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Instructor: Taichikova K.T.

International Organizations

$$$1. Warsaw Treaty Organization was formed in:






$$$2. What states were included in the GUUAM?

$$Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova

$Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova

$Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Moldova

$Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova


$$$3. Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was formed in:






$$$4. What states were included in the ANZUS Pact?

$$Australia, New Zealand, USA

$Austria, New Zealand, USA

$Australia, New Zealand, Uruguay, Spain

$Australia, Norway, USA


$$$5. NAFTA is:

$$Trade organization

$Economy organization

$Financial organization

$Military organization


$$$6. MERCOSUR unites of:

$$Latin American states

$Asian states

$European states

$Caribbean states


$$$7.Visegrad Group is united:

$$Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland

$Rumania, Czech Republic, Poland

$Germany, Czech Republic, Poland

$Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland


$$$8. League of Nations was formed in:






$$$9. Danube Commission was formed in:






$$$10. Central Asian Cooperation (CAC) was formed in






$$$11. Central Asian Cooperation (CAC) unites:

$$Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan

$Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan

$Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan

$Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia


$$$12. How many institutes World Bank Group includes?






$$$13. European Union was formed in:






$$$14. What states were joined to the “Declaration of the March 9, 1950” (Germany and France coal and steel unification)?

$$Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg

$Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Holland, and Luxemburg

$Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg

$Greece, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg


$$$15. Who was author of the “Declaration of March 9, 1950” (Germany and France coal and steel unification)

$$R. Schumann

$W. Churchill

$H. Truman

$G. Marshall


$$$16. What about “Maastricht Treaty”?

$$European integration

$African integration

$Asian integration

$American integration


$$$17. What about TACIS program?

$$Technical assistance

$Trade assistance

$Cultural assistance

$Medical assistance


$$$18. When was OPEC formed?






$$$19. When was Benelux formed?






$$$20. When was Eurasian Economy Community formed?






$$$21. What states did sign Eurasian Economy Community?

$$Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan


$$$22. What is a High Body of the EAEC (Eurasian Economy Community)

$$Interstate Council

$Intergovernmental Council

$Council of the state heads

$Council of the government heads


$$$23. When was Collective Security Treaty Organization formed?






$$$24. What states did sign Collective Security Treaty Organization?

$$Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$Ukraine Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan


$$$25. When was Organization of American states formed?






$$$26. When was the NAFTA formed?






$$$27. What states were joined in NAFTA?

$$Canada, Mexico, USA

$Cuba, Mexico, USA

$Uruguay, Mexico, USA

$Chile, Mexico, USA


$$$28. ANZUS was formed in:






$$$29. ASEAN was formed in:






$$$30. African Union was formed in:






$$$31. League of Arab States was formed in:






$$$32. Organization of Islamic Conference was formed in:






$$$33. What states are members of the Magreb Arab Union?

$$Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunis

$Syria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunis

$Pakistan, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunis

$Oman, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunis



$$$34. What political organization was formed in 1919?

$$League of Nations





$$$35. What states head League of Nations?

$$England, France, Italy, Japan

$England, USA, Japan

$England, France, USA, Japan

$England, France, USA


$$$36. Organization of United Nations is

$$Universal International Organization of Common competence

$Foundation of states on the base of

$Sovereign states

$Supporting and strength of peace and security


$$$37. When was the UNO founded?

$$24 October 1945

$25 October 1945

$21 October 2001

$29 October 1946


$$$38. How many working bodies the UNO has?






$$$39. The main Body of the UNO?

$$UNO General Assembly


$UNO Security Council

$UNO Secretariat


$$$40. Special Bodies of the UN -

$$International intergovernmental organizations, being created to develop international cooperation $in economic, cultural, education health and social spheres

$Location of big, middle and small towns

$Economical and regional inequality



$$$41. How many permanent members the Security Council of the UNO has?



$ 6




$$$42. NŔŇÎ is -

$$Military-political block of capitalist states.

$Universal International Organization of general competention

$Real legislative power




$$$43. When was NŔŇÎ formed?

$$In 1949

$21 October,2001

$25 October,1945
$30 January,2003


$$$44. Where do situate NATO’s Head-Quarter?


