Write out terms that you did not understand in the reading. Look at itscontext, and try to figure out the meaning. Discuss these terms with your classmates.
One element of your communication strategy has to do with a set of issue involving you, the communicator. Regardless of whether you are speaking or writing, your communicator strategy includes your objectives, style, and credibility.
Defining your objectives provides two important benefits: (1) efficiency, because you will no longer waste time communicating unless you have a clear reason for doing so, and (2) effectiveness, because formulation your objective precisely will help you communicate more clearly. To clarify your purpose, hone your objectives from the general to the specific.
General objectives These are your broad goals. They are comprehensive statements about what óîu hope to accomplish.
Action objectives To define your objectives more specifically, determine your action objectives-specific, measurable, time-bound steps that will lead toward your general objectives. State your action
objectives in this form: «To accomplish a specific result by a specific time.»
Communication objective Your communication objective is even more
specific. It is focused on the result you hope to achieve from a single communication effort - such as a report, email, or presentation. To create a communication objective, start with the phrase: "As a result of this communication, my audience will … «Then complete the statement by identifying precisely what you want your audience to do, know, or think as a result of your communication effort.
As you define your communication objective, choose the appropriate style accomplish that objective. Instead of trying to find one "right" style, use the appropriate style at the appropriate time and avoid using the same style all of the time.
When to use the tell/sell styleUse the tell/sell style when you want your audience to learn from you. In the tell style, you are informing or explaining; you want your audience to understand something you already know. In the sell style you arepersuading or advocating; you want your audience to change their thinking or behavior. In tell/sell situations:
1. You have sufficient information
2. You do not need to hear others' opinions, or ideas
3. You want to control the message content
When to use the consult/join style Use the consult/join style, sometimes called the "inquiry style," when you want to learn from the audience. The consult style some what collaborative (like a questionnaire); the join style is even more collaborative (like a brain-storming session). In consult/join situations:
4. You do not have sufficient information
5. You need to or want to understand others’ opinions, or ideas
6. You need to or want to involve your audience, coming up with message content together.
Another aspect of communicator strategy involves analyzing your audience's perception of you. In other words, consider your own credibility: your audience's belief and confidence in you. Their perception of you has a great impact on how you should communicate with them.
Five factors affect your credibility: (1) rank, (2) goodwill, (3) expertise, (4) image, and (5) common ground. Once you understand these factors, you can enhance your credibility by stressing your initial credibility and by increasing your acquired credibility.