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Unit 3 Year 1 Applying for a job


Ex. 1 A. Discuss the following questions using the vocabulary from the table below.

• Which jobs do you think are the most important /difficult /pleasant/ unpleasant/ risky/ stressful /satisfying /rewarding /tricky? Give your grounds.

• Which is more important, money or job satisfaction?

• Which is better, a low stress job with low pay or a stressful well-paid job?

• Do you agree that managers should be paid a lot more than workers? Why?

• Apart from pay, how might you encourage people to work hard?

• What are the most important causes of unemployment? What can unemployed people do to get back to work?


ย. Vocabulary work. Find Russian equivalents of the given in the box names of the professions and say what each of the jobs involves and which of the jobs you would definitely not choose and why.

• Professions: a bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, electrician, mechanic, architect, lawyer, engineer, accountant, university lecturer, translator, interpreter, combat soldier, child-minder, live-in babysitter, stockbroker, sales/personnel manager, salesperson, surgeon, dentist, vet, GP (general practitioner), long-distance lorry-driver, politician, police officer, firefighter, cleaner, flight attendant, museum attendant, caretaker, custodian, guard, bodyguard, stuntman, broadcaster, newsreader, chef;

• Activities: to be in charge of/responsible for, to deal with/handle complaints, the job involves travelling, to visit/see/meet/advise clients, working hours, teaching load, nine-to-five job, to do flexi time, to do shift work, part-time/full-time job, to work overtime, to receive salary, to earn/make money, minimum wage, a wage packet of..., a wage rise, to get sick pay, to get a 4 week paid holiday, to pay an income tax, to be self-employed;

• to apply for a job, to give a job as a trainee, to give in-house training, to go on/do several training courses, to want a fresh challenge and a career change, to resign, to dismiss/sack at a week's notice, to be made redundant, to be pensioned off, to be on/take maternity leave/sick leave, to be a workaholic, to be out of work/unemployed, to be on probation, to retire, to take early retirement, to be promoted, to have good career prospects, to make a career;

• qualities: in/efficient, un/qualified, ir/responsible, knowledgeable, ignorant, un/punctual, industrious, diligent, conscientious, organized.

• Useful combinations: work: get, do, look for, find, to be out of, to be dismissed from, to be in, set to, to be at; a living – earn, do for, to make; a job -apply for, take on, have, offer, look for, hunt for, get, do, find, lose, to bungle, to turn down, to be out of, job satisfaction, nine-to five job, on the job.

Ex. 2 Split into two groups and discuss advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) of working as a teacher (the 1st group) and an interpreter (the 2nd group). Give reasons and use connectors. Share your ideas with the rest of the class. Make use of the reminders below.


Joining similar ideas: also, in addition to this, what is more, furthermore, moreover, besides this...

Joining contrasting ideas: however, on the other hand, nevertheless, although, in spite of, yet, but.

Qualities: exhausting, sociable, exciting, tiring, well/poorly paid, boring, satisfying, rewarding, frustrating, stressful, work flexi time.


Ex. 3. Working with a partner, consider the 15 points below and put them in order of importance.

The Guardian newspaper sent out a questionnaire to its readers on the subject of

work and careers and received more than 11,000 replies. In one section, aspects

of work, which might contribute to job satisfaction, were listed and readers were

asked to say how important they were.

What adds up to job satisfaction?

How important are each of the following to you in providing you with job


• Challenge

• Meeting people through work

• Security

• The respect of colleagues

• Working conditions

• Status in your organization

• Learning something new

• Personal freedom

• Being part of a team

• Exercising power

• Helping other people

• Being praised by your superiors

• Social status

• Being promoted

• Making money.

What aspects do you think are more important for the British? (Look for the answers in Appendix 3)


Ex. 4 Read the following job advertisements. What qualifications do you think the advertisers are looking for? What kind of work experience would be useful for these jobs? Which job would you apply for? Why?



