| Winding-up process of ending the carrying on of aBusiness through the settlement of liabilities and the
Distribution or liquidation of assets
Writ document informing someone that they will be
Involved in a legal process and instructing them what
They must do
Written resolution written expression of an intention or
Opinion decided at a meeting
Note: Documents and document excerpts
Are indicated by the use of bold.
ACAS see Advisory Conciliation and
Arbitration Service
Acceleration clauses 65, 166
Acceptance (contract) 64
Acceptance (goods) 120
acquired/acquirer/acquiring companies
Acquisition, of shares 48, 50, 306
Act, collocations with 171
Actual damages 79, 306
Ad hoc (Latin) 13, 306
adjective/adverb choices 147
Adjective formation, using prefixes 46,
Advantages and disadvantages, indicating
adjective/adverb choices 147
Formation 75
For jOb vacancies 195-196
For seminar 181
Advice, giving 171-173,208
Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration
Service (ACAS) 114
Advocates 11, 306
Affidavit 12, 306
Aggravated damages 111, 112
AGM see Annual General Meeting
agreeing/disagreeing 113, 215
Alienability 164, 306
Annual general meeting (AGM) 20, 306
annual shareholders' meeting 28
Answer 12,13,306
Anti-competitive activities 204,
Anticipating events (word pairs) 179
Anticipatory breach 88-89,306
Antitrust, article excerpts 206, 211-212
Antitrust measures 204, 205-208, 306
Antonyms, formation of 46,61,77,118
Apparent authority 120, 306
Appeals court see appellate court
Appellant 11
Appellate court 10, 306
Arbitration 107,114-117,306
Archaic language 42,43
Closing 98-101
Developing 96-97,200-201
Articles of association 20, 306
Articles of incorporation 23
Asset protection 193, 306
Assets 49, 306
Assign 93, 306
Assignment, refusal of consent to, draft
Argument 99
Assignment clauses 65
Assignment of contract 92-93, 306
Assignment of rights 64, 306
Assignment, versus novation 93
assignor/assignee 64, 93, 306
Associates 17, 306
Attachment, of security interest 177,
Attachment liens 190, 191-192,306
Auditors 21
Authorised capital 20, 34, 35, 306
Bachelor of Laws see LLB
Bailiffs 11, 306
Balance sheets 21, 306
Bankruptcy Code (US) 200
Bar, the 15, 306
Admit to 15, 306
Call to 15, 307
Bar association 15, 306
Bar examination 15, 306
Bar Vocational Course 15, 306
Barriers to entry 204, 306
Barristers 15, 306
'battle of forms' cases 132-133
Beneficiaries 176, 306
'benefit of the bargain' damages 78,
Bills 9, 10, 306
Bills of exchange 165,306
Board meetings 55-56
Board of directors 20,23,28,37,
Bona-fide purchaser for value 164, 307
Bonus payments 21, 307
Book debts 184-185
Boutique firms 18, 307
Breach, types of 88-89
Breach of contract 78,82,307
Breach of warranty 121
Brief 12, 307
Business method patents 150-153
by-laws/bylaws 28, 307
Cancellation, of shares 49
Capital contributions, and company types
Capital structure 48, 307
Capitalisation 307
Introduction to 34-35
Rights issue 37
Shareholders and supervisory boards
Verb-noun collocations 40
Capitalisation issue 21, 307
Capitalisation of corporation, excerpt 42
Career guide, excerpt 194
Careers, in law 14-19
Cartels 204, 205-206, 307
Case (argument), making 200-201
Case briefs 125-127,152,163
Case law 8, 307
Case review (quiet enjoyment) 142
Case summary (patent protection case)
Certificate of deposit 164, 165, 307
Certificate of incorporation 20, 23, 48,
chambers, barristers' 15, 306
Charges, versus trusts 124, 128
Chattels 120, 311, 313
Checklist 53-54
Cheques 164, 165
Civil court systems 11
Civil law 8, 9, 307
Classifying, language for 135-136, 137
Clerks 11, 307
Collateral 177,186,307
Collective bargaining 107, 307
Common law 8, 9, 49, 64, 307
Community Trade Mark (CTM), renewal of
Companies Act (UK, 1985) 27
Companies House 48, 307
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1357