1) Participle 1 Indefinite Active is an attribute. In this function Participle 1 can be in pre-position and in post-position. It can precede the noun it modifies and follow it.
Participle 1 in pre-position hardly ever has accompanying words.
Participle 1 in post-position as a rule has several or more accompanying words.
Participle 1 Indefinite Passive is seldom used as an attribute.
Participle 1 Indefinite Active and Passive is not used attributively.
Cannot express priority in this function.
Attribute expressed by Participle 1 can be detached and separated by comma.
Ex.: The fence surrounding the garden is newly painted.
We admired stars twinkling in the sky.
2) Participle 1 as an adverbial modifier. All the forms of Participle 1 can be used as an adverbial modifier.
Participle 1 Indefinite expresses an action simultaneous with the action expressed by the finite verb.
Participle 1 Perfect expresses an action prior to the action expressed by the finite verb.
Participle 1 can be an adverbial modifier:
---of time
---of cause
---of manner and attendant circumstances
---of comparison
Ex.: Having closed the drawing room door on him,she awaited a little.
Having being a little in that line myself, I understood it.
She was silent,again looking at her hands.
This was said as if thinking aloud.
3) Participle 1 as a predicative. Is seldom used in this function.
Ex.: The affect of her words was terrifying.
4) Participle 1 as a part of complex object.
Ex.: I saw that young man and his wife talking to you on the stairs.
5) Participle 1 as a part of compound verbal predicate.
Ex.: Presently other footsteps were heard crossing the room below.
6) Participial phrase as parenthesis.
A single participle is not used,only phrase.
Ex.: Generally speaking,I hate reading.
The functions of Participle 2 in the sentence.
1) Participle 2 as an attribute.
Can be used in pre-position and post-position.
An attribute expressed by Participle 2 may be detached,in this case it often has an additional meaning of an adverbial modifier.
2) Participle 2 as an adverbial modifier.
It is preceded by the conjunctions when , while, if, as though…
Participle 2 can be an adverbial modifier of:
---of time
---of condition
---of comparison
---of concession
3) Participle 2 as a predicative.
4) Participle 2 as a part of complex object.
Ex.: When guestioned Anna had implied vaguely,that ahe was sad.
That was a breach of the law which if discovered would bring them to the police court.
As if torn with inner conflict and indecision,he cried.
Her spirit though crushed , was not broken.
In spite of himself, he was impressed.
She has found me unaltered, but I have found her changed.
Predicative constructions with the participle:
The Objective Participial Construction
The Subjective Participial Construction
The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction
The Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction
The Objective Participial Construction
Is a construction in which the participle is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case.
In the Objective Participial Construction Participle 1Indefinite Active or Participle 2 is used.
The Objective Participial Construction may be found:
---after verbs denoting sense perceptions such as to see,to hear, to feel,to find.
---after some verbs of mental activity, such as to consider, to understand.
--- after verbs denoting wish, such as to want , to wish,to desire. In such sace Participle 2 is used.
---after the verbs to have and to get. Only Participle 2 is used.
In interrogative and negative sentences the auxiliary verb to do is used.
Occasionally the meaning of the construction is different.