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Bases of classification. Studying economics it is impossible without skills to classify (from Lat. classis - discharge, class; facio - I decompose, I make) the property. It is necessary to be able to allocate by class (or by types), specific forms depending on their common characters.

There are two types of relations of the property - in economical and legal sense. And, so there are two bases of classification.

On the basis for property classification in its economical understanding can be the level of evolution of labor co-operation and production. This criteria (sign) demonstrates, how much people jointed in the production process and appropriate the means and results of production in practice.

On the scales of socialization of production there are three general levels: 1) lowest level: individual appropriation (the small firm on which manage one person or his family); 2) medial scale of socialization (more or less large enterprise or economical association where joined the labor of many people); 3) highest level - a national complex (labor co-operated in national scale).

Property classification in legal sense based on accounting of different types of owner authorities and character of the property: 1) character of appropriation and relation between property owners and other participants; 2) an ability or impossibility freely to divide a common property between separate owners by their decision.

Property classification in its initial classic type has appeared in Ancient Rome. As the base of Roman Law was private property law (“to advantage of separate persons”).

In the end of XIX - in the beginning of XX century appeared the legal entity. In the USA and other countries has appeared the corporate law (Lat. corporatio - union).

Private appropriation class. Private appropriation means that separate people concern to property as their own enrichment source. The private property law determines rates of economical behavior of the citizen. It formed the bars of economical psychology of the individual owner: individualistic understanding of own interests; estrangement of a society and separate person; mercenary relation to satisfy needs of another people; enrichment ideology on base of the private; property and disparity in distribution of the wealth in a society; owners private material motivation of the in enrichment at the expense of their property.

There are two types of private appropriation which have difference among themselves: the property on the means of productions of the person, who works itself; the property on the means of productions of the person, who use the labor of another people.

Persons which own by the first type of private property - peasants and other people who live by the own labor. In this case the worker has all results of its activities. When the owner and worker introduced in one person material interest in work is appeared.

If persons who create rather large enterprise with using a labor of many another workers they have the second type of a private property. If at the first type of private appropriation of material and personal means of production naturally unite, as they belong to one person in the second type - means of production and results of labor are alienated from workers. The second type of a private property is displayed in specific forms - slaveholding, feudal and individual capitalist (Figure 3).



Figure 3 - Types and forms of private appropriation

There are two types of social and economical combination methods of the factors of production: noneconomic (violent) compulsion and economical attraction of the workers to labor.

The history of private property showed the tendency of change the methods of inclusion the people - from violent compulsion to economical.

Class of common share property. Common share appropriation appeared by next ways:

At first, it organized with help of join shares which all participants of venture bring in a common property. Secondly, the common share property used in the collective purposes and under corporate management. In this case, as a rule, the certain involvement of owners in manage of socialized property is envisioned. Thirdly, eventual results of economical activities of the enterprise are allocated according to an ownership shares.

The common share property have an effect on characters of economical psychology: enterprise workers in a certain measure are not alienated from the socialized property (they have appropriate shares of property); participants association care of a steady position and profitability of whole enterprise; people have an understanding about dependence of welfare from common incomes; private economic interest joined with a common interest of enterprise members.

The common share property appears in specific forms (Figure 4): joint stock company; productive co-operative; economical partnership; large enterprises business association (association, unions and etc.); joint ventures (with involvement of the national and foreign capital).

Class of common joint appropriation. Common joint appropriation means that all people united in collective concern to solving means of productions or other vital means which belong to them. The nonseparable unity and equalling of joint proprietors pertaining to to principal economic requirements of their life support is thus established. Thereby such consequences are predetermined: alienation of workers from factor of productions is not admitted; collective appropriation of yields of common transactions is spawned and the trend to surge allocation of consumer goods unstrands.


Figure 4 - Forms of common share appropriation


Common undivided appropriation appears in following specific forms (Figure 5): primitive-communal; family (property of spouses); property of members of a farm household; state; municipal.


Figure 5 - Forms of common joint property




1. Natural and commodity economy


In organize of any economy should be solved the following problems:

1) for whom (what customers) create the benefits;

2) how to organize labor process of all useful things producers;

3) how to establish economical relations between production and consumption.

The main differences between two types of economy organization can be introduced:


Natural production Commodity production
1. Reserved (closed) economy 2. Universal labor of worker 3. Direct relations between production and consumption 1. Open economy 2. Social division of labor 3. Production connected with consumption through the market



Natural production


Natural production - its such type of production at which people create goods for satisfy own needs. This historically initial form of production is most simple.