$New York




$$$45. When was Universal Postal Union formed?






$$$46. How many institutes were included to the World Bank Group?






$$$47. When was International Bank of Reconstruction and Development formed?






$$$48. Due to what convention International Bank of Reconstruction and Development was formed?






$$$49. What is a formula of the origination of the International Organization?






$$$50. How many organizations did exist in the eve I WW?






$$$51. What organization was led to the registration of the International Organizations?

$$Union of the International Associations


$League of Nations

$Holy Alliance


$$$52. When was European Economic Community formed?






$$$53. How many International Organizations did exist in the middle of the 80-s?

$$1000 intergovernmental and 300 interstate organizations

$570 intergovernmental and 200 interstate organizations

$1000 intergovernmental and 100 interstate organizations

$1500 intergovernmental and 300 interstate organizations


$$$54. How is classified the International Organizations?

$$All of them

$Entrance order, membership

$Competention, power

$On participants


$$$55. CIS is:

$$Regional, interstate, International organization

$Military-political organization

$Economy organization

$Cultural organization


$$$56. What is the Legislative base of the International Organization?

$$Constituent Act



$Political Act



$$$57. How was called Helsinki Congress 1975?

$$Congress on Security and Cooperation in Europe

$Congress on disarmament in Europe

$Congress on disarmament and cooperation in Europe

$Congress on cooperation in Europe


$$$58. When was Treaty about foundation of Eurasian Economic Community signed?

$$On October10,2000

$On May17 ,1996

$On June11,1993

$On August23,2003

$$$59. When was Kazakhstan joined to NATO’s Program “Partnership for peace”?





$$$60. Treaty of Collective Security between Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan was signed on:

$$On May15,1992

$In March, 1992

$On February23,1992

$On February11, 1992


$$$61. Foreign Ministry Council of the CIS was formed on:

$$September 24,1993

$In March 1995 ă.

$In October 1993



$$$62. When was Arctic Council formed?






$$$63. What International Organization regulates conflicts in Europe?



$MAGATE, Red Cross



$$$64. The High Body of the CIS is

$$Council of the Head of states

$Council of Ministers of Defense

$Council of the Heads of Governments

$Interparliament Assembly


$$$65. When was the agreement of foundation of the CIS signed?

$$On December 8, 1991

$On August 22, 1991

$On January 17, 1991

$On June14, 1990


$$$66. When did Kazakhstan enter to the UNO






$$$67. When was FAO formed?






$$$68. When was IFAD formed?






$$$69. What states are members of Arctic Council?

$$Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Russia, USA

$Germany, France, Great Britain

$Germany, Hungary, Australia, Poland

$Austria, Mexico, Ukraine, Holland


$$$70. What International Organization was awarded by Nobel Premium?






$$$71. When was WHO formed?






$$$72. What Day is celebrated as World Health Day?


$May, 10




$$$73. Where is situated a Headquarter of the International Court of the UN?




$New York


$$$74. What unique structure has ILO?

$$Three-sided structure

$Two-sided structure

$Multi-sided structure

$Four-sided structure


$$$75. What is a high body of the FAO?




$Manager’s Council


$$$76. What is the Collective Security Body in the Eurasia?

$$Shanghai Cooperation Organization

$Eurasian Cooperation

$Commonwealth of the APR

$Commonwealth of Asian states


$$$77. What states are members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

$$China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$China, Pakistan, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan

$China, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$China, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Tajikistan


$$$78. When was International Atomic Energy Agency formed?






$$$79. When was European Currency system formed (European Currency Unit)?






$$$80. When was World Trade Organization formed?






$$$81. How was World Trade Organization called, before 1994?

$$General Agreements on Tariff and Trade

$World Agreements on Trade

$Tariff and Trade Organization

$United Trade Organization


$$$82. What is a High Body of the WTO?

$$Conference of Ministers

$Committee of Trade and Development

$Committee on Payment

$Committee on Trade and Ecology


$$$83. When was International Civil Aviation Organization formed?






$$$84. When was International Maritime Organization formed?






$$$85. What is a high body of the International Maritime Organization?



$Committee on security on the sea

$Committee on easing of international navigation


$$$86. What was the working language of the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance?






$$$87. What is a high body of the Universal Postal Union?