A NEW CAREER IN SALES ER Shilton Hotel Group plc
You will be working for a well-established company selling gardening products to new and existing customers. Own car essential. Good career opportunities for the right candidate. Starting salary £12,000+car. Interviewing immediately. For details ring Mr. V.Hammond on 0323 503634 We have a vacancy for a reception clerk at our new 4-star Portsmouth hotel. Excellent salary and conditions, Good standard of education required, with computer experience. One or opportunities more foreign languages an advantage. Overtime is necessary during holidays. Apply in the first instance, enclosing CV[1] to: The Personnel Manager, The Shilton Harbour Hotel, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO2 6FX
NANNY Mature, fun, house-proud nanny required to look after two children aged 6 and 3. Must be able to cook and swim. Salary to be negotiated. Own room/bath/car. Tel 0865 794389 COMPANION good-humoured, gentle, caring woman 35-55 required by disabled lady for light household duties, cooking, reading, and friendship. £100 per week plus own room, use of car. Box 36.



Market Researchers needed to conduct telephone studies. Evening and weekend shifts available. No exp. nee. We train, but good reading and pronunciation required. $145/wk. Call Maddison Inc. 212 403 8827 PHOTO STUDIO MANAGER Outgoing, enthusiastic person wanted for photo studio in Falls Church. Spring and fall weekends, full time in summer. Sales and management experience a must. $7/hr + bonus. Artley Photographers. 202 776 4825 NANNY Working couple seek fully trained nanny to live in and look after 2-year-old son. Require loving, dependable woman with excellent references and driving record. Must speak English. Hours 7.30a.m. to 6.30p.m. $150/wk + free room, board, use of car. Please send application and resume to Ad 8375.
AU PAIR Non-smoking female needed for live-in childcare. North-west area. $100 wk. 426 4159 CHILDCARE(after school) Friendship Heights, 2 girls, 6 and 8, 15-20 hours per week, M/F own car, references required. Ideal for student, $8 per hour, Call 202 363 3158 RESTAURANTS The Italian Straw Hat Restaurant is now hiring M/F waiters, bartenders, cooks, dishwashers, and managers for its New England opening. Apply in person 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. at 788 Flemming Road, Westport.

Act out the situations using the job adverts above:

1) Student A: You have come to a job agency to find out if they have any vacancies for students for the summer period. You don't want to spend all your days working. You just want to earn some extra pocket money. You have already worked as a shop assistant and as a delivery boy. Don't forget to tell the job agent about your preferences and your work experience.

Student B: You work in a job agency. A client comes to you. Ask what you can do for the client; find out all relevant information about the client. Try to be helpful. You have some good full-time temporary vacancies in restaurants, hotels and shops, as well as some other good jobs.

2) Student A: You are a student and you want a part-time job. You would like to work late in the afternoon because you study in the morning. You don't have any work experience. You have a small brother so you know how to deal with young children. You come to a job agency to see if you could get a suitable job. Talk to the agent.

Student B: You work in a job agency. A student has come to you to see about a part-time job. You have some vacancies in hotel and restaurant business but they require experience. You know a family who needs a baby-sitter for their young son (age 3). You are not sure whether the student could do the job.

Ex. 5 Work in pairs. Before you read the article below, note down three things you think candidates should do at a job interview and three things they shouldn't do. Read the text and say how to create a good impression at a job interview.

With unemployment so high, and often scores of applicants chasing every job, you have to count yourself lucky to be called for an interview. If it's your first, you're bound to be nervous. But don't let the jitters sidetrack you from the main issue – which is getting this job. The only way you can do that is by creating a good impression on the person who is interviewing you. Here's how: DO

• Find out as much as you can about the job beforehand. Ask the job centre or employment agency for as much information as possible.

• Jot down your qualifications and experience and think about how they relate to the job. Why should the employer employ you and not somebody else?

• Choose your interview clothing with care; no one is going to employ you if you look as though you've wandered out of a disco. Whether you like it or not, appearance counts.

• Make sure you know where the interview office is and how to get there. Be on time, or better, a few minutes early. Have a light meal to eat, and go to the toilet. If you don't, you may well be thinking about your inside during the interview.

• Bring a pen; you will probably be asked to fill in an application form. Answer all the questions as best you can. And write neatly. The interviewer will be looking at the application during the interview; he or she must be able to read it.


• Ever walk into the interview chewing gum, sucking on a sweet or smoking. Have a drink beforehand to give you courage.

• Forget to bring with you any school certificates, samples of your work or letters of recommendation from your teachers or anyone else you might have worked part-time for.

