The notion of metonymy, gaining its name from two Greek particles, i.e.
meta – ‘after’, ‘later’ and ònyma/ònoma – ‘name’, ‘word’ first appeared in the
antiquity, where it was considered one of the four figures of speech, or rhetorical
tropes, together with metaphor, synecdoche and irony. Today metonymy is
frequently discussed in connection with metaphor, as two closely connected
phenomena, whereas synecdoche, i.e. ‘part for the whole’ – pars pro toto
relation, is generally subsumed within the notion of metonymy. In accordance
with the classical, rhetorical approach metonymy is broadly defined as a device
in which the name of one entity stands for another one by association of ideas
(cf. Rayevska 1979, Ullmann 1957). The assumptions characteristic for the
rhetorical approach are as follows:
1) metonymy is a figure of speech, thus a matter of literary, ornamental
2) metonymy relies on linguistic substitution, i.e. substitution of names;
3) metonymy is a ‘stand for’ relationship between two words, based on
physical contiguity or proximity of the entities denoted;
4) contiguity is understood in a broad sense and comprises spatial
contact, temporal proximity, casual relations, part-whole relations, etc.
In present-day linguistic analysis, after years of a relative neglect, one may
speak of a certain revival of interest in the study of metonymy. In the last decade of
the 20th century metonymy attracted the interest of cognitive semanticists, who
have gone far beyond the traditional view in several ways. With this in mind, the
aim set to this paper is to reconsider the notion of metonymy in linguistics, with
due attention to a selection of current views and approaches. Nevertheless, before
relevant issues are presented, a brief explanation of terminology introduced to
account for the novel view seems indispensable. The basic notion in discussing
both the mechanisms of metonymy and metaphor in cognitive semantics is the
notion of domain, frequently referred to as the Idealized Cognitive Model
(henceforth: ICM). However, despite the central role of these terms in the
cognitivist debate, their definition remains fairly ambiguous. In general, domains
are to be understood as coherent regions of human conceptual space, being
organisational units of the encyclopaedic knowledge about a concept. To be more
specific, Croft and Cruse (2004:15) provide a more precise definition, based on the
assumptions made by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and Langacker (1987), defining
domain as a semantic structure that functions as the base for at least one concept
profile, typically many profiles. A profile and a base are to be understood as parts
of a concept, in such a way that the base presupposes the existence of any profile
and is, consequently, prerequisite for its conceptualisation. In cognitivist
discussion, the term domain is often further qualified by means of such adjectives
as cognitive or conceptual (e.g. Kleparski 1997). In addition, apart from the terms
domain or ICM, the terms frame (e.g. Papafragou 1996, Koch 2004) or schema
(Lakoff and Turner 1989) are currently employed to account for more or less
similar mental constructs. Another two terms frequently appearing in the
discussion of metonymies from the cognitive viewpoint are a vehicle (or source)
and target. The notion of vehicle is understood as an entity initiating the
metonymic process, whereas the concept of target stands for the entity aimed at by
means of metonymy.
Date: 2015-02-16; view: 945