This is a letter-writing task. You have to write a letter of 120-180 words in aneutral/formal style in response to another letter. Your letter must include the five
Content points which are written in the form of notes on the letter provided.
What is being tested
This task tests your ability to organise the content of a letter, to use language
Accurately and appropriately, and to carry out various language functions, such as
explaining, refuting, correcting, presenting/developing arguments, suggesting, etc.
Make sure you include all of the content points from the handwritten notes in a logical order
- make a plan before you start so that you don't forget anything.
C Try to avoid using the same language as in the notes, which may be too informal.
C Maintain an appropriate level of formality, using a correct opening and closing.
Keep the word limit in mind while writing. You will be penalised if you write too few words.
Use paragraphing to organise your letter clearly.
You must answer this question.
Your client, Lumber Products, Inc., contracted with Computer Analysts, Inc. for the
Purchase of a program to manage a computerised ordering system. The system
Was not completed on time, and it failed to perform the functions intended.
The president of Computer Analysts, Eric Vollbreckt, has now sent a letter to your
client's president.
Read the letter from the Mr Vollbreckt, on which you have made some notes.
Then, using all the information in the notes, write a letter to Mr Vollbreckt on
Behalf of your client.
As you are aware, an invoice in the amount of$200,000 is still outstanding on the work performed
Yes we by Computer Analysts pursuant to our agreement. As you have indicated, implementation of the
did)' system was delayed by several months. However, you were informed of the delay and made no
Objections to it. In addition, all of the problems related to the functionality of the system were
Rectified months ago, and the system is operating in accordance with contract specifications.
In consideration of the above, and the fact that the system has been implemented, Lumber
Products has waived any right to claim breach due to delay~clearly no other breach has been
What comm.itted by Computer Analysts.
In light of the above, this is a final demand for receipt of full payment within ten business days
About of this letter. In the event that Lumber Products fails to make payment in full within this period,
Breach we intend to have our lawyers file an action against your company for breach of contract.
Of We have attempted to settle this matter with you on an amicable basis.These attempts have been
w- arrerteLtsnotnys? Smientcbeyreulnyw, arrantedclaims-.----------- Claims aren't
EricVollbreckt Unwarretnted -
Suggest Ct meeting PresIdent, Computer Analysts, Ine.
No) it's not -
Nol No
Write a letter of between 120 and 180 words in an appropriate style. Do not write
Any postal addresses.
Part 2
What you have to do
This part of the examination involves the writing of a memorandum. Based on the
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1698