The interview is designed to find out more about you and to see if you are suitable for the job. The interviewer will do this by asking you questions. The way you answer will show what kind of person you are and if your education, skills and experience match what they're looking for. DO

• Make a real effort to answer every question the interviewer asks. Be clear and concise. Never answer 'Yes' or 'No' or shrug. Admit it if you do not know something about the more technical aspects of the job. Stress that you are willing to learn.

• Show some enthusiasm when the job is explained to you. Concentrate on what the interviewer is saying, and if he or she asks if you have any questions, have at least one ready to show that you're interested and have done your homework.

• Sell yourself. This doesn't mean exaggerating (you'll just get caught out) or making your experience or interests seem unimportant (if you sell yourself short no one will employ you). Ask questions at the close of the interview. For instance, about the pay, hours, holidays, or if there is a training programme.


• Forget to shake hands with the interviewer. Smoke or sit down until you are invited to.

• Give the interviewer a hard, time by giggling, yawning, rambling on unnecessarily or appearing cocky or argumentative.

• Ever stress poor aspects of yourself, like your problem of getting up in the morning.

• Always show your best side: especially your keenness to work and your sense of responsibility.

Role-play the situation:

Student A: You have been called for a job interview. It's the first job interview in your life. You are afraid that you'll behave incorrectly and spoil everything.

Ask your friend to give you some advice.

Student B: Your friend has been invited for an interview. He/she feels really nervous. He/she is afraid to do it all wrong. Give him/her advice.

Ex. 6 Job interviews.

Read the advertisement. What qualities do you think successful applicants for this job will need? Do you think you will be able to do the job?

Culture tours is looking for bright, lively people of all ages to accompany groups of foreign visitors on tours of your city and country.

If you think you can be a mixture of guide, diplomat, nursemaid, and leader then we look forward to hearing from you. No formal qualifications necessary, though previous experience would be an advantage. We are most interested in the personal qualities you can bring to the job. Being a group leader with culture tours is a rewarding experience, which you will never forget. Opportunities for full career development for the right candidates.

Split into groups of 4 or 5. Let 2 students in each group be the interviewers and 2 or 3 students – interviewees.

Interviewers Decide which 'tricky situations' you would like to test each of the candidates with. Turn to the list of tricky situations (Appendix 4) or invent your own.

Interviewees Spend a few minutes deciding what you will say. Think of good answers to the 'tough questions' 1-8. Think of a couple of questions to ask about the job at the end.

Tough interview questions

1. Tell me something you are proud of.

2. What makes you think you could do this job?

3. What kind of leadership qualities do you have?

4. Why did you leave your last job?

5. Do you have any skills or hobbies you think might be useful for this job?

6. What do you think is your greatest fault?

7. How do you feel about spending time away from home?

8. What do you see yourself doing in five year's time?


When you are ready, hold five-minute interviews.

Agree together who you would choose for the job, and why.

Ex. 7 Act out the following situations.

1A You work as a nurse. You find your job tiring but rewarding. You talk about it with your friend over a cup of tea.

IB You work as a business executive. You find your job tiring but rewarding and well paid. Your friend works as a nurse. You don't think it is the best-suited job for her. You talk about it over a cup of tea.

2A You have been offered a temporary vacancy of a secretary in a small firm. You are taking over (replacing) your friend who is going on holiday. Ask him/her about your responsibilities and working arrangements.

2B You work as a secretary in a small travel agency. Now your friend's going to replace you while you are on holiday. Give him/her as many tips as you can. Answer all his/her questions.

วภ You meet your former college mate in a cafe and she/he tells you she/he badly needs a job to make some money and asks your advice on where and what to look for. As you haven't seen the person for a long time you don't know much about him/her, but you remember she didn't plan to go to university. You think you saw an advertisement for staff to sell hot dogs, ice cream and hamburgers in the local paper the other day.

วย In a cafe you meet your former college mate who you haven't seen for a long time. You badly need a job as you are broke, but you don't know where and what exactly to look for. You think the person might give you some tips. You'd prefer a full time job and are prepared to do almost anything that pays well, perhaps except for selling hot dogs or hamburgers, as you hate the smell of onions.

