Exercise 8. Insert prepositions1.The result of to the jaws may depend partly… the severity and partly …the fragility of the bones.
2. Periostitis due…trauma uncomplicated … fracture is generally localized.
3. The affected part of the bone is extremely tender …the touch.
4. Rest and cold applications to the injured part generally are sufficient … simple periostitis.
5. Treatment is surgical, consisting … evacuation of the fluid content and curettage.
6. Minor injuries result … subluxation, sometimes dislocation of the mandible may or may not be associated with fracture.
7. Depending … the character of the fracture and involvement of adjacent parts, we distinguish several types of fractures.
8. Healing is by granulation, which is assisted… irrigation and packing … gauze.
Exercise 9. Approve or contradict the following statements:
1. The fragility of the bones will be allowed to produce a periostitis, traumatic cyst, or fracture.
2. Periostitis is frequently seen before surgical operations as a postoperative complication.
3. Periostitis also may follow blows to the jaws, such as occur in sport accidents, fist fights, and other facial injuries.
4. Rise of temperature does not indicate infection.
5. If there is infection, drainage will be established.
6. The mandible of young patients is plastic so that trauma may cause intraosseous hemorrhage with producing a fracture.
7. Fractures of the jaws never interfere with mastication, and fractures of the maxilla predispose to infection of the maxillary sinuses.
8. The roentgen picture will be able to show the amount of displacement.
Exercise 10. Skim the text and look for the answers to the following questions:
1. What resulting diseases may a trauma to the jaw produce?
2. In what case does periostitis usually occur?
3. What are the causes of periostitis?
4. What treatment is prescribed in periostitis?
5. At what age does a traumatic cyst usually occur and why?
6. What measures should be prescribed to heal a traumatic cyst?
7. How many bones does the fracture of the face usually involve?
8. What do the fractures of the jaws interfere with?
9. What do the fractures of the maxilla predispose to?
10. Is the jaw reduced under the general or local anesthesia?
11. What methods are used to immobilize the jaw?
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