friend as . I am sure we shall be friends forever.


My working day

My working day begins early in the morning. I get up at seven o'clock and I make a bed. Then I wash, I brush teeth, I put on the clothes. Then I have breakfast. It can be a cup of tea or coffee with cookies. Then I leave from a house and I go to University. If weather good I go walking distance, and sometimes by the bus. I reach University. Our classes begin in 8 30th mornings and proceed to two sometimes to four o'clock in the afternoon. We have 10-minute breaks between lessons. During long breaks which proceed till 20 minutes, we go to a dining room for a breakfast. After classes we remain at university and we do homework in library. Also we leave university in four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

I reach to a house and a couple of hours I have a rest. About six o'clock in the evening I get and I make a dinner. At seven o'clock we have supper with friends together. After that I have free time. I read books, sometimes I watch film. I go to bed in eleven or twelve o'clock at night.

My days off


I go to university five days a week, so I have two days off — Saturday and Sunday (I'm lucky, because some other pupils have the only one day off). During the week I am very busy, so I like to have a rest on weekend.

I am not an early riser and it is a rare Saturday or Sunday when I get up before 9 o'clock. I enjoy staying in bed, when 1 don't have to hurry anywhere. We have late breakfast at 10 and watch TV.

On Saturday, I get up at 10 am. Usually on Saturday if the weather is good, I usually do not stay at home, my friends and I go out on the street, ghouls, go to movies, walk to the shops. In the evening, my friends and I play different games, different telling funny jokes. Sit up nights and watch movies at night. And I go to sleep for about two or three hours.

And on Sunday I'm doing household chores. And sometimes I go to visit friends, and sometimes they come to me. And in the evening I do my homework and get ready for tomorrow. On Sunday, I go to bed early at 10:00 am.

I like weekends very much, because I can rest and gain some energy for the next week.



I study at the University

I study at Karaganda State University. The academic year begins, as a rule, on the 1st of September and ends in June. It lasts ten months: September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June. The academic year has two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. The autumn term begins in September and ends in December. It lasts about four months. The spring term begins on the 21st of January and ends as a rule in May. This term is short. It lasts only three months. Each term ends with examinations which take place in January and in June. During the academic year students work hard. As a rule they are very busy and have a lot of work to do.

We have two holidays a year: winter holidays and summer holidays. The summer holidays are long. They last two months. The winter holidays are short. They last only two weeks. During the holidays we do not study, we have a rest.

We go to the University every day except Saturday and Sunday. On week-days we work hard. On Saturday and Sunday we have a rest as a rule. Classes at our University begin at half past nine o'clock in the morning and end at three in the afternoon.

All students learn some foreign languages - English, German. We learn English. We have one English classes a week, on Wednesday, but just 5 lessons. When the teacher comes into the room we stand up and greet the teacher. We say: ''Good morning'' if it is morning. We say: ''Good afternoon'' if it is afternoon. We say: ''Good evening'' if it is evening.

Then we sit down and our lesson begins. We check our homework . We ask and answer questions, we read English texts and translate sentences from Russian into English, or from English into Russian. We describe pictures and speak on various topics. During the English class we do a lot of exercises, we speak, read and write English. We do not speak Russian in class. We speak Russian before and after classes.

As I want to learn to speak and to read English, I am very attentive in class and I always prepare my homework. English is not difficult for me because I work at it regularly. As I live in the hostel, I always prepare my lessons together with a friend of mine. We learn new words and do exercises. We ask each other questions and answer them.

At the end of each class the teacher gives us our homework. She says: ‘’The homework for your next English class is to read the new text, to learn the new words and to prepare the topic ‘My University’.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 3660

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