Social policy. Social protection
1. Social nature of market economy and objective need of the state social policy.
2. Social protection as element of social policy.
3. Formation of the income in market economy and modern distributive policy of the state.
4. Priorities of social policy of the state.
1. Discussion of the questions;
2. Exercises:
Exercise 1. Prepare the scientific project on social support of the population.
Exercise 2. Analyze main indicators of labor market in Republic of Kazakhstan for 1999-2013.
Exercise 3. Study The Program «Employment 2020: New strategy of employment», Labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about provision of pension system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Exercise 4. Define the main indicators of Labour remuneration for 2000-2012 of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Form of activity: practical work, discussion, independent activity, research activity.
Methodical recommendations: Preparation for performance of tasks should be began with studying of recommended literature. When studying this theme, understand social effects of the market, cases in which gives individual interests to public interests, social problems of the market, which it isn't able to solve, economic inequality in market system, essence and purposes of social policy, functions of social policy: economic, distributive, ideological, protective.
Read about state social protection, principles of the state social protection: subsidiary, solidarity, efficiency, adequacy, continuity, dilemma: subsidiary – solidarity, system of social protection in market economy, level and quality of life, consumer basket, living wage and poverty, compensation state regulation of a salary, justice of distribution of the income in market economy, essence and types of income, Lorenz curve, Jeanie's coefficient, priorities of social policy: prevention of deterioration of situation, mass degradation preservation of economic independence, overcoming of social injustice, ensuring ecological safety, etc.
Writing of the essay, drawing up comparative tables and structural and logical schemes and other tasks will help you to fix this theme.
Literature: 1-35.
Theme ¹9.
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 965