4A You are the manager of a good restaurant. You are about to interview an applicant for a position of a waitress. You try to find out as much as possible about her in order to be able to make a decision. Prepare to answer questions about job conditions, benefits, and pay.

4B You come for an interview for a position of a waitress. You have some experience and you think that you can convince your prospect employer that you are qualified for the job. Try to find out all the pertinent information about the job conditions.

Appendix 1 Sample picture descriptions

1. Jobs

The picture shows an attractive young woman who has just come out of some business premises and now is walking past the spotlessly clean windows reflecting the green trees which grow nearby. It's a nice summer day and the woman is enjoying her walk though at the same time her mind is on her job, for she looks thoughtful.

This well-groomed lady with dark curly hair parted in the middle is very attractive. She is dressed formally and with classic elegance. In her cream double-breasted jacket and a black knee-length skirt she looks elegant and neat. She has black patent-leather high-heeled shoes on her feet, which go with her skirt. She obviously has a good taste in clothes. As for the ornaments the woman isn't wearing any jewellery except for a pair of small modest golden earrings. Perhaps she is a businesswoman or a lawyer, or a bank worker and doesn't want to look loud or eye-catching. Perhaps her job involves strict uniform requirements. I think she's wearing just the right clothes that suit her and the occasion. In her right hand she is holding a thick wine-coloured briefcase, which might contain some important documents.

I'm sure this woman has made a successful career, as she looks really smart. She might be having a meeting with her boss or a client; otherwise she wouldn't be carrying her suitcase full of important documents in it. She is absorbed in her thoughts. She may be thinking about the arguments for the proposal she's going to make. This picture makes me think about the way women should look to succeed in life and to make a good impression. I think that appearances matter a lot and women shouldn't ignore themselves if they want to make a good career.

Appendix 2 CV.


Home 154, Weedon Road, Northampton NN5 5DA

address (01604) 746685

E-mail 22th January 1979

Date of birth British

Nationality Single

Marital status EDUCATION

1997-2001 MA Modern Languages, Trinity College, University of

1992-1997 Rugby School, Warwickshire

A-Levels: Chemistry (A), Maths (A), Physics (A), Russian (A)

GCSEs: 8 Grade A*, 3 Grade A Academic Scholarship awarded 1997


Creative writing

Information technology good knowledge of html, excel, word and powerpoint

Sport Sailing, tennis, Alpine skiing, mountaineering

Music Pianoforte Grade 5

Languages Russian (fluent), French (good), Italian (good), Latin (good), Japanese (business)


Arthur Andersson, Warsaw, Poland, September 2002 Business Consulting internship involving research

Ford Motor Company, St Albans, August 2000

Work placement in Process Leadership department as member of Global Operations team implementing advanced computer systems

The Times, London, March 1999

Investigative reporting and liaison with entertainment industry including interviews and article writing REFERENCES

Dr T J Binyon, Wadham College, Oxford OX1 3PN Tel 01325-270900 Mr ฮ Hurka, Manager, Business Consulting, Arthur Andersson, Warsaw Financial Centre, Emilii Platter 53, 00-143 Warsaw, Poland Tel 0048 76 520 98 00


Appendix 3 What adds up to job satisfaction?


The respect of colleagues 93% Being part of a team 69%
Learning something new 92% Being praised by your superiors 68%
Personal freedom 91% Being promoted 62%
Challenge 89% Making money 62%
Helping other people 88% Status in your organization 58%
Security 79% Exercising power 28%
Working conditions 74% Social status 25%
Meeting people through work 71%    

Appendix 4 Tricky situations

1. Two people who have to share a room do not get on with each other. What do you do?

2. Someone in the tour clearly knows more about the history and culture of your country than you do. How can you stop the person from becoming bored or uncooperative?

3. One of your group has been arrested for shoplifting but insists it was all a mistake. How would you try and settle matters with the shop or the police?

4. One of your group keeps arriving late back at the bus. The other group members are very fed up with this. What would you do?

5. A young group member is clearly very homesick and cries for his/her parents. How would you help them?



[1] 1 CV [si: 'vi:] – curriculum vitae n, [C] a short written document giving your education and past employment, used when you are looking for a job; see also: resume. Look for a sample CV in Appendix 2.

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