$Executive Council

$Consultative Council on Postal Investigations

$Legislative Council


$$$88. When was World Tourism Organization formed?






$$$89. Where is situated Head-Quarter of the World Tourism Organization?






$$$90. When was UNESCO formed?






$$$91. What date was celebrated in Kazakhstan in the framework of the UNESCO?

$$Abay’s year

$Auezov’s year

$Al-Farabi’s year

$Ablay’s year


$$$92. What is the High Body of the UNESCO?

$$General Conference

$National Commission

$International Commission on Education

$International Commission on Culture and Development


$$$93. In 1948 Organization of European Economic Cooperation was formed, according

$$Marshall Plan

$Truman Doctrine

$Hey Doctrine

$Monroe Doctrine


$$$94. How many states did sign treaty about European Union of Coal and Steel?






$$$95. Treaties about formation of what Communities were called as “Rome Agreements”?

$$European Community of Atomic Energy and European Economic Community

$European Community of Coal and Steel

$European Community of Taxes and Taxation

$European Community of Customs


$$$96. What Treaty did confirm foundation of the EU?






$$$97. How many Institutes the EU has?






$$$98. Deputies of European Parliament join by….. sign.






$$$99. Where is situate the official Residention of the European Parliament?






$$$100. Where is situate the official Residention of the European Council?






$$$101. Where is situate the official Residention of the European Commission?






$$$102. European Court of Justice consists of …. Judges.






$$$103. How many state did conclude diplomatic relations with EU?






$$$104. How many Lomey Conventions were signed?






$$$105. Assistance on economic, social and cultural development to Asian, Caribbean and Pacific states are called

$$Lomey Convention

$Rome Convention

$Casablanca Convention

$Cairo Convention


$$$106. What program was elaborated by EU for Commonwealth of Independent States?






$$$107. When was League of Arabian States formed?






$$$108. Where is League of Arabian States Head-Quarter situate?






$$$109. When was Organization of the Islamic Conference formed?






$$$110. When did Kazakhstan enter to the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) ?






$$$111. What states are members of the International Coffee Organization?

$$Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Ethiopia

$Georgia, Portugal, Rumania

$Uruguay, Germany, France, Austria

$Bulgaria, Greece, Italy,Spain


$$$112. When was Maghreb Arab Union formed?






$$$113. When was Organization of the African Unity formed?






$$$114. International Development Association gives …. credits


$high percent

$middle percent

$to developed states


$$$115. What is the main condition for taking IDA’s credit?

$$annual income per one man less 925 USD

$annual income per one man less 1500 USD

$annual income per one man less 2000 USD

$annual income per one man less 2500 USD


$$$116. International Finance Corporation finances economy of:

$$Developing and Eastern European states

$Developed states


$Western Europe


$$$117. When was International Monetary Fund formed?






$$$118. What Kazakhstanian historical monument was included to the World Heritage List (UNESCO)?

$$Petrolyphs of Tamgaly

$Issyk borrows

$Golden man

$Charyn canyons


$$$119. How many states are members of the UNO?







$$$120. Where is Danube Commission Head-Quarter situated?






$$$121. Who is author of the Pan-European idea?




$Alexander I


$$$122. When was Kazakhstan a chairman of the OSCE?






$$$123. Where is Head-Quarter of the ASEAN situated?






$$$124. What does MERCOSUR treaty mean?

$$Free Trade Zone or Common Market of the South

$Military organization of the Latin America

$Cultural, scientific and educational organization

$Political organization of the Latin America


$$$125. What states are members of the MERCOSUR?

$$Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay

$Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil

$Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico

$Bolivia, Uruguay, Cuba, Nicaragua


$$$126. When was MERCOSUR formed?






$$$127. What states are members of the Andean Group?

$$Bolivia, Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Ecuador

$Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay

$Bolivia, Uruguay, Cuba, Nicaragua

$Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico


$$$128. When was Andean group formed?






$$$129. What states are members of the EFTA (European Free Trade Association)?

$$Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland

$Bulgaria, Rumania, Poland, Slovakia

$France, Holland, Belgium,Luxemburg

$Hungary, Poland France, Holland


$$$130. When was CARICOM formed?






