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State policy in the ecology sphere


4. Ecological policy: essence, purposes.

5. Instruments of regulation of the relations of environmental management.

6. Ecological safety as global problem.


1.Discussion of the questions;

2.Work with state program:

- Address of President of Republic of Kazakhstan «Kazakhstan’s way – 2050: common aim, common interests, common future»;

- The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About environment";

- Concepts on transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to "green economy";

- The program "Green Development" for 2010-2014.

3.Questions for discussion:

−How environmental problems are connected with economy development?

−What do main objective of ecological policy of the state?

−How the state performs environmental management?

−What problems need to be solved for management of conservation?

−What sanctions are provided in the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About environment" for environmental pollution?

−Call methods of regulation of environmental management. When there were these methods and what they include?

−What do essence of a global ecological safety? What there are global problems in society?

−What do ecological situation for today in Kazakhstan and how the government solves these problems?


Exercise 1. Complete the table:

Zones of ecological catastrophe of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan and its regions Characteristics World and regions Characteristics
Central Kazakhstan   Eurasia  
Eastern Kazakhstan   Southern (Latin) America  
Western Kazakhstan   Northern America  
Northern Kazakhstan   Australia  
Southern Kazakhstan   Africa  


Exercise 2. Do and protect ecological project about environment of your region.

Exercise 3. Analyze and report discussion on following theme:

1) CO2 Emissions:


2) Impact of technological waste on Environment:

3) The effects of pollution on Health:


4) Impact of Transport on Environment:

Exercise 4. Illustrate the zones of ecological catastrophe in Republic of Kazakhstan on the map.


Form of activity: practical work, discussion, independent activity, research activity.


Methodical recommendations: Preparation for performance of tasks should be began with studying of recommended literature. Studying this theme, it is necessary understand essence, problems of ecological policy, management of nature, degradation of environment and economic growth, natural resources and problem of their use without prejudice to habitat, purposes of ecological policy, instruments of regulation of the relations of environmental management.

Read about the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About environment", the national plan of action on environmental protection, methods of state regulation of environmental management, administrative methods: ban, licenses, limits, criminal responsibility, economic methods: payments, subsidies, tax privileges, creation of ecological funds, ecological insurance, etc.

You shall understand concept of global safety, military threats, economic threats, ecological safety as global problem, the purposes for global ecological problems, the project on management of global safety, state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the solution of environmental problems.

Writing of the essay, drawing up comparative tables and structural and logical schemes and other tasks will help you to fix this theme.

Literature: 1-35.


Theme ¹10.

Date: 2015-02-28; view: 1192

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