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Lecture #4

116.What science does the pedagogy resemble in its system?

117.From what point does the pedagogy become organic?

118.Where does the difference between the adults and the minors enter directly through the naturalness of spirit?

119.What is the right of each child?

120.What other spheres of education in order to succeed must presuppose?

121.From which fact does the much confusion about pedagogy arise?

122.On which fields does the pedagogy divide itself?

123.What is the main task of pedagogy as an art?

124.What is the main task of pedagogy as a science?

125.What should do the educator towards his pupil?

126.Which field of pedagogy must describe the particular standpoint upon which the general idea realizes itself?

127.What is the general problem of education?

128.What does stand for expression “to educate one”?

129.What kind of work can advance and fashion student?

130.What are the special elements of an education?

131.How does the cognition help mind?

132.What does child during the period of his childhood?

133.What is the classification of the special elements of pedagogic?

134.What does aesthetic training constitute?

135.Which stages of student’s advancing do you know?

136.What is educational principles?

- is general fundamental situations, in which are expressed the basic requirements to the contents, methods, organization of the given process.

137.how is “Compulsion” important as one of the requirements showed to principles,

- Principles of education – is not advice, neither recommendation; they demand compulsory and fully embodiment to practice. Rough and regular infringement of principles, ignoring of their requirements not only descend efficiency of educational process but also undermines bases.

138.“Principles are used not alternately but frontal and all at once” which requirement?

- completeness

139.Why “Equivalence” is so important?

- There are no main and second conditions, they are equivalent. Equivalent attention to all principles prevents available Infringements of course of educational process.

140.what is form of education ( upbringing)?

- It is the external expression of educational process.

141.Into which groups is divided form of education?

- individual

- microgroup

- group

- mass

142.What are methods of education (upbringing)?

- it is the way of achievement of required educational aim.

143.What is “appointment” of method of education?

- formation of social and value relations of the subject, and its pattern of life.

144.What are means of education?

- it is everything, whole world. pedagogic technique: speech, facial expression, movement. Mass media, visual aids, work of art.

145.what is personal approach?

- The account of individual, personal characteristics and opportunities of the learners.


146)From which language word “didacticus” derived?


147)When does pedagogic process finish?

When it provides harmonious realization of all functions

148)What is the purpose formation of knowledge?

149)What does teacher have to provide of an overall aim?


150)What is the essence of integrity of problematic type?


161)The essence of process of training depends on what?


161)Each ped. Process completes by what ?


162)How many parts have to work on whole process of education?


163)Which result does ped.process give?


164)What does “didacticus” mean?


165)How many principles of teaching exists?

166)The purposes of training refers to what?

Didactic system

167)What does essence mean?

Is a common concept which includes unity of all necessary parts.

168)What is the main condition of upbringing process?

Activeness of a learner

169)What is the content of education?

Internal basis of it’s functioning and development

170)How many types of upbringing?

171)What is the essence of upbringing?

Activeness of learner as a subject of upbringing process

172)What is the aim of education?

To form harmoniously developed individual



XII lecture Diyara and Nazgul


173. The representative of the pedagogics, developing theories of collective was:

A) Comenius

B) Makarenko

174. As much as possible to use opportunities of collective for the decision of those problems for the sake of which this collective is created. What stage this basic purpose concerns?

A) First

B) Second

175. The practical purpose which is capable to carry away and rally pupils Makarenko called it

A) Prospect

B) Parallel action

176. It is removed in time, most socially the significant purpose demanding significant efforts for achievement

A) Average prospect

B) Far prospect

177. Obligatory condition of progressive movement of collective

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1628

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B) To draw attention by means of quarrels, insubordinations by instructions | I. Monosemantic and polysemantic words.
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