$$$131. What is CARICOM?

$$Common Market

$Military organization

$Scientific organization

$Cultural organization


$$$132. When was Organization of the American States formed?






$$$133. What is the main aim the Organization of American States?

$$Preservation of the Pease and Security on the continent

$Militarization of the continent

$Custom Union

$Trade development


$$$134. How many states are members of the Organization of American States?






$$$135. Where is Head-Quarter of the Organization of American States situated?






$$$136. When was International Coffee Organization formed?






$$$137. When was NAFTA formed?






$$$138. What states are members of the NAFTA?

$$Canada, Mexico, USA

$Canada, Argentina, USA

$Chile, Mexico, USA

$Canada, Mexico, Uruguay


$$$139. When was Collective Security Treaty Organization formed?






$$$140. What states are members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization?

$$Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$China, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$India, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan


$$$141. What states are members of the Central Asian Cooperation?

$$Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia

$Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, China, Tajikistan, Russia

$Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, China

$Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia


$$$142. Why did Central Asian Cooperation form?

$$For unique economic area formation

$For unique military area formation

$For unique cultural area formation

$For unique scientific area formation


$$$143. When was Eurasian Economic Community formed?






$$$144. What states are members of the Eurasian Economic Community?

$$Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan


$$$145. What is a High Body of the Eurasian Economic Community?

$$Interstate Council

$Integration Committee

$Interparliament Assembly

$Commission of permanent representatives


$$$146. When was Inter-Parliamentary Union formed?






$$$147. When was the last session of the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance held?






$$$148. Economic organization, which is not a part of the UNO:






$$$149. When was Protocol about stopping of Warsaw Treaty signed?






$$$150. Specialized organ of the UNO is:






$$$151. What is the main aim of the OPEC?

$$Coordination and unification of the oil policy

$Coordination and unification of the energy policy

$Coordination and unification of the food and agricultural policy

$Coordination and unification of the civil aviation policy


$$$152. Where is OPEC head-Quarter situated?






$$$153. What is a High Body of the OPEC?


$Council of Managers

$Economic Commission

$Coordination Council


$$$154. What is the official language of the OPEC?






$$$155. Against what was NATO directed?

$$SU and Warsaw Treaty





$$$156. How many states are united NATO?






$$$157. The main aim of the League of Nations was:

$$Provision of peace and security

$Organization, fulfilled policy of the USA

$Anti Soviet organization

$Organization, fulfilled policy France and England


$$$158. According Charter of the League of Nations armament of its members must be:

$$Limited till minimum accordance with national security

$Limited accordance decisions of international commission on disarmament

$Preservation the same proportions

$Preservation of army, which approved by League of Nations

$$$159. What political organization was formed in 1919?

$$League of Nations




$$$160. What states head League of Nations?

$$England, France, Italy, Japan

$England, USA, Japan

$England, France, USA, Japan

$England, France, USA


$$$161. What Program was elaborated by NATO in Brussels in 1994?

$$“Partnership for Peace”

$“North Atlantic Alliance in change process”

$“Strategic Partnership”

$“Offensive Partnership”


$$$162. How many states to the Program “Partnership For Peace”?






$$$163. What is Benelux?

$$Economic Union

$Military Union

$Cultural Union

$Scientific Union


$$$164. What is the main aim of the Benelux?

$$Free moving of people, capital, goods, and services

$Military cooperation

$Cultural cooperation

$Scientific cooperation


$$$165. When was Visegrad Group formed?






$$$166. What are the official languages of the Danube Commission?

$$French and Russian

$English and French

$Russian and German

$Russian and English


$$$167. Where is Head-Quarter of the Danube situated?






$$$168. When was Council of Europe formed?






$$$169. Council of Europe comprehends all spheres of the European society, except:






$$$170. Where is Head-Quarter of the Council of Europe situated?






$$$171. What is the Commonwealth?

$$Union of Independent states, formed after collapse of British colonial empire.

$Union of Independent states, formed after collapse of French colonial empire.

$Union of Independent states, formed after collapse of Russian colonial empire.

