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Fill in the blanks using the Present Perfect Tense.

1. I’m afraid I (forget) my book at home.

2. … the secretary (yet/come)?

3. I (learn) the rhyme. Could you listen to me?

4. They (already/inform) me about the accident.

5. He is the most handsome man I (ever/know).

6. Kevin (already/leave for) Manchester.

7. He (not/receive) any letters from her this week.

8. I (not/hear) from him since he left Paris.

9. I (not/see) Tom for ages.

10. … you (have) a holiday this year?

11. We (see) some good films recently.

12. They (wait) for you for half an hour.

13. Mom (have) a headache since she came from the theatre.

14. Alan (work) in the bank for a year.

15. … you (ever/ride) a horse?


Complete the sentences with for or since.

1. Jill hasn’t been there … three years.

2. They have lived there … 1984.

3. They haven’t seen each other … that evening at Mr. Grey.

4. Our family haven’t heard from him … five months.

5. Oh, John! As usual you are late. I’ve waited for you … 11 a.m.

6. He has worked for this company … April.

7. I haven’t spoken to Mary … Christmas.

8. Mr. Pembroke doesn’t often mow the lawn. He hasn’t cut the grass … ages.

9. I have never sailed again … that journey.

10.We’ve lived in Oxford … 1992.

11. I think I’ll ring my girlfriend. I haven’t rung her … the weekend.

12. We are going to see some old friends. We haven’t seen them … five years.

13. Let’s watch a video, shall we? We haven’t watched one … quite a while.

14. We could have a barbecue. We haven’t had one … last summer.

15. Shall we play tennis? We haven’t played it … our holiday.

Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I have already done my homework. 2. He has just phoned me. 3. I haven’t spoken to him yet. 4. Has he come back yet? 5. Have you ever dined at this café?

6. I have always liked coffee. 7. I have never been here before. 8. I have read a lot lately. 9. I have heard this opera many times. 10. She hasn’t visited me lately. 11. I have already broken three cups, shall I go on washing up? 12. Have you ever seen an iceberg? 13. He hasn’t written to me since September. 14. Mary has had her baby – it is a boy. 15. I have been all over Africa.

Make up sentences using Present Perfect.

1. She / do / many different jobs. – She has done many different jobs.

2. He / travel / to many places. ________________________________________________.

3. We / do / a lot of interesting things. _______________________________________________________.

4. I / write / ten books. _____________________________.

5. They / meet / a lot of interesting people. _______________________________________________________________________.

6. You / be / married five times. _______________________________________________________.


Form the Present Perfect form of the following verbs and use them to make up sentences.

Break, buy, finish, do, go, go, lose, paint, read, take

1."Are they still having dinner?” "No, they have finished.

2. I _____________ some new shoes. Do you want to see them?

3. "Is Tom here?” "No, he _____________ to work.”

4. "__________ you __________ the shopping” "No, I’m going to do it later.”

5. "Where’s your key?” "I don’t know. I _____________ it.”

6. Look! Somebody _____________ that window.

7. Your house looks different. __________ you __________ it?

8. I can’t find my umbrella. Somebody _____________ it.

9. I’m looking for Sarah. Where __________ she __________?

10. "Do you want the newspaper?” "No, thanks. I _____________ it.”

Make up the questions in Present Perfect and ask them to your friend.

1. (to be / to Paris?) Have you ever been to Paris?

2. (play / golf?) Have you ever played golf?

3. (to be / to Australia?) ____________________________________?

4. (lose / your passport?) ___________________________________?

5. (sleep / in the park?) ____________________________________?

6. (eat / Chinese food?) ____________________________________?

7. (to be / to New York?) ___________________________________?

8. (win / a lot of money?) ___________________________________?

9. (break / your leg?) ______________________________________?

10. (run / a marathon?) _____________________________________?

11. (speak / to famous people?) ______________________________?

12. (live / in another town) __________________________________?


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1477

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Choose the correct answer a, b, or c . | Make the sentences negative using the Past Simple Tense.
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