Characteristics of natural production:

1. Natural economy - closed system of organizational-economic relations. Society consists of many economical units (families, communities). Each unit based on own productive resources and self-sufficient itself of all necessary for life. It makes all types of economical operations, from extraction of different raw materials and completing their preparation for consumption.

2. Hand labor is characteristic of natural production - each person makes all capital works itself. There are elementary equipment (a mattock, spades, rakes and etc.) and hand-made tools are applied in it. Under such conditions labor activity is unproductive, product output cannot be increase.

3. Direct economic relations between production and consumption are inherent to natural economy. It developed by next formula “production - distribution - consumption” – created product distribute between all participants of production and - passing an exchange - goes in personal and productive consumption. Such direct relation provided a stability to natural economy.


Commodity production

Commodity production - a type of architecture of a facility at which one the useful yields form for their sale in the market. Following basic bars are proper in a commodity farm.

1. This facility is open system of organizational-economic ratios. Here workers create the useful yields not for own consumption, and for sale to their other people. All flow of new things overflows each producing unit and directs on the market for sufficing of demand of buyers.

2. Production of products is grounded on labour division. Its evolution depends on that, specialisation (isolation) of workers, the factories on release of separate types of yields or parts of the difficult items is how much sunk. Such appearance is objectively caused by engineering progress, and last, in turn, gains a major jerk at labour division. Nonseparable connection of merchantable production with labour division, and so, with an advancement of technology - one of its doubtless advantages in comparison with a subsistence economy.

3. The indirect, mediated connections between production and consumption are proper in a commodity farm. They unstrand by formula “production - a swap - consumption”. The manufactured commodity at first arrives on the market for a swap on other items (or on money) and only then falls in a consumption orb. The market affirms or does not affirm necessity to fabricate the yielded commodity for sale.

Means, the commodity farm is a system of organizational-economic ratios thanks to which one equaterial progress of economics is ensured. At a labour division dimple application of more and more perfect engineering extends. It causes unprecedented earlier growth of yield of commodity. And thanks to performance improvement of transactions product output counting on soul of the population is enlarged. Besides there is an increasing diversification of the yields intended for a swap in the market on other items.

The commodity farm includes such common organizational connections which one can service the most various social and economic systems. However thus the bulk and meaning of production of products and their swap are completely not equal. Owing to it the commodity farm has historical character: it was significantly modified throughout all history.

First of all was relevant to tap genesis (parentage) of merchantable production. One of the parents of its originating is public labor division. Has begun here it was necessary large public labor division: maiden (isolation in farming agriculture and animal husbandry agricultural industry) and second (selection of handicraft from agricultural industry). Further the increasing force is typed by the labor division economic law. In connection therewith the law the economics progresses owing to the increasing qualitative differentiating (disarticulating) of labor activity that leads to isolation and co-existing of its various types. As a result there are some forms of labor division: international (between countries), common (between large industries of a national economy - farming agriculture, the industry and etc.), private (dividing in large industries on ïîäîòðàñëè, manners of manufacture) and unit (in the factories - on their miscellaneous subdividings).

Other parent is economic isolation of people for manufacture of any yield. The yielded organizational ratio organo adds public labor division: the person selects any type of operation and transmutes it into self-supporting activity. It simultaneously boosts its dependence on others òîâàðîâëàäåëüöåâ and spawns necessity to interchange heterogeneous commodity, to establish connections through the market.

Economic isolation of people is intimately bound to patterns of ownership on factor of productions. So, it is the fullest, when a commodity producer - the private proprietor. In a smaller measure isolation is attained, if any property is rented - temporary ownership and use: then on any continuance the facility is led by a grantee. But one private property in itself does not spawn merchantably-market economy. It is visible on an example of natural production at a slaveholding and feudal formation.

Meanwhile patterns of ownership spawn miscellaneous types of merchantable production. Depending on patterns of ownership and organizational ratios two types of merchantable production will be organised. The simple commodity farm of peasants and handicraftsmen in which one muscle labour was applied was historically maiden. In this case because of low yield merchantable production adjoins to overtopping natural production. Under capitalism principal stands in economics are occupied with a developed commodity farm.

On a stage of classic capitalism the developed commodity farm becomes comprehensive. All created blessings are transmuted into market yields. Wage labour becomes a purchase and sale subject.

But on the modern stage of manufacture as a result of the active economical role of the state in macroeconomic the non-commodity sector was selected. It included production of not market blessings (it - fundamental scientific probes, free types of formation, a major produce of a military-industrial complex, etc.). As we will see in the following paragraph of the yielded subject, non-commodity things and services constitute a special cl of the modern blessings.


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