$Union of Independent states, formed after collapse of Spanish colonial empire.


$$$172. When was Treaty about Custom Union and Unique Economic Union Area concluded?






$$$173. What states did conclude Treaty about Custom Union and Unique Economic Union Area in 1999?

$$Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan

$Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan

$Turkmenistan, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan

$Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan


$$$174. Treaty about Custom Union and Unique Economic Union Area , concluded in 1999 transformed into:

$$Eurasian Economic Community


$Central Asian Cooperation

$Shanghai Cooperation Organization


$$$175. What states did leave Collective Security Treaty Organization in 1999?

$$Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan

$Russia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan

$Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan

$Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia


$$$176. Who were founders of the Inter-Parliamentary Union?

$$W.Cremer and F.Passy

$W.Chirchill and F.Rousvelt

$W.Wilson and Georges Clemenceau

$ Lloyd George and Vittorio Orlando


$$$177. When were Shengen Agreement and Shengen Convention signed?

$$1985 and 1990

$1987 and 1991

$1991 and 1995

$1990 and 1995


$$$178. Shengen agreement about:

$$Common or internal borders

$Joint social policy

$Migration policy

$Security policy


$$$179. What states did form OPEC in 1960?

$$Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela

$USA, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Libya

$United Arabian Emirates, Algeria, Nigeria, Gabon

$Ecuador, Iran, Venezuela, USA


$$$180. Where is Head-Quarter of the Inter-Parliamentary Union situated?






$$$181. What organization is official registrated international organizations?

$$Union of International Associations


$Commission on International Organizations

$High Public Council


$$$182. Organization of the American States is:

$$Regional Organization

$Universal organization

$Military-political organization

$Religious organization


$$$183. ASEAN is:

$$Regional Organization

$Universal organization

$Military-political organization

$Religious organization


$$$184. African Union is:

$$Regional Organization

$Universal organization

$Military-political organization

$Religious organization


$$$185. NAFTA is:

$$Economic organization

$Universal organization

$Military-political organization

$Religious organization


$$$186. ASEAN is:

$$Economic organization

$Universal organization

$Military-political organization

$Religious organization


$$$187. Warsaw Pact is:

$$Military-political organization

$Universal organization

$Economic organization

$Religious organization


$$$188. The main stages of the formation of the EU:

$$European Economic Community-Common Market-EU

$European Atom- European Economic Community-Common Market-EU

$ Common Market -European Economic Community -EU

$ Common Market-Community of Steel and Coal-EU


$$$189. The main aim of the Trusteeship Council is:

$$Collective trusteeship over colonies

$Collective trusteeship over military forces

$Collective trusteeship over culture and science

$Collective trusteeship over finance and economy


$$$190.Who was author of the 14 points?






$$$191.When did Germany become a member of the League of Nations?






$$$192. When did the USSR become a member of the League of Nations?






$$$193. When was Germany excluded of the League of Nations?






$$$194. When was the USSR excluded of the League of Nations?






$$$195. Economic organization, which is not a part of the UNO:






$$$196. Where was situated a Head-Quarter of the League of Nations?






$$$197. When was liquidated League of Nations?






$$$198. The main aim of the Mandate Commission of the League of Nations is:

$$Control over colonies

$Control over military forces

$Control trusteeship over culture and science

$Control trusteeship over finance and economy


$$$199. Charter of the UNO consists of:


$90 articles

$85 articles

$20 articles


$$$200. Charter of the UNO consists of:

$$19 chapters

$15 chapters

$12 chapters

$17 chapters


$$$201. When Session of General Assembly usually is convoked?

$$Third Tuesday of September

$Second Monday of January

$First Wednesday of May

$Fourth Friday of February


$$$202. What is the high body of the UNO?

$$General Assembly

$Trusteeship Council

$International Court


$$$203. When was Holy Alliance founded?






$$$204. What states were entered to Holy Alliance?

$$All continental monarchs, excluding Rome Pope and Turkey

$Holland, Portugal

$Turkey, Russia

$Spain, Italy, France


$$$205. The main reason of the collapse of Holy Alliance was:

$$Internal contradictions

$Non following of the Alliance’s laws

$Non respect of human rights

$Trade-economic contradictions


$$$206. How many International Congresses were held by Holy Alliances?






$$$207. What states didn’t join to Holy Alliance?

