Information provided in the rubric, you should write 200-250 words in aConsistently appropriate style, covering all four content points mentioned.
What is being tested
The task tests your ability to organise information in a memorandum, to present
And develop arguments, express and support opinions, and evaluate ideas.
Furthermore, the task presents an opportunity to demonstrate your range of
Structures and vocabulary, as well as your ability to use language correctly and
Appropriately, and to carry out various language functions in writing, such as
Describing, summarising, recommending, persuading, explaining, apologising,
Reassuring, complaining, etc.
Structure your memorandum carefully - it may help to make a plan before you start writing.
Include an introductory statement of purpose at the beginning, as well as a concluding
Statement at the end.
Whenever possible, link and signal ideas using discourse markers.
When arguing in favour of an idea, support your opinions with evidence.
Use a variety of language, including appropriate legal expressions.
You must answer this question.
You work in the Real Estate Department of your law firm, a large international firm
With clients around the world. Your superior has asked you to write a
Memorandum addressed to the director of Human Resources outlining and
Explaining your suggestions for improving the continued training of the members
Of your department.
Write a memorandum to the director of Human Resources. Your memorandum
Outline the current situation in the department
Suggest ways to improve the methods and content of training courses
Recommend legal English language training
Summarise the benefits for the department
Write your answer in 200-250 words in an appropriate style.
Part 1
What you have to do
This part of the examination consists of three short monologues or dialogues set
In a legal context. They are not linked thematically. For each extract, there are two
Three-option multiple-choice questions. The recordings will be played twice.
What is being tested
The tasks test your ability to listen both for main points and specific details. They
Also test how well you are able to recognise the function or topic of a text, and to
identify the purpose of a speaker, as well as a speaker's attitude, feelings or
Opinions as expressed in the extract. Finally, the tasks measure your ability to draw
Inferences from what the speakers say.
At the beginning of each section of the recording, time is provided to allow you to look
Through the questions. Read each question and all three options carefully and thoroughly in
Advance, otherwise you may miss important information.
Since many of these questions deal with attitudes, feelings and opinions, pay particular
Attention to the verbs, adjectives and adverbs that express these.
Questions 1-6
You will hear three different extracts.
For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
What you hear. There are two questions for each extract. Each extract will be
Played twice.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 2302