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Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian and define their predicates. Make them negative and interrogative.

1. A youth, aged 19, admitted to the hos­pital after an automobile accident, was in a slight degree of shock but was not unconscious.

2. There is a deep laceration of the scalp over the left eyebrow and nose, a comminuted fracture of the maxil­lary, nasal bones, and a fracture of the superciliary arch of the frontal bone.

3. There will be quite free bleeding from the nose and mouth and hematoma of both eyes.

4. The lacerated tissues will be sutured and the pa­tient will be treated for shock.

5. The doctor saw the patient eight days after the accident.

6. The superficial wounds had already healed, but the face was considerably swollen.

7. The nasal bones were de­viated to the left and there was a definite depression at the right infraorbital ridge.

8. The entire upper jaws are pushed downward and backward, and twisted slightly to the right.

9. There was a slow pulse, ranging from 56 to 70, but there were no neurologic symptoms.

10. The operation will be performed and the patient will be discharged from the hospital.


Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:




The result of trauma to the jaws depends partly on the severity and partly on the fragility of the bones. It may produce a periostitis, traumatic cyst, or fracture.

Periostitis. Periostitis due to trauma uncomplicated by fracture is generally localized. It is frequently seen after surgical operations as a postoperative complication, but it also may follow blows to the jaws, such as occur in sport accidents, fist fights, and other facial injuries.

The affected part of the bone is extremely tender to the touch. There is more or less swelling of the perioste­um and overlying soft tissue with discoloration due to ecchymosis. Rise of temperature indicates infection.

Rest and cold applications to the injured part gen­erally are sufficient in simple periostitis. If there is infec­tion, drainage should be established.

Traumatic Cyst. The mandible of young patients is plastic so that trauma may cause intraosseous hemorrhage without producing a fracture. It results in the formation of a traumatic or hemorrhagic cyst.

Treatment is surgical, consisting of evacuation of the fluid content and curettage. Healing is by granulation, which is assisted by irrigation and packing with gauze.

Fracture. Minor injuries result in subluxation, some­times dislocation of the mandible may or may not be associated with fracture.


Fracture of the face usually involves one or more bones. Fractures of the jaws almost always interfere with mastication, and fractures of the maxilla predispose to infection of the maxillary sinuses. Depending on the char­acter of the fracture and involvement of adjacent parts, we distinguish several types of fractures. The roentgen picture will show the amount of displacement.

The jaw is reduced under general anaesthesia and im­mobilized by a suitable method of fixation. The simplest methods are best. Various splints may be constructed.


Exercise 7. Find the corresponding Ukrainian equivalents in the right column:

1. General anesthesia 1. ðåíòãåí³âñüêà ïë³âêà

2. The injured part 2. ï³ñëÿîïåðàö³éíå óñêëàäíåííÿ

3. The fragility of the bones 3. çàãàëüíà àíåñòåç³ÿ

4. A postoperative complication 4. ïîøêîäæåíà ÷àñòèíà

5. To be extremely tender to the touch 5. âòÿãóâàííÿ ñóì³æíèõ ÷àñòèí

6. Traumatic cyst 6. âñòàíîâëþâàòè äðåíàæ

7. Involvement of adjacent parts 7. Çíåáàðâëþâàííÿ ÷åðåç ñèíåöü

8. The roentgen picture 8. íàäì³ðíî áîëþ÷èé íà äîòèê

9. To establish a drainage 9. òðàâìàòè÷íà ê³ñòà

10. Discoloration due to ecchymosis 10. ëàìê³ñòü ê³ñòîê


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