$$Rome Pope an Turkish Sultan

$Sweden, Italy

$Russia, Turkey

$Turkey, Spain


$$$208. Where was held first Congress of Holy Alliance?

$$Aix la Chapele

$in Russia

$in France

$in Turkey


$$$209.Where is a headquarter of the International Monetary Fund situated?






$$$210. What is a High body of the International Monetary Fund?

$$Council of Managers

$Executive Council


$Council of Principles


$$$211.Paris Convention for the protection of Industrial Property was signed in:






$$$212. How many states did sign Paris Convention for the protection of Industrial Property?






$$$213. Berne Convention for the protection of Literary and Artistic Works was signed in:






$$$214. Where is situated the Headquarter of the World Health Organization?






$$$215. How many states are members of the WIPO?






$$$216. Where is Head Quarter of the ICAO situated?






$$$217. Where is Head Quarter of the International Maritime Organization situated?







$$$218. WTO was formed due to:

$$Uruguay agreement

$Breton-Wood agreement

$Washington agreement

$Paris agreement


$$$219. When was CSCE renamed to OSCE?






$$$220. What summit of the CSCE renamed the CSCE to the OSCE?

$$Budapest summit (1994)

$Lisbon summit (1996)

$Istanbul summit (1999)

$ Helsinki summit (1992)


$$$221.How many states are members of the Council of Europe?

$$ 45





$$$222. Head-Quarter of the European Court on Human Rights is situated in:






$$$223. European Convention on Human Rights was adopted in:






$$$224. When was Central Asian Union formed?






$$$225. When was Central Asian Economic Community formed?






$$$226. What states were members of the Central Asian Union?

$$Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan

$Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan

$Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, ;Tajikistan

$Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, Kyrgyzstan


$$$227. What states were members of the Central Asian Economic Community?

$$Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan

$Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan

$Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, ;Tajikistan

$Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, Kyrgyzstan


$$$228. When was formed Custom Union?






$$$229. What states were members of the Custom Union?

$$Russia, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan

$Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan

$Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, ;Tajikistan

$Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, Kyrgyzstan


$$$230. How many states did sign treaty about foundation of the CIS?






$$$231. What state plays priority role in the ShOC?






$$$232. What state plays priority role in the program “Partnership for peace”?

$$ USA


$ China



$$$233. What state plays priority role in the Organization Treaty about Collective Security?






$$$234. Which international organization was founded in 1945 with the stated objective of ‘saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war’?



$Red Cross/Red Crescent



$$$235. During its largest expansion in 2004, which country did not join the European Union?

$$ Norway


$ Slovakia



$$$236. Which are the founding members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

$$China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan

$ China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, India

$China, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan

$China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkmenistan


$$$237. Which organization was the predecessor organization for the African Union (AU), which was established in 2002?

$$Organization of African Unity (OAU)

$Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

$Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

$There was no predecessor organization to the African Union


$$$238. What does OAS stand for?

$$Organization of American States

$Organization of Arab States

$Organization of Asian States

$Organization of African States


$$$239. In which city is NATO headquartered?


$New York




$$$240. What would be a correct description of the OECD?

$$ OECD is an organization of democratic, highly developed countries

$OECD is an organization of the least-developed countries in the world

$ OECD is a sub-organization of the United Nations, concerned with protecting Children's Rights

$OECD is an organization of Oil-Exporting countries



$$$241. OSCE is the successor organization to which international conference?


$Council of Europe


$Arab League


$$$242. What country became a WTO member in 2002?




$ Iran


$$$243. The Association of South East Asian Countries (ASEAN) was founded in what city and in which year?

$$Bangkok, 1967

$ Jakarta, 1988

$ Manila, 1976

$Singapore, 1995


$$$244. Which organization effectively controls the world market for crude oil?






$$$245. What is SAARC?

$$ An association of South Asian countries

$A sub-organization of the United Nations concerned with agriculture

$A fictional privately funded terror organization in James Bond novels

$ South American Andean Regional Council


$$$246. The United States has never held membership in which of the following organizations?

$$ Council of Europe

$World Trade Organization

$ United Nations

$Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)


$$$247. The UNASUR free trade organization combines MERCOSUR with the what other organization?

