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Do you know what they ___now? Are discussing

Do I have to _______ with a doctor? Register

Do I have to _______ with a doctor? Register

Do I have to _____a check-up with a doctor? Have

Do I have to _____a check-up with a doctor? Have

Do I need to ________ a health insurance scheme? Join

Do I need to ____health insurance? Take out

Do I need to ____health insurance? Take out

Do I need to ____health insurance? Take out

Do you have your mobile phone ____ you? With

Do you have your mobile phone ____ you? With

Every weekday she____7:30. Gets up

Finally, if you are able to persuade an undecided _______ customer that our products are the best on the market, then please get in touch today. Potential

First of all,you need to ______ the bank proof of identity, earnings and residency Show

Harry___at school yesterday,was he? Wasn’t

He ____for the government. Works

He___play the guitar. Doesn’t

He’s going out with a friend of____. His

Hello, I`m calling my new computers that was ____ last week. Delivered

How_____ employees work in their company? Many

Íow much___these small postcards? Are

Humans ____ closely related to apes. Are

I wanted___some computer games after supper. To play

I ____ football on Tuesday evenings. Play

I ____ improving my sales technique each month. Am

I don`t_____ to the gym very often. Go

I don`t___to the gym very often Go

I last saw him___August. In

I need to ____ my phone credit. Top up

I never get angry. I’m a very___person. Calm

I was so nervous about flying that I left my barg in the ______. Departure lounge

I___good with money, but these days it goes so quickly! Used to be

I`ll put you ____ to our sales department. Through

I`ll put you ____ to the sale department. Through

I`ll put you ____ to the sales department. Through

I`m afraid I have to hang ____ now because I have to go to a meeting.Up

I`m afraid I have to hang ____ now because I have to go to a meeting. Up

I`m calling ____an order. About

I`ve only got ____ money left. A little

If you go to USA, make sure you take out medical _____. Insurance

In 2006, Pr. Yunus __the Nobel Peace Prize for his work. Received

In most countries you have to pay ____ medical treatment. For

Julia can’t find the documents she needs . She’s so ____. Disorgonized.

Leo has been married____4 years. For

Let me just ____ your details. Check

Made to a particular size (=tailor-made) ______. Made-to-measure

Make a phrase used in customer care. _____with the problem, if you can. Deal

Maya works in a shop and has to make ____ for customers. Recommendations

Money that you get back if you return goods that you do not like______. Refund

Most of the young people on the boat slept on the ______ in their sleeping bags.Deck

Moving stairs that take people from one level of a building to the next_____. Escalator

My mother is in the kitchen.She ___a plum cake. Is making

My phone does not have ____ access. Internet

New low cost airlines have cheaper ____. Airfares

Ok, can you tell me what the ______ is? Problem

On Fridays I usually finish work ____ half past three. At

Paul was always late for his work and in the end he was______. Sacked

Please give me ___interesting to read. Something

Please can you give me the details ____ the order? Of

Put the words in the correct order to make questions. A for do company large work you? Do you work for a large company?

Ryanair has a very modern ____ of ____. Fleet/planes

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1999

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