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Vocabulary training

Who has words at the right moment? Charlotte Bronte

1. Match the words given in the left column with their defini­tions in the right column, e.g. 1-21:

1. wrist 1.
2. ominous 2.
3. stopwatch 4. takeoff 3. 4.
5. squeeze 5.
6. scream 6.
7. intimidating 7.
8. rummage 8.
9. mercy 10. crucial 9. 10.
11. nominee 11.
12. clearance 12.
13. blip 14. embarrassment 13. 14.
15. cashless 15.
16. allege 16.
17. mooch 17.
18. ledger 19. prodigy 18. 19.
20. cynic 21. runway 20. 21.

assert with a view to subsequent proof

the image of the object on the radar


without money

a declaration of freedom from restrictions

critical parameter

a person who sees no good in anything

and no belief in human goodness

uncomfortable feeling

striking fear into

the principal book of accounts

a forgiving disposition


one who is nominated by another

of an evil, suggesting future trouble

a person who has unusual abilities

thorough search, turn things over in


a firm strip of ground for aircraft to

take off from and land on

cry out in a loud voice


watch with a hand that can be started

and stopped when desired

leaving the ground for flight

joint between the hand and the arm

Ò.Ó^Ø Computer for Granted

2. Invent sentences using the expressions from the list below:


a throwaway commodity access to smbd's money at ma­chines

depend very heavily on electronic engine management every now and then feel at the machines mercy hit the road pursue that route run on paper

shift back to smth take for granted

take stock of the point is

3. Reading comprehension


smth that's good for nothing,

money available because of the

help of computer

depend very much on

electronic control of the engine

from time to time

be dependent on the computers

go or drive away

work that way

manage without the help of


return to smth

take as true without further

proof, assume


the chief idea is

Read the text, try to understand it and put the items in the right order. The first one is already in correct position.

1. Computer personnel - people who work with or are associated with computers. In a large computer department the staff may work under the direction of a data processing manager, who supervises and coordinates the work performed.

2. Personnel who run existing application programs: data control staff receive information from computer users (for instance, from the company's wages clerks)/ ensure that it is processed as required, and return it to them in the processed form.

3. Computer personnel can be broadly divide into two catego­ries: those who run and maintain existing application pro­grams (programs that perform a task for the benefit of user) and those who develop new applications.


4. Once the information has been typed it is placed directly onto a medium such as disc or tape. Computer operators work directly with computers, running the programs etc; computer engineers repair and maintain computer hardware; file librarians, or media librarians, store and issue the data files used by the department; an operations manager coordinates all the day-to-day activity of these staff.

5. Data preparation staff, or keyboard operators, prepare the information received by the data control staff so that it is ready for processing by computer.

4. Computer terms in use

Are you sure you really know widely spread computer terms? In the list below some of them are given together with their definitions. Find out Russian equivalents.

If it's beyond your reach, give Russian explanations at least

RAMThe abbreviation of RANDOM ACCESS

MEMORY, the immediate or «working» mem­ory, that can be quickly accessed without re­quiring a search of storage areas. RAM is also referred to as a main memory, and holds whatever application program, and associated data, is currently being used.

ADD-INComponents like increased memory, that can

be added to a computer, generally onto an al­ready installed printed circuit board.

SLAVEA device such as printer, under the complete

control of another device.

BACK UPThe process of making additional copies of data to protect them from unexpected disaster.

SCRATCHTo erase data.

Taking Computer/or Granted

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1592

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