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8.1.Write the plural.

Model 1: flower – flowers. Model 2: man – men

1. boat 2. woman 3. child 4. holiday 5. knife
6. language 9. address 12. foot 15. sandwich 18. leaf
7. watch 10. sheep 13. umbrella 16. city 19. family
8. country 11. ship 14. person 17. mouse 20. fish

8.2.Put inis or are.

Model 1: . ...Is ... the shop open? Model 2: ...Are... the shops open?

1. My hands ...... cold. 8. Where ...... the boxes?
2. Where ...... my camera? 9. Where ...... the children?
3. Where ...... my glasses? 10. Your coat ...... dirty.
4. My nose ...... cold. 11. Your jeans .... dirty.
5. My feet ........ cold. 12. Who ...... that girl?
6. Who ...... those men? 13. Mice ...... small animals.
7. Who ...... those boys? 14. ...... this book interesting?


8.3. Some of these sentences need a / an. Some of the sentences are right. Put in a / an where necessary.

Model 1: I haven’t got car. ...a car..............

Model 2: Salt is not expensive. ... true

1. Ann never wears hat. 7. I never drink milk.
2. Are you looking for job? 8. Britain is island.
3. Mary doesn’t eat meat. 9. Jack made very bad mistake.
4. I’m going to party tonight. 10. Everybody needs food.
5. Do you like cheese? 11. Can you drive car?
6. Do you want cup of coffee? 12. I’ve got very good idea.


8.4.Some of these sentences are right and some are wrong. Correct the sentences that are wrong. Write “true” if the sentence is right.

Model 1: She’s a very nice person. .........true......

Model 2: I need a new jeans. – I need a new pair of jeans. or I need some new jeans.

1. I’ve got two brother and four sister.

2. It’s a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree.

3. There are a lot of sheep in that field.

4. Do you make many mistake when you speak English?

5. She’s married and she has got three childs.

6. Most of my friend are students.

7. He put on his pyjama and went to bed.

8. We went fishing but we didn’t catch many fish.

9. There are three people in the car, two women and a man.

10. I like your trouser. Where did you get it?

11. The town centre is usually full of tourist.

12. This scissor isn’t very sharp.

13. I’d like to ask you a few questions.

14. How much books did you buy today?

15. There hasn’t been many rain this spring.

16. I’ve already drunk too much coffee today.

17. There wasn’t many good news on TV.

18. I can’t get much information about the accident.


Complete the sentences with much or many.

1. You’ve got too …….. milk today.

2. How …….. paper did you use?

3. Do they spend …….. time watching TV?

4. How …….. flights a day are there to Dubai?

5. Do you have …….. money on you?

6. He hasn’t bought …….. fruit.

7. They aren’t going to build …….. offices by the river.

8. He didn’t take …….. time to get the work done.

9. How …….. films have you seen this year?

10. Don’t spend …….. days there. It isn’t very interesting.


8.6.Choose the correct word or words in each sentence.

Model: Are / Isthere much / many cats in England? ..... Are there many cats in England? ..........

1. There is / aresome people to see you, sir.

2. How much / manywould you like to change?

3. John hasn’t got a job / work at the moment.

4. You find good advice / advicesin the strangest places.

5. Have you got many / muchwarm clothe / clotheswith you?

6. Hurry, there isn’t / aren’t many / much time left.

7. Be careful; there is / are glasses / glass everywhere.

8. Here is / are the new / news on TV.

9. Can I give a / somefood to the animals, Mum?

Put in a / an or some.

Model:an egg

sweets apple orange crisps water
butter tomato peach bread apple juice
cheese meat bananas chocolate biscuit


Put in someor any.

1. There is …... apple juice in the fridge. 2. There isn’t …... coffee in my cup. 3. Are there ….. cans in the kitchen? 4. There aren’t ….. flats in our street. 5. I’ve got …... nice friends. 6. Has your father got …... brothers?

7. Alice hasn’t got …... children. 8. I know ….. nice people in Wolverhampton. 9. Have you got ....... English friends? 10. I’m going to buy ....... eggs. 11. I can play. I’ve got ....... money. 12. There aren’t ...... shops in this part of the town. 13. George and Alice haven’t got ....... English lessons on Fridays. 14. There are ....... beautiful flowers in the garden. 15. Are there ….... letters for me this morning? 16. I haven’t got ....... stamps but Ann’s got ….... . 17. Do you know ....... good hotels in London? 18. Don’t buy ....... rice. We don’t need ....... . 19. We haven’t got ....... bread, so I’m going out to buy ….... . 20. When we were on holiday, we visited ....... very interesting places. 21. I went out to buy ....... milk but they didn’t have ....... in the shop.

Put in noor any.

Model 1:There aren’t ...... any ...... good hotels here.

Model 2: There are ...... no ...... buses today.

1. I didn’t write ............ letters last night.

2. There are ............ shops in this part of the town.

3. She can’t speak ............ foreign languages.

4. Don’t buy ............ food. We don’t need ............ .

5. My brother is married but he has got ............ children.

6. I am afraid there is ............ coffee. Would you like some tea?

7. “Look at those birds!” “Birds? Where? I can’t see ............ birds.”

8. The man asked me for some money but I didn’t give him ............ .

8.10.Complete the sentences. Use anyor no+ one of these words:

cigarettes / difference / film / friends / furniture / money / photographs / questions / work / swimming-pool


Model: I am not going to do ....... any work ...... this evening.

1. I didn’t smoke ............ yesterday.

2. They want to go on holiday but they have got ............ .

3. It’s a nice hotel but there is ............ .

4. I am not going to answer ............ .

5. He is always alone. He has got ............ .

6. There is ............ between these two machines. They are the same.

7. I can’t take ............ . There is ............ in the camera.

8. There wasn’t ............ in the room. It was completely empty.

8.11.Put in a / an, some, theor – (= no article).

1. There is …… orange in my bag.

2. …… potatoes are very expensive now.

3. Is Joanna in …… bed?

4. I think John's on his way to …… school.

5. There is …… milk over here.

6. Does she go to work by …… car?

7. Do you like …… apple juice?

8. Have you got …… pen?

9. I live in …… small flat in …… Park Street.

10. “Where is Jack?” “In …… living room.”

11. I have …… lunch from 12.30 to 1.15.

12. John isn't here; I think he's at …… lunch.

13. Excuse me. Is there …… post office near here, please?

14. Excuse me. Where is …… nearest post office, please?

16. First on …… right, then second on …… left.

17. About …… hundred meters.

18. I’ve got …… interesting books about classical music.

19. Are you interested in …… politics?

20. Barry’s wife is …… engineer.

21. I don’t want …… milk in my coffee.

22. Are there …… good programmes on television tonight?


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1937

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Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist | Complete the sentences. Use than.
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