You will hear the recording twice. While you listen you must complete both tasks.A the firm's
B the attitude of
C the firm's ambitious
Plans for the future
D the range of work
Available to junior
E the flexible working
Arrangements on
F the image
Projected by the
firm's literature
Speaker 1 .
Speaker 2 .
Speaker 3 ..
Speaker 4....
Speaker 5 ..
.. (28)
.. (30)
A getting involved in
Staff training
B learning to choose
Which projects to
Work on Speaker 1 .
C being involved With
High-profile clients Speaker 2 ..
D working with the
.. (23) firm's other Speaker 3 ..
E being given Speaker 4 ..
Responsibility for
(25) whole projects Speaker 5 ..
F working with highly
Test of Speaking
Interlocutor Good morning (afternoon/evening). My name is . and this is my colleague,
And your names are?
Can I have your mark sheets, please?
Thank you.
First of all, we'd like to know a little about you.
Ask candidates the following questions in turn.
. Where are you both from?
. (Candidate A), have you ever practised law or are you a law student?
. And what about you, (Candidate B)?
Ask candidates who have practised law one further question, as appropriate.
. Could you briefly describe your practice and your area of expertise?
. Could you tell us what you find enjoyable about being a lawyer?
. What kind of qualities do you think a good lawyer needs?
Ask candidates who have not practised law one further question, as appropriate.
. Could you tell us what you are currently studying?
. Could you tell us what made you decide to study law?
. In your opinion, is stu9ying law more difficult than studying other subjects?
Ask each candidate one further question, as appropriate.
. In your opinion, what effect is technology having on the practice of law?
What do you think law firms look for in associates when considering
forming partnerships?
. How do lawyers advertise their services in your country?
Thank you.
ILECpracticetest E
Candidate A
Candidate A
Candidate B
Candidate B
Now, in this part of the test I'm going to give each of you a choice of two different
topics. I'd like you to select one of the topics and give a short talk on it for about a
You will have a minute to choose and prepare your topic. After you have finished
Your talk, your partner will ask you a question.
All right?(Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your topics and some ideas to
Use if you wish.
Place Part 2 booklets, open at Task lA/B, in front (~feach candidate. *
G Approximately one minute of preparation time.
All right? Now, (Candidate A), which topic have you chosen, A or B?
Confirms topic.
(Candidate B), please listen carefully to (Candidate A's) talk, and then ask him/her a
question about it. (Candidate A) would you like to start talking about [state chosen
topic] now please?
G One minute.
Thank you. Now, (Candidate B), can you ask (Candidate A), a question about his/her
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 2219