| Junior lawyers, training of 149-150Juris doctor (JD) 15, 309
Juvenile court 11, 309
Lack of legal capacity 64, 65, 309
landlord/tenant 135
Landmark cases 112, 151
Language skills, importance of 215
Large law firms 18
Latin, use of 13, 174
Law, bodies of 8-9
Law degrees 15, 309, 310
Law firm culture, article excerpt 18
Law firms 17,18-19
Law schools 15, 309
Laws, types of 9-10
Lawsuits, preparing 96-97
Lawyers, different words for 14
lease/tenancy agreements 139-141
Verb-noun collocations 147
Vocabulary 146
Lease agreement, statutory conditions
Leasehold estates 134, 310
Leases 134, 310
Legal decision (contract law) 133
Legal disputes 28-29
Legal education 15, 149-150, 215
See also law degrees
Legal entities 20, 310
Legal incapacity 95
Legal opinion 30
Legal person 20, 310
Legal Practice Course (LPC) 15, 310
Legal system 8-13
Legal writing 123-124
Legalese, understanding 42-43,47
Legislation revisions, seminars on
Covering letter 197-198
Follow-up correspondence 86-88,
Opening and closing phrases 59
Thank-you note 199
Letter of advice (anticipatory breach)
Letter of advice (business method
Patents) 153
Letter of advice (corporate governance)
Letter of advice (shareholder rights) 58
Letter of advice 28-31, 58, 59, 88-89,
Letters of credit 165
Liability, company owners 22-23
Licences 134, 310
Lien creditors 190, 191, 310
Liens 177,190,191,310
Life estates 134,310
Life tenants 134, 310
Limited liability companies 27
Limited liability partnerships 26-28
Liquidated damages 65, 79,80-81,91,
Liquidated damages clause 83
Liquidation 21, 48, 49, 194,310
Liquidators 21
LLB (Legum Baccalaureus) Bachelor of
Laws 15, 310
Loan capital 35, 310
Lockouts 107, 310
Lower court 11, 310
Ltd see private limited company
magistrates' court 11, 310
Maker, of promissory note 164, 166,
Managers, duties of 20, 23
Managing directors 21
Market economies 204, 310
Market penetration 204, 311
Material breach 88, 310
mechanic's liens 190, 191, 310
Memo 70-71
Memorandum of association 20,23,34,
Merchantability 310
Merchants 120, 310
Merger regulation 205, 212-213, 310
Mergers 48, 49, 50, 204, 310
Microsoft, antitrust suits against 215
Mid-size law firms 18
Minority shareholders 48, 310
Minutes of meetings 55-57,310
Monopolies 204, 310
Monopoly rights 148, 310
Moot court 11, 310
Mortgages 134, 190, 191, 310
Motion 12,310
Index E
Naked debentures 165, 310
Necessity, expressing 55
Negotiable instruments
Electronic 169-171
Introduction to 164-166, 310
Promissory notes 166-169
Negotiation 62, 69
Contracts 71-75
Expressions for 71-72
Nemo dat rule 164, 310
Nominal capital 20, 310
Non-breaching party 78, 80-81, 88-89,
Non-consensual security interests 177,
Non-monetary relief 78, 310
Non-obvious 148, 310
Non-possessory security interests 176,
Notary 143
Notice 12, 310
Novation 93, 310
Objects 48, 310
Objects clauses 49, 310
obligor/obligee 93, 310
offeror/offeree 64, 311
Offers 64, 311
Official receiver 21
Oligopolies 204, 205, 311
On notice of the security interest 177,
One-stop shops 213-214
Expressing 43-44, 113
referring to others' 215
-or/-ee nouns 94, 105
Ordinance 9, 10, 311
Ordinary course of business 176, 311
Ordinary shares 34, 35, 36, 311
Organising, ideas 117
Parallel behaviour 205, 311
Paraphrasing 41,43, 68, 156-157, 168
Parol evidence 65, 311
Partnerships 20, 22-23
See also limited liability partnerships
Party 64, 311
Passage of title 120, 311
Passing of risk 120, 311
Passing off 148, 149, 311
Passive constructions 42, 208
formality/informality 182
Paraphrasing 156
Past simple, versus present perfect 147
Patents 148, 311
Payee 165, 166, 311
Payment of costs clause 65
Pecuniary compensation 78, 311
Penal law 8, 311
Penalty clauses 81, 82
Per annum (Latin) 13, 311
Per se (Latin) 13, 208, 311
Perfection, of security interests 177,
Performance 92,311
Personal liability 20, 311
Personal pronouns, and
formality/informality 182
Personal property 311
Persons in court 11
Persuading, in writing and speech
Picketing 107,311
Plain language, use of 41, 156-157
Plaintiff 11, 126, 311
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 869