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Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

trauma [`tro:mə]

fragility [fræ`d3iliti]

accidents [`æksidənt]

perioste­um [ peri`ostiəm]

ecchymosis [eki` mousis]

osseous [`osiəs]

curettage [kjuə`retid3]

luxation [lak`sei∫n]

sinus [`sainəs]

roentgen [`rontgən]

anaesthesia [ænis`Өi:ziə]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:


severity тяжкість

trauma травма

fragility ламкість, крихкість

accident випадок

periostitis запалення надкісниці

touch дотик

ecchymosis синець

osseous костистий

irrigation зрошення

luxation вивих

to interfere втручатися

to predispose to привертати

adjacent суміжний, прилеглий

splint шина

anesthesia знеболювання, анестезія



Exercise 3. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

Fragility of the bones; traumatic cyst; a postoperative complication; to be tender to the touch; intraosseous hemorrhage; evacuation of the fluid content; involvement of adjacent parts; a roentgen picture; under general anesthesia; a suitable method of fixation; to construct splints; to be complicated by a fracture of a bone; to result in the formation of a hemorrhagic cyst; to predispose to infection of the maxillary sinuses.


Exercise 4. Choose the proper terms given below to the following definitions:

1. Discoloration of the skin through bruising.

2. A thick fibrous two-layered membrane covering the surface of bones.

3. Inflammation of the periosteum.

4. Loss of sensation, esp. of pain, induced by drugs: called general… when consciousness is lost and local …when only a specific area of the body is involved.

5. The process or a method of draining.

6. Any abnormal membranous sac or blister like pouch (торбинка) containing fluid or semisolid material.

7. Any bodily injury or wound.

8. The act of breaking or the state of being broken.

(perioste­um; anaesthesia; cyst; ecchymosis; drainage; fracture; trauma; periostitis):


Date: 2014-12-21; view: 1411

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TRAUMATIC DISEASES OF THE JAWS | Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian and define their predicates. Make them negative and interrogative.
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