Enforceable contracts 64, 308Enforceable liquidated damages clauses
Enforceable rights 92, 308
Entire agreement clauses 65
Entry of appearance 109, 110, 111, 308
Escheat 134, 308
Et alii (et al.) (Latin) 13, 308
Et cetera (etc.) (Latin) 13, 308
EU see European Union
European Community Merger Regulation
(ECMR) changes, report on 213-214
European Union employment law, article
Excerpt 108
European Union (EU)
Anti-competitive activities 205-208
Community Trade Marks (CTMs) 155
Competition law 204
Employment law 108-109
Insolvency law 200-201
European Union insolvency laws, article
Excerpt 200
Evidence, phrases referring to 101
Exclusions, contract 121
Exclusive possession 134, 308
Exclusive rights (trade marks) 148, 308
Execution liens 190, 191, 308
Exemplary damages see punitive
Exempli gratia (e.g.) (Latin) 13, 308
Expectation damages 78, 79, 308
Expert witnesses 11, 308
Express contracts 64, 308
Express warranties 120, 121,308
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 20,
Fair dealing 308
Fair use see right of fair use
Fee simple estates 134, 308
Fee tail estates 134, 308
Fiduciary duty 21, 308
File 12,33, 308
Financing measures 134, 308
First-in-time rules 190, 308
Fitness for a particular purpose 120,
Fixed charges 35, 176, 177, 184-185,
Floating charges 35, 176, 177,
Follow-up correspondence (antitrust
Risks) 210
Follow-up correspondence (damages) 87
Force majeure clause 65
formality/informal ity
Adverb-verb collocations 182-183
Emails 110-111, 181-182
Paraphrasing 156
Passive constructions 182
Personal pronouns 182
Presentations 26
Requesting information 187
Sentence structure 182
Suggestions, making 172-173
Verb choices 189
Vocabulary and fixed expressions 182
Writing style 189
Forms 65, 309
See also contract templates
Forseeability rule 78, 309
Fraud 20, 309
Fraud in the inducement 64, 65, 309
Freehold estates 134, 309
Friendly takeovers 49, 309
Garnishment 190, 191, 309
General creditors 191, 309
General damages 78, 79, 309
Genuine occupational qualification (GOQ)
Global firms 18,309
Good faith 120, 309
Good title 120, 309
grantor/grantee 134, 135, 309
Hereditaments 134, 309
High court 10, 309
Holder in due course (HDC) 164, 166,
Holder of title 120, 309
Holiday entitlement 106, 309
Horizontal agreements 205, 208, 309
Hostile takeovers 49, 309
Human Rights Act (UK, 1998) 114
Id est (i.e.) (Latin) 13,309
Illegality of the subject matter 64, 65,
Immaterial breach 88, 309
Implied contracts 309
Implied warranties 120-121, 309
In rem (Latin) 309
In the course of business 121, 309
Incidental beneficiary 92,309
Indefinite contracts 64
Information, keeping up to date with
-ing form, of verbs 96-97
Inheritance 134, 309
Injunction 12,107,149,309
Injured party 78, 309
Inn of Court (UK) 15,309
Insolvency 49, 190, 309
Insolvency Act (UK, 1986) 194
Insolvency practitioner profession
Intangible property rights 148, 149,309
Intellectual property rights
Business method patents 152-153
Case study 162-63
As collateral 186
'fair use doctrine' 157
Infringement of 149, 309
Introduction to 148-149
Patents system, case summary
Trade-mark statutes 155
Verb-noun collocations 160
Intended beneficiaries 92, 309
Intent 92, 309
Inter alia (Latin) 13, 309
Copyright protection 157, 159, 162-163
Electronic negotiable instruments
Internet resources
Digiti sed resources (legal forms) 75
External resources 201
Foreign legal concepts 89
Foreign terms 19, 129, 159
Relevant directories 145
Reliability 187
Search tools 31, 45, 59
Website articles 51, 52, 102
Questions, effective use of 85-86
Summarising 145
Introducing self and topic 51
Ipso facto (Latin) 13, 309
Issue 12, 309
Issued capital 34, 35, 309
JD see juris doctor (JD)
JOb advertisements 195-196
Job applications 197-198
Job interviews 198-199, 203
Judge-made law 8, 309
Judges 11, 309
Judgment liens 190, 191,309
Judicial liens 190, 193, 309
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 873