An understanding that the rest of the goods will be ofThe same standard as the example
Security property pledged in order to secure the
Fulfilment of a promise or loan
Security agreement agreement whereby a person grants
Interest in his or her property to another as collateral
In order to guarantee performance of an obligation
Security interest any interest in property acquired by
Agreement or operation of law for the purpose of
Securing payment or performance of an obligation
Senior partner person who has been a partner of a law
Firm for many years (the exact number of years may
Differ in each firm); in some law firms, an official title
Given to some partners
Serve (a document on someone) to deliver a legal
Document to someone (which usually demands they go
To a court of law or obey an order)
Sex discrimination different treatment, usually awarding
Privileges to some and denying privileges to others,
Based on gender
Share consolidation (UK) proportional exchange of
Existing shares in the corporation for a fewer number
Of shares, each with greater value (US reverse stock
Share subdivision (UK) exchange of a multiple of new
Shares for each old share such that shareholdings are
In the same proportion afterwards (US stock split)
Sherman Act (US) US federal statute which was passed
In 1890 and which prohibits interference with free
Competition and aims to limit monopolies and trusts.
Any agreement or combination which has the effect of
Restraining trade is prohibited under this statute.
Shrink-wrap contract licence agreement or contractual
Terms and conditions that appear on the outside
Packaging of an item. Acceptance by the consumer is
Confirmed by the opening of the package. Often used
In the software industry.
Sic (Latin) thus
Single European market established under the Single
European Act, came into effect on 1 January 1993;
The core of the process of European economic
Integration, involving the removal of obstacles to the
Free movement of goods, services, people and capital
Between member states of the European Union
Small-claims court court that handles civil claims for
Limited amounts of money
sole practitioner lawyer who practises on his/her own
Solicitor (UK) lawyer who is qualified to give legal advice
And prepare legal documents
Solo practice law practice with only one lawyer
solvent able to pay one's debts
Special damages (also consequential damages)
Damages that are awarded due to a particular wrong
Or particular circumstances
Special resolution resolution on major decisions of a
company (such as changing the company's articles or
Reducing its share capital) at a general meeting that
must be passed by a certain majority, usually 75%
Specific performance when a court orders the breaching
Party to perform its part of a contract
Statute formal written law created by a legislative body
Such as a parliament, as opposed to a law created
Through the courts
Statute of Frauds piece of legislation which declares
That certain kinds of contracts, for example those
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 693