Regarding land, marriage and the sale of goods worthOver a certain amount of money, will be invalid unless
Put into writing and signed by both parties. The
Original statute was enacted in England in 1677 and
Serves as a basis for the US statutes.
Statutory forms forms required by law
Statutory lien security interest created by legislation due
To the economic relationship between the debtor and
The creditor
Stipulated damages see liquidated damages
Subject matter thing under consideration in a contract
Submit to deliver a document formally for a decision to
Be made by others
Subscriber person who has purchased stock in the
Company by an agreement
sui juris (Latin) of one's own right; able to exercise one's
Own legal rights
Glossary E
Takeover bid (UK) offer by one company to purchase at
Minimum a controlling number of voting shares of
Another company (US tender offer)
Tangible chattel property other than land that is capable
Of being touched or felt
Target company that is the object of a takeover attempt
Tax lien lien on property arising from unpaid taxes
Tenement property which is the subject of tenure (a
Mode of occupying land whereby possession is held
By a tenant, but absolute ownership lies in another
Person), i.e. land
Term of years fixed period of time for which an estate is
Termination of employment end of the work term or
Terms and conditions of employment fixed period of
Time for which one is employed and the provisions
Under which employment is held
Third-party beneficiary person who is not party to a
Contract, but still benefits from it and has legal rights
To enforce it
Third-party beneficiary contract contract that provides
For rights and duties to be conferred on a person who
Is not party to the contract
Tie-in arrangement (also tying arrangement, tied
Arrangement) agreement which forces the buyer to
Purchase a second product when the buyer purchases
The first product. The product that the buyer originally
Wants to purchase is called a tying product and the
Second product he or she is forced to purchase with
The first is called a tied product. These arrangements
May also be applied to services.
Title right to control and dispose of property or the right
To ownership in property
To the bearer of expression designating that the sum of
Money of a note or cheque is payable to whomever
Holds the document
To the order of expression designating the person to
whom the sum of money on a note/cheque is payable
Tort wrong committed between private individuals for
Which the law provides a remedy
Trade mark (UK) word, phrase or symbol used by a
Manufacturer, seller or dealer to distinguish their
Goods apart from the goods of others (US trademark)
Trade secret formula, technique, process or the like which
Is kept confidential and used by only one business in
Attempt to maintain a competitive advantage
Trade union (UK) association of employees formed to
Further their mutual interests with respect to their
Employment, for example working hours, wages,
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 924