Antimonopoly activity of the state
1. Reasons of emergence of monopolies and antimonopoly law.
2. Main methods of monopolization and counteraction.
3. Economic management of economic activity of monopolies.
4. Antimonopoly activity in the world markets.
1. Discussion of the questions;
2. Exercises:
Exercise 1. Give examples (from the different countries) of ways of monopolization of the market and counteraction.
Exercise 2. Write the short scientific essay "The Competition Characteristic in the World Markets"
Exercise 3. Study basic provisions of the antitrust law of Kazakhstan.
Exercise 4. Make the investment program of the monopolist for the Karaganda region.
Exercise 5. Do the presentation: «Antimonopoly activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
Form of activity: practical work, discussion, independent activity, research activity.
Methodical recommendations: Preparation for performance of tasks should be began with studying of recommended literature. The main purpose of the theme are to learn competition and norms of particularly behavior, competition and monopoly, reasons of emergence of monopolies, purpose of monopolization economy, objectivity of emergence monopolies, state and economic order, demonopolization of economy and antimonopoly law, basic provisions of the first antitrust laws: Sherman's law, Clayton's law, policy of restriction of monopolize and mechanism of regulation of exclusive activity, indicators of measurement of degree of the exclusive power: assessment of borders of the market, Lerner's index, Herfindal's index, concentration coefficient, main methods of monopolization economy.
Read about merge of managing subjects, use-dominating provisions, secret arrangement about establishment of the price and sales volumes, falsification of the competitive auction, main ways of counteraction of monopolization: control of merge of firms, exposure of secret arrangement, division of the monopolist, protection of the competition at the competitive auction.
You shall understand economic management of economic activity of monopolies, characteristic feature of natural monopolies, antimonopoly activity in the world markets, multinational corporations, the competition at the level of the main world competitors, policy of stimulation of a competitive order and formation of the competitive sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Writing of the essay, drawing up comparative tables and structural and logical schemes and other tasks will help you to fix this theme.
Literature: 1-35.
Theme ¹8.
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 1038