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Complete the sentences. Use than.

Model:He isn’t very tall. – You are taller than him (or: than he is).

1. She isn’t very old. You are ……………………………..
2. I don’t work very hard. You work ………........………………
3. He doesn’t smoke very much. You smoke ………................……...
4. I’m not a very good cook. You are ……...........…..….…………
5. We don’t know many people. You know ………..................………
6. They haven’t got much money. You’ve got …............….........……...
7. I can’t run very fast. You can ……….…….………………
8. He isn’t very interesting. You are ……........……..……………

9.10.Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (the oldest etc.).

Model:This building is very old. – It’s …the oldest building ... in the town.

1. It was a very happy day. It was ……….……….….of my life.

2. It’s a very good film. It’s ………….….…..I’ve ever seen.

3. She is a very popular singer. She is …………..…in our country.

4. It was a very bad mistake. It was …………...…I’ve ever made.

5. It’s a very pretty village. It’s ……..…….....…..I’ve ever seen.

6. It was a very cold day. It was ………....….…….of the year.

7. He is a very interesting person. He is ………….....…. I’ve ever met.

9.11.Write sentences with a superlative (the longest etc.)


Sydney Brazil large country planet the USA the solar system
Everest Jupiter long city state Africa South America
Alaska the Nile high river mountain the world Australia

Model: Sydney is the largest city in Australia.


1. Everest… 2. Alaska… 3. Brazil… 4. Jupiter… 5. The Nile…


9.12 .Write the sentences another way.

Model:France is larger than Spain. – Spain is smaller than France.

1. The trousers are more expensive than the jeans. …….……………….…

2. Madrid is warmer than Paris. …………………………………………….…

3. Rome is older than Milan. …………………………………..…………….…

4. Ken is thinner than me. ……………...……………………...…………….…

5. The country is quieter than the town. ………………………………….…...

6. The population of Norway is lower than the population of Sweden…..….

7. Tom looks sadder than Jerry. ………………………………………….……

8. Flying is safer than driving. …………………………………………….….…

9. Your brother looks older than you. ……………………………………….…

10. The coach is slower than the train. ………………………………………..

11. The Rhine is shorter than the Danube. ……………………………………

9.13.Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

Model: Mercury is …the hottest….. (hot) planet.

1. Jupiter is …….. (large) planet.

2. Mars is …….. (near) planet to the earth.

3. Everest is …….. (high) mountain in the world.

4. K2 is …….. (dangerous) mountain to climb.

5. The world’s …….. (bad) earthquake was in China in 1976.

6. …….. (old) rocks on the earth are 4,300 million years old.

7. The Grand Canyon in the USA is …….. (long) river gorge in the world.

8. The “Mona Lisa” is …….. (famous) painting in the world.

9. In my opinion, …….. (unusual) food is Tibetan “tea soup”.

10. Oranges are the world’s …….. (popular) fruit.

11. …….. (destructive) war was the Second World War.

12. China is the country with …….. (many) cinema-goers.

13. …….. (early) coins were made 2,500 years ago.

14. The wheel is one of …….. (important) human inventions.

9.14. Write sentences using not as … as. Then write a second sentence with the opposite of the comparative adjective.

Model: March / dry / July → March isn’t as dry as July. It’s wetter than July.

1. His car / expensive / mine

2. Britain / big / France

3. February / long / September

4. My computer / old / Tom’s

5. The trains in Britain / good / those in France

6. The Euphrates / long / the Nile

7. Earth / hot / Venus

8. The Queen of England / rich / the Sultan of Brunei

9. This exercise / easy / the last one

UNIT 10 A / An / The

Write a or an.

1. ...a ... book 3. .... organisation 5. .... question

2. ... an ...old book 4. .... restaurant 6. .... important person

7. ...... window 10. .... Chinese restaurant 13. .... hamburger

8. ...... airport 11. .... accident 14. .... economic book

9. ...... university 12. .... bad accident 15. .... nice evening


10.2.Write sentences from the words in brackets. Write aor an where necessary.

Model: I bought newspaper. – I bought a newspaper.

1. We went to party last night. 6. Britain is industrial country.
2. My brother is artist. 7. I had bath this morning.
3. It’s beautiful day today. 8. Barbara works in office.
4. It’s beautiful day today. 9. It’s very difficult question.
5. I ate sandwich and apple. 10. We stayed at expensive hotel.


10.3.Complete these sentences. Use the words in the list. Use the if necessary.

breakfast/ dinner/ guitar/ lunch/ police/ radio/ sky/ sun/ television/ time


Model: “Can you tell me ...... the time...... please?” “Yes, it’s half past six.”

1. We had ............ at a restaurant last night.

2. ............ is a star. It gives us light and warmth.

3. Did you see the film on ............ last night?

4. I was hungry this morning because I didn’t have ............ .

5. ............ stopped me because I was driving too fast.

6. “Can you play ............?” “No, I can’t play any musical instruments.”

7. “What did you have for ............ ?” “Just a salad.”

8. When I’m working at home I like listening to ............ .

9. ............ is very clear tonight. You can see all the stars.


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