ÌÎÄÓËÜ XV. Êîíòðîëü çíàíèé: ëåêñèêî-ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé òåñò
Choose the right answer:
1. John … speak three foreign languages.
a) can b) may c) must d) has to
2. You … work hard at your English if you want to know it.
a) may b) must to c) should d) are to
3. Mary … be in this room. It is her voice.
a) must b) should c) have to d) need
4. Everyone … obey the law.
a) should b) may c) must d) can
5. Mary … have gone to bed earlier last night. She is very tired today.
a) should b) could c) have to d) must
6. You … worry about the party any more. I’ll take care of it.
a) don’t need to b) do need to c) needn’t to d) need to
7. You .. see a doctor.
a) need b) should c) have d) may to
8. She has passed the exam. She … all last night.
a) can study b) may have studied c) must have studied
d) could have studied.
9. The boss said that I … be at work at nine o’clock.
a) had to b) ought c) can d) will be able to
10. Mary … close the window; it is getting cold.
a) had better to b) would better c) had better d) should to
11. At the police station he … a lot of questions.
a) asked b) had been asked c) had been asking
d) was asked.
12. The rent for the house … regularly.
a) was paid b) was paying c) paid d) pays
13. This question … at the meeting now.
a) has been discussed b) is discussing c) was discussed
d) is being discussed
14. This article … recently.
a) has been translated b) was translated
c) translated d) had been translated
15.The Russian hockey team … to win the next Olympic Games.
a) was supposed b) is supposed c) will suppose
d) supposes
16. Luke does not like … on trifles.
a) examines b) to be examine c) being examined
d) examined
17. They … to get married very soon.
a) are expected b) is expected c) expects
d) will expect
18. I … a big sum of money to buy the furniture for the office.
a) is given b) gave c) am given d) was given
19. I remember my train … during the journey.
a) to delay b) being delayed c) delayed
d) was delay
20. Shilov’s paintings … at a gallery in Minsk.
a) are shown b) showed c) showing d) shows
21. She said that her friend’s name … Ann.
a) is b) has been c) was d) were
22. I saw what he … .
a) means b) meant c) is meaning d) has meant
23. She thought it … curious.
a) ‘ll be b) was c) is d) has been
24. He said he … hungry.
a) was b) is c) ‘ll be d) has been
25.I heard she … good English.
a) speaks b) is speaking c) spoken d) spoke
26. John confessed he … like football.
a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) will not d) do not
27. He asked me how many lessons I … last week.
a) had b) was having c) had had d) have
28. He wondered what Dick … at the moment.
a) did b) does c) is doing d) was doing
29. He told me Jack … back in a few minutes.
a) would be b) was c) is d) will be
30. He promised he … there in half an hour.
a) is b) would be c) will be d) was
31.You should always aim … doing your job well.
a) to b) up c) at d) on
32. The police examined the cars and then allowed them to go … .
a) up b) on c) off d) to
33. The factory must drive … increased production this year.
a) for b) away c) at d) back
34. Every year the children look … to having the holidays.
a) ahead b) away c) to d) forward
35. Our representatives in the U.N. must be called … .
a) back b) at c) by d) down
36. Why did he give … his college course?
a) up b) away c) in d) to
37. Look… your examination paper before you hand it in.
a) at b) into c) through d) up
38. I agree … your father; it’s a foolish risk!
a) to b) upon c) on d) with
39. I don’t care … what you think.
a) for b) about c) in d) of
40. I can’t get … to London, the lines are all busy.
a) through b) round c) on d) about
Read the text and translate it into Russian.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 2598