Sui juris (Latin) 13, 313Summa rising 41, 47, 154
Case briefs 125
Follow-up correspondence 86-88
Interview content 145
Supervisory boards 38-39
Supra-national law 103
Takeover bids 49, 313
Tangible chattels 120, 313
Targets 49, 313
Tax liens 190, 191, 313
Tenement properties 134, 313
Term of years 134, 313
Term sheets 69
Termination clauses 65
Thank-you note 199
Third-party beneficiary contracts 64, 92,
Third-party rights 92, 94, 102
Tie-in arrangements 205, 208, 215, 313
Title 313
Tort 79, 313
Trade-mark statute (renewal of CTM)
Trade marks 148, 313
Trade secrets 148, 149, 313
Trade Union and Labour Relations Act
(UK, 1992) 106
Trade unions 106, 313
Transfer of title 120
Treasury shares, excerpt 44
Trustbusters 204, 313
Trustee in bankruptcy 203, 313
Trustee in sequestration 203, 313
Trustee under a deed of arrangement
Trustee under a trust deed 203, 313
Trustees 127,203,313
Trusts 127,128,204,313
Turnover threshold 213
Ultra vires (Latin) 13, 20, 313
Unauthorised sale 313
Unauthorised use 149
Undertakings, private 204, 313
Unfair dismissal 106, 107, 114-115,
Unfair dismissal case article, excerpt
Uniform Commercial Code, excerpt 133
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) 64, 81,
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
(UETA) (US, 1999) 169-170,175
United Nations Convention on the
Contracts for the International Sale of
Goods Act (CISG) 121, 313
Unsecured creditors 191, 309
Unsecured debts 202
Unsettled areas of the law 184-185, 186
Unsettled areas of the law, article
Excerpt 185
Usufructs 134, 313
Usury 167
Versus (vs. or v.) (Latin) 13,313
Vertical agreements 205, 206, 208, 313
Videlicet (viz.) (Latin) 13, 313
Vocabulary, recording 122
Voluntary liquidation 48, 49, 313
Warnings, giving 208
Warranties 120-121
Warranty of fitness 121
Warranty of merchantability 121
Warranty of title 120, 121, 314
Websites see Internet resources
Westland Corporations Act, excerpt 63
Westland Principles of Corporate Law,
Excerpt 63
Winding-up 49, 314
Word formation
adjectives/adverbs 174
nouns/adjectives 146
verbs/nouns 47, 60, 61, 77, 90, 130,
verbs/nouns/adjectives 216
verbs/nouns/persons 32, 105
Writ 12,314
Writ of attachment 191-92
wri~ten resolutions 48, 314
E Index
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The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to
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LexisNexis Butterworths for an extract on p. 27: 'Draft Limited
Liability Partnership Bill, p. 1647', which appeared in The New
Law Journal 1999. @ LexisNexis Butterworths; Edward Elgar
Publishing Ltd for pp. 38-39: an excerpt from Mervyn K Lewis
'Governance Structures' in Zeljko Sevic (ed.) Banking Reforms
In South-East Europe, Chapter 4, pp. 86-88. (2002). Used by
Permission of Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd; Solomon Hare LLP
for p. 44: 'Treasury Shares (acquisition of own shares)', taken
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p. 52: 'Spin-Offs', by Thomas W Garton. Taken from the
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Introduction' from A Guide to Company Law (third edition),
edited by Philip GoldenbergMA (Oxon)Solicitor. @ 1990. Used
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