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Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist

1. Suzanne loves playing the piano. ... Is she going to be a ...?

2. Peter writes very well. ...............................................................

3. Julia is at business school. ....................................…...............

4. Tony is at drama school. .......................................…................

5. Ann and Paul are studying medicine. .....................….............

6. Jane and Rose are learning to type. ...............................….…


6.4.Sarah and Tom are very busy next week. Answer the questions.

JULY Mon Sarah. See bank manager 3.00 p.m.

Tue Go to the theatre 8 p. m.

Wed Sarah. Fly to Paris 2.30 p.m.

Thur Tom. Go to dentist 10.30 a.m.

Fri Tom. Meet Sarah at airport 6.30 p.m.

Sat Have dinner with Tom’s parents 7.30

Sun Play tennis 11 a.m.

Model: What’s Sarah doing on Monday? – She is seeing the bank manager in the afternoon.

1. What are Tom and Sarah doing on Tuesday?

2. What is Sarah doing on Wednesday?

3. What is Tom doing on Thursday?

4. What is he doing on Friday?

5. What are Tom and Sarah doing on Saturday?

6. What are they doing on Sunday?


6.5.Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the correct future form to express the use.

Model: We’ll help…. (help) you repaint your house. (offer)

They’re going to spend …. (spend) the summer in South America. (plan)

1. I think you …….. (like) that film. (offer)

2. Lee …….. (be) a school teacher. (prediction)

3. The train …… (be) late. There’s been an accident. (prediction with evidence)

4. I …….. (finish) the work by Friday. (promise)

5. Henry …….. (get) the job. The head of the company was very impressed by him. (prediction with evidence)

6. …….. (you pass) me that book, please? (request)

7. I …….. (not see) the football game. (intention)

8. …….. (you come) with me to the concert? (request)


6.6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Your appointment …….. (be) at 3 pm on Friday.

2. When I ……. (see) him, I’ll tell him.

3. What time ……. (the train leave)?

4. I …….. (play) tennis with Peter on Saturday.

5. I …….. (swim) in the sea on holiday this time next week.

6. He’ll finish the work before he …….. (go).

7. By this time next year, they …….. (sell) more than a million copies of that song.

8. Don’t start that now. We …….. (about get) a visit from the boss any minute.

9. They …….. (show) “Titanic” at the cinema next week.

10. The new term …….. (start) on 8th April.


6.7.Which of the underlined parts of these sentences is correct?

1. I’m hungry. I’ll have / I’m going to have something to eat.

2. The World Cup in 2006 will be / is going to be in Germany.

3. Don’t worry, Mary. John will drive / is going to drive the car home for you.

4. Next year we’ll drive / we’re going to drive across America in a caravan.

5. Take plenty of sun cream to Greece. It’ll be / It’s going to be hot there.

6. Will you give / Are you going to give us a lift to school, please?

7. We’ll look after / We’re going to look after your car very carefully, Mr Jones.

8. Look out! That bicycle will hit / is going to hit us.


6.8.Fill in the gaps with will or Present Continuous.

Frank: …Are...you (go) …going… on holiday this year?

Mike: Yes, but we don’t know where. Maybe we …….. (go) to Italy again or perhaps we …….. (try) Greece.

Frank: Oh, Betty and I …….. (go) to Greece this year. Athens.

Mike: Really? …….. you …….. (fly)?

Frank: Yes we are. We …….. (leave) on the 18th and we ……… (come) back on the 28th. Only ten days.

Mike: And where …….. you …….. (stay)?

Frank: Well, we …….. (stay) in the Hotel Splendid for three days, but we …….. (not take) a lot of luggage because we want to go to the islands. Maybe we …….. (travel) around for two or three days before we come back to Athens for the flight.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1346

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