Russian Administrative reforms of 1822-1867 in Kazakhstan.
№ 36 of the Charter of the Siberian Kazaks 1822. At the beginning of the XIX century. was clearly looming huge strategic importance of Kazakhstan, located between Russia, Central Asian khanates and China. To further advance into Asia Russia needed to be strengthened, especially in the Kazakh steppes. Revitalization colonial policy also explains the economic interests of the growing Russian bourgeoisie. Kazakhstan has attracted Russian merchants as a source of livestock raw materials and market for manufactured goods uncompetitive on the western market. Using Aryngazy arrest and death of Wali Khan, the colonial administration decided to launch an offensive on the steppe. Relying on the part of the Sultans, loyal to the Russian authorities, the tsarist government created in the North and western Kazakhstan, a new system of governance based on the "Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz and the Charter of the Orenburg Kyrgyzstan." Charter of Siberian Kirghiz 1822 This document was developed in 1822 under the leadership of Speransky. After the division of Siberia into two parts (1822) territory of the Kazakh steppe has been ranked among the Western Siberia, the head office until 1839 was in Tobolsk in 1839 - in Omsk. Under the Charter, Scope Siberian Kirghiz divided into inner and outer districts. In the outer districts include Kazakhs, roamed over river. Irtysh. From 1822 to 1838 was founded 7 districts-Karkarala, Kokchetav, Ayaguz, Akmola, Baia naulsky, Kushmurunsky, Kokpektinsky. At the head of county districts were orders "Duan", which focused the administration, police, court. Orders were headed by the Aga sultans, they worked with four assessors, two Russian official appointed by the Governor and two Kazakh selected by a two-year honorary biys, elders. Senior Sultan was elected under the provisions of the Charter at a meeting of the sultans for three years. He was assigned to the service rank of Major. Successfully passed three options to qualify for the diploma of a nobleman. № 37 of the Charter Orenburgsky Kazaks 1824. At the beginning of the XIX century. was clearly looming huge strategic importance of Kazakhstan, located between Russia, Central Asian khanates and China. To further advance into Asia Russia needed to be strengthened, especially in the Kazakh steppes. Revitalization colonial policy also explains the economic interests of the growing Russian bourgeoisie. Kazakhstan has attracted Russian merchants as a source of livestock raw materials and market for manufactured goods uncompetitive on the western market. Using Aryngazy arrest and death of Wali Khan, the colonial administration decided to launch an offensive on the steppe. Relying on the part of the Sultans, loyal to the Russian authorities, the tsarist government created in the North and western Kazakhstan, a new system of governance based on the "Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz and the Charter of the Orenburg Kyrgyzstan." "The Charter of the Orenburg Kirghiz in 1824. Developed in 1822, the Orenburg governor-general of P. Essen draft a similar statute for Younger Juz was adopted by the Asian Committee in 1824 in this regard as soon as it was decided to abolish the Khan's power. Khan Juz Last Younger Sergazy was summoned to Orenburg and left there permanently with a salary of 150 rubles in silver a month. He was conferred the title "pervoprisutstvuyuschego in Orenburg Border Commission. Junior Horde was divided into three parts: the western - from the confinement bayuly; average - and partly zhetyru alimuly: east - from alimuly and Kipchaks and Argyns. Sultans, rulers, set at the head parts are in fact officials of Orenburg border commission, which included the chairman of four counselor and assessor from wealthy Kazakhs. According to its duties, the Commission served as the provincial government. Number 41 administrative - territorial reform of 1867-68gg. and 1886-91gg.
Preparation of reform. The last third of XIX century. - An important and largely critical period in the history of Kazakhstan. This time, the complete loss of independence and eventual colonization of Kazakhstan Russia. In the mid 60-ies of XIX century. all the modern territory of Kazakhstan is fully joined the Russia Empire. This process coincided with bourgeois reforms in Russia 70-80gg. XIX century. Which contributed to the development of capitalism in general. The main and primary goal of reform was the unification of Russia vassal nations under one office, removal from power of the local aristocracy, the weakening of tribal beginnings, "to achieve a gradual merging of Kirgiz (Kazakh) steppes with other parts of Russia." The reforms were motivated by a desire to ensure the tsarist Russian capital the most favorable conditions for the exploitation of the indigenous population of the Kazakh steppes and the natural wealth of the province. Management reform. Based on the reform of the entire territory of Kazakhstan was divided into three general-governor, which consisted of six areas. In Orenburg Ural and Turgay entered the field. Orenburg, is the administrative center of the governor-generalship, was simultaneously the center of Turgay area. Center of the Ural region - the city of Uralsk. West Siberian Governor-Generalship of the center in Omsk obeyed Aqmola and Semipalatinsk region. Administrative staff Akmola region was in Omsk, a regional center was the Semipalatinsk Semipalatinsk. The structure of the Turkestan general-governorship entered Semirechenskaya region centered in the town of Verny and Syr Darya, the regional center is located in Tashkent. However, the named field does not cover the whole territory of modern Kazakhstan. Earth Bukeyev Khanate became a part of the Astrakhan province, and Mangyshlak pristavstvo in 1870, sailing under the jurisdiction of the Caucasian Military District, a little later - in the Transcaucasian region. Land reform. The main reforms in the years 1867-1.868. was the land question. According to these documents (para. 199. Provisions) all land in Kazakhstan was declared state property and only passed on in the use of Kazakh aul communities. Personal property recognized only those lands that have been bestowed King Khan's descendants. In the late XIX-early XX centuries. since the mass migration of peasants in the central provinces of Kazakhstan provisions of paragraph 199 was the legal basis of the colonial seizure of Kazakh lands. Own land Kazakh workers passed by it for a fee. The fertile land on the banks of rivers and lakes in the steppe were fixed for the Cossack troops. For nomadic Kazakhs in these lands should have to pay rent. Peasant settlers received a number of benefits. In the county centers, they had the right to free land for arable land and farm, timber for building, engage in agriculture, trade and craft. Such. same benefits presented Kazakhs, who accepted Christianity. Reform of 1891. At the end of XIX century. Kazakhstan was carried out a new reform, which has made some changes in administrative structure, tax system and the judicial system. In 1891 it adopted the "Regulation on the management of the steppe areas" that existed until 1917 territory of Kazakhstan was divided into regions, counties, townships and auls. All areas, except for the Syr Darya, became part of the Steppe governor-generalship. As a result of the reforms in Kazakhstan infiltrated elements of capitalism. The installed system administration facilitated the colonial domination of the indigenous population of the province. Reforms in general were in the interests of Russian capitalism, legislate colonial situation of the Kazakh steppe