$$Andean Community

$Carribbean Community

$Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)

$North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


$$$248. What does NATO stand for?

$$ North Atlantic Treaty Organization

$ North American Treaty Organization

$North American Trade Organization

$North Atlantic Trade Organization


$$$249. What does OPEC stand for?

$$ Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

$Organization of Petroleum Evaluation Countries

$Organization of Petroleum Engineering Countries

$ Organization of Producing Exporting Countries


$$$250. Main aim of the IBRD is:

$$Aid to needing states

$Giving credits just developed states

$Giving credits just developing states

$Aid to development of state-members by giving loans


$$$251. What does IMF stand for?

$$International Monetary Fund

$International Manufacturing Foundation

$International Monetary Foundation

$International Money First


$$$252. What does APEC stand for?

$$Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation

$American Peace Energy Corporation

$American-Pacific Energy Consulate

$Asian-Pacific Economic Company


$$$253. The International Organization Drug Study Group is based in what country?



$United States



$$$254. In the United States, AMI is what?

$$American Manufacturing Institute

$American Medical Institute

$American Meat Institute

$American Meat-Producers Institute



$$$255. The CRI (based in the United States) is what?

$$Carpet and Rug Institute

$Consumer Rating Institute

$Capital Racing Institute

$Central Register Institute



$$$256. Center for Trade Policy and Law (or CTPL) is based where?







$$$257. The Humane Society International (HSI) is based where?

$$ United States





$$$258. The PRC is based in Japan. What does PRC stand for?

$$Pacific Resource Center

$Pan-Asia Retail Corporation

$Pan America Resource Center

$Pacific Asia Resource Center


$$$259.What is the WFM?

$$World Financial Market

$World Federalist Movement

$World Federalist Market

$World Financial Movement



$$$260. The Polaris Institute was designed to empower citizens toward making democratic social changes. Where is it based?



$United States


$$$261. NTC is the abbreviation of which organization in India

$$National Tea Company

$National Tobacco Company

$National Tea Corporation

$National Textile Corporation


$$$262. GEAC is an important organization in India. What is its full form?

$$Genetic Engineering Approval Committee

$General Engineering Approval Corporation

$Genetic Engineering Approval Corporation

$General Eating and Acting Committee


$$$263. What is the full form of IAEA?

$$International Atomic Energy Agency

$International Atomic Energy Approval

$International Atomic Energy Association

$ Indian Atomic Energy Agency


$$$264. What do the initials IFAD stand for?

$$International Fund for Agricultural Development.

$International Food Approval Department

$International Fund for Airplane Development

$Indian Food Approval Department


$$$265. ICAO is another important UN Agency. What does ICAO stand for?

$$International Civil Aviation Organization

$International Concorde Airplanes Organization

$International Control of Aeroplanes Organization

$International Committee for Approval of new Organizations


$$$266. What do the initials SEATO stand for?

$$South-East Asia Treaty Organization

$South-East Asia Trade Organization

$South-East American Treaty Organization

$South-East African Treaty Organization


$$$267. What is the full form of the OAU?

$$Organization of African Unity

$Organization of Asian Unity

$Organization of American Unity

$Organization of Allied Universities


$$$268. The BEU is an economic union. What does it stand for?

$$Benelux Economic Union

$ Bombay Economic Union

$British Economic Union

$Belgian Economic Union


$$$269. CARICOM is an organization related to the Caribbean Islands. What is its full form?

$$Caribbean Community

$Caribbean Computer Firm

$Caribbean Commerce

$Caribbean Economy


$$$270. IACHR is a court for human rights. Of the given options, which is the correct full form?

$$International American Court for Human Rights

$International Asian Court for Human Rights

$International African Court for Human Rights

$Inter-Asian Court for Human Rights


$$$271. Main spheres of activity of the ECOSOS:

$$economic and social sphere

$science and culture


$military sphere


$$$272. Main sphere of the UNDP is:

$$all of them

$science and culture

$technique and technology

$industry and agriculture


$$$273. Credit policy of the IBRD orients on the interests of:

$$private capital

$state capital

$associate capital

$corporative capital


$$$274. Group of World Bank consists of:




