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PLC see public limited company

Pleading 12,311

pledge/pledgee/pledgor 176, 311

Plural forms, irregular 217

Polite refusals 183

Possessory security interests 176, 311

Practice areas statement 18,137-139

Pre-emption rights 34, 35, 311

Predatory pricing 205, 208, 311

Preference shares 34, 35, 36, 311

Prefixes, use of 46, 118, 161

Prepositional phrases, in legal texts 33

Prepositions, use of 46, 61, 77,




Beginning 51

Case briefs 125-127

Informality 26

Information 187

Quick overview 117

Spin-offs 53

Transitions, signalling 137

Price-fixing 204-205, 206, 208, 311

Principal and principle 167

Priority creditors 177, 190, 202, 311

Private limited company (Ltd) 22-23

Privity of contract 92,311

Pro forma (Latin) 13, 311

Pro rata (Latin) 13, 60, 311

Procedure, explaining 55

Profit-and-Ioss account 21, 311

promisor/promisee 92, 94, 311

Promissory note 164, 166, 168,


proposals, making/accepting/rejecting

Proxy 21, 28

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 72, 73

Public limited company (PLC) 22-23

Punitive damages 79, 311

Pupillage (UK) 15,311

Pur autre vie estates 134, 311


Quality (merchantability) 120-121

Quasi-security 176, 177, 311

Questions, effective use of 85-86

Quiet enjoyment 142

Quorum 13, 312


Race relations 106, 108, 312

Real property law 64, 312

Case reviews 142-143

Easements 136

Introduction 134-135

lease/tenancy agreements 139-141

property sale/purchase abroad


Real versus personal property 134

Reasonable reliance 78, 312

Reasonably prudent persons 11, 312

Receiver 21

Recommendations, making 172-173

Redundancy dismissal 106, 107, 312

Reference email 144

Registrar of Companies 48, 312

Regulation 9, 10, 312

Rejection (of offers) 64, 312

Release 93, 312

Relevant markets 204, 312

Reliance damages 78, 79, 88, 89, 312

Remaindermen 134, 312

Remedies see contract remedies

Rent 134

Repetition, use of to aid understanding


Requesting information 145, 187

Requirements, talking about 168-169

Respondent 126

Restitution damages 78, 79, 312

Retention of title clause, law-journal

Article 128

Right of fair use 149,157,312

Right of first refusal clause 95

Rights 92, 312

Rights issue 35, 37, 312

Rights of third parties, report excerpt


Salaried partners 17,312

Sale of goods

Introduction 120-122

Retention of title 127-29

Terms and conditions of sale 122-123

Vocabulary 121-122, 131

Sale of Goods Act (UK) 64, 120,312

Sale of substantially all assets 48, 312

Sales by sample 121, 312

Secured creditors 202

Secured transactions

Intellectual property in 186

Introduction 176-177

Security agreements 178-179,183-184

Security interests 176, 178, 183-184,


Security 176,177,312

Security agreement 177, 178-179

Security interests 176, 178, 183-184,


Senior partners 312

Sequencing 55, 154

Serve 12, 312

Severability clause 65

Sex discrimination 106, 108, 111-112,

Sex-discrimination case, article excerpt

'shadowing' 149

Shall, use of 24, 95, 156

Share consolidation 34, 312

Share subdivision 34, 312

Shareholder rights 37-38,58

Shareholders 21, 23

Shareholders and supervisory boards,

Textbook excerpt 38

Shares, key terms 35

Sherman Act (US) 204, 312

Shrink-wrap contracts 125, 312

Sic (Latin) 13, 312

Signalling phrases

Emphasis, giving 101

Information, structuring 30

Transitions 137

Signatures see e-signatures

Single European market 204, 312

Small-claims court 11, 312

Small law firms 18

Sole practitioners 18, 312

Sole proprietorships 22-23

Solicitors 15, 312, 313

Solo practices 312

Special damages 78, 79, 312

Special resolutions, 48 34, 312

Specific performance 79, 82, 312

Speech act verbs 57

Spin-offs 51-53

Spin-offs, article excerpt 52

'State Street' case 151

Status quo ante (Latin) 78

Statute governing attachment 192

Statute of Frauds 64, 134,312

Statutes 9, 10, 312

Statutory forms 20, 313

Statutory liens 190, 313

Stipulated damages see liquidated


Strikes 107

Studying law, excerpt 15

Subject matter 64, 313

Submit (vb) 12, 313

Subscribers 34, 35, 313

Subsidiary companies 51-52

Suggestions, making 172-73

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 938

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Junior lawyers, training of 149-150 | Sui juris (Latin) 13, 313
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