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Press Release as of 30th November 2015

From 30th November till 4th December 2015, thirty young future leaders and specialists from Germany, Russia and Ukraine will come together in Moscow to try to resolve current complications and discuss prospects of the trilateral relations. The highlight of the forum will be an open panel discussion with experts from the three countries to which everyone interested is welcome. The forum is organized by DRJUG e.V. – Alumni Association of the German-Russian Youth Parliament in close cooperation with the Foundation for International Youth Exchange (Moscow) and Youth NGO “MIKS” (Dnepropetrovsk) under the patronage of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Germany.


II Trilateral Youth Forum is the second edition of the three-year project organized for 18-26 year-old participants by youth that puts a high value on the trialogue. The youth initiative for the development of benevolent space between the countries is high on the agenda in the face of the existential crisis that is laden with ominous misunderstandings that deteriorated the peaceful relations. Having successfully organized the first trilateral forum in Berlin in 2014, its second edition promises to be the next step to side with the idea of fostering youth cooperation by engaging the participants in workshops with the experts as well as by introducing them to foundations, youth organisations at “the Market of Possibilities” and even by involving them into the development of possible scenarios of the common future.


On Monday, 30th November 2015 at 10.00 o’clock, an opening ceremonythe coordinators of the forum will welcome the participants at the Russian-German House. Patrick Vosen, German coordinator of the forum, says: “with our youth forum we want to give young people the chance to work together on the foundation of a better future”. Meanwhile, Anastasia Zabusova, Russian coordinator of the forum, adds: „we should try to see the situation from the other side, as the youth can build bridges where well-established politics can not“. Kateryna Zeziulina, Ukranian coordinator, agrees by saying that „the future of our countries is dependent on young generation that will live with present decisions in the end, and therefore, pave the way for resolutions to today’s problems“.


Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia will open its doors to a public panel discussion „Two years after Euromaidan - challenges and prospects for future cooperation“on 3rd December 2015 at 18:00 o’clockthat will be held with Wolfram Rehbock (Schneider Group, Germany), Prof Dr. Irina Busygina (MGIMO, Russia), Oleh Rybachuk (Centre UA, Ukraine). The Higher School of Economics will host a series of workshops conducted by the experts from three countries with the focus on economics, historical legacy, mass media, security issues and Human Rights for the participants of the forum. Pavlo Cherkashyn, a 24 year-old participant from Ukraine, believes: “during the Forum we will be able to have effective discussions and will come up with productive recommendations by using our creativity and fresh thoughts”. While Asiyat Tarchokova, a 24 year-old participant from Russia, is sure that “being really involved into an open international discussion of contemporary problems is significant for a young person”.


For further information, please, do not hesitate to contact the PR Team with any questions regarding the II Trilateral Youth Forum: „Germany - Russia - Ukraine: A Common Future?”.

Contact | Press & PR Contact | DRJUG e.V

Irina Suchkova

Phone number | +491748973676 Postfach 11 01 56

e-mail | germany-russia-ukraine@drjug.org 95420 Bayreuth

Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/germany.russia.ukraine website |http://drjug.org/


Twitter | @TYF_GER_RUS_UKR

Vkontakte | https://vk.com/gruforum


*II Trilateral Youth Forum “Germany, Russia, Ukraine: a Common Future?” is supported by German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CLAAS, Schneider Group, Metro-Group, Dialog+ e.V., the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1135

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