$Islamic Bank of Development


$$$275. GŔŇŇ is:

$$General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

$General Association of Tariffs and Trade

$Global Association on Tariffs and Trade

$Global Association on Tariffs and Services


$$$276. Russia:

$$is member of the WTO

$is not member of the WTO

$uses privileges of the WTO on export of weapons

$uses privileges of the WTO on export of raw materials


$$$277. What organization was formed instead of the GATT?






$$$278. Activity of the UNCTAD directs on development of:

$$international trade

$international communication




$$$279. Problems of education, science, and culture in the system of the UNO fulfill:






$$$280. What state is not member of the IMF:






$$$281. IBRD is a property of governments of:

$$state-members of the IBRD

$states of EU

$developed states

$developing states


$$$282. ….doesn’t enter in the system of the UNO.

$$International Trade Chamber



$World Bank


$$$283. The most powerful international organization:




$League of Arab States


$$$284. Permanent member of the Security Council is:






$$$285. Russia is a member of next international organizations:

$$UNO and CIS

$EU and LAS




$$$286.What is a «Rome Club»?

$$International non-government organization on global problems

$Organization of European Economic Community

$Club of the Head of European Governments on Geopolitical Problems

$Club of the Head of European Governments on Ecological Problems



$$$287.State, which enters to the Organization Treaty about Collective Security is






$$$288…..is not a permanent member of the UNO Security Council.




$Great Britain


$$$289…. Is not a member of Eurasian Economic Union.






$$$290. What was a reason of foundation of international organizations?

$$necessity states unification for decision of different problems

$requirement of superpowers

$economic interests of transnational companies

$private initiatives of citizens of different states


$$$291. Who is author of title «United Nations» -






$$$292. Decisions of International organizations in XIXc. were adopted on the principle:

$absolutely unanimously
$qualificated majority
$positive voting

$$$293. Charter of the UNO was adopted in:
$$October 24, 1945
$May, 1945
$April, 1949
$June26,1945 ă.


$$$294. On the point of view of international law, what kind of document is a Charter of the UNO?
$behavior codex

$$$295. In what chapter of the charter is defined common competence of the UN GA?

$$$296. How many operations on supporting peace were conducted by the UNO since 1948?
$$more than50

$more than 40

$$$297.International sport organization is:



$Green Peace



$$$298.International Economic Organization is:

$$all of them



$Common market


$$$299.Belovezhskoe agreement about stopping of Union treaty (1922) didn’t sign:






$$$300.Former Soviet republics, which didn’t enter to the CIS:

$$Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia

$Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldova

$Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan

$Kirgizia, Tajikistan, Armenia


$$$301.International Court of Justice consists of….judges:






$$$302.International Economic Organization is:

$$all of them



$Common market


$$$303.Belovezhskoe agreement about stopping of Union treaty (1922) didn’t sign:






$$$304.When was Organization of Islamic Conference renamed to Organization of Islamic Cooperation?






$$$305.Index of integration processes in Europe is:

$$all of them

$foundation of Euro parliament

$non visa moving of citizens

$introduction of unique currency


$$$306.Permanent member of the UNO SC is:

$$all of them





$$$307……is not a permanent member of the UNO SC


$Great Britain




$$$308.This treaty strengthened integration processes in Europe in 1992.






$$$309…..is International Regional organization




$Green Peace


$$$310. International organization, which includes just European states:






$$$311. Is Russia a member of WBRD?



$associate member



$$$312. Group of World Bank are:

$$IBRD and IMF



$Center Bank


$$$313. International Financial Corporation is:

$$part of World Bank

$part of ĹBRD

$part of Islamic Development Bank

$part of Asian Development Bank


$$$314. International Development Association was formed for:

$$giving privilege credits to the poorest developing countries

$giving credits to developed countries

$giving credits to the EU countries

$giving credits to the CIS countries


$$$315. International Labor Organization is:

$$specialized body of the UNO

$international regional organization

$international universal organization

$international non-governmental organization


$$$316. Put correlation between international organization and state-member of this organization- China:




$League of Arab States


$$$317. Put correlation between international organization and state-member of this organization- Armenia:




$League of Arab States


$$$318. Put correlation between international organization and state-member of this organization- Turkey:





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