Natural yield
Any yield of natural production has unique property - usefulness, that is capability to content any human requirement. Was relevant to pay attention that usefulness is everything that contents any real needs (even that injures to health: cigarettes, narcotics and etc.). Needs can be spawned both biological needs, and spiritual needs.
Each material benefit has, as a rule, not one, and flock of usefulness, or speaking in images, “a bundle of usefulness”. So, the housewife well knows, how much miscellaneous dishes it can prepare, say, from a steak. In process of development of the modern science and the production technology in natural matters the escalating amount of the useful qualities is unclosed.
In a subsistence economy the circle of the useful yields created for interior consumption, is very restricted. Diverse business - in the second stem of production. Here not only sharply the amount and a diversity of made yields increases, but their properties are modified also.
Product and its properties
The product possesses first of all the same property, as a natural yield - usefulness (in political economy this property have termed “ïîòðåáèòåëüíàÿ value”). However one business - to make a yield for consumption in a landlocked facility and absolutely another - to intend it for sale in the market. It is natural that in a commodity farm of the demand of buyers to quality of the useful things in process of a population rise in the living-standards regularly increase. That Mahlo, in present requirements the increasing masses of products are renewed and qualitatively perfected according to marketing demands (about marketing speech ahead).
Hardly it is necessary to demonstrate that if the product does not possess usefulness it is necessary to nobody. A leah however it is possible to consider, to the contrary, that in a capitalist commodity farm any useful thing is a product?
We will gain the answer, if we will contemplate a problem: in what events the useful thing - a product? For this purpose sequentially we will unmake signs of difference of a product from not market blessing.
At first, it is obvious that the gratuitous yield of the nature (spring water, wild-growing foetuses and etc.) cannot be a product.
It is the useful thing on which one making it is expended transactions of the person.
Secondly, products are not the items prepared for characteristic needs (as in a subsistence economy). The things created for diverse people, - public usefulness will be them.
Thirdly, we will not refer a thing which one gets to a customer free of charge (for example, a gift to number of products). The blessing on sale in the market guesses interconvertible reimbursing.
Date: 2014-12-28; view: 882