Conditions, etc. (US labor union)Trainee solicitor (UK) position of one who is completing
The practical apprenticeship required for a person to
Qualify as a solicitor. It is the second step to
Becoming a solicitor (follows the completion of the
Legal Practice Course and is followed by the
Professional Skills Course).
Transfer to conveyor to pass property or a right to
Another by any method
Tribunal body with either judicial or quasi-judicial
Trust legal device used to set aside money or property of
One person or company for the benefit of another
Person or company. In the US, trusts are business
Combinations with the aims of a monopoly.
Trustee person who holds something in trust for
Someone else
Trustee in bankruptcy person appointed to handle the
Affairs of a bankrupt party
Trustee in sequestration person appointed to handle the
Property of another person until the court determines
The ownership of that property
Trustee under a deed of arrangement person
Determined by contract to handle the property and
Affairs of an insolvent person while debts are being
paid and creditors' claims are being settled
Trustee under a trust of deed person who holds legal
Title for real property of another person who has
Pledged that property as collateral for a loan
Trustbuster (US) person who fights against
Anticompetitive trusts, often a federal officer
ultra vires (Latin) unauthorised, beyond a person's legal
Unauthorised use sale, licensing or otherwise dealing,
Especially with a view to profit, of a copyright that is
Done without the authority of the person who
Possesses the copyright
Undertakings (UK) enterprise, a company or a group of
Companies (US business, firm or enterprise)
unfair dismissal unjust termination of an employee's
Employment contract. The question is whether the
Employer acted reasonably in dismissing the
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (US) act harmonising
The law of sales and commercial transactions in all
States in the US
United Nations Convention on the Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods Act (CISG) convention of
The United Nations which sets forth rules governing
Contracts for the international sale of goods
usufruct right to use another person's property for a
Period of time, to be later restored to the owner with
Only ordinary wear and tear
Versus (vs. or v.) (Latin) against
Vertical merger combining of two or more firms who are
At different levels in the economic supply chain, for
Example producer and distributor
Vest 1) to give full title to a property to a person; 2) to
Give a person an immediate fixed right
Videlicet (viz.) (Latin) as follows
voluntary liquidation (UK) termination of a company's
Business that is supported by company shareholders
(US dissolution or winding-up)
Warranty of title guarantee that the seller has title to
The property being sold, that there are no liens .or
Encumbrances on the property other than those that
Have been disclosed, and that the transfer of property